MTL - Blade and Sword God Sovereign-~ Chapter 66, end road

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Xing Wei, two people, aware of the evil moon not far away, and its voice, is a glimpse of the heart, but they are now in this situation, how can we work to understand the talking cat, continue to rush forward go with.

The evil moon feels neglected, suddenly anger: "Oh, you two dare to ignore it? Well, I am not polite with you, see how you will cry, please come to see you, see Hey, will you guys, uh..."

When Xing Wei two people will go to it, they must be in front of the transmission before they arrive.

The void in front of it is a little, the light shines, the sky shines, and the reverse transmission is activated at this moment.

The two were wrapped in light and they will escape when they see the next moment.

"Hey, want to escape in the Five Finger Mountain of the evil moon? How easy it is to leave it to you..."

With the sound of the evil moon falling, the sky above, the brilliance spread, the power of the incomparably powerful law is filled with madness. At this moment, the seven beams of light like thunder have the power of terrible laws, suddenly from [Nine Spirit City 】 rushed to the cloud.

The people of [Nine Spirit City] were shocked by this movement, and they were shocked.

The seven beams are separated by a ray of light, connected to each other, and a layer of almost transparent, white film flashes, enveloping the entire [Nine Spirit City].

From a distance, the entire [Nine Spirit City] is covered with a bowl-shaped cover, full of strange feelings.

This fat white cat has long been arranged around the array!

The transmission array has just been fired, and Xing Wei and Yi Ai have not yet been transmitted, and there is no sign of disappearing.

The transmission array has failed!

Xing Wei was shocked. The eyes suddenly locked on the transparent film. The transmission array failed. It was obviously because of the film. At the same time, they realized that they could not escape from the transmission array.

Since it is impossible to rely on the transmission array, it destroys this film and flies away from here...

The two directly swayed and rushed to the film closest to them.

Ding Hao and the evil moon have no action, the latter even with a hint of laughter, no worries.

Soon, less than a hundred meters away from the film, Xing Yi arm movement, the hand [乾坤日月刀] one stroke ahead, the knife light appeared, smashed into the film.

At the same time, Qi Ai held the gods, and the sword slammed into the air, filling the world, and hitting the film with great momentum.

The attack of the eternal realm is naturally incomparably powerful. When you see the knife and the sword, it falls on the film at the same time. It is thought that the film that seems to be broken at the touch is unexpected, and it is not broken in their imagination. Seeing the horrible knife and the sword, and in the next moment, without any sound disappeared, it seems that it has never appeared.


Xing Wei and Yu Ai are once again horrified. The attack they just launched is so powerful that they understand very well. In their minds, they think that this array of methods can block the formation, but as long as they are attacked by them, they will be very It is easy to burst.

But did not expect...

At this moment, the film in front of the eyes became strange in the eyes of Xing Wei.

The two did not believe in evil again, and even strengthened their strength, but none of them disappeared into the film and disappeared.

"Hello, hahaha, I said that you will cry and face, come and ask for help, maybe you will be in a good mood for a while, maybe you will let you go, haha... Wait, you just ignored it, what is this? If you sin, you still decide not to let you go. You will stay here and play with the people who are jealous..." Looking at their sly expressions, the evil moon is holding a white belly, laughing for a while. There is no heart and no lungs.

Everyone: "..."

Xing Wei went back and frowned, only to see them in front of them. I don’t know when, suddenly there was a slender blue shadow.

"You can't break this battle. Of course, you can break it by force. It's just that you don't have this time." Ding Hao held a white sword and stood there calmly.

Xing Wei and the two also know that Ding Hao said that it is not fake. This array of methods is really strange, so that they can not escape, but as long as they have enough time, they can be broken with their best skills.

It’s just that Ding Hao will not give them enough time...

"You don't want to force people too much!" Xing Wei's eyes were cold, but he would say this, and he also said that he was very jealous of Ding Hao.

Ding Hao did not say, but he heard the evil moon and smirked: "Is it too funny? You can talk about this person. It’s really fun. If you can’t escape, you can’t escape. You still want to intimidate. Do you think that if you say this, Ding Hao will Are you afraid that you can't make it? If you want to win a fight with someone who is jealous, maybe you will win him, you will let you go..."

The words of the evil moon make Xing Wei's face more difficult to look.

Just now they were as strong as the gods, and they could be described as 'I am a knife, others like fish', let them kill, but this person in front of them, let them realize that they are actually 'fish', but only than others' Fish is 'strong'.

"Do not talk nonsense, since I have already shot, you don't want me to stop, fight!" The rust sword was lifted, and the momentum of Ding Hao broke out instantly.

The gust of wind caused by the momentum, hitting the two people in Xing Yu, let them know the opposite person, there is no plan to calm down.

In this case, they will not be multi-lingual, and their sights will fall on Ding Hao. The swords are lifted up, and the momentum is bursting, colliding with Ding Hao’s momentum.

Three momentum collisions, invisible like lightning!

The scene is once again arrogant!

The three people are confrontation again!

Without any words, the trio started fighting again!

It’s just that this battle is more intense and cruel, and there is a lot of momentum to fight.

Three figures, two to one, kill each other, the scene is extremely fierce -

The sky roared and the thunder burst!

The waves are rippling, and the ripples are constantly!

That one after another, a wave of waves roaring higher than a wave, like playing a melody of a melody, it is shocking, but also feels full of war!

The sword light is intertwined with the knife light, such as the beautiful flower fire, the five colors and the light, like a dream.

On the surface, the battle of the sky is so intense and wonderful, but the people of the [Nine Spirits] have seen this scene, but they are all frightened.

There is only one thought in their hearts -

Strong, too strong, this is not like a human-achievable battle. Is it true that the three of them are real Xian?

In their eyes, the two masters of the evil spirits in the sky, such as two peerless swords, smashed the world, and smashed the world, and there were not many people between heaven and earth who would be their opponents.

But Ding Hao is precisely in that very few parts. He is simply a terrible fighting machine. The means used by the other side is only the first time, but the second time can not cause any harm to him, even him. Crack and injure each other.

"Hey, haha, you know how the pets of the cockroaches got it! Worship, worship, oh, haha..." Seeing the shock of everyone, the evil moon feels a big face, it seems that it is with Xing Wei The person fighting is not Ding Hao but it is general.

"No, this guy, how can this guy be so strong, no..." The squatting squatting on the ground, the heart is already filled with despair.

He understands that no matter what the outcome of the sky battle today, he has no chance to win the position of the patriarch, and even his life is dying.

He regrets it!

Why is he so obsessed with the position of the patriarch?

Why is he working with [Xieyang]?

On the contrary, compared with the desperate shackles, the people of the [Nine Spirits], the Prince Edward House, including the Prince, are shocked by the ecstasy.

Ding Hao has the upper hand and is almost crushing. For them, it is definitely a big good news!

"It's awesome, a terrible battle talent, what kind of existence is this person..." Yan Zun also has a savvy look and is also extremely shocking.

Being able to become a family leader, their talents are naturally top-notch and arrogant. It can be said that in the [original world], few people can alarm them, but in the face of Ding Hao, they have nothing. arrogant.

At the same time, they are also very fortunate, but fortunately, they have to draw to Ding Hao, or else...

For the time being outside the war circle, the two masters of the evil spirits in the battle circle naturally feel deeper!

In the heart of suffering, more and more horrified, the little luck that can overcome Ding Hao, has long since vanished, at this moment, they only think about how to escape from this place.

If they know that this situation will be the case, they swear that they will never dare to seek the [nine spiritual family], and even dare not set foot on the [nine spiritual family] half step.

But these are just illusions, and the facts simply do not allow them to come back again.

Gradually, there were more and more injuries in Xing Wei and Yan Ai. The blood continued to flow out, the clothes broke through a hole, and the hair was disordered into a ball, and the appearance was extremely embarrassing.

Although the eternal state of healing is extremely fast, it will heal automatically, but it cannot be compared to the speed of injury.

Of course, Ding Hao also suffered some injuries, but compared with Xing Wei, his injuries are not worth mentioning.

Since he was promoted to [transient eternal], he has rarely done it. It is rare that there are opponents now. Naturally, there is a name called "Knife Sword", and Ding Hao, who is keen on fighting, has a feeling of greatness.

The three crazy battles are getting hotter...

The battle continued until the third day!

The enduring power of the eternal realm is really extraordinary. The battle has been so long, although the atmosphere has been reduced a lot, it has become disordered, but it still gives people a feeling of a huge river and a long breath.

However, until now, the three men have finally won the game.

The balance of victory has also been completely tilted to Ding Hao.

At this moment, Xing Wei and two people can only rely on the power of two people to defend against Ding Hao's attack in a defensive posture. Only in this way will sooner or later be defeated by Ding Hao and die in his hands.

During these three days, the two of them also talked with Ding Hao. With great temptation, they wanted to win over Ding Hao. They even suggested that they could give him all the industries of the Nine Spirits and their evil spirits.

But Ding Hao is a master who does not enter the oil and salt. He has no intention of stopping. Instead, he has strengthened his strength and attacked the two more fiercely.

Read The Duke's Passion