MTL - Blackstone Code-Chapter 3 this is not your fault

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   A few minutes later, Mr. Fox’s assistant sent two newspapers, one of which was from four months ago and the other one from this week.

  Financial companies like Mr. Fox are actually very concerned about the financial trends of the entire country and the international community. They deal with money every day, and they know what this means.

   In addition, they are also very concerned about some social changes, such as employment rate, unemployment rate and social security issues.

   If the unemployment rate continues to increase, they will lower interest rates while reducing large borrowings to reduce risk, which will also make their business more attractive.

   When the country’s economy improves significantly, they will increase interest rates while encouraging people to borrow more, because people pay back.

   Every day, Mr. Fox’s assistant reads a lot of newspapers to analyze some of the situation in the next country, and then decides whether to end certain businesses early, or pretend to forget it.

   This is definitely not a very simple and straightforward business. Those people are not big, and it is difficult to do it for a long time. Only people like Mr. Fox can run such a business for a long time.

   This is also the reason why he has spent a lot of money and hired a college student to help him. He regards this as a career, not a way to make quick money.

   After opening the newspaper, Lynch flipped through the newspaper for a while, about ten minutes or so. Mr. Fox had not disturbed him, and asked him to bring him coffee and cigarettes.

   There is a faint expectation in his heart that this ordinary person named Lynch will surely give him a surprise.

   This is not an unprovoked guess, this is what he observed.

   It's impossible for an ordinary person like Lynch to remain calm when he is invited, let alone stare at himself when he reveals his killing intent.

  He is not an ordinary child—Lynch is indeed only a child at the age of Mr. Fox. He is only twenty years old.

Ten minutes later, Lynch drew some lines with the pen in his hand, and then put the two newspapers in front of Mr. Fox at the same time, "I drew a horizontal line under the content that needs you to read so that you can read more. See them intuitively."

  Mr. Fox and his assistant both looked at it seriously. After reading them back and forth several times, they didn't have the slightest clue. The information on it was some real estate agency information. They didn't find anything at all.

   Mr. Fox was a little confused, "I don't know what these represent, do they have any special meaning?"

   Lynch is not irritable at all. He is very patient. After all, facing a good customer and the money in his pocket, anyone who needs money can be patient.

  He walked to Mr. Fox's side. His men wanted to stop them, but they were stopped by Mr. Fox. This also meant that Lynch had gained the trust of Mr. Fox for a short time.

   If he can complete what he said before, then this trust will last a long time.

   "This newspaper provides information on the lease of two apartments facing the street, among which the rent for this house is...", Lynch pointed to the place where he drew the line, and did not continue.

   Mr. Fox subconsciously took, "One hundred and thirty-five yuan."

   Lynch nodded in affirmation, "Yes, one hundred and thirty-five yuan, let's ignore other things first, and then see how much the house next to it is..."

   Mr. Fox very cooperatively moved his gaze to the horizontally lined information in another newspaper, and continued to very cooperatively say, "One hundred and seventy-two yuan!"

   "The two apartments are on both sides of the road, and the straight-line distance is no more than 100 meters. From these price changes, Mr. Fox, what have you found?"

   After pondering for a while, Mr. Fox has already begun to think seriously and said, "The monthly rent has increased by thirty-seven yuan!"

  In Lynch’s mature and successful cases in the past, he always believes that allowing these participants to participate in the case at a deeper level can save a lot of time and avoid some problems that people may not have thought of.

   They will convince themselves and believe that their conclusions are correct. This is particularly evident in math problems.

   Before clearly pointing out that the answers to some math questions are wrong, everyone who answers the questions firmly believes that their answers are correct and that others’ answers are wrong.

   Mr. Fox completed the in-depth participation process through a simple "mathematical formula". This feeling made him begin to be surrounded by a false illusion, a false sense of security created by himself.

   He would not think that Lynch was a liar, because these were not what Lynch told him, but the conclusions he reached through serious thinking with his smart head, and he believed his own conclusions.

"The increase in rent means that it takes more money to buy these houses. It takes four months..." Lynch paused. "No, it's actually increasing every day. It's a little bit higher. You may not find out. , But it does change again, do you admit it, Mr. Fox."

   Mr. Fox nodded, "Then what does this have to do with our previous business?"

   "Of course, Mr. Fox, these houses are there. It will not change over time, such as a few more bricks, or a few tiles missing."

   "What did it look like when it was built, what does it still look like now, it has not changed, it is constant, but the price has changed, what does it mean?"

   Without waiting for Mr. Fox to think, Lynch gave the answer, because Mr. Fox's head could not think of this answer.

   What he does is to guide people to the corners they need to find at the right time, instead of encouraging them to diverge thinking!

   "If the value of an item has not changed, but it has changed in the process of'payment', it can only be said that the value of the object used for the standard has changed."

   "In other words, in the past four months, the currency in our hands..." Lynch did not know when he took a coin out of his pocket and stuck it between the knuckles of his thumb and index finger.

   He lightly flicked, and the slightly hidden but audible metal tremor attracted people's attention. Mr. Fox, his assistant and the bodyguard next to him, their eyes fell on the flying coin.

   Lynch said confidently, "It has been depreciating, and it has depreciated by 22-25% in four months, Mr. Fox."

   Mr. Fox's attention was collected from the five-cent coin that fell on the newspaper, and he began to think about Lynch's words seriously, and looked at the assistant beside him.

   The assistant is a bit embarrassed. He is not a finance He is just learning management. If it weren't for Mr. Fox's higher salary, if it wasn't for Mr. Fox's father, he wouldn't be here.

He felt that Lynch’s words were not quite right, but he felt that there was no obvious error or omission. In the process, Lynch also used gold as an example of the second round, and put "devaluation" and "currency as a kind of goods." The concept of instilling in the people in the room.

   He didn't lie, because these are true, and his examples are no problem. It even involved that ten years ago, people could buy a newspaper with five cents, but now it takes fifty cents.

   Newspaper or newspaper, whether it is ink or paper, the production process and process have not changed much. It is not that newspapers have become expensive, but the value of money has depreciated.

   Mr. Fox, who gradually came to understand, felt a little horrified. He changed his sitting posture and said bitterly, "But our interest rate is very high, and some are still compound interest!"

   He wanted to give himself some sense of security in this way, but these fragile senses of security were destroyed in Lynch's laugh a few seconds later.

   "I know, Mr. Fox, the problem is that the currencies that we devalue are not those you can take out and put in front of people, but all your assets!"

   "All your assets are depreciating at a rate of 5% every month, and this is also a kind of ‘compound interest’. If you can’t send all your money to the Federal Revenue Service as soon as possible to complete the final procedures..."

   Lynch returned to the chair across the table and sat down. He shrugged and spread his hands. "The wealth you are proud of now may not even be a fart in a few years!"

   "Do you still care about that insignificant ten percent?"