MTL - Blackstone Code-Chapter 1 beginning

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   "Have you found a job?"

   Lynch, who had just turned around and returned home, looked at his girlfriend who was cooking, and shook his head guiltily.

   Girlfriend is neither disappointed nor excessively emotional, as if it is... it is normal to not find a job.

   Lynch tried his best to avoid verbal communication. He was afraid that the woman who slept next to him every day would see her abnormality.

   My girlfriend walked to the shaky wooden table with a deformed frying pan, put a fried egg on a plate of minced meat, and sat down.

   "Don't think so much, I still have some money here, maybe you can find a job tomorrow, eat first!"

   Lynch nodded, and began to enjoy the not-so-savory dinner.

   The fork pierces the slightly solidified outer layer of the egg, and the yolk thickly flows on the minced meat, like a natural seasoning or a certain sauce, making these meat more attractive.

   He was eating mechanically, but he was thinking about other things in his mind.

   He crossed, he doesn't know what scientific principle this is, or other reasons, but in short, he crossed.

  Before crossing, he did a lot of work, courier, insurance salesman, running hall, half-cooking cook.......

   He has done a lot of small jobs in the past 30 years, and after 30 years of age, great changes have taken place.

   According to what he later said, he used the previous thirty years to accumulate experience, and then accumulatively accumulate, and his voiceful speech successfully impressed the judge...

   Then he slept in that small room for the first time, and planned to publish an autobiography to recall his legendary life in the future. After gradually falling into a sleepy dream, he passed through.

   appeared in this home as soon as he traversed. The owner of this body happened to be called Lynch, but this was already another world that had nothing to do with the "previous life".

   He has nothing but a girlfriend.

   Now he is like the most failed kind of social scum. He eats his girlfriend and lives with his girlfriend. In addition to helping his girlfriend solve some problems at night, he is like a parasite.

   In the past few days, he has been going out and looking for a job as an excuse to travel around outside. This world gives him an unspeakable sense of novelty.

  It is like the feeling of the 1940s and 50s, or the 1950s and 1960s, that technology is not very developed, but at the same time it is in the explosive period of technology.

  A lot of products appeared in front of the people constantly, which made people dizzying. He saw the slogan on the propaganda poster on the street-"Ariday, a trace of Aniu"

   In his opinion, this world, this society, the ground is full of money, and he just needs to bend over to pick it up.

   His blood is boiling slightly, and his heart is becoming stronger and stronger. There is a desire deep in his heart. He firmly believes that there is a reason for his crossing.

  Perhaps, something brought me here just to let me leave my legend here!

   "Go and put in the hot water, let's take a bath today...", the girlfriend ordered while packing the dishes.

   Lynch nodded and stood up. He walked towards the bathroom not far away. As he walked, he asked casually, "We just washed yesterday..."

   During the time he passed through, he found that he and his girlfriend had a very clear life plan, which was not completely messy.

   The weather is neither hot nor cold. If you don’t exercise vigorously, you don’t sweat easily, so you basically don’t need to take a shower every day.

   It’s not that people don’t want to clean their bodies every day, but because they have to pay for changing clothes and hot water.

   Rich people don’t care about these small money, they even install a boiler in their house to provide a heating system, and buy a washing machine to wash clothes anytime, anywhere.

   But for the poor, these are unnecessary and unaffordable expenses, so their lives must become regular.

   carefully calculate every expenditure, and adhere to the regular life like a monk to save every penny, this is their life.

   It's not that they want regularity, it's more because of poverty.

  My girlfriend turned around and walked to the edge of the pool, unscrewing the valve to wash the tableware, "After 12 o'clock in the evening, our hot water will stop, and we will pay the bill next week. This can save some."

   Lynch shrugged, he walked into the bathroom, unscrewed the valve, and let off the cold water at the front, and then the hot steamed hot water flowed out of the pipe.

   After taking a shower, the two lay on a small bed, and soon fell asleep.

   Lynch’s girlfriend works in a supermarket, and a cashier works ten hours a day, including one-hour break.

   She often picks up some impending or expired food, or cheap daily necessities from the supermarket. This is why the two of them only work and can survive.

   Both of them were high school classmates, and neither of them were able to enter the university. Lynch worked as a worker for a period of time, but later gave up because of the exhaustion of work.

   Catherine, her girlfriend, got the job in the supermarket and has maintained it.

   This is a very typical family of losers. Whether it's Lynch or Catherine, they don't know how long this kind of life can last.

   Maybe they can make it to the day when they enter the marriage hall, and then continue to barely maintain it for a lifetime.

   But it is also possible to end this fragile relationship and relationship anytime and anywhere because of the sudden eruption of certain emotions.

   Early the next morning, Lynch simply freshened up. Catherine had left, leaving a box of wheat circles and a bottle of milk on the table.

   He walked to the side of the cupboard and poured the milk into the pot to heat it, and took a look at the expiration date. It was not surprising that it had expired for two days.

   This kind of milk is directly processed in the supermarket and thrown into the trash can. However, many supermarket employees are willing to endure the long working hours and low salary but also work in the supermarket.

   What they fancy is these things that can be obtained for free.

   The rich milk scent is a bit intoxicating. Lynch is accustomed to using hot milk to soak something, while Catherine and others are accustomed to direct soaking, which feels very bad.

   After eating breakfast, he simply took care of his image and stopped at a street not far from where they were renting.

   It's not that he has done nothing in the past few days. Of course, this does not mean that he is looking for a job. He is just considering where his first money should be obtained.

Although this world is completely different from another world, there are still traces of development of some For example, you know that the land under your feet is a hundred years later, for example, you know the artwork. The price of is skyrocketing every year, for example, you know...

   Everyone feels ambitious when standing in Lynch’s current position, because most of them can grasp the pulse of the future.

   But the problem is that most people's ambitions can only make ambitions, it will not be realized, because now is not the future, and everything requires capital.

   The capital comes from here?

   This thing will not fall from the sky, nor will it float in the water. In fact, even if many people are given the opportunity to go back in time, they still have no ability to change their lives.

   Maybe there are, but some are limited. It may be to buy one or two more houses, and then wait until they are old and look at their assets doubled in their previous lives in a daze. This is different from what they thought at the beginning.

   Some people are destined to dance, and some people can't do anything even if they give them a chance.

   Obviously, Lynch is the former. He already has all the qualities. He has succeeded. This is the decisive key.

   He stood here staring at a laundry shop across the road for most of the morning, and he was writing and drawing on a notebook. He was earning his first pot of gold.

   At about noon, when the traffic on the street began to drop, two guys in windbreakers blocked them, and one of them had a hand in the windbreaker, seeming to be holding something.

   "Mr. Fox wants to see you, friend!"

   These two people are not good at first sight. Of course, it may be that Lynch thinks too much. He is not afraid at this time, but a smile appears on his face, "I have been waiting for you for several days. What are you waiting for, let's lead the way!"