MTL - Black Technology: Starting From the Space Jumping Machine-Chapter 199 religious planet

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  Chapter 199 Religious Planet

  Of course it’s not how advanced Lu Yu’s optical instruments are now, but the space gate technology of an unknown civilization far exceeds that of a delta spacecraft. Lu Yu can clearly observe the data he wants just in front of him, just like looking at the earth from the moon.

   Lu Yu's technological level in the many space bubbles of the Silver Star has reached the level of a third-level civilization, which is basically in line with human technology in deep space.

  If he hadn't been following the delta spaceship to complete system tasks, a batch of manufacturing technologies of the fifth-level civilization could be transplanted from the main Zerg spaceship alone.

   However, relying solely on the existing technological creations, Lu Yu can also clearly collect the desired optical images.

  Structure nearly identical to Earth, with atmosphere and oceans.

  In such an extreme environment, it simply cannot exist.

Because of the terrible gravitational force and the high-energy particle flow caused by the two extreme celestial bodies, the atmosphere of this planet can be blown away, and it can cause the Roche limit itself to become torn apart, and a large amount of matter is absorbed by the two extreme celestial bodies. go.

   In fact, this planet does not show any signs of disintegration, and at the same time, there are still a large number of life activities in it!

  Many strange things were superimposed together, and Lu Yu looked at the blurry object still shrouded in the mosaic.

  If there is a ninth-level civilization to take action, there will be no problem creating everything on the planet in front of us!

   "Do you think there is something wrong with these level nine civilizations?"

   "One is to spend countless energy to put so many space bubbles in a folding space, to create so many ultra life forms, like making a zoo."

   "One is to maintain such a living planet in such an extreme environment??"

  Lu Yu complained about the two ninth-level civilizations he encountered recently. From the perspective of human thinking logic, it is impossible to understand the intention behind these two ninth-level civilizations.

  However, with a longer period of observation.

  Lu Yu discovered something special on this living planet.

  First of all, the life forms on the planet are not the same intelligent race.

   Judging from the images collected by optical instruments, there are actually millions of intelligent life forms of different races in millions of square kilometers!

   Lu Yu had never seen such a density of life forms in the Planetary Academy of the Union of Conscious Life Forms.

  Obviously. They are not naturally born life forms on this planet, otherwise there are so many intelligent life forms, a terrible war must have erupted before the establishment of civilization.


  Latecomers can only find in ancient fossils that this planet once gave birth to other races.

  But judging from the captured images, these life forms at least live harmoniously on the same planet.

  With different shapes, they don't seem to need any machinery to live on the planet, and they probably have undergone certain genetic modifications.

  If this is the case, Lu Yu can only regard it as another planetary academy.

  However, these intelligent life forms on the planet will perform collective rituals over time, and the contents of the rituals will have different appearances due to the differences in their respective racial structures.

  All together, solemn and solemn.

  According to the autobiography of the planet, the life forms in each time zone will put down all their affairs in a fixed time period, come outside the building, and make some prescribed actions toward the sky.

   And there are two extreme celestial bodies in the sky of this planet!

  If it is in an ordinary large universe environment, such behavior is tantamount to courting death.

   But with the protection of a ninth-level civilization, even if the neutron star is outside the atmosphere, there may be no problems.

   "Is this... some kind of religious practice?"

   "It's not like letting these intelligent life forms worship this ninth-level civilization, right? That's too bad!"

  No. 7 quickly analyzed the results of the movements of these living bodies. Lu Yu couldn't help but recall the knowledge points about religion that he had mastered while making complaints.

   Judging from the observation results of existing civilizations, many civilizations have one thing in common in the primitive stage: that is...religion was born!

  So, is religion an inevitable result of social development?

  At least in the civilization data that humans have mastered, many civilizations will have emotions similar to worship towards natural phenomena or celestial bodies when they are enlightened by wisdom, when they transition from animals to intelligent life forms, and the foundation of religion is laid.

  But as far as human civilization is concerned, religion is produced with the gradual improvement of human thinking ability during the long process of human understanding of the world. The emergence and development of religion shows that human beings have evolved from being unable to think about more complex problems abstractly at the beginning to being able to think about more complicated problems abstractly, which marks that human thinking ability has improved to a certain level.

   In a sense, whether one has religious concepts is almost a boundary line between non-humans and people with abstract thinking ability in the modern sense.

With the continuous development of human social productivity and the continuous development of natural science and social science, people gradually understand the laws of the structure and movement of celestial bodies, the laws of the origin and formation of blue stars, and the laws of the development of human society. The establishment and development of modern natural science and social science have created conditions.

  From this miraculous perspective, it seems that religion is almost an important part of civilization. Even today, it is undeniable that religion still occupies a place in human society.

  The speculation of many civilizations is that unless the entire civilization undergoes a thorough reform of thinking, individual members of the civilization can always find new totems to perform corresponding religious worship.

   Not only gods, ancestors, powerful phenomena, and unknown objects can become the carrier of the religion of intelligent life forms.

   Otherwise, there would be no Scientology and Flying Pasta, such strange religions popping up.

  And as a level 9 civilization, it is necessary to collect so many intelligent life forms and create such an extreme environment for them to conduct related religious worship.

   Isn’t this typical of eating and doing nothing?

   If it doesn’t work, the cosmic spectacle like hundreds of Dyson spheres you built is at least in line with your ninth-level civilization status!

   Engaging in religious worship is somewhat of a performance art, right?

  Although I can't read it, I was shocked.JPG

  Lu Yu no longer seeks to find the logic of this ninth-level civilization, he just wants to find more details from the planet in front of him, so as to give his mission a boost.

   If you collect enough points, I will be profitable.

   What kind of strange brain circuits do you have in our ninth-level civilization?

   Therefore, there is no rush to reply to the invitation of unknown civilizations, nor is there a rush to pass through the gate of space.

  Although the orbit of this planet is very strange, it will take quite a while to fly out of the observation range.

  With three days of continuous observation and more and more data collection, Number Seven easily established a corresponding social model.

  It looks like a planet in front of you, but it is better to say that it is a [church] carefully built by a ninth-level civilization, and this extreme binary star system is part of the [church].

   Isn't this a kind of cosmic wonder.

   What's even weirder is that in such a spectacle, the development of science is still supported.

   It's just amazing that there is a lack of life science in the discipline research that supports intelligent life forms.

   This is where it gets interesting!

  A scientist's most creative period should belong to his youth. Young people are always less superstitious about authority and will not be shackled by inherent thinking. Moreover, their thinking is more active and it is easier to draw breakthrough theoretical conjectures.

  In the era of rapid advances in human physical theory research, many important achievements of scientists were made when they were young.

Take several outstanding scientists of mankind as examples. Einstein published special relativity at the age of 26, Heisenberg proposed the uncertainty principle and matrix theory at the age of 24, Pauli proposed the Pauli exclusion principle at the age of 25, and Dirac at the age of 26. At the age of 19, the Dirac equation was proposed...

  Young thinking always has a stronger ability to innovate and is better at major breakthroughs in the field.

  Of course it doesn’t mean that you can’t do it when you get older.

  As you get older, with the accumulation of experience and knowledge, there are still many people who can make scientific research achievements. The peak of human intelligence does not decline after the age of thirty like the body, but can last for a long time.

  And with the accumulation of time, a person's knowledge level will become more abundant, and the use of various scientific research tools will become more sophisticated, which is good for scientific research.

   But the reality is that as we get older, breakthrough results do decrease rapidly.

Taking the era before Lu Yu went to the starry sky as an example, why has theoretical research almost stagnated in the cognition of ordinary people after entering the 21st century? breakthrough.

  For a while, the talk that technology was locked was clamored by conspiracy theorists.

  But in fact, the reason for this is that there are more and more scientific theories, and when you are in your twenties, you can’t even learn the existing theories. Why should you innovate and make breakthroughs?

  Even if human beings produce another Einstein-style genius scientist, they have to learn quantum physics before they can make innovations and breakthroughs on the original basis.

  So as science and technology become more and more developed, fewer and fewer people become famous at a young age, and they can only rely on the continuous accumulation of knowledge.

  As I got older, I finally reached the level of an expert in a certain field, but my thinking has become conservative and restrained.

  This is not just talking about it. Taking astrophysics as an example, astrophysicists usually need to apply many different academic fields, such as classical mechanics, electromagnetism, statistical mechanics, quantum mechanics, relativity, particle physics, and so on.

  If you want to have a Nobel Prize, you must have enough academic knowledge to support it.

  However, among the major categories of subjects, it takes a long time to study hard to complete the study of a subdivided subject.

However, after becoming an expert in a subdivision of a subject, facing the knowledge of the entire subject, because the subdivision is too cutting-edge, you may even have a half-knowledge of the rest of the same subject, so it is still difficult to make a transformative theory in the subject results.

   This is also after the great development of basic theories, [Lone Wolf] scientists have become fewer, and gradually obtained research results in the form of large research laboratories and large research laboratories.

  Because this is the only way to integrate most of the classified disciplines of a large subject with limited life and energy. Cooperation is a compromise between human beings' complicated knowledge and limited life.

  After Lu Yu fully accepted the technology of the Horn Race, human beings not only obtained more advanced technology, but more importantly, life extension technology in life sciences, which gave human scientists an unprecedented liberation.

  50-year-old is still a young man, 60-year-old is barely still a young man.

   Undoubtedly, scientists loosened the time gap, and then in the subsequent technological explosion, countless scientists contributed to it, allowing mankind to step into the second-level civilization in one fell swoop.

  Science and technology are closely linked in civilizations, especially in planetary civilizations, where almost all disciplines complement each other.

  On the religious planet in front of him, Lu Yu saw that their technology had even reached the level of a second-level civilization, but they lacked the science of life, which limited the normal lifespan of all intelligent life forms adapted to this planet to a certain range.

  In an extreme environment, the scientific and technological creations of the second-level civilization cannot escape such a cosmic environment, so that the civilization technology is limited to the planet.

  A large number of cutting-edge theories need to be carried out in the cosmic environment, so the civilizations established by many intelligent life forms on the planet are equivalent to being locked on the planet.

  The reason for restricting the technology of dead planets is the religion that is almost brainwashed and popularized on the planets!

   This ingenious design, after seeing the social model, Lu Yu had to sigh that it was something that was tinkered with by the ninth-level civilization.

  【The story behind it +2%】

   After building this model from the data, Lu Yu immediately got feedback from the system.

  This means that Lu Yu has taken another small step on the road of truth, at least the direction is correct.

   So, he has a decision.

   Lu Yu already planned to accept the invitation from an unknown civilization.

   From this wonderful planet, Lu Yu felt that he could get more points.

  【We are the Horn civilization, and we are willing to go to the front star field to have friendly exchanges with you. 】

   From the moment Lu Yu opened his mouth, he was a member of the Laojiao clan. At the same time, not using his real name meant that the tone was set. He never thought of how to write about true friendliness.

   At this time, Lu Yu, who had finished replying, looked at the delta spaceship that was still guarding outside Guangqiao.

  It seems to have finished drawing the storage matter, and never launched an attack on the unknown civilization again.

  The Huanzu still owe me space technology!

   Maybe once I pass through the gate of space, it might be wiped out by unknown civilization on the spot!

  So, Lu Yu added another condition.

  【At the same time, we must act together with the triangular spaceship outside Guangqiao, which is a prerequisite for our communication. 】

  When Lu Yu wondered whether he would wait several months for a reply to this request, the light bridge in front of the triangular spaceship dimmed, and soon the triangular spaceship seemed to realize something, and immediately entered it.

   This is equivalent to accepting Lu Yu's conditions.

   Seeing this, Lu Yu didn't hesitate any longer, and the Silver Star accelerated slightly, passed through the gate of space, and came to a brand new star field, followed by the delta spaceship.

  In this binary star system built with technology, he may be able to reveal all the weirdness of this unknown civilization.

  (end of this chapter)

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