MTL - Black Technology: Starting From the Space Jumping Machine-Chapter 187 good luck civilization

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  Chapter 187 Good Luck Civilization

   "Quick! Rewind to planetary collapse analysis image!"

   "It really looks like the earth's core just disappeared?"

   "But how is it possible?? No trace, no sign at all!"

   "Could it be an attack from space?"

  In the records of deep space satellites, the scene of planetary collapse is the most valuable part of the records, and the subsequent records are endless starry sky records without any waves.

  When the star-level civilization that captured the deep-space satellite saw the records inside, it was also extremely curious, and decisively reversed the extracted image.

   This time, Lu Yu saw many analysis reports on the addition of star-level civilizations.

  According to common sense, a large-scale space war, especially a war that shatters planets, will create a lot of debris, such as spacecraft explosions, device fragments, and celestial bodies that were accidentally injured.

  By analyzing these fragments, we can roughly analyze the level of weapons used by a civilization.

   After all, under normal circumstances, civilizations without warring parties would be so boring as to completely eliminate these traces.

Because I really want to erase all traces, all spaceship fragments and device fragments on the battlefield must be removed. The number of these things may be calculated in megabytes, and the volume may be as small as millimeters or even smaller. The entire planet needs to be moved away, and the meteorite fragments must be collected and transported away one by one.

   Otherwise, through the fracture surface of the meteorite, the terrifying calculation power possessed by the star-level civilization can easily tell that it was affected by the weapon of civilization instead of being smashed by nature.

   But in the attempts of this stellar civilization to analyze the planetary collapse, nothing was obtained, and nothing was analyzed.

  Even if this is the crushing of lower civilizations by higher civilizations, it is not impossible to find traces!

  Especially the attack that affects the entire planet, and then affects the balance of the entire star system.

   At one time, this star-level civilization that captured deep-space satellites thought it was a prank fabricated by a certain civilization.

   After all, fabricating these things is not difficult for a third-level civilization.

  Added special effects to the image, it is a special effect of virtual reality!

  In this way, even a star-level civilization cannot analyze anything based on images alone.

   Lu Yu glanced at the progress of the holographic projection, and found that it was only halfway through, so he knew that there would be a saying behind this image.

   Sure enough, after a series of analyzes still yielded no results, the image changed from the deep-space satellite in the isolation room in vain.

  In the vast starry sky, a huge fleet is advancing rapidly, but because there is no obvious reference here, they seem to be stationary.

   But by observing the phenomenon of red shift and blue shift, Lu Yu can determine that this fleet must be in motion, not static.

   This star-level civilization that captured a deep-space satellite actually planned to explore the situation in that star system.

  In this big universe, there is no shortage of news that once a civilization obtains the creation of a super civilization, it will soar into the sky.

  Especially they don't know that these super civilization creations are destined to evaporate in the universe with the disappearance of the spiral family.

  They only know a certain weak civilization, and accidentally obtained a super civilization creation, and then became the overlord of a star field.

  Although they don’t know what the unknown object is, this star-level civilization who knows the news is willing to take a look.

  So in this vast void, the fleet showed a busy scene.

  Countless robots in the main spaceship shuttle back and forth between the large transport ship and the large casting dock, moving a large amount of materials into the casting dock, and there are more robots busy in the dock. They used these materials through a series of methods such as processing, manufacturing, and assembling to create spaceships one after another.

  The ships were quickly launched, and after gathering next to the capital ship, they began to part ways.

  This urgently manufactured small fleet can easily lock the position of the star system based on the starry sky images taken by the deep space satellite.

   First, the warp speed travel completed most of the distance, and then sailed to the star field near the star system at the speed of light.

  Whether it was because of curiosity, or because it felt that the mosaic nameless object was profitable, this fleet was not reckless enough to reach that star system by itself.

  The fleet chose to hide in a cluster of nebula, which is a full light-year in length, and more importantly, the core of this cluster of nebula has begun to show a tendency to gather.

  In the universe, there are quite a few such large nebula clusters. Even, the solar system was born in a similar nebula.

  Based on the data currently observed by humans, it is deduced that probably billions of years ago, under the disturbance of a nearby supernova explosion, the nebula cluster began to slowly shrink towards the center. Finally, in the central part of the gas mass, the density of matter became higher and higher, and the temperature became higher and higher, which finally triggered nuclear fusion reaction, and the original sun was born.

  The powerful stellar wind of the primitive sun blew away the dust surrounding itself, and then these dusts slowly condensed into planets one by one. After billions of years of development, they stabilized and became what they are today.

  In the large universe, most of the stars are born in this way.

   During the process of gestating stars like this, there must be a lot of violent reactions and gravitational changes.

  The reason why the fleet chose this place is to block their tracks through the complex and changeable primitive stars.

  Stellar-level civilizations basically know such a simple but extremely effective method. On the contrary, Lu Yu, a false high-level civilization, knows nothing about this hiding method because of the excellent armor of the Silver Star.

   I just feel that these star-level civilizations like to hide in young stars too much. The Zerg fleet is like this, and so is this star-level civilization.

   After finding the hiding and observing positions, the method of preliminary observation adopted by the star-level civilization is quite primitive—gravitational lens.

  The principle of gravitational lensing is that when starlight passes around a massive star, the light that originally travels in a straight line will be bent due to the gravity of the massive star, as if the position of the original star has slightly shifted.

  It can be observed through optical instruments, without launching any instruments, and can observe the conditions of extremely distant star systems by emitting any fluctuations.

  The gravitational lensing effect is still an important measurement method in astronomy even for humans today. For celestial bodies of different scales, distances, and masses, different gravitational lensing instruments are used alternately to obtain a large amount of information for human beings.

  Now, even star-level civilizations have not given up on this simple and easy-to-use observation method, but the instruments used are more advanced and precise.

   This fleet has observed patiently and cautiously for a whole hundred years, and finally got some information.

The orbits of planets orbiting a single star are predictable. For example, the distance between the earth and the sun is fixed at a certain time of the year. Even if there is an error, it is negligible compared to the astronomical distance. The earth's orbit is also stable, and only then will there be a basis for a stable environment, life will be bred, and an ecological circle will be built.

   Not so in this galaxy.

   Obviously there is only one star, but the gas giant planet observed from the gravitational lens is used as a reference.

  It is above a certain point in time when it revolves around the star, and there is often a big change between the previous week and this week.

   This means its orbit is extremely unstable.

   Obviously, this instability is caused by the disturbance of the gravitational source. Moreover, this disturbance is extremely strong, causing its orbit to be unstable.

  Just like Pluto, which was expelled from the planet in the solar system, its orbit is also quite abnormal, which is regarded by the astronomy community as evidence that the Kuiper belt has massive celestial bodies.

   From the observation of the gravitational lens, there is no obvious gravitational source in this star system, which makes the fleet more convinced that the images recorded in the deep space satellite are authentic.

   So further detection began!

   This fleet took hundreds of years to send the probes to different directions, and then headed towards this star system that may be buried with treasures.

  But the few remaining progress bars told Lu Yu that this star-level civilization did not seem to have achieved any results.

   Sure enough.

  Their further detections ran aground as the detectors disappeared as soon as they approached.

   This fleet didn't have any plans to lead the way, they cautiously began to evacuate their hiding places as quickly as possible.

  It can only be said that as a civilization, their sincerity has made the civilization go very steadily.

   It was not until now that they survived and sold this image to the delta spacecraft at a high price.

Perhaps it is also because of the personal investigation experience of the later civilization that made this image more real. The triangular spacecraft analyzed and matched its own experience from it, and found that the method used by the unknown object to make the earth’s core disappear was 90%. The above is similar, so I bought this information.

  Otherwise, it is still a little difficult to hide things from higher civilizations that are fabricated with star ratings.

   What's more, the delta spacecraft and the deep space satellites were bought together, and after checking one by one, it was found that this star-level civilization did not cheat, so it paid the remaining transaction points.

   It can only be said that this star-level civilization captured the creation of a low-level civilization out of curiosity, and then exchanged this opportunity to earn trading points that can buy several battleships.

  Maybe this could be an opportunity for this civilization to take off in the next ten thousand years?

   Another lucky civilization.

   But this has nothing to do with Lu Yu anymore. After he received this information for nothing, Delta Spaceship finally remembered the reason why they came to the white dwarf market.

  A star map.

  A star map of tens of billions of light years.

   Its information volume is hundreds of millions of times larger than the image just now!

  In order to demonstrate a tenth of the cosmic star map, the Heika civilization even extracted a star to evolve.

  Although the star map of tens of billions of light years is far inferior to the star map held by the dependents in terms of quality and size, it still took a long time on the seventh to receive it.

  Unfortunately, there is still no trace of the Milky Way in the new star map.

  Host: Lu Yu

   Points: 6912

  Mission: 【Looking into the Deep Space】【Story Behind】

  Currently own black technology products: [Silver Star (modified)] [Lunch Box] [Space Suit (modified)]

  After receiving the map, Lu Yu looked at the panel in front of him.

  The two ongoing missions are both B-level missions, which are related to the restoration of the Silver Star.

  【Story behind】Because of reading the records of deep space satellites, the progress has been advanced a lot, reaching 2%.

  [Looking at the deep space] This task has been followed by Lu Yu for a long time. With the filling of the star map, the progress has reached 16%.

  If Lu Yu is willing to settle the task of [Looking at the Deep Space], then according to the double reward, he can barely collect enough points to repair the Silver Star!

   Tens of thousands of points!

  This is the points that can be exchanged for black technology of universe-level civilization!

   But Lu Yu has no such plan for the time being, because once he barely repairs, his points will be in an embarrassing situation of being stretched.

  Want to skyrocket?

  Neutron lifeforms are not so easy to come across!

  So Lu Yu still has to find a way to start with the [story behind it], and the delta spaceship still owes him space technology!

  So when the delta spacecraft invited Lu Yu to go to the star system where the unknown object is located, he did not refuse.

  The white dwarf market is also one of the few stable places where Lu Yu has stayed.

  But he also understands that such stability will collapse with an erasure that may come at any time.

   "Just hope it's not when I come next time."

  The Silver Star and the triangular spacecraft passed through the space gate again, and the white dwarf market was just a short stay for them.

  The other end of the space gate is not directly connected to the target star system.

  The place where the triangular spaceship came is in a star system thirty-seven light-years away from it.

  A host star is a star nearly twice as massive as the Sun. Higher surface temperatures give it a white color, and higher quality drastically shortens their lifespan. This means that their stellar activity is more intense.

  The frequent and violent solar wind makes the possibility of intelligent life in this star system not very high.

  Among the twelve planets, some near ones are suffering from strong rays all the time, and some farther away are too cold. The simple conclusion is that this star system does not have a habitable zone for carbon-based life.

   The planet where the Silver Star and the delta spacecraft docked is the fourth planet in this star system.

   It has a thick atmosphere with high levels of carbon dioxide. Coupled with the distance from the star, it has an extremely obvious greenhouse effect. It will store the heat of the star, and only a small amount of heat will escape, just like Venus in the solar system.

   If you rank the environmental conditions of the various large satellites and planets in the solar system, Venus is undoubtedly the worst.

  Because of the active crustal movement of Venus, the surface of the planet is full of lava flowing in all directions, and the sky is always black because the clouds are too thick for sunlight to reach the surface.

The air is full of the smell of sulfur, there will be lightning in the sky, and it will be more violent than that on the earth, and there will be rain on Venus, but this rain is infinitely worse than the worst acid rain on the earth. Strong corrosiveness will rapidly dissolve most alloys.

   And this planet is even worse than Venus. It even gathers a high-temperature, high-pressure sea of ​​strong acid. I am afraid that steel will be corroded instantly if it falls into it.

  However, in the natural acid sea, neither the Silver Star nor the delta spacecraft had any influence. They did not care about the immediate environment from the beginning to the end, but paid close attention to everything beyond the light years.

  (end of this chapter)

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