MTL - Black Technology: Starting From the Space Jumping Machine-Chapter 163 colorful nebula

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  Chapter 163 Colorful Nebula

  The most valuable things on this spaceship were undoubtedly the various instruments that were repeatedly disassembled and assembled, as well as the Zerg scientists who were forced to operate and were constantly explaining the functions of the components.

   But now, the star map is out!

  Especially when there are similar coordinates of the Milky Way on the star map, everything changes.

  Going so far and crossing so many stars, isn’t it because when I was forced to jump away on Mars, I wanted to return to the familiar blue star.

   Search and search, go round and round.

  Until Lu Yu looked at the holographic projection of the galaxy in front of him, he couldn't believe that the hope of returning to Blue Star appeared in front of him so inadvertently.

The Milky Way is a barred spiral galaxy where the solar system is located. It is a kind of spiral galaxy. It is in the shape of an elliptical disk and has a huge disk structure. The latest research shows that the Milky Way has four clear and fairly symmetrical spiral arms. The spiral arms are 4,500 light-years apart. The stars The number is between 100 billion and 400 billion.

   Don’t look at the number of stars so much, if the Silver Star can return to the Milky Way, it can easily lock the solar system,

   Viewed from the blue star, the center of the galaxy is the brightest region of the galaxy, and its direction is in the constellation Sagittarius. From the constellation Sagittarius, the hazy band of white light seems to pass to the constellation Auriga on the back. The band of light then continues the rest of its path back toward the constellation Sagittarius, dividing the celestial sphere into two roughly equal hemispheres.

  By comparing the two in this way, Lu Yu can easily find the position of the blue star as long as he jumps a few more times in the Milky Way. It is no wonder that Lu Yu immediately became excited.

   "Compared with the star map of the Milky Way galaxy observed at Base Zero, the similarity rate is more than 80%."

   "But because it is 20 million light-years away from the Zerg observation point, the specific situation of the galaxy has evolved into a completely different look, but after calculation, the probability that the galaxy is the Milky Way is more than 50%."

  After the brief report on No. 7, on the holographic projection is the star map that has just been transcribed.

  A barred spiral galaxy ranging from 100,000 light-years to 180,000 light-years in diameter. About 100 billion to 400 billion stars, and possibly 100 billion planets.

  It has dense gas and dust, is oblate spheroid, and has a huge disk structure. It is composed of a bright and dense core, two main spiral arms and two unformed spiral arms. The distance between the spiral arms is about 4500 light years.

   "This is very similar to the structure of the Milky Way!"

   "Are you stupid? The basic structure of a barred galaxy is basically the same!"

   "But this is the galaxy most similar to the Milky Way since Lu Yu set foot in the universe."

  A large number of astronomers have discussed that if Lu Yu can return to the solar system before the arrival of the unknown fleet, then the safety of Blue Star can basically be guaranteed.

   And at the same time, Lu Yu also left a lot of assets in the big universe.

  Leaving aside the giant spacecraft in front of us, as long as one of the space bubbles obtained from the folding space can be given to human civilization, the entire civilization can directly step into the interstellar era without relying on the Silver Star.

   Moreover, it is the lizard civilization, and the relics of the alliance of conscious life forms are of great value.

  Once Lu Yu returns, these things will no longer be things that human beings can't see in the fog.

  Scientists can go to the field and then transport them back into the solar system to become human things.

  The current Silver Star is no longer a space-jumping machine that can only teleport randomly. This thing is of inestimable value to a civilization!

   And Lu Yu has been drifting for so long, if he can return to the blue star to rest, then he may also be able to complete the vision in his heart and start the next stage of evolution.

  Leave in human body, return in human body, and then there is a glorious evolution.

   This is a thought that has been hidden in my heart, even Number Seven doesn't know about it.

  Since this is already a rare opportunity, how can it be possible to continue waiting in vain?

  The energy system of the Silver Star was damaged, and during this nearly one-year stay, it only stored energy 5 times.

  But it is completely enough to detect the real and false galaxy this time, but these Zerg have to find a way to arrange it.

   It is also an energy problem. The inter-space communication system of the Silver Star can no longer be turned on for a long time, otherwise it will affect the recharge of the space jump.

  So how to squeeze the surplus value of this Zerg has become a problem.

   It's just that the problem is not big, the solution was sent by the Zerg!

  The advanced artificial intelligence suppressed by No. 7 soon took her shape.

   This giant spaceship will still be managed by this artificial intelligence. The Zerg inside will transcribe the technology tree they own into the universal language of the universe over and over again, and then receive it by No. 7 through regular cross-space communication, and then send it to No. 0 base.

  The arrangement is clear and clear.

  And if there is any change, it is just a waste of a space jump for the Silver Star, and some Zerg will have to pay their lives.

   Then there was such a strange scene in front of my eyes. A steel spacecraft with the same size as Saturn turned into a satellite of the super-Earth. At the same time, it was still swallowing a large amount of mechanical debris, erasing the traces of the battle that took place here.

  When the second and third fleets of the Zerg arrive, they will understand what a special surprise is.

   From an intruder to a guardian, it can be regarded as a bad taste left by Lu Yu.

  At the same time, Lu Yu did not forget to leave an order for his leather man Nemo to conquer other continents, and how to implement it has already left a space bubble in his core that carries planning and computing power.

   Once verified, maybe you can come back soon.

  Thinking of this, Lu Yu jumped out of the folding space where he stayed for a long time without hesitation.


  Directional space jump is full of unknowns.

  Because the position of galaxies in the universe is not motionless, when the suspected Milky Way galaxy is observed at the Zerg observation point, the light has already traveled in the big universe for 20 million years.

  The actual situation of this galaxy is completely different from the observed one.

  Even if No. 7's computing power has reached the level that would surprise a ninth-level civilization, the result of this directional space jump is still unknown.

  Maybe they jumped into the cosmic void in one breath, or they might jump into a black hole.

  When the starry sky beyond the Silver Star came into view, Lu Yu knew that they had successfully arrived at their destination this time.

   This is a large nebula with a length and width of more than ten light-years. This nebula belongs to the luminous nebula. There are three types of nebulae: luminous nebulae, reflection nebulae, and dark nebulae. Luminous nebulae, as the name suggests, emit visible light themselves. A reflection nebula is one that reflects light from other stars, and a dark nebula is one that has no stars nearby or inside, so it's invisible in visible light, but you can find it by looking for dark areas against a bright background.

  The luminous nebula is one of the most magnificent views in the universe, dotted with all the colors you can imagine.

   They are also an extremely efficient and massive star factory. Countless interstellar dust has gathered into stars, and the ultraviolet light emitted by young stars will ionize the interstellar dust, so they appear slightly red in the visible light band.

  So the starry sky here is not dark, but colorful. Here, you can see a miraculous phenomenon, bright young stars embedded in the magnificent sky, like bright gems, very beautiful.

  But amidst the beauty lies danger. Because of the concentration of a large number of young stars, the radiation level here is dozens of times higher than the rest of the universe. Moreover, the bigger the star, the shorter its age. The shortest-lived giant star even has a life span of less than 10 million years.

  After a star dies, it will have different fates according to its mass. A star with a mass similar to the sun will turn into a white dwarf after death. After a supernova explosion, the remaining core mass becomes a black hole or neutron star.

  The matter they throw out will spread in the form of nebula tens of billions of light-years, and over time, these materials will become new stars.

  So behind this unusually beautiful colorful sky, there are not only dotted stars, but also more than one neutron star, white dwarf and other stars may be hidden, and even the most dangerous star in the universe-black hole.

   But these are nothing to Lu Yu, he used to come and go freely in the central black hole, the armor of the Silver Star has no celestial body that can threaten it in such a cosmic environment!

   "This nebula is so beautiful!"

   "Is there such a nebula in the Milky Way? Can this be regarded as one of the striking signs?"

   While Lu Yu sighed, he quickly looked at No. 7.

  Because of the cover of the nebula, the stars outside the nebula appear extremely dim, even imperceptible. To this end, No. 7 adopted a variety of observation methods, such as visible light band, X-ray band, infrared ray, and ultraviolet band.

  However, compared with the neutrino detectors, gravitational wave detectors and other instruments equipped in the previous Rubik's Cube, the power of these detection instruments built using Lu Yu's mastered technology has dropped a lot.

   But as long as it can be used now, at worst, I will go back and dismantle the instruments of the giant spaceship in the future!

   Taking the nebula in front of you as a reference, judging from the captured data, the scale of this nameless colorful nebula will definitely not be smaller than 300 light-years.

   There are also many nebulae that have been observed by humans in the Milky Way. The Orion Nebula, the Dumbbell Nebula in Vulpeculus, the Trefoil Nebula, the Lagoon Nebula, the Eagle Nebula, the Cat's Eye Nebula, etc., are all nebulae familiar to astronomy enthusiasts.

  If you can lock the colorful nebula in front of you as a certain nebula in the Milky Way, then Lu Yu will not be far away from returning to Earth!

"The color of the nebula depends on the chemical composition and the amount of ionization. Since most of the interstellar gas is hydrogen that can be ionized at a relatively low energy, many emission nebulae are red. If there are more High energy can cause the dissociation of other elements, so green and blue clouds may appear. Through the study of the nebula spectrum, astronomers can infer the chemical elements of the nebula. Most emission nebulae have 90% hydrogen, The remainder is helium, oxygen, nitrogen, and other elements."

   "The nebula in front of me is colorful, which means..."

   "All the super quantum computers in Base Zero have been put into the comparison star map!"

   "At all costs, we must find a control sample of the nebula in front of us!"

  Base No. 0 is operating at full capacity, and now a single base can control more energy than all the countries on Blue Star combined!

   If Base Zero wants to take over the global network, it only needs to connect the computing power of the base to the Internet, and it can instantly dominate the network that is involved in all human lives today.

   Now, this huge computing power is running at full capacity, just to find a way for Lu Yu to return to Blue Star.

  Number 7 is also running at full capacity. It doesn't matter to her whether she returns to Blue Star or not, but that is Lu Yu's wish, so she will do her best.

  In the human database, there are actually quite a few nebula observation records, especially after the establishment of the advance base, in order to find the route of the unknown fleet in deep space, a large number of observation telescopes were built.

  If there are no bright stars near the gas-dust nebula, the nebula will be dark, that is, a dark nebula. A dark nebula absorbs and scatters light from behind it since it neither emits light nor has light for it to reflect.

   This kind of nebula is the most difficult to observe. Even so, tens of thousands of dark nebulae have been newly discovered by relying on the advance base.

  As for those luminous nebulae and reflection nebulae, not to mention, there are too many of them, and Professor Mao has already asked them to name them, and let the AI ​​number them all by themselves.

   And now, they are dug out one by one, scanned over and over again!


  Number 7 has the strongest computing power, so she stopped silently first.

  When Lu Yu saw her appearance, he immediately understood that the galaxy in front of him might not be the Milky Way.

   "Isn't it just a waste of a jump? What's the point?"

   "We have been jumping continuously for five years before. At that time, I understood that it is not that simple to find the Milky Way."

   "Before I met you, random space jumps had to make me lose my way, and the universe is so big..."

  Lu Yu quit virtual reality a long time ago, waiting for the result in the living area, but now the expected feedback made him breathe a sigh of relief.

   Touching No. 7's white hair, Lu Yu comforted her instead.

  Although he came here with expectations, Lu Yu also understands that the universe is so vast that it is not that easy to return to the Milky Way.

   The feedback from No. 0 base was sent several hours later, and the regretful expression on Professor Han's face already explained everything.

   But after all, it’s just a waste of two space jumps. Jump back to the folding space to toss the huge spaceship and Zerg, right?

   As Lu Yu thought about it, No. 7, who had finished comforting him but was still in his arms, suddenly projected a holographic projection in front of his eyes.

   That is a neutron star that is constantly sending out periodic electromagnetic pulse signals. It has a famous name-pulsar!

  The position of this pulsar is outside the colorful nebula, but its powerful electromagnetic pulse signal is still transmitted here.

   This is a normal astronomical phenomenon.

  But after analyzing those periodic electromagnetic pulses on the Seventh, the abrupt content was revealed.

   "Hello, the civilization that received the message."

   "Please guide us to make ice cubes, please?"

  (end of this chapter)

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