MTL - Black Technology: Starting From the Space Jumping Machine-Chapter 145 to deep space

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  Chapter 145 Advance to Deep Space

   "In March, Base Zero should have begun to recover, right?"

  Professor Mao said softly to the cold Ceres: "I have been in this space for nearly a year, and I am insensitive to the changes of the four seasons."

   "That's because of Lao Mao, you always stay here!"

   "If you have time to go to the ecological laboratory in the base, you can feel the four seasons like you are in space!"

   Could it be that the observation station on the surface welcomes so many people? More than a dozen scientists gathered here, looking at the holographic projection in front of them, as if they were waiting for something.

  The holographic projection shows a cylindrical building covering an area of ​​about one million square meters. After entering the building, you can see a towering tower-like device standing in the center of the entire space, with a diameter of about ten or twenty meters.

  Heavy engineering equipment remotely operated by engineers stands beside this tower-like structure, adding bricks and tiles to this uniquely shaped tower through thick and long mechanical arms.

   This is a cavity formed after the minerals of an asteroid were mined, and now the forward base is used as a site for experimenting with gravity bombs.

  The previous experiments in the orbit of the earth and the moon have proved the power of this terrible weapon. Based on the four basic forces, the lethality is born, and it can easily destroy the planetary structure.

  But human beings need it, and need it to resist the maliciousness that may come from deep space, so the experimental site can only be transferred from the earth-moon system to the asteroid belt.

   For this reason, most of the important carrying capacity of the second spaceship is used to transport the gravity bomb generating device.

   And now, the arrangement is finally completed.

As several professors entered different passwords, the signal lights on the surface of the tower-like structure in the center of the cavity began to light up one by one, and the heavy engineering equipment surrounding the asteroid began to evacuate as if they had received an order, and they all returned not far away. on two spaceships.

  A huge magnetic field gradually enveloped the entire area, even affecting the observation instruments in it. The holographic projections in front of the professors all showed tearing pictures. One can imagine how strong the magnetic field is.

   "It is not necessary to use the anti-gravity organ to directly reverse such a large magnetic field environment, but this gravity bomb is deciphered by us and uses human technology."

   "Otherwise, it will be difficult to meet the standard of space warfare with anti-gravity organs."

  Several experts who came to the advance base from Blue Star were just to test some powerful weapons. In the Earth-Moon system, the expected power of these weapons could cause irreparable damage.

  In addition to the gravity bomb that has caused the Earth-Moon orbit to shift, there are also high-power laser weapons that can vitrify half of the Blue Star, energy shields that cover half of the Blue Star's atmosphere, and so on.

  Any test of these weapons on Blue Star would cause great panic, and they were simply transferred to the forward base.

  After several months of construction, the advanced base has realized the ability to transport materials to the outside world, and the application of intelligent manufacturing in the space factory is much smoother than imagined.

  The research directions and weapons of many experts in the observation station on Ceres have nothing to do with each other, but it is exciting to witness the birth of a great technology.

  The application of the four major forces is the key to advanced civilization. Scientists are more devout than believers of any religion in the pursuit of truth.

   "The captain's order: increase the output limit of the energy gate to 60%, and turn on the laser emission array!"

  In the observation station, the information of the two spaceships is received synchronously, and they are really on the front line.

  As the order was issued, the staff in the spacecraft immediately became busy like a pot of boiling water.

  The energy bar located in the center of the space is also gradually increasing the power of the power generation amidst the buzzing sound of the current.

  Even through holographic projection, one can still feel that the nuclear energy squeezed in that tower is overflowing and gathering towards the top. Under the control of a huge force field, the temperature of the entire space seems to have increased.

   Several weapons experts in the observation station stared at the tower, and the expressions on their faces gradually changed from excitement to fanaticism.

   "Same as in calculation..."

   Faintly heard what they said, Professor Mao opened his mouth and was about to ask, but before he could ask the question, he heard a new instruction from the holographic projection.

   "Captain's order: Open the dome! Activate laser calibration mode!"

   "The calibration is complete, and the transmitter and receiver are successfully turned on!"

All is ready except for the opportunity.

   Without the slightest hesitation, the captain of the first-line command immediately issued an order.


   Like a spear piercing the sky, like a solid laser, released from the top of the spire in an instant, rushing into the vast and boundless space.

  The huge energy even washed away the dust in the asteroid belt, forming circles of waves around it.

At the same time, the instant after the light spear that rushed into space was ignited, the high-energy light beams began to twist rapidly, from direct shooting into the deep space into a ring structure of magnetic field, and the semi-elliptical semi-ellipse formed by light bodies form in cavities.

The nuclear fusion device in the energy tower maintains a high-load output energy. The huge nuclear energy is converted into light energy, and then converted from light energy into the purest heat energy, and finally presented in the cavity in a series of energy forms including magnetic fields. .

  These high-energy states are only temporary after all, and everything will eventually change to gravity.

  When a strong gravitational force appeared, space-time began to distort, and the ring structure built by high-energy light and magnetic field turned into pitch black.

  The nearby observation instruments began to fail, the four major forces began to unify in this small area, and everything began to slide towards gravity.

  I saw that all the instruments carrying the test void disappeared, and a black spot compressed into an extreme appeared, and began to engulf all surrounding substances!

   "The gravitational source ahead begins to deflect a large number of asteroid orbits!"

   "The ship's course has been slightly deflected!"

  The horror of the black hole was fully reflected at this moment, and a large number of asteroids began to gather towards it as if they were caught in a whirlpool.

  The atomic structure of a large amount of matter is destroyed, and the energy released turns more matter into a plasma state.

  The miniature black hole only existed for a short second, but it permanently changed the structure of this asteroid belt. The matter swallowed by the black hole exploded with terrifying power at the moment the black hole evaporated.

   In space, explosions are silent.

   But the light and heat are so dazzling!

   The spaceship and the experts on the advanced base looked at the 'sun' on the asteroid belt, and fell into a long absence.

   "I really have to sigh, the scientific research capabilities of Base Zero are really terrifying."

   "We have only been away for a year, and we have already produced such results. Now that we former project hosts go back, I am afraid that we can only start as students honestly, right?"

   I don’t know which professor’s exclamation sounded in the observation station, but there was only a touch of regret on everyone’s face, but no regrets.

  The scientists who chose to come to the advanced base all had the consciousness to endow human civilization with years, and looking at the achievements in front of them made them more determined in their original choice.

"All right!"

   "Can't we conduct scientific research on Ceres? The equipment and conditions here are many times better than before!"

   "Don't forget, our mission here!"

  Professor Mao was at the forefront of the professors and experts, a translucent holographic panel appeared in front of him, and with a light tap of his index finger, it instantly diffused into light particles in the sky, and reorganized into the appearance of the solar system in the air.

  Looking at the holographic image projected in front of their eyes, everyone couldn't help but hold their breath. This is the reason why they came here away from Blue Star.

  Everyone is looking at a corner of the solar system. Fourteen years later, the unknown fleet will approach the solar system from this direction.

   Now, humans have initially mastered gravity bombs, and the foundation of the Great Wall of Space has been laid!

  Next, they will be ready to go and continue to advance into the deep space field that humans have never set foot in, and build a deep space Great Wall for mankind!

   Their names may not be known, but their deeds will live on forever.


  The third month after leaving the tribe.

  When the airship broke through the thick clouds, Lu Yu saw an ordinary mountain in front of him.

  Perhaps it is because in the folding space, mountains of tens of thousands of meters abound, so that the mountain in front of me has no special features.

   And when the airship began to land slowly towards it, Lu Yu realized that this was their goal—the Holy Mountain!

  This mountain that looks like an ordinary island in the sea is actually the legendary holy mountain?

   Not only Lu Yu, but all super beings were extremely surprised by this scene.

  Everyone thought that the holy mountain would be the majestic mountain that reaches the sky, or the pillar of the sky that supports the entire sky, and it will never be an ordinary mountain like a small island in front of you.

  The action of the floating ship descending almost parallel to the sea surface told everyone that they were approaching their destination.

  As the airship got closer to the so-called holy mountain, Lu Yu was surprised to find that the crowd seemed to be shrinking continuously, and the mountain in front of him was rising rapidly!

   When it reaches the front of the mountain, even if it is really only 10,000 meters, it has become incomparably magnificent for everyone after it has shrunk!

  Mountains are not high, but science and technology can help! ?

   "I'm afraid this also uses space folding technology, just like when we observe this planet from outer space, it is only several times the size of the earth, but when we are in it, we find that the space inside is hundreds of times larger than imagined!"

  Looking at the mountain peaks that supported the sky in front of him, Lu Yu made a silent judgment.

  The airship docked intelligently at the dock at the bottom of the mountain, and there were already three airships of the same model parked there early.

  After a large group of amazed ultra life forms disembarked together, they learned from a few expressionless reception staff that the other three floating ships were welcoming ships for other continents, arriving only a few days earlier than them.

  Beside the dock, there are neatly distributed caves. The accommodation arranged by the Holy Mountain is so primitive and friendly, and the food is also carried by the bugs used for cleaning as in the floating boat.

   Soon, Lu Yu and the others saw ultra life forms from other continents near the dock.

  If the super life forms on this continent of Nemo are all like Ultraman, then those on other continents are like enlarged versions of Kamen Rider.

  [Ultraman] and [Kamen Rider] meet in space beyond the dimension.

  No one was surprised by this wonderful scene except Lu Yu.

  Well, it is roughly equivalent to the difference in human skin color, and there is nothing worth seeing.

  So Lu Yu saw the miraculous special drama, [Ultraman] vs. [Kamen Rider].

  Hmm. It’s a good thing it didn’t go live. Otherwise, wouldn’t it be a cross-space copyright fee?

   Relying on the prestige of fighting on the boat, Lu Yu was idle at this time instead, and those ultra life forms subdued by him took the initiative to block in front of his challenger.

  If you want to challenge Nemo, you have to beat me first!

   Lu Yu, who somehow became the leader of the young super life, was happy to have someone help him fend off such unnecessary challenges.

   Tired of beating up children on the boat, Lu Yu wanted to find out more about the Holy Mountain now.

  This advanced civilization does not hesitate to spend so much energy in this folding space, what is the plan?

Looking at the scenery next to the dock and on the mainland, the tall trees are lush and lush, and some small strange beasts pass through the forest from time to time. A super life form from the same continent as Nemo grabbed a large number of animals from the depths of the forest with a silly smile. The alien came out.

   "Boy Nemo, why don't you go and fight with those brats, what are you doing here all day long?"

   Before Lu Yu could ask a question, this guy beat him up.

   This group of super life forms who are obviously connected with Kabo frequently left the cave of the dock under the pretext of hunting after they climbed the holy mountain.

  The elder ultra life forms from other continents were accompanied by only a few people, and more than a hundred young ultra life forms came on the other three airships in total.

   After such a comparison, I don’t know whether the continent where Nemo is located is an outstanding person or a concentration camp for rebels.

  Anyway, this group of people stocked young ultra life forms like Nemo around the dock, and they went deep into the holy mountain in groups, and they didn't know what they found there.

  Lu Yu really wanted to take the white wolf from them, but this group of simple super life forms changed their previous heroic style and became tight-lipped.

   "Anyway, don't come here after tomorrow, just stay by the dock."

   "If there is a way, try to see if you can take down a floating ship!"

   "If it fails."

  He patted the strange beast hanging on his body, shook his head and left.

   And soon at the other end, under the cover of layers of energy shields, the ultra life forms headed by Kabo gathered together again. This group of people from the same continent really came to the holy mountain with premeditation.

   "Tomorrow is the moment to decide the fate of our race."

  “Since we discovered the ruins of civilization that were erased one by one three hundred years ago, we have been working hard for this moment.”

   "The 351 members of the same race we swore to the spirit of the ancestors together at that time, now we are the only ones who have come here."

   "Adhering to their last wish, for our tribe and for our future generations, they will never be holy mountain playthings and puppets again!"

   "Fight! Fight!"

  (end of this chapter)

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