MTL - Black Technology: Starting From the Space Jumping Machine-Chapter 136 Suicide 【Ultraman】

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  Chapter 136 Suicide [Ultraman]

   What dream scene is this?

  Lu Yu turned the magnification to the maximum, looked at the projection in front of him again and again, and then had to admit that this thing really looks like Ultraman.

   But it is much larger than Ultraman, and it is nearly 200 meters from the analysis of the image alone.

   This human-shaped object obviously used its hands to grab the fixed valve on the rocket, and it broke through to the low-earth orbit from a planet eight times the mass of the earth in this way.

  Just increasing to the first cosmic speed of this planet can make the human body structure collapse, and this thing is still hanging outside the rocket.

  If it is really a living thing, how strong is its body structure?

  I'm not really in the M78 nebula, am I?

   According to Lu Yu's amazed observation, the rocket has arrived in low-earth orbit, and is preparing to rely on constant acceleration to move to a higher orbit.

   At this time, Lu Yu also turned his attention away from the too weird humanoid creature, and looked at the rocket that has been providing amazing thrust all the time!

   It is obviously not a chemical fuel, and it can break through such a large planetary gravity under the condition of electric energy, which proves that the technological level will not be lower than the second-level civilization.

  But because of using this more traditional method, even if there is a civilization on the super earth, it will not surpass the planetary civilization, right?

  In the initial detection of No. 7, let alone technology, there is no life on this super-Earth.

   The fact that it was completely inconsistent with the observed facts made Lu Yu understand that there must be tricks in it.

   Fortunately, with the armor of the Silver Star, Lu Yu didn't have to worry about his own safety at all. He simply observed the interesting phenomenon in front of him like watching a play with No. 7.

  After the rocket advanced to a higher orbit, the humanoid creature that seemed to be riding on the rocket stretched its body as if stretching its waist, and it seemed that it didn't have any defensive measures that it should have in space.

   This once made Lu Yu suspect that these were just humanoid mechas that looked like Ultraman, and the reason for their appearance was of course the Silver Star, a UFO that suddenly appeared on the planetary ring.

   Is it just a little more casual?

  When approaching the area where Lu Yu was, the human-shaped object suddenly kicked on the rocket, and rushed towards the asteroid hundreds of kilometers away from the Silver Star.

  But he stopped because of this, and started digging crazily on the asteroid. It seemed that there was something he was looking forward to hiding on the asteroid compared to the Silver Star.

  Lu Yu suddenly asked No. 7: "If I remember correctly, there are a lot of uranium mines on that asteroid, right?"


  A message flashed on Qiha's red pupils: "Asteroid numbered T82793, according to the discovery two days ago, there are a large number of uranium deposits distributed on this asteroid..."

This is one of the reasons why Lu Yu chose to stay in this planetary ring. The formation of planetary rings requires that the temperature of the space where the planet itself is located should be low enough to retain a large amount of granular matter from the original period of star formation. Secondly, the mass of the planet is also It needs to be large enough so that the space half-longitude governed by the planet's Losey limit extends far enough.

Obviously, terrestrial planets do not have such conditions, so they do not have such halos. The ones with halos can only be Jupiter-like planets and other planets with larger masses and farther away from the sun. This is the halo of planets. The reason why it only exists around Jupiter-like planets, but this reason is only a basic reason for the formation of planetary rings.

The actual situation will still vary depending on the situation of the specific planet. Due to the large mass of Jupiter, the heat generated during the gravitational contraction period is large, thus expelling more primitive residual materials around the star, forming a narrow halo, which is rocky. According to the observation data in recent years, the halo of Saturn may not have been formed spontaneously, but was formed after a large satellite collided and shattered, but the fragments fell within the Losey limit and could no longer form a satellite. As for this The satellite of David itself may have been one of its previous captive objects.

The super-Earth in front of us is a kind of terrestrial planet. It should not have a planetary ring, but it does already exist. The most reliable guess is that the satellite of this planet collided with a comet before it was formed. it.

  The material of that satellite has also become a mining area suspended outside the planet, containing a large amount of material that is difficult to mine in the earth's crust, and is now distributed on the vast planetary ring, which also attracts Lu Yu to stay.

   But no matter what the reason is, they need to pay attention to the weird humanoid object in front of them.

   After happily digging around on the asteroid full of uranium ore, it dug up something in the depths, and it just opened its mouth and swallowed it!

  ? ?

   "Is that high-concentration uranium ore? It seems that it is not a living thing, it should be some kind of technological creation?"

  Looking at this scene, Lu Yu analyzed and said: "It's just that such a flexible machine has been built, and the technological level of this hidden civilization should not use such a rough collection method..."

  The reason for Lu Yu's analysis is also very simple. It is not as simple as stealing sacrifices in front of the Silver Star. According to the observed data, it is a high concentration of uranium in space!

  Compared with a creature that can evolve a nuclear reactor in its stomach, Lu Yu prefers it to be some kind of technological creation.

   Even if you look like Ultraman, you can't evolve so crookedly, right?

  Then Lu Yu saw this huge human-shaped creature writhing in space with its belly in its arms, as if the large amount of uranium ore it had just eaten began to undergo some kind of reaction inside.

   While thumping, it still didn't give up swallowing the uranium ore, until finally its body twitched for a long time, and then lay motionless on the asteroid.

   "Detect that its internal temperature continues to rise!"

   "Suspected nuclear fission reaction!"

  Although it is motionless, there are always changes inside. It's just that Lu Yu's observation methods are much weaker now, and he can only use relatively primitive optical and thermal imaging, a few limited methods of observation.

  It's just that as time goes by, the observation data fed back by No. 7 actually points to a weird conclusion.

   "From the feedback data, it has obvious biological characteristics, and it is more like a biological creature than a mechanical creation!"

  I don’t believe in light, so why did I really meet ‘Ultraman’?

   Seeing such data, Lu Yu couldn't help but turn on the cross-space communication of Base Zero again. How could he be allowed to eat this kind of melon alone?

  The experts at Base Zero were shocked when they saw such a strange creature.

   "This completely violates the laws of evolution!"

   "Organisms that evolve in a planetary environment are absolutely impossible to adapt to the space environment. This has nothing to do with the limitations of organisms, but the environment determines the expression of genes from the very beginning!"

   "And on a super earth with eight times the mass, how could there be a natural race like 'Ultraman'? Terrible gravity can crush themselves, and it stands to reason that they can't even stand up!"

  Experts in biology used virtual reality to express their views on the humanoid creatures that were already lying flat and no longer moving.

   "Let's not talk about why this race exists."

  Lu Yu asked the most critical question in virtual reality: "Why did he come to space and devour these uranium mines? If this thing is what their race wants to eat, it seems to be dead now?"

  That's right, after No. 7 reported from the data that this [Ultraman] was a living thing, Lu Yu thought about it and came to a strange judgment.

  Co-authoring it, this is suicide in the universe, right?

   What kind of weird performance art is this? ?

   Lu Yu, who claims to have seen a lot, can only say that he has never seen this scene.

  So we can only let the experts of Base Zero go out and see what they can analyze from the established cosmic sociology and biology!

  The original materials of these subjects all come from planetary schools, but what is strange is that these materials are attributed to the spontaneous collection of students from various races.

  The Alliance of Conscious Life Forms at most provides a storage place, so that many scientific reference materials established and perfected by human beings are not lost.

   "No. 802 cosmic race, fungal race."

   "In the asteroid belt where this civilization was born, a civilization was established relying on the heat of mineral radiation, but the scale is very small, and it cannot even enter a first-level civilization."

   "No. 921 cosmic race, fungal race."

   "On the satellite where this race was born, relying on hundreds of millions of mutations, it evolved into a cluster of radiation-eating mineral bacteria, with obvious neurological responses, but it still failed to develop civilization."

   "Cosmic Race No. 1243,..."

  Experts compared the content fed back from the database, and some races that can naturally use radiation minerals are some fungal races, and they have not even been able to establish civilization.

  The [Ultraman] in front of him arrived at the planetary ring on a rocket in a weird way, obviously surpassing those fungal races that have not even established civilization.

And with the development of civilization to this extent, the efficiency of this [Ultraman] eating method is still too low. This race can completely mine the minerals in the planet, and even send spaceships to mine asteroids rich in radiation minerals, and then transport them back to the planet .

   Which of these methods is much more efficient than the method of coming to the planetary ring in person?

   It can only be said that the universe is so big and full of wonders.

  After Lu Yu threw the subject to the experts at Base Zero, he simply observed this strange creature in the increasingly crowded living quarters.

  In the current living area, there are newly built laboratories everywhere. They recycle the simple processed materials from the outside into the living area, and complete the final assembly under the auspices of No. 7!

   This is also helpless.

  The space that once could hold the entire star system, now there is only such a space bubble left.

   "The reaction temperature in its body began to decrease?"

   "Biological response drops rapidly!"

   Almost a day later, this strange creature that swallowed at least a ton of uranium ore seemed to have finally come to the end of its life.

  According to No. 7's feedback data, its fire of life is being extinguished, and it will soon become an inconspicuous garbage in space.

   “Must dissect it! We’ll be watching the whole thing in virtual reality!”

   "This is a huge supplement to the biology of the universe. I feel that the key to the origin of super creatures can be found from it!"

  Experts have been gearing up for this [Ultraman] in virtual reality early on, just waiting for it to swallow its last breath.

  During Lu Yu's previous space travels, he had seen conscious life forms and all kinds of strange races in the Planetary School, but the only thing he hadn't seen was the so-called super species!

   There have been similar roles in many science fiction works of human beings, and the most famous one is the Superman series of movies that were once smashing.

  Technology and technological creations are not necessarily the only scrolls leading to the end in this universe.

  The super creature in human fantasy has an unimaginable evolution rate, and an individual can reach a fleet or even the power of a civilization.

  But in fact, according to the race database obtained from the Planetary School, the Alliance of Conscious Life Forms has never encountered this kind of race in the territory of ten trillion light years. off limits to life.

   Unless it is a technological creation, there will be no creatures that evolve on planets that can naturally adapt to the cosmic environment.

  But the humanoid creature in front of him seems to have shaken this point of view, so biological experts are eager to analyze this strange behavior of the creature!

   And when you are looking at the landscape, you are also embellishing the landscape.

  Asteroids are also in motion in space, and also have their own revolution and rotation periods. The same is true for the planetary belt, which is a macroscopic phenomenon jointly constructed by the four major forces.

  Already dying 【Ultraman】, looking back at his short life.

  It is indeed a creature, and it can even be regarded as the standard of super creatures in most human novels.

  Body alone can grasp the rocket and break through the huge gravitational force, and rely on the body structure alone to resist the space environment.

   Also relying solely on the physical body, it can clearly see the silver star hundreds of kilometers away.

  This spaceship is like the silver tears of the gods falling on the ordinary asteroid, and it is so beautiful under the light of the stars!

  So it started to move, even though its body was not as flexible as before, and even though the space environment made it feel so strange, it still drove the body that had begun to collapse because it couldn't adapt to nuclear energy, and ran towards the most beautiful thing.

   That's right!

   Indeed ran.

  His huge body is stepping on the asteroid, relying on the reaction force to move forward at extreme speed in the planetary belt.

   These asteroids are like steps, providing the final passage for this dying creature!

This change came too suddenly. The creature that was about to cool off completely in the previous second actually burst out with unimaginable energy in the next second. It even took only a minute to reach the silver star from a distance of hundreds of kilometers. number before.

  The huge kinetic energy impact even pushed the asteroid off its orbit, and the humanoid creature was still exhausted after jumping here, and knelt down in front of the Silver Star.

  Its chest suddenly opened, revealing a ring with a radius of about two meters at the center.

  It also tried to pick up the Silver Star and send it into the ring, but the absolutely smooth surface and space anchoring were obstacles it couldn’t break through at all.

   And it has no more time.

   This creature, which has been doing behaviors that Lu Yu couldn't understand since it appeared on the stage, seemed to die in front of the Silver Star after a series of futile actions.

  (end of this chapter)