MTL - Billion Technology Crystal System-Chapter 771 : I exploded! Be sure!

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Is the sun really a problem?

If the sun is really the problem, the consequences can hardly be imagined.

Everyone was shocked.

Their emotions are a little emotional.

If it is really the sun, then explain why the major regions should unite and build the dungeon together, is this not to avoid the high temperature of the sun.

"Mr. Ye, since you said that the sun has a problem, why the temperature at night will be like winter, and even snow will continue to fall in some areas, and there will be hail?"

A very professional reporter asked a question.

Ye Fan heard this question without any hesitation: "Why there will be continuous snowfall at night and even hail in some places. This phenomenon is very understandable, because the temperature during the day is too high, countless lakes and countless water resources are evaporated A water vapor layer is formed, and this water vapor layer will not rain under the strong temperature during the day. When the sun sets, the temperature will show extreme differences, and the water vapor layer will naturally freeze, so that hail will appear, Snow days and other scenery."

"This is why, why there is no rainfall in spring, which is very inconsistent with the laws of nature!"

Hearing Ye Fan's explanation, everyone suddenly realized.

Oh I see.

No wonder every night is just like snow and ice.

"Mr. Naye, the underground city was built to avoid high temperatures. So why do ion engines need to be built in major areas because of energy problems? If the sun is really a problem, then our crops, food, water and other supplies , What should I do?"

"Mr. Yeh, is there really no way to solve the problem of the sun? What exactly happened will cause it to look like this?"

"The temperature is rising sharply, is the sun about to explode?"

The reporters were nervous questioners.

The atmosphere at the scene has changed.

Became a bit depressed.

And in the major live broadcast rooms, it is even more lively.

"His, the sun is about to explode, fog grass, this reporter really dare to say!"

"It turns out that this is the case. I said that it was snowing at night. I thought that there were some incredible signs. It turned out that it was affected by extreme weather!"

"In extreme weather, it seems that the sun is really irreversible. Otherwise, why is it so serious?"


Ye Fan heard the questions from reporters and thought about it, looking at the solar system on the big holographic screen: "Why don't we build the ion engine? Let's talk about why the sun will happen!"

"Why is it so abnormal!"

"First, the sun is rapidly aging. At one time, our sun was in midlife, and the sun was going to fall, at least tens of millions of years. I don’t know when it will start. Our sun is rapidly aging. The phenomenon is that the sun is expanding rapidly, and flares are constantly erupting. According to the analysis of our countless scientists, it shows that there is an oxygen fault inside the sun, which can be compared to a nuclear fusion device, and nuclear fusion is supported by palladium. If one day, the element of palladium suddenly disappears, can the nuclear fusion device continue to operate?"

"The answer is definitely not. If there is a lack of palladium, then the entire nuclear fusion device will have an energy fault, and once the energy is not stabilized, it will collapse. Therefore, the sun now appears like nuclear fusion. Fault collapse device, rapid expansion, rapid aging!"

"Second, flare flickers, flare is a dangerous substance released by the sun, and this substance cannot be seen with the naked eye, but everyone can feel it, such as the high temperature that everyone feels, this is the responsible use of the flare. !"


Ye Fan's words fell.

The scene took a breath of air.

All eyes are full of incredible expressions.

is this real?

The sun continues to age.

Once inflated, it will become a super huge red giant star, and the red giant star will then explode.

Once it exploded.

Does the entire solar system still exist?

The answer does not need to be known, the entire solar system will be blown up completely!

This is too scary?

"You are right. If the sun expands to a certain level of energy, a red giant state will occur. The erupted energy will devour the entire solar system, and the ion engine is exactly what we want to build!"

"Stop the rotation of the earth, push the earth and escape from the solar system!"


Ye Fan said with solemn eyes.

The scene was boiling.

Blood is surging one by one.

Dumbfounded expression.

They were really shocked by the news.

Stop earth rotation? ? ?

Escape from the solar system? ? ?

Are you sure this is nonsense?

The reporters were silent.

But in the live room, there was a frying pan.

"Mistgrass, Mistgrass, stop the earth's rotation and escape from the solar system. Was this terrible plan planned by Ye Fan?"

"My mother, will I leave the solar system in my lifetime? Will I see aliens in other star fields? My God, this plan..."

"His, am I crazy, or Ye Fan crazy, or are all major regions crazy? Who proposed this plan? This is too showy, it is too bold, let alone stop the earth from rotating. Is this possible? Also, to escape the solar system, rely on the ion engine? Do you know how big the entire solar system is? And you know how much traction is in each galaxy's orbit, this plan is really crazy!"

The live broadcast exploded.

The reporters were dumbfounded.

And the whole network.

The news that Ye Fan said started to hit the list instantly.

[Explosion: Ye Fan said, we are about to face the end, the sun begins to age rapidly, leaving us human time, not much! 】

[The original reason for the construction of the underground city is to avoid the high temperature, the sun is rapidly aging and expanding rapidly, and it will soon explode! 】

[Whether the information is accurate is under investigation! 】

[Explosion: Ye Fan said to stop the rotation of the earth and escape from the solar system! 】

[Stop the rotation of the earth and escape from the solar system. This plan is crazy. Can it really succeed? 】

Those netizens who did not watch the live broadcast were dumbfounded.

The media is crazy?

Or are we blind?

These news, UU reading is written by unscrupulous media.

But why is it in the top ten?

And it's all about these news.

Is it true that these news are not fake, but true?

Numerous netizens heard the news and began to browse frantically.

After browsing, their heartbeats are rapidly accelerating.

Do not.

It's not that the media is crazy.

Nor are they dazzled.

It's true!


Read The Duke's Passion