MTL - Billion Technology Crystal System-Chapter 764 : Perseverance! Be sure!

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Suddenly the words were reconciled.

Very weird.

What's even more weird is that these major groups obviously have a relationship with regional officials.

Especially the future technology crystallization company.

And what role the future technology crystallization company plays here, Will is not clear.

Everywhere revealed strange.

As a hacker, Will, how could he not be interested in these?

He is collecting all the information.

Collected several G data.

Most of these materials are about environmental resources.

Where is the earthquake?

Where did the volcano erupt.

The extinct volcano became an active volcano.

Where did the tsunami occur.

Where the crust broke.

and also.

To what extent the icebergs in the north and south poles have melted.

How many creatures have died in the North and South Pole.

These data, Will collected a lot.

He was browsing, every detail, he did not want to let go.

Everything starts with the melting of the glaciers in the South and the Arctic.

Two years ago.

The glaciers in the Arctic and Antarctic are melting at the same time.

You should know that at that time, there were snowflakes on the streets.

However, the temperature in the north and south poles is constantly rising.

Numerous glaciers have melted, and a large number of creatures living in the north and south have been dying. Even icebergs have experienced avalanches.

This has revealed strangeness.

In the past, Will did not pay attention to these news, because he did not care about these. In his cognition, the survival of mankind is itself an unfairness to nature.

Isn't the environment of nature changed like this, caused by human beings?

Factory pollution.

Vehicle emissions.

River pollution.

Domestic garbage, white garbage.


Are these not exactly threats to nature.

Now, the situation seems to be more terrifying than you think. After the melting of the glaciers in the Arctic and Arctic, there are signs of recovery in the dead volcanoes in several areas, and even a few erupted.

Extinct volcano.

If you want to recover, it is simply impossible, unless the cause of unstable geocentric.

And at that time.

After the media reported, people just saw it as a spectacle.

Many people are surprised.

I think this is a great power of nature!

Now it seems that it is completely different from what I think.

Many extinct volcanoes have recovered.

There are also places with high-frequency earthquakes. The frequency of earthquakes is higher than before and the number of earthquakes has increased. All these have happened hundreds of times from two years ago to this year.

What is more serious is that the crust is unstable.

There was a break.

The temperature this year is slightly higher.

In many places, many people get heat stroke.

Hot people can't bear it at all.

The temperature is rising!

And Will also found a very interesting thing, that is, since two years ago, the temperature has continued to soar, and the number of soaring is also very regular.

From the past six months to the current month, it appears twice or even three times, and the frequency is constantly increasing.

Ville continued to browse.

Looking at a lot of media reports, some of them reported this way.

It is an announcement about the recent actions in major regions.

In his news.

It's written like this.

The major officials are making holes in the ground, and there is still a lot of soil being pulled away to fill the sea. Is their purpose to build an underground city?

Is there something to avoid?

Seeing this news, Will froze in his heart.


This idea has something to do with what happened recently.

The temperature is soaring, what to do if you want to avoid the high temperature, then you can only live underground.

Only in the ground, the temperature will not be so hot.

If this is the case.

Isn't the official action of the major regions just to build an underground city?

Let everyone enter the dungeon life!

If this is the case.

That's a big deal!

Will panicked.

While he was watching the news, he found a very interesting news, that is about Marlow Jack's news, this internationally famous professor, such a prestigious professor, was even proposed to the Science Alliance.

It even disappeared.

This attracted Will's attention.

This time it disappeared and was kicked out with great fanfare.

Obviously this is someone who did it on purpose.

How great is Marlow Jack ’s reputation, it is estimated that many people around the world know it, even if you do n’t know the name, as long as you see the person, you will say who is who, who is who.

Everyone has an impression of Marlow Jack.

Will does the same.

Since Marlow Jack disappeared suddenly, he must know what.

Let's see what Professor Marlow Jack did before disappearing.

Will narrowed his eyes and began to use his hacking techniques to investigate everything about Marlow Jack.

Marlow Jack ’s personal computer is offline.

Message uploaded by Marlow Jack Labs.

All have been deleted.

Empty document.

This made Will more interested.

There is nothing in the laboratory's documentation. Isn't this someone intentionally?


I couldn't find anything.

Will is investigating all of Marlo Jack's social networking sites and found that all of his social networking site registered accounts have been cancelled.

Some even cancelled directly from the official website.

Looking at these doubts, Will's expression became more solemn.

It would seem that the official website is not good enough to cancel these accounts on the official website.

Will didn't give up.

This is a breakthrough.

Will's spirit of not giving up continues to search all the information about Marlow Jack.

All the clues, all social networking sites of Marlow Jack.

He did not believe that this group of people could be so clean.

There will always be something left.

I hope the professor will not let himself down.

Internet high-end cloud disk server.

Ok? ?

He registered with his son's account!

This is not his son's account, absolutely not.

Isn't that nonsense?

How old is his son, less than ten years old, what is the use of this cloud disk server?

Anyone can register a cloud disk server. As long as it costs money, anyone can store a large amount of data in the server.

The cloud disk is connected to the computer.

All your data on the computer will be saved in the cloud disk.

This is the benefit of cloud disk. UU reading book

It is also a benefit of server loading.

When the computer is not configured, you can use the loading server to play games.

Even if your computer is garbage, as long as your network is good enough, all operations of your game will be analyzed and processed by cloud disk server.

This is the benefit of cloud disk.

Will entered the cloud disk easily.

There are many files inside.

But most of them are some junk software about games.

Will narrowed his eyes.

This seems to be used by his son, but it certainly won't be like this.

I must be able to find out.
