MTL - Bestial Blade-Chapter 8 Flee

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After hearing this, Huayi didn't dare to stay in place, so he went deep into the forest.

After a brief confusion in his mind, he became extremely clear. At this time, Huayi had only one idea in mind—his second brother Jing Chu was crazy, and he was going to notify Aye and other brothers.

Huayi plunged into a wolf's den, and the old wolf hiding in the cave stood up and screamed at him, but Huayi blinked and turned into a white monster with a whole body, a roar in his throat, right The old wolf showed sharp fangs. The old wolf has been living in the jungle for a long time. The law of nature and the jungle are very knowledgeable about the current affairs. When he saw such a strong man, he suddenly retreated to the side with his tail and did not dare to touch his edge.

However, the old wolf was surprised to find that this mighty uninvited guest was not interested in its food, but rolled in the wolf's urine, and the snow-colored hair color immediately dim, dripping yellow soup, and looked disgusting. It's funny.

Huayi felt that the smell of wolf urine was enough to cover his own smell, so he kept the animal nature and ran out.

He didn't know how long the wolf urine could hide his taste, but he knew that he could only be more capable, and now he was only a little over fourteen years old. He was still a teenager, not obvious when he was in human form. Compared with the adult beast, it is obviously not big enough, and it is definitely not a fight for the second group of a bunch of extremely fierce thugs.

What's more, Huayi knows that his second brother Jingchu is just an Asian beast, but he can win over such a large group of orcs to die for him. It can be seen that he must have more powerful tricks. Huayi can't think of any tricks. He knew he couldn't handle it.

He can only escape.

Huayi knew that those who searched for him were always behind him. He hid, very frightened, and sometimes turned into an adult and hid.

He ran to the most dangerous and remote place. The thorny thorns left small wounds on his face and body, and he was soaked with sweat, and he hurt hotly, and the pain seemed to be more sober. Four or five times in his mind, Huayi hid aside, watching those who pursued him almost pass him by.

On the most dangerous occasion, Huayi accidentally left a footprint and was recognized. He could not avoid it, and had to turn back into a human shape. He went into a big python hole.

God seems to want to hit him as a sinking dog. The big python was at home. It didn't expect someone to be so brave. Even its cave house dared to break in. It spit out the letter and sinuously. Huayi.

If the big python, which is thicker than the human waist, is horrible in normal times, Huayi will not take this thing too seriously, but he knows that after the orc becomes a beast, the senses of the five senses and six senses are not as good as those of the human form. Know how many times stronger. He didn't even dare to come out, let alone talk about beasts or fight with this beast.

Not to mention that he was so narrow in the snake hole that he couldn't even turn around.

The boa quickly wrapped around his body and neck.

Huayi knew that it was strangled alive and swallowed little by little.

Through the branches and leaves of the snake hole, Huayi saw that the orcs who were going to kill him were looking for him within easy reach.

Huayi gritted his teeth and grabbed the seven inches of the snake with his bare hands, so that one person and one snake were relatively silent. The serpent felt his hand strength, and was more reluctant to give up. He exhausted his whole body to pile on his neck. Huayi's face rose to purple, and the blood vessels seemed to burst from the skin.

He couldn't breathe, he just closed, desperately gripped the snake head and snake body, his fingers could not help but grow hair, his nails rose sharply by two inches, his joints were pressed down, and he digged into the hard snake's hard scales. .

A rolling wolf is squatting not far from the mouth of the snake hole, and is staring at this side. This thing is slightly larger than the rabbit. It specializes in eating the leftovers of other people. It is very ghostly. It is more aware than any other animal or person. At the battle of life and death here, waiting for a full meal, saliva dripped from my mouth, and greedy light flashed in the green eyes.

Huayi waited for the people who searched him to pass, and the serpent waited for him to die, and no one would die first.

Huayi felt that his bones were about to be struck out by the snake, but he didn't know despair, just anger.

The anger that had never been experienced in fourteen years erupted from his body like this. He was dazzled, stuck in the snake's lifeline, his face was raised with blue veins, and his mildly beautiful eyebrows seemed to be squinted-- Can flesh and blood love each other?

In the world, even a dad's brother can't trust it, all waiting to poke his knife side by side, who else can believe it?

The friendship that has grown up for more than ten years, is it because his dad just wants to marry a girl from an adjacent tribe to be his wife, can it kill his brother?

He still didn't understand. The second brother didn't stop there. He hadn't told the father and mother about this. He hadn't got justice for the skeletal bones. The skeletal bones were only seven years old. If someone kills someone, who can I talk to?

The moment was infinitely long and infinitely difficult.

Finally, the snake didn't fight the angry young hunter. The deadly seven inches were pierced by Huayi's sharp nails. It twisted and struggled for a while, and fell softly on his shoulder. It was able to encase him all in it.

If the Asian Orc is not strong enough, I am afraid that even being crushed by this snake carcass, it can be crushed to seven or eight.

Fortunately, at this time, the person who had arrested him had already left, and Huayi crawled out of the snake's body panting, sitting on the ground panting, and then gritted his teeth, got up, turned into a beast, and continued to move forward in despair. Run away.

He didn't have time to cry, he didn't have time to sit in pain.

Huayi's eldest brother has been an adult for a long time, and he has already set up a tent himself. The youngest brother and himself, although it is not good to live with Ama, are also allowed to live near their parents. Huayi was going to be careful He avoided people, but approached the edge of his third brother's tent, and did not see a usual guard.

how can that be?

The youngest man with a high profile, likes to rely on the identity of the leader's son, and asks a large number of people to give him a show.

However, there was nothing near his tent at this time, and he could not see the shadow of half a person.

Huayi's heart jumped wildly, he recovered, and by the night, quickly leaped out of the bushes, blocked his figure by the tent, and before he passed, he smelled a strong **** smell.

The young man's heart sank to the bottom, his breath trembling.

I don't know how long, Huayi finally took up the courage, walked lightly, opened the corner of the third child's tent-he saw his third brother's body hanging upside down in the account, and was dug up Eyes.

Digging his eyes is because the killer is worried that the deceased will return to take revenge. He wants to let his soul fly away and never turn over forever.

Huayi's eyes were blurred, he bit his teeth so hard that he couldn't let a whining sound, but he burst into tears. His second brother, dug the eyes of the third brother.

Huayi stumbled and found a large rock on the hillside where the third tent was located. He hid behind and carefully leaned his head out. From here, just looking down, he could see the hillside. His leader Adie and the grannies Our tent.

There was a bright light there, and the beasts of the monsters were everywhere. His second brother sat on the animal skin chair that Ati had called when he convened the elders, holding in his hand a string of beads that I did n’t know what to make. Holding his chin, a handsome face was haze under the light of fire.

He said something softly, and then the orcs lying at his feet shouted to the sky together, and the whole world seemed to tremble with the roar.

Then some orcs scattered in an orderly manner, apparently in search of the missing brother's trace.

Huayi wiped his tears fiercely and turned to run away from the tribe.

He has to live—Ama and his brothers are all dead, only he is still alive—Huayi runs up dead, and only he is left, he has to remember it all, live for all of them, and get back all of these.

This boy was born with a gentleness and kindness, and even some kind of women are always worried about others. They are incompatible with the northern orc tribe that always advocates barbarism and strength. He always thought that he was right. He always felt those **** and fighting. It is meaningless. He always can tolerate the ridicule and provocation given by others.

Isn't it good for everyone to work together, live a good life, and live happily together?

But at this time he finally understood that it was the only person who thought so in the world. But it was too late, he had lost everything.

Huayi finally embarked on this long road of escape.