MTL - Bestial Blade-Chapter 76 It's hard to sleep on the pillow of the East China Sea

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The weather in Huayi was cloudy, and even Soleil, who was sitting next to him, ignored it. A huge map of cowhide covered the entire table.

His original intention was to ask Cazoki to attack his opponent, and the reinforcements immediately followed, and he became a thunderous force. No matter who the opponent was, he could scare his courage.

However, before he ordered, Cazzo had no news.

Over fifty individuals taken away by Cazzo lost contact with Wang Cheng overnight, as if disappearing from the world.

"It's just a stone. You can hear it when you throw it into the water." Huayi looked at Solem with a somber face. All the collected information was analyzed by Solem's hands. The "heralds of the gods" were barely worthy of the name in the past-at least in the impression of Huayi, he had never made such a mistake, "Did you marry your daughter-in-law and marry your brain?"

Solemy stared at the two big dark circles and said blankly, "That's better than you. Maybe one of your 'daughters' will marry, and you'll marry your head."

Huayi slaps at the table and growls at him: "Whoever **** play with you, you have to give me an explanation!"

"Okay, listen to me." Solemy waved his hands weakly, tilted his head back, and wiped his face from the spitting stars sprayed by Huayi. "Let's call someone for an urgent message first, and our reinforcement now I'm afraid I didn't get out of the last level, and I asked them to stop and wait on the spot. Then you and I see, where is the loophole, and you will scold me when you find out, will you? I'll tell you, you can wash your face with saliva at that time. "

Huayi calmed down and watched Solaimu silence for a moment, then said, "You are so disgusting."

Soleil was speechless and had to lower his head to contemplate.

Until the sun goes down, Chang'an is back, and the two of them are still staring at each other in the account. No one has thought of any key issues.

I saw that Huayi was like a donkey, and he was turning around in the same place. He still had a long strip of cloth dragged from the top of the king's tent somehow. He walked around, and the cloth strip went to the rope. Laimu circled around him. When Chang'an came in, Solim had been wrapped into a big white cricket, only showing a small head with a high hat, and he looked at himself with a strange expression.

Chang'an: "..."

Huayi pointed at the sorrow of Solemu and said, "He pits me."

Changan frowned.

In general, Huayi will be somewhat human in the king's account, and the cramps will not be drawn here. Obviously, if he is not extremely boring at this time, he will have a big trouble that makes him feel tricky.

Sure enough, Solemmu quickly said to Chang An: "Kazo is gone."

Chang'an: "Have you gone?"

Solaim shouted at Huayi: "Let me go and tell me to talk!"

Huayi pulled down the cloth strips forcefully without expression, and Solaim was like a white banner, straightly raised into the mid-air in the king's account ...

Huayi: "You said."

Solaim sighed and struggled for a while without success, but had to say in this ascension posture, "I think from the beginning to the end, whether it is my analysis of the enemy during this time, or what Cazzo has done so far, I think there is no problem, so if the other person is not the tapeworm in your stomach, it is ... "

His voice broke for a moment, and he bowed his head laboriously, his hat dangling from his head, looking very dangerous.

Huayi looked up, his eyes met him, their eyes were exactly the same.

Solimu said word by word: "It's ... a traitor."

"Kazo's communication with us has never been cut off. Even a few times you think his actions are too risky. He is an old hunter and is very good at hiding. So far he has not made any mistakes. Finally he wrote to us and said I found the other's main account. "Solemu seemed to have forgotten that he was hung in the air, and said endlessly," On that day, you rushed to tell three orders that he should not act lightly. Call, and talk for two days, until you finally receive the news from Kazuo again, you decide on the charter, until this time, eight people, no one has released your king account. "

Huayi slowly said: "Then ... I will send all the city's governors and riders into the account, and then I will send the order to the rest of the cities, so that they will immediately enter the king city, and wait for all the people to complete the collection. It's another three days to gather in the King City. If someone leaks the secret, it should be before this time, because I have n’t leaked anything that Cazzo and I have said to other city leaders, nor have I said that the special envoy I sent out is Cazor, just inform them that there are foreign enemies coming and ask them to be transferred to the King City for unified deployment. You mean, in the city ... "

Solemus interrupted him in a low voice: "No, it's hard to say. There are a total of three guards and six guards in the city, and the eighteen governors ride. They usually look up with Kazo and look down, but they have not seen him for days. Although no one said, no one is a fool. I'm afraid they have counted them in the middle. You call them in the middle of the night, and if someone cares about them, they don't necessarily understand what is going on. "

Huayi glanced at Chang'an, who had been silent for a while, and smiled at Solay with a bitter smile: "Why, are you afraid of my suspicion?"

"The main account discovered by Cazor, I'm sure it's not a trap-our enemies are good at thinking long-term and are not leaking. If the other party knew that Cazor had been secretly investigating, he deliberately set a trap to hook him up, and only ended up These dozens of people are really not in line with his ambitions. "Solemui ignored, and said directly," Since most of the main account is true, the leaker must be the exact information obtained at that time, if it is our people I'm afraid it's not just Kazuo who is missing at this time ... Ah! Huayi, you jerk! "

With a loose hand, Huayi loosened the tail of the cloth strip, sole wood rolled on the ground with his thick "shell", and Huayi wrapped him like a big meat worm, crawling and crawling Can't get up.

Huayi stood back and spoke his hands behind his back without pain, and nodded leisurely, "Yes, the elder has a long-term vision and a delicate mind."

Chang'an had no choice but to stand the saber on one side and step forward to drag out the struggling Solem.

While Huayi watched Chang'an clumsily tying the rope awkwardly and tossing Solem wood alive, he sat down on the king's account and said slowly: "If so, I have some numbers in my mind, but the person of Cazor is rougher, but when it comes to doing things, the road is good. You are brave, you are sure, you have wisdom, and you are reluctant. He will kill him immediately. Yes, I will ask your daughter-in-law to accompany Aye, so that she can be more at ease. In addition, I ordered my secret tonight to seal the city, so that everyone would give me quietly, from the third general and the sixth Shou, 18th Governor Riding back to check for me, I would like to see who this caring person is. "

Changan nodded and said, "I know, I'll take someone in person."

Solaim yelled, "You know what a fart! Lao Tzu's arm is about to be cut off for you, open it for me! Are you stupid or do you deliberately entertain Lao Tzu like your man?"

Huayi laughed back and forth.

Solemy stared at him with a gloomy look for a while, and suddenly he laughed and said slowly: "Yes, in the city, we can close the door and hit the dog, but the enemy in front is again What about? The city's elites are all gathered by you, and now you stop them, how is it good? Could it be called back? How can you give a charter? "

Huayi froze.

Then he heard Solaim continued: "Kazuo's whereabouts are unknown, Shanxi is now assigned to be the master of the Great Wall City, and he can't wait for a while. Lu Quan has been sent out by you. Who else can use it now?"

Before Huayi had time to speak, Chang'an said very eloquently: "It's okay, I'll take someone over."

Solimu busy interjected: "Yes, the city owner is wise."

Huayi: "Wait a minute, who said to go with you? Who took care of me when you left Wangcheng? Who is responsible for what happened, and then search for someone who I want to go to?"

Chang'an wondered: "Who are you looking for these trivial matters?"

Huayi: "..."

Except for Chang'an in his hands, the other guards and guards who led the troops did not have any people who could not use them.

Solimu climbed up from the ground with a smile, finishing his appearance and said, "Well, the city owner should think twice. Wang can't live without you for a day. If you go away, who will accompany him to live and eat? He was aggrieved to find him. Who said it? Who should he be happy to show his credit for? We really ca n’t bear to see our subordinates ... "

Chang'an frowned. "I'm not his dad."

Huayi quickly climbed the pole and said, "Yes, Chang'an, listen to me. If you leave Wangcheng, who will look at you taking medicine when you are sick? Who gets up in the middle of the night and is afraid that you will be caught in the cold? No one will take care of you everyday, then What can I do? "

This time Chang'an looked at him with a strange look: "I want to feed on milk, do I want to find you?"

Huayi: "..."

Chang'an clapped and said, "It's settled. I'll tell someone to secretly close the gates at night and check them one by one."

Sollywood stood with his hands aside, looked up at the sky, and looked down at the ground, refusing to show his gloating expression—you are under pressure to entertain me, it's fine, I'll get rid of your people, and it's hard to sleep alone in the East China Sea Sleep, Tokai!

Besides, the gate was closed at one o'clock as usual on this day and night. People in the city didn't feel anything wrong. The night fell and the city was quiet. The lights were really bright under the city walls and no flies could fly out.

A group of people quickly dived into the night, and the orc men in the water all turned into beasts under their feet. They stepped on the meat pads and walked without any sound.

They searched one by one.

Grandma fell asleep until midnight. Suddenly, a tiny bell rang in the bedroom. She was immediately alert, without even thinking about it, and immediately got into the bed like a snake.

Then a noise sounded, and the door was opened from the outside. The faint light and shadow under the bed made her feel that a group of people had entered the house. There were no footsteps. She searched the room and she heard a loud voice: "City Lord, there is no one here."

Grandma quietly sighed, listening to the voice of a man ringing in the courtyard, and said, "Well, let's go."

People backed out one after another and even closed the door for her.

After listening to her ears for a moment, Grandma crawled out of the bed and suddenly made a move—they had no sound at their feet, and they must have turned into half-beasts. They didn't want to be noticed. In this case, why are you talking loudly and quietly? door?

Someone must have heard the tiny bell sounded by her wearing a rope tethered to the door slit to prevent outsiders from breaking in!

Grandma closed her breath and endured under the bed for a long time. At last, after a tea time, a shadow flashed out of the window again. This time Grandma didn't see the truth, but just glimpsed the faint shadow on the ground. Then, like a bird singing, The whistle sounded, and the unpleasant and peeping feeling that made her uncomfortable disappeared.