MTL - Bestial Blade-Chapter 28 Forced marriage

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The unmarried girls gathered together, all in their own groups. Under the large court, it was not dark, and the celebration had not officially started. Except for those who were fortunate to be taken away by them, the guys next to them always drank. I ordered some wine, so I salivated my face, and no one expected that this man would be so shameless.

The orc prisoner's sharp minions grabbed the bare / exposed shoulders of a girl in front of her. How could a flesh-and-blood body stop such minions?

This girl is the daughter of a brave old hunter. Of course, she won't be scared to open her eyes. She doesn't panic. She knows that everyone is behind her. She has nowhere to hide from her, so she can only grit her teeth to draw the waist. The decorative little dagger was attached, but maybe her hands were not fast enough, or maybe there was too much burden on the dagger's case, and the case caught the knife, and in a blink of an eye, the giant claws had passed to her In front of her, Han Guang reflected her shrinking pupil.

Just then, someone suddenly grabbed her belt and carried her back. The girl felt her back hit a hard chest, and then the dagger around her waist was pulled out very lightly. With a "click", she was only halfway out of the scabbard, and before she could see what was going on, she just cut off a finger from the animal claw that came to the door.

Chang'an turned his hand and pushed the woman on her companion, and at the same time was very dissatisfied with the broken dagger that was not in use. This dagger was obviously not for combat. The blade was covered with barbecue oil. He was the little dagger. As dull as a new knife that hasn't been cut.

However, his saber was in the tent, and at the moment it was the only one that could make sense.

Changan's palms turned over, and the little dagger turned around, but it was the counterpart pointed at the handle, and suddenly he stepped forward, avoiding the claws of the beast, and bumped into the orc's arms, and the little dagger seemed to turn out. Hualai, the hilt hit the center of the orc's two collarbone fiercely, the orc almost cut off his breath and leaned back instinctively.

Like a poisonous snake, the dagger clung to his neck with a chill and a metallic smell. The blade did not know when it had turned over again, just rubbed his neck and wiped off a layer of oil skin. On his throat.

"Chang'an!" Solaim suddenly said, "Kill him!"

Chang'an Yuguang glanced at him and ignored him, but said to the orc: "Go back."

He didn't want to kill the killer. Who knew that the orc prisoner went mad and felt like he was being cut out. He didn't care about his life and death. He thought it was the Asian beast who didn't dare to kill. .

Changan's eyebrows twisted, and the blade rushed forward. He just cut some curled daggers into his neck obliquely, and "squeaked", the blood splattered far away, almost wet the girl. Skirt angle.

The falling beast claws no longer had power, and Changan flashed his head on one side. He felt that this man was looking for his own way and it was unreasonable.

Chang An carefully wiped the blood on the dagger with his sleeve, and then returned it to the girl, saying, "The blade is a bit rolled up. You can change it."

I do n’t know who yelled first. A group of guys yelled and rushed together. You punched Changan's shoulder with one punch. Changan was very uncomfortable with this overly warm gesture, and The girl he rescued suddenly and loudly and publicly announced loudly: "A father, I fancy him! Marry him!"

A middle-aged orc standing next to him looked up and down in Chang'an and asked helplessly: "Young man, how old are you?"

"..." Changan, "eighteen."

"Ouch, they are not yet adults." The middle-aged orc glared at her daughter.

"It's been two years, and I'm waiting for him!" The girl was right at her aunt.

Everyone laughed, the middle-aged man blushed, and felt that his daughter was a bit shame-since ancient times, girls were ordered when they were about to reach adulthood. How can anyone wait for the man? Do you want to marry more?

The girl lined up the crowd, walked to Changan, and said, "Hey, my name is Alan. What's your name? May I marry you?"

The crowd laughed again-they didn't even know what their name was, so they ran up and yelled to marry them. Alan's father seemed to find a place to drill in.

Chang'an was scared. He took a big step back, staring at his eyes and staring at this bold girl who was shorter than him.

Alan asked, "You said, I don't look good?"

Chang'an felt that his nod was not right, his head was not right, and his hairs were erected.

Alan was terribly hot and pressed tightly. She took a step forward, and Changan stepped back, back into the crowd, and was pushed out by the roaring men. Alan's father lamented, "Alan, you Come here! Don't you think it's shameful? "

Alan said: "No!"

Someone made a bad move and deliberately pushed Chang'an on Alan. Alan didn't mind it anyway. The dead pig was not afraid of boiling water and waiting for him to hold his arms. Who knew that at this time, he inserted / inserted a hand in the middle. Huayi finally Arrived, and supported Changan before she fell on the girl.

Although he still smiled on his face, his heart was a little displeased, and he said, "It's a good looking fart, such a big girl, I say everything, I don't know shame, and I can get married in public."

Alan asked, "What's the new leader?"

Alan's father hurried forward, intending to bring back the unfortunate girl in his house. Poor this warrior had been brave and speechless all his life. At this time, he murmured, and could only say one word in his mouth: ... so ridiculous! "

Huayi was resistant to patience, and the old man asked her like, "Why are there so many people in the field, and I look after my little brother? Don't scare him, he's still young."

Alan yanked his chin: "He looks better than you and saved my life. In my eyes, he is the first-class hero, and of course I will marry him!"

Chang'an pulls his head and desperately hides himself in the crowd, saying: I don't want to marry a girl with such a loud voice, otherwise the dolls born in the future will be the same as her. People's brains are blasting, how can life go?

... He seemed shy and dodging, and his mind was already worried about such a distant thing, so he was also a very far-sighted person.

Huayi's eyes turned, knowing that although Chang'an had dark hands, he liked to be quiet and was not very willing to conflict with others, so he asked loudly: "How about the guys who are planning to pursue the girl Alan? Are they dead? No?"

Sure enough, this sentence came out, and immediately a red / naked upper body, a young and handsome orc stood up, banged his chest, and said to Chang'an: "I! I want to challenge you! Win my beloved girl! "

As soon as this remark came out, several people stood up. I wonder if I really wanted to pursue Alan, or it was purely coquettish.

The northern tribes are like this. When they were young, dueling for girls, it was nothing to die. When they died, they rushed to the ground with a large tub of water. Everyone was entertained by wine and meat. No one would be surprised when they saw blood.

Anyway, so many people are willing to duel for Alan, she is very face-to-face, but she still looks at Chang'an with a pair of eyes, looking forward to his answer.

Who knew that Chang'an could not understand the passionate feelings of these men. He managed to catch a step and immediately said, "I don't need a duel, I can't beat you, please."

He did not hesitate to think about it. The orcs who had grown up seeing him killing and instilled the idea of ​​"honor is greater than everything" were all blank, and the black hawk tribe Kazuo who had been watching coldly laughed untimely, Moved away from the crowd, holding Chang'an's shoulders, and laughing: "You kid have an idea, I like it, go! Come and drink at our side!"

A storm ended like this.

Huayi looked at Kazuo's back, squinted, and said: What is "our side"?

Solimu did not know when it came out, while walking with him to the high platform, he said softly: "How do you want them to be able to integrate into the giant mountains, and be as happy as the aborigines from now on? These 'foreigners' 'Separate their food and slaves. There are dozens of bachelors. Sooner or later, they have to get married. At that time, they must fight for each other, and they will succeed.'

Huayi murmured a deep hum, and said nothing.

Sulaimu paused and smiled, "You seem to understand, then I won't say much."

The contradiction between the new flying eagle tribe and the aboriginal people is naturally beneficial to the new leader of Huayi. The following people have restrained each other, and the leader can balance the situation and say nothing.

Huayi quickly had a plan in his mind.

However, at this moment, a word in Soleil's mouth came to his ears like a flying fairy, and Huayi almost did not jump.

Solemy pressed his voice into a whisper, and asked, "I said you had a disagreement with that child? When I spoke, I didn't even look right."

Huayi said angrily: "Fart your mother's fart! That's my brother. I think everyone is like you, full of brains all day long?"

Solemki said, "Well? Did I just say which kid was that kid?"

Huayi paused for a moment, and finally could not bear it, pointing at him and saying, "Get out!"

Solimu snorted and grinned at him innocently. His face was not clean, and his teeth were white and snowy, looking very funny.

Huayi strode up the high platform, seeing nothing, and sincerely hoped that Solaim could roll away a bit.

Unfortunately, Solaim didn't realize that he was so offensive, instead sitting under the high platform with a humming minor, he took out his incense, straightened his hat, and burned the incense with his words.

The old and new leaders handed over from above, and he routinely worshipped him three times a day below. This time, he wanted to worship the **** of the sky with his high hat, so he worshipped extraordinarily.

Echoing up and down, it became a spectacle.

But the new and old leaders shouldn't see it. The others didn't dare to say anything except to look at him a few more times.

Everyone knows that this unrecognizable Asian orc, looking at his body with only two bones and two flesh, looks like a dead old man who can be trampled to death with one foot.

It is rumored that he can control the rain, cloud, rain and rain. He knows everything about the mainland, the sky, and the deep sea. The "gods of the gods" are not deceiving.

Read The Duke's Passion