MTL - Bestial Blade-Chapter 22 The enemy and me

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Huayi dragged the orc's body into the trees not far away, and didn't bother to hide.

Then he unhurriedly twisted the buckets on his head and continued to walk forward. This time, he didn't rush anymore. He swayed forward slowly as they got away from the place where the long and fierce tribal war was. The farther away, Huayi even had time to hum the wild-minded tone.

Chang'an looked at him curiously, and finally discovered the strangeness of this "benefactor"-it was all about doing one thing.

He then asked, "Why do you say you can't save it, and then shoot again?"

Huayi's face twitched.

Chang'an nodded his head: "Bei Shi said that this is called righteousness. It is like saying that he likes this person, but he really hates him. He pretends to disagree, but he likes it very much, especially for women ... why do you ? "

Huayi wanted to say, "Listen to yourself, are you asking this?" However, he glanced at Chang'an, but he reluctantly said so. In the face of Chang'an, he found that he always seemed unable to speak. temper.

"Don't you understand this?" Huayi Gu rolled his eyes, and pretended to flicker, "You ignorant wild child in the mountains, do you know what this song is called?" ? "

Chang'an shook his head honestly.

Huayi said: "This is a minor note of the extremely cold place, which is sung by the birds. You can see that their heads are so small, and they don't feel too small, so they will be on the neck every holiday. Put a circle of flowers on it and make yourself look like a flat-faced sunflower, and shake it to laugh at the big teeth. Do you know what they sing? "

Chang'an's attention was easily diverted by new things. He seemed to have forgotten the question he had just asked, following Huayi's deliberate temptation and asking, "What do you mean?"

"What can bird people sing? It must be the thing of laying eggs!" In fact, Huayi didn't understand the language unique to winged orcs, but just speculated in vain to fool Chang'an with humorous expressions. Seeing that the boy was quite justified He nodded solemnly, and then he continued to say, "Bird people are pitiful to say. People of their clan, regardless of their age, whether they are male or female, are all crawling out of eggs. Become a beast, and it is still a freak. In this world, there are only a small group of people and a small group of their kins. They have to avoid others all day, live in a place extremely cold and far north, and work with strange poisons. It's also pitiful. "

Chang'an actually believed his gibberish and listened very carefully. He heard the key question here and asked, "That day they spit out poisonous things? Why can poisonous things be in their mouths? Those Why are the orcs with them again? "

As long as Chang'an doesn't scratch his head and ask questions that people don't know how to answer, Huayi is very willing to talk to him. Every time he sees those eyes that are deep in memory, he always gets better.

When Huayi saw that he had forgotten what he had just said, he immediately explained it kindly: "Bird people are poisoned with poison throughout their body and blood, and they are not afraid of their own medicine. The so-called alliance does not converge the benefits, but even though Whoever believes in true alliances for a moment, they are not ours, we must always take precautions. "

No one had told him such complicated things before, and Chang'an listened, frowning and thinking for a while, and thought it was very unreasonable—some people had big eyes, some had long noses, and some had small mouths. Everyone looks different. Why is it irrelevant in other places, big or small, except that the small head is the non-my race?

Is it because the head is more important than anywhere else?

"At that time, the Twelve Heavens opened up the heavens and the earth, so that there were bird people in the extreme cold, orcs on the continent, and tartars in the sea. People in different places believe in different gods. If God can live in peace, people will live in peace. No matter, if the gods fight with each other, people will have to travel thousands of miles, and blood will flow into the river. "Huayi seemed to see his doubts, and he explained slowly like a very reliable big brother. It is said that these twelve true gods have fallen one after another, the world is in chaos, the ground is frozen thousands of miles, and the dead fish are swarms of fish. Fortunately, people who have survived have no faith and no longer need to fight each other because of God, but hate is engraved in the bones. "

Chang'an opened his eyes wide and held his breath as he described.

"There is no trivial matter between the two races. If the two continents also rub against each other, they must shake the ground, not a matter of one or two lives. All debts must be blood debts. How can it be clear?" Huayi looked at him brilliantly It's like bottomed eyes, sighing, "We have survived such hatred for thousands of years."

He was very meaningful, but Chang'an seemed to understand. He listened for a long time, only thinking about one thing-these things that have been through generations, all turned out to be ancient, those who did not know whether they existed or not. Existing **** really makes trouble, but since it is a god, why not do something serious, but rather come to be this **** stick?

He couldn't help asking: "Is there really a god?"

"I don't know, but I have a friend who lives a great life all day, you can ask him-but even if there is no God, there is always something else. If you want to fight, you can always fight. . "

Huayi said this very verbally and unclearly. Changan did not expect that there was such an unreasonable thing in the world, so he asked, "What does‘ something else ’mean?”

Huayi glanced at him, thinking with a bit of affection in his heart: this silly boy, even Beta and Zhu Shi are not clear, only knowing that one person is full of the family is not hungry, where can I feel that those people have boundless hearts What about desire?

He couldn't say clearly, but from the question of the young man, he felt a little desolate, and then shook his head. After a long while, he said, "Some things don't need to be rooted, such as a wolf eating meat and a bird laying eggs. In the same way, you can only go on and on. You see more people, and there are more rare things. Many things you do n’t understand and understand, understand? ”

These words are not before the village and not at the shop. It is really a mess of Huayi. It is the essence of fart. It really succeeded in making Changan confused.

Huayi managed to get rid of the embarrassing topic in Chang'an and thought proudly that the brother himself was really a strange thing-he was so deceiving.

He was so proud of it, and unconsciously hummed the winged tribe that did not know what it meant. He strode forward, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt that it was better to take Changan on the road, better than his former companions—fight He can help when he is okay, and he can be entertained when he is fine. In this way, even his horrible sidelines can be forgiven.

In the end, before Huayi was proud, he heard Changan inexplicably asking behind him: "But what does this have to do with what I asked you?"

At the foot of Huayi, the big tree root that protruded stumbled and fell on a majestic horse.

Huayi hit on the spot, looking up to the sky, and saw Changan look inexplicably, looking down at himself.

The young boy was facing the light, so handsome that he was almost astounding. Huayi knew that he was a lust. When he saw this situation, his heart was softened first, and he thought, "beauty, even if this guy is such a guy." The mallet was a real beauty, and he still couldn't bear the blame. In the end, he paused for a moment and had to sigh, covering his face with his hands.

However, at this moment, a distant vibration came from the ground. The motion of Huayi was wiped by the cold light in the eyes covered by his hands. He could determine the number and speed of the opponent by this vibration. This is obviously a team of orcs with at least a hundred people. It is menacing. At this speed, it is definitely not a hurrying merchant.

Huayi just wanted to make a warning, but when he looked up, Chang'an was gone. He hesitated for a moment and found that he didn't notice when the boy hid and where he hid.

Huayi frowned. He looked around in all directions, and finally found Chang'an in a big tree. The other side intentionally exposed a hand, apparently intentionally indicating his own hiding place. .

Is this "beauty" a monster? Must be a monster?

With an infinite sense of frustration, Huayi also followed the tree quickly.

Soon, the team of horses rushed to the side, and Huayi saw the familiar tribal flag almost instantly. It was the flag of his employer, and in the crowd he saw it. A familiar person.

The man's eyes were blind, his face was semi-beasty, and long hair was growing near his nose. It was exactly like a man or a beast. He suddenly waved his hands, and the galloping orcs stopped for a while.

I saw the blind man's nose sway gently, and soon locked Huayi's position, turning his head in the direction of his hiding.

Huayi knew this person and knew that his hand on the nose walked all over the world. He wanted to smell his own taste early, so he no longer hid. He jumped down from the tree and stopped in front of the blind man. He asked, hesitantly, "Old blind? How are you here? Solem them?"

Laobian's eccentric face smiled at him and said hoarsely: "He is an Asian beast, what are you doing here? Rest assured, they are now in Luotong, Shanxi Luquan, they have already arrived, but It ’s not like you have the ability to come and go like this all the way along. The others are probably still halfway. The leader of Luotong sent me and the elder to pick you up. "

His voice dropped, and an old orc stood out from the crowd, pressing one hand against his chest, slightly owed to Huayi.

Huayi paid a courtesy and could not see the clue in his expression. However, with one hand behind his back, he slightly swung towards Chang'an hidden in the big tree.

The elder said to Huayi: "Please."

As soon as Huayi lifted his leg, the old blind nose shook a bit, and he frowned, turning his face to the direction of the big tree again, and asking, "Where ... is there a friend?"

Asian beast has more flavor than the orc list, but did not expect to find this old blind man.

Huayi responded without changing his face and said, "A child I met on the road was very close to me, so I brought him back, but he was suddenly changed, he did n’t want to see people, do n’t look strange—Chang'an , Come down. "

Chang'an picked from the tree, and his eyes swept around the faces.

The elder erupted, looked at Chang'an, and wondered: "A ... Asian beast?"

Chang'an just looked down between his toes and didn't say anything. He didn't know what these people were doing, so he didn't plan to speak rashly. Huayi said that he was "changed every time and he didn't want to see people", so he pushed the boat smoothly. Put on the appearance of "unwilling to meet people"-fortunately, it is not difficult, it can be said that he is the true character.

Huayi glanced lightly at Chang'an's shoulder and said, "I don't have to worry about him."

The elder's eyes looked like a knife, and he swept around Chang'an. When he saw that he was well-groomed, he couldn't see a hurrying wolverine, and he looked good. Then he understood something and nodded his head. He said to Huayi :"please."

Huayi turned to Chang'an and said, "Sit on my back." He turned into a monster and fell down.

Chang'an was also rude, and sat on Huayi with one butt.

The orcs are naturally powerful, and the weight of Changan alone is not much, but when Changan carries the large parcel that was originally poked on the ground, it will not be so.

Huayi made a cocoon to restrain herself. I did not expect that the kid's sabre was a real guy who was not adulterated at all. Carrying this man was like carrying a large wild boar that only knocked the house down.

However, in front of people, Huayi could not reveal his signs. He had to grit his teeth and walk him, and he said, in case of a fight, this little rabbit sees his own hardship and suffering. Face, sell more energy.

The old blind hesitated a moment. He knew a more amazing Asian beast, so he always felt that these Asian orcs were either a complete waste, or they were probably some kind of monster.

Old blind and Huayi have dealt with several times, knowing that the dead guest Yinya is a deep-thinking thing, and she never knows the desire / smoothness and still has the task, so she gets an unknown person halfway. He was afraid that Huayi would pick up a Solaim again, and he consciously or unconsciously walked around Huayi all the way, trying to set up this young man's words.

Who knew Lao Blind soon found out that this boy seemed to be a dumb man, and he could not break his mouth and scratched his lips.

The Asian beast boy's face was scarred, as if it had some insufficiency. He kept his head down, and played with the oversized package in his hands over and over, and then sat for a while, and seemed uncomfortable. He breathed slightly, and unconsciously reached out and held his chest.

Still a sick ghost?

The old blind played the piano for a long time, and didn't get a word response. Chang'an lowered his eyes, took out a few slices of herbs, and chewed them in his mouth.

He felt like the old blind was guarding himself, as if he was afraid of himself. Although he talked flatteringly, he was wrapped in some cautious danger. Chang'an couldn't understand this danger and fear. He grew up and rarely felt the "fear" feeling. He was puzzled for a while, and it seemed that he finally understood the meaning of Beishi calling him down the mountain to see people.

There are so many things down the mountain.

The bitterness of the herb slowly spread over his body, and the chest pain caused by the rush of the road made him tired. Changan was bored. He lay crouched on the back of Huayi holding his knife, and fell asleep again without fear. Already.

Read The Duke's Passion