MTL - Best Son-in-law-Chapter 7 Ten million consultation fee

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"He Jiarong, what are you doing!" Zhang Xun glared at Lin Yu fiercely.


The mother-in-law also hurriedly pulled Lin Yu, not to mention that she was at the senior division level, even her old man, the deputy division level, was not at the same level as Deng Chengbin, and could not afford to offend.

"Ouch, brother Ho!"

Unexpectedly, Deng Chengbin was not angry after seeing Lin Yu, and hurriedly came over and said: "It's a coincidence. I didn't expect to meet you here. I am going to visit you these days. Last time you drove me. The medicine is really amazing. After taking it for two days, I feel that my whole person is different."

Deng Chengbin smiled and gave Lin Yu a thumbs up.

The people in the entire private room were stunned, with big eyes and small eyes, not knowing when He Jiarong, the trash, got to know the deputy director of the Health Bureau, it seemed that they were quite close.

"Since Brother He is here, I will give this private room to Brother He. You continue to eat. I will punish myself for a cup of rudeness just now, and I will pay you a compensation." Deng Chengbin poured a glass of wine and gave it to everyone. Then drank it.

Then he patted Lin Yu on the shoulder and said, "Brother He, you can go to our private room upstairs for a drink in a moment. I just happen to have something to ask you for help."

"Ok, I'll be there in a while."

Deng Chengbin gave himself such a big face, it was natural that Lin Yu could not refuse.

After Deng Chengbin left, people in a room looked at Lin Yu and their expressions changed drastically. The dignified Deputy Director of the Health Bureau actually "begged" him for help.

"Oh, brother-in-law, you know our chief, why didn't you tell me earlier."

Zhang Xun immediately put on a pleasing face, and walked over with the wine, "It was my brother-in-law just now. I didn't speak properly. Don't take it to your heart. I will punish myself for a glass."

After speaking, he raised his head and drank the wine in the glass.

"Then what, we have three advanced members in our bureau this quarter, and we need to decide by Deng Bureau. Please see if you can help brother-in-law say a few good things."

Zhang Xun bowed his body and smiled.

"I am a person who has no college degree, I am afraid I can't help my brother-in-law so much." Lin Yu ate the food for himself, without lifting his eyelids.

Zhang Xun smiled awkwardly, and was a little speechless for a while.

"Jia Rong, you think it's all a family, don't say anything about it. Just now, it was your aunt. If you can help your brother-in-law, your aunt, your uncle, and your sister are all grateful to you." Jiang Yan Aunt also didn't look sour at first, so she pleased.

"Mom, you said, should I help or not help with this?" Lin Yu suddenly turned his head and asked Li Suqin.

Li Suqin's spirits lifted, and she was depressed during the entire dinner, and suddenly she felt a sense of exultation.

Seeing her son-in-law let herself decide, she looked quite proud, straightened her back and gave Aunt Jiang Yan a white, and said: "After all, Jia Rong is a family, if you can help, please help. Your aunt is not that kind of ungrateful. Villain."

Li Suqin's last sentence was a bit harder, and Aunt Jiang Yan laughed with her, without saying a word.

Lin Yu responded to the matter and glanced at Jiang Yan when she got up and walked out. She still looked cold, but her frowned brow eased a lot.

This is almost two years after marriage, her waste husband, for the first time arguing for her face.

After going upstairs, Deng Chengbin came out to pick up Lin Yu. The private room was already full of people. Deng Chengbin first introduced to Lin Yu the middle-aged man sitting in the middle, "Brother He, this is Wei Gongxun, director of the Qinghai Public Security Bureau. Health Bureau."

"Good health." Lin Yu said hello quickly.

"Health Bureau, this is the little genius doctor He Jiarong I told you. If it weren't for him, my niece would be dead that day. I think he can see the old man's illness." Deng Chengbin then introduced Wei Gongxun to Wei Gongxun. Lin Yu.

"This young man is really young." Wei Gongxun smiled and nodded at Lin Yu. He couldn't help but feel a little lost. Deng Chengbin said that he would introduce himself to a genius doctor who has made great achievements in Chinese medicine.

"Wei Ju, don't think Brother He is young, but he is very good at seeing a doctor." Deng Chengbin strongly recommended Lin Yu to Wei Gongxun.

"The young man, please help me to see if there is anything wrong with me." Wei Gongxun showed his wrist and looked at Lin Yu with a smile, with a sense of oppression in his eyes.

"Judg Deng passed the award. I just did a little research on Chinese medicine." Although Lin Yu's mouth was modest, his hand was already on Wei Gongxun's pulse.

"The Health Bureau is in good health, there is no major problem, but the blood pressure is a bit high, but it doesn't get in the way. Just pay attention to drinking in moderation." Lin Yu said.

"Young people are really good at medical skills. I am afraid that ten out of ten people at my age have high blood pressure." Wei Gongxun laughed, and the irony in his words was self-evident.


The group of people in the box also laughed.

"Although the health bureau is not ill, your spouse should be very unwell, often experiencing dizziness, fatigue, waist and leg soreness. Although it is summer, she will not sweat a single drop even if she is wearing a down jacket."

Lin Yu was not upset, and continued.

"How do you know?" Wei Gongxun's expression suddenly changed, and the laughter in the private room stopped abruptly.

"Your lover is an extremely cold body. After staying with her for a long time, you have been contaminated to some extent." Lin Yu explained.

"Can you cure it?" Wei Gongxun's voice trembled.

After 30 years of marriage, he and his wife have always been very affectionate. The symptoms of his wife began to show up a year before he was arrogant. He was distressed, but he sought medical treatment everywhere and took a lot of medicine, and there was no obvious improvement.

"Yes, and it can be cured, but it will take some time." Lin Yu believes.

"Little brother, if you can cure this disease for my lover, you will be my benefactor of Wei Gongxun, and I will toast you a glass!" As Wei Gongxun said, he drank the wine.

"How about it, Health Bureau, I'm not wrong, Brother He is a genius doctor, let him see the old man's illness." Deng Chengbin was also quite proud, when did the person he recommended had an errand.

"Brother He, do you have time tomorrow? I will send someone, no, I will pick you up personally, please go and see my old man." Wei Gongxun also changed his name to Lin Yu, why brother, Lin Yu just said His wife's illness really convinced him.

"What disease does the old man get?" Lin Yu asked.

"The symptoms are very simple. It is a migraine. Each time it hurts for only half an hour, but in this short half an hour, half of the pain is gone. I have seen many experts and it has no effect. No lightening."

Wei Gongxun's face was solemn. He has lived for more than fifty years and has never seen such a severe migraine.

This is also the reason why he and Deng Chengbin ate dinner tonight. Depending on his relationship, whether he can find a few expert doctors who specialize in this area. If he can't get the treatment anymore, he can only go abroad for medical treatment.

"Tomorrow, I will go over and help the old man to see it." Lin Yu didn't dare to make a decision without seeing the patient.

"Brother He, you have developed this time. Do you know who the old man of the Bureau of Health is, Mr. Zheng Jiacheng, Mr. Zheng! He paid 10 million to treat this disease!" Deng Chengbin patted Lin Yu's shoulder, his tone of excitement was difficult Cover up.

Zheng Jiacheng?

Lin Yu was surprised that Zheng Jiacheng was a man of the Qinghai business community and a car giant. It is said that he owns more than half of Qinghai's 4s stores.

"As long as Brother He can help my dad cure this disease, money is not a problem." Wei Gongxun nodded and smiled.

Ten million, Lin Yu felt that everything was bright, and the debt to Huang Mao could finally be resolved.

At the end of the wine bureau, Lin Yu and Deng Chengbin mentioned about Zhang Xun. Deng Chengbin didn’t say anything. He dragged Lin Yu downstairs and shouted at Zhang Xun, “You, write an advanced element application form tomorrow and send it to me. Go to the office."

"Thank you Director, thank you Director!"

Zhang Xun nodded and bowed, thank you very much. After sending away Deng Chengbin, Lin Yu and Jiang Yan's family went to send him personally. Aunt Jiang Yan also changed a smile, and kept complimenting that Li Suqin and Jiang Jingren had found a good son-in-law. .

What happened tonight has greatly satisfied Li Suqin's vanity. She had never thought that this wimpy son-in-law would one day be able to stand up to herself like this.

"Jia Rong, you still know the Deputy Director of the Health Bureau, why didn't I know before?" Li Suqin asked excitedly.

"He went to the clinic to see a doctor and met. Just a few days after we met, Jiang Yan was there at the time. I did him a small favor, so I was so polite to meet." Lin Yu said the matter on purpose.

"Oh." Li Suqin was a little bit lost. Originally thought that her son-in-law could climb high branches, but she didn't expect to know him for a few days.

The next morning, Wei Gongxun personally came to pick up Lin Yu. After driving for more than half an hour, he arrived at the famous top wealthy area of ​​Qinghai City. The four-story villas occupies a huge area and are surrounded by lawns and green plants. , The pool is like a small manor.

After Wei Gongxun and Lin Yu went upstairs, Wei Gongxun’s brother-in-law Zheng Shifan had already arrived, and he also brought a young man who looked similar to Lin Yu’s age, and carried a black-gray special medicine box with several printed on it. Big characters: Ji Shitang.

"Your Excellency is the Ling'an Song Family Jishitang?" Lin Yu was slightly surprised when he saw the three words Jishitang. The old professor of Chinese medicine in his university often mentioned this Renjitang. His admiration was beyond words and even praised it for the rise of Chinese medicine. Spine.

"Not bad." The young man's voice was a bit cold, and as the best of the younger generation of Ji Shitang, he did have the capital to be cold.

"Fortunately, my name is Lin...I'm He Jiarong." Lin Yu was a little excited. He didn't expect to meet someone from Ji Shitang here, and stretched out his hand to shake hands with Song Zheng.

"Song Zheng."

The young man just glanced at Lin Yu coldly, without the slightest intention of shaking hands, Lin Yu had to put his hand back in embarrassment.

"Brother-in-law, why do you have time to come over today, this is?" Zheng Shifan asked about Wei Gongxun.

"This is the genius doctor I invited to treat my dad. He is the genius doctor." Wei Gongxun gave Lin Yu a special hand, and he was somewhat blind to Song Zheng's arrogant attitude.

"Haha, there is no trouble. Since there are people from Ji Shitang, there is no need to invite others." Zheng Shifan didn't mean to look down on Lin Yu, but there were masters from Ji Shitang, and no one else really intervened. necessary.

"Steward, give this little brother one hundred thousand yuan as a hard loss, no, since the brother-in-law introduced him, take two hundred thousand." Zheng Shifan turned around and ordered the old housekeeper.

"Shifan, I don't think you need to be so anxious to make a conclusion. Since Brother He is here, let him see and talk. What if you, the genius doctor of Ji Shitang, are helpless?" Wei Gongxun's tone was a little unhappy.

In fact, he is a little selfish, hoping that Lin Yu can cure the old man's disease, so that he will be bright in front of the old man and even the whole family.

"There is no need for this, let him go. I knew about Zheng Lao's illness before I came here. It can be said to be quite stable." Song Zheng believed.