MTL - Best Son-in-law-Chapter 3079 The old land returns, things change and people change

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I don t know if it s because of Lin Yu s heavy luggage, it is only a hundred steps from the entrance of the unit building to the entrance of the community, but Bairentu and Li Zhensheng took Lin Yu for a full ten minutes.

Lin Yu didn't urge them either. As usual, he chatted with them sentence after sentence, as if he was not traveling far, but going to an old friend's banquet together...

"President He!"

Xu Zhiyuan, who had already brought people waiting outside the community, immediately applied for a shock after seeing Lin Yu, and said hello to Lin Yu.


Everyone in the Star Douzong who was also waiting outside the door also stood up straight, and shouted respectfully at Lin Yu.

Jiaomu Jiao, Kang Jinlong, Yun Zhou, Kui Mulang, Bi Yuewu, Shenshui Yuan, Wei Yueyan, and Xiao Dou, a total of nine people lined up neatly side by side with solemn expressions.

They had received Lin Yu's order two days ago.

Two days have been prepared, everyone is full of energy, and ready to fight with Lin Yu at any time!

"Are you all ready? Are your weapons ready?!"

Lin Yu asked in a deep voice.


Everyone agreed in unison.

Then Lin Yu took the luggage from Li Zhensheng's hand and handed it to Jiao Mujiao, asking him to keep it safe for him, because it contained his Pure Jun Sword!

Although this Pure Jun Sword may not be able to match the Chixiao Sword in Li Qingshui's hand, it is already the best weapon Lin Yu can use!

Afterwards, Lin Yu bid farewell to Bairentu and Li Zhensheng, and was escorted by Xu Zhiyuan's special car all the way to the airport.

Bairentu and Li Zhensheng stood at the gate of the community and did not leave for a long time. They just watched the taillights of the convoy completely disappear at the end of the street.

"President He, Shen City

I have already greeted you over there, and when you arrive at the airport, someone will naturally pick you up! "

When he arrived at the airport in the suburbs of Beijing, Xu Zhiyuan told Lin Yu the precautions one by one.

"If you need anything, you can call me directly!"

Xu Zhiyuan said and handed a satellite phone to Lin Yu, and said solemnly, "There is a special number on it. This is a special line specially ordered by Mr. Cen to open for you. You can contact me with a satellite phone at any time. Qin Han and I Waiting for someone, we will be on duty 24 hours a day to ensure that we can receive your call as soon as possible!"

"Thank you!"

Lin Yu smiled, took the phone in Xu Zhiyuan's hand, and said gratefully, "Thank you, Mr. Cen, for me!"

He accepts the kindness of Cen Lao and Xu Zhiyuan, but he knows that in the situation that will happen next, the possibility of using this call is very small.


Then he shook hands with Xu Zhiyuan and said goodbye.

Xu Zhiyuan grabbed Lin Yu's hand vigorously with both hands, and said with a moved face, "President He, Mr. Cen asked me to tell you that you must come back alive!"

"At that time, he will personally serve you and He Erye a celebration wine, and clean up the dust!"

"it is good!"

Lin Yu nodded with a smile on his face, but there was a trace of heaviness in his eyes, and he turned and boarded the plane without saying anything.

Looking out the window, Lin Yu kept flashing the grievances and resentments with Wanxiu and Ling Xiao over the years in his mind. Now, he finally has the opportunity to witness Wanxiu's true face with his own eyes!

Unknowingly, the plane had roared to the ground, but Lin Yu still hadn't broken free from his thoughts.

"Sect Master, we have arrived!"

Jiaomu Jiao reminded in a low voice.

Only then did Lin Yu suddenly come back to his senses, and then his expression froze, "Let's go!"

Then he got up and took the crowd

Walking outside, the moment he stepped out of the engine room, a gust of cold air hit his face, his feet suddenly stopped, looking down the gangway, memories suddenly flooded back to the time when he first came here.

It was also at this airport, and at a similar location. At that time, Ji Xun, who was standing under the plane and greeted him with a bright smile, was in full bloom.

But now things have changed.

The original scene is still firmly in his mind, but Ji Xun and Tan Kai are no longer in this world.

Lin Yu's heart was indescribably sad and empty for a while.


At this moment, a clear voice suddenly came, and at some point there was a tall and straight figure under the gangway.

After Lin Yu recognized the figure in front of him, he was immediately shocked, and walked down a few steps quickly in disbelief. After confirming that he had read correctly, he said in surprise, "Why are you here?!"

(end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion