MTL - Best Son-in-law-Chapter 3053 If you want to leave, kill on the spot

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In fact, this subordinate was also a little surprised by Derek's decision to go to Yanxia without Bu Cheng.

Because the reason why they accepted Bu Cheng to be part of them was to use Bu Cheng's understanding and hatred of Lin Yu to train Bu Cheng into their secret weapon to kill Lin Yu with one blow!

But now Derek's decision is obviously to abandon this secret weapon!

Since it is really unnecessary to abandon it, there is no meaning for the step inheritance!

So this subordinate directly suggested that Derek get rid of Bu Cheng, and completely cut off future troubles!

Derek groaned, with a complicated expression, and said slowly, "I'm not ready to use him, but I'm also not ready to kill him either!"

"And keep him, maybe he will become our backup in the future..."

From Derek's point of view, it is really wrong to kill the step without completely confirming that there is a problem with the step.


After all, they also invested a lot of energy in Bu Cheng, and they also had great expectations!

So he decided to save his life for the time being, and make plans later!

"However, I don't have to kill him, but he can't leave the headquarters of the Secret Service!"

Derek said in a deep voice, "I will tell everyone stationed at the headquarters and the patrolling personnel around the headquarters to keep an eye on Bucheng and not allow him to step out of the gate of the Special Intelligence Department headquarters!"

"If he tries to escape from here..."

A cold light suddenly burst out in his eyes, "Kill him on the spot!"


The subordinate immediately agreed and walked out quickly.

At this time, the press conference in the Yanxia Traditional Chinese Medicine Medical Institution on the other side of the ocean is coming to an end!

For Lin Yu and Annie, it is equivalent to a successful conclusion!

They have moved everything public according to the original plan

To the public!

All the reporters who came to attend the press conference also got the breaking news they wanted!

Even far exceeded their expectations before they came!

As for the final reporter's question and answer session, Lin Yu did not participate, and took Annie directly to the backstage, and handed the reporter's question to Mr. Dou, Mr. Wang, Mr. Song and others who are the vice presidents of the Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine!

"Jia Rong!"

Xu Zhiyuan, who had been waiting in the backstage for a long time, walked up quickly and said excitedly, "This time we can be said to have won a complete victory! A complete victory!"

"Today's press conference is the press conference with the highest global attention in the past few decades! It surpasses all major events in previous history"

As he said that, he grabbed Annie's hand and said gratefully, "President Annie, I really want to thank you this time!"

"If you hadn't come forward, it would definitely not have such a large influence on a global scale, and it would also lead to

Everything we say has less credibility! "

"Thank you so much!"

"Secretary Xu, you are being polite, I should be the one thanking you!"

Annie said with tears in her eyes, "Thank you for giving me such an opportunity to speak to the whole world!"

"Thank you for allowing me to avenge my father!"

"Thank you for making me still proud of being a doctor!"

As she spoke, she silently recited rest in her heart to her father who was already in heaven!

Today, she finally paid back the revenge of killing her father a hundred times and a thousand times!

Lin Yu patted her on the shoulder lightly to show comfort, then he turned his head and asked Xu Zhiyuan, "Secretary Xu, how is the worldwide response this time?!"

"The response has been overwhelming!"

Xu Zhiyuan said excitedly, "And faster than we imagined!"

"Officials and chambers of commerce in various countries have already donated to the World Medical Association,

Pressure from the Du family and the government! "

"Ask them to give an explanation and punish Manson severely!"

A smile curled up at the corner of Lin Yu's mouth, and he felt deeply relieved. It seemed that it was a wise move for him to name Manson at the press conference!

"Is there a lot of pressure?!"

Lin Yu asked, "Have the ** and the Du family responded already?!"

"Big, very stressful!"

Xu Zhiyuan blushed and said, "As far as I know, many countries have really been completely **** off this time! They have put unprecedented pressure on the Du family!"

"The Du family and the police have already given a response. It's still the same old way, habitually throwing the blame away, saying that they were also deceived by Manson!"

"And I have made a solemn promise that I will punish Manson severely and make him pay the price he deserves!"


The smile on Lin Yu's face froze instantly, full of astonishment.

(end of this chapter)