MTL - Best of Hollywood-Chapter 457 New York

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"Spider-Man! Spider-Man! Spider-Man..."

As soon as the crew left the airport, the convoy was surrounded by a group of fans and blocked on the way to Manhattan.

At this time Toby Maguire did not dare to get off the car, otherwise no one would have expected what would happen.

After all, Toby-Maguire is not the real Spider-Man and has no superpowers.

Even the real Spider-Man would probably run away in fright.

Natalie Portman glanced at the scene outside through the car window, and there were crowds in madness everywhere.

She shook her head involuntarily and said, "What a terrible experience."

Facing countless fans in a frenzy is both a pleasure and a pain, at least for Tobey Maguire.

Most embarrassing to him, these people were chanting Spider-Man instead of his name.

Of course, for Toby Maguire's feelings, Ryan just shrugged his shoulders, and even had a hint of rejoicing, thankfully he didn't ride in the same car as Tobey Maguire.

"You're going to experience the same soon enough," Ryan said, glancing at Natalie Portman.

If she got off now, she wouldn't be any less popular than Tobey Maguire.

"I just want to go to the hotel and sleep early." Natalie Portman looked back, pulling the hat and the huge sunglasses on her head to avoid being noticed.

She doesn't want to be surrounded by the crowd like Tobey Maguire.

After about half an hour or so, the production team arrived at the Hilton Hotel in Manhattan under the clearance of the police and security personnel.

But the crew did not let down their vigilance. There was also a large crowd gathered downstairs in the hotel, and there was no sign of dispersing.

In addition, there were many media reporters and news interview vehicles of TV stations, and the scene was very chaotic.

However, the crowded crowd downstairs did not affect Ryan's mood.

"Spider-Man" was released for three days and earned $130 million at the box office, and he just got the box office data for the first working day.

On Monday, it received a box office of 13.28 million U.S. dollars, and the accumulated box office in North America reached 142 million U.S. dollars.

A box office data that is blinding enough to even prove the value of Marvel Comics and Marvel Pictures, as well as the success of the superhero film project.

After knocking on the door, Sofia Coppola came over with a document, "Not bad news."

"What news!" Ryan asked, looking at her curiously.

"Offer on rights to TV adaptation of 'Spider-Man'."

Sofia Coppola opened the folder and said in a very exaggerated tone: "TBS's preliminary offer is as high as 58 million US dollars."

"It is estimated that the final transaction price should be above 60 million US dollars."

Speaking of this, Sofia Coppola couldn't help showing a look of surprise, "If this goes on like this, the film will soon recover the full investment cost."

In addition to the TV adaptation copyright, Orion Films has authorized a bunch of peripheral copyrights, which can earn at least tens of millions of dollars.


Hearing the abbreviation of the word, Ryan showed a puzzled look, "Which Japanese TV station?"

TBS TV station is one of the five largest private TV stations in Japan, and has a good reputation in Southeast Asia.

Moreover, as early as 1978, a Japanese production company had filmed a TV series about "Spider-Man".

It's just that a Japanese TV station quoted a price of 58 million U.S. dollars. Why does he think it's a bit unscientific.

Soon, Ryan knew that he was wrong, and it was not a Japanese TV station at all.

"It's Turner Broadcasting."

Sofia Coppola rolled her eyes and said, "Time Warner's TV network."

Speaking of the name of Turner Broadcasting Company, Ryan suddenly remembered that this company has a lot of connections with MGM.

For Turner Broadcasting, the $58 million offer is not too surprising.

"It seems that the TV adaptation copyright of "Spider-Man" is very popular." Ryan was in a good mood.

The offer of 58 million US dollars is not a small number.

After all, the production cost of the entire film is only 140 million U.S. dollars, that is to say, Orion Pictures has recovered one-third of the investment in the TV adaptation copyright alone.

What's more, 58 million US dollars is only an offer, and the final transaction price will almost certainly exceed 60 million US dollars.

"What about the premiere rights?" Ryan asked.

Compared with TV adaptation rights, the price of the TV station's first round of broadcast rights is much lower.

But no matter how low it is, it is not a small number.

"Negotiations haven't started yet."

Sofia Coppola closed the folder in her hand, and said, "Jon thinks we can wait for a while, at least until the first week of the film's box office in North America."

"In addition, Frank hopes to retain the copyright of the TV adaptation of "Spider-Man", and shoot it alone or cooperate with the TV network to produce it."

Selling TV adaptation rights directly can quickly withdraw funds, and the latter can bring more profits.

Ryan recalled that he didn't seem to have heard of the famous "Spider-Man" TV series in his previous life, and TV series based on superhero characters were not new.

There are many TV series with similar themes in North America.

"If the quotation exceeds 60 million US dollars, it can be sold." Ryan said after thinking about it.

This is a disguised rejection of Frank Macasso's proposal.

Right now, the focus of Orion Films will not be on the production of TV programs for the time being, it is better to sell the copyright of the TV adaptation.

Even co-productions, while bringing more benefits, also bring more risks, and the real beneficiaries are the network, not Orion Pictures.

"Except for TV adaptation rights."

Sofia Coppola nodded and continued: "Last weekend, the copyright sales of "Spider-Man" peripherals were pretty good. A total of 30.2 million US dollars were sold, mainly focusing on Spider-Man merchandise."

The sales of "Spider-Man" peripheral products are obviously much lower than those of "The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring" and "The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers".

This is a very helpless thing. Compared with "The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring" and "The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers" have a large variety of hot-selling peripheral products, "Spider-Man" has almost no peripheral products except for the protagonist Spider-Man. Other hot items.

"However, our licensing commissions for Coca-Cola and McDonald's are quite good." She added.

At this point, the income brought by "Spider-Man" far exceeds the two films "Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring" and "Lord of the Rings: The Knight of the Two Towers". ,

There was no disappointed expression on Ryan's face. The sales of the original "Spider-Man" toys and other products were only about 100 million US dollars, a figure that was neither very high nor very low.

Besides, peripheral products are only one of many profit channels.

The sales volume of DVD discs of the original film is astonishing. From the beginning of release to July 2004, the income of DVD discs alone was 338.8 million U.S. dollars, and the revenue of video tapes was 89.2 million U.S. dollars.

Orion Pictures can get a large cut of it.

In addition, the original version also received a total of 880 million US dollars from broadcast TV networks, wireless TV networks, TV series adaptation copyrights, etc.

It can be seen from this that a popular Hollywood film can earn astronomical income in North America alone.

After dinner, the crew went to the TV station to accept an interview with a popular TV program, and exposed a lot of tidbits shot by the crew.

In the next few days, the crew has been traveling to and from major cities in North America to promote.

At the same time, "Spider-Man" earned $10.52 million at the box office on Tuesday, a significant decline compared to Monday's box office.

For a popcorn movie full of commercial flavor, it is inevitable that the working day will continue to decline.

Fortunately, affected by the 911 incident and the audience's word-of-mouth, the film's box office decline is still within an acceptable range.

On Wednesday, the new film "Spy Game" was released, but it still did not affect the box office trend of "Spider-Man", which earned another 9.96 million US dollars.

Even the North American media has always believed that the box office of "Spider-Man" this week can exceed 200 million US dollars.

After three working days, it earned an average of more than 11 million U.S. dollars per day, and a total of 33.76 million U.S. dollars in box office.

The cumulative box office of the film in North America reached 163 million US dollars.

With Thanksgiving on Thursday, the box office of "Spider-Man" began to rise sharply, with a single-day box office of 20.12 million US dollars.

However, "Spy Game," which was released on Wednesday the day before, encountered a slippery slope.

The film is a thriller action movie produced by Universal Pictures, starring Robert Redford and Brad Pitt, with a budget of up to 115 million US dollars.

However, after two days of release only earned 8.87 million US dollars, which is not as good as the box office revenue of "Spider-Man" in one day.

It is estimated that the senior executives of Universal Pictures are not very good-looking.

This is no longer a question of how to save, but how to reduce losses.

During the release of the original version of this film, I encountered "Harry-Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone", and now I have encountered "Spider-Man". The luck is not so good.

Of course, even if it is released on a different schedule, the box office of this film will not improve much.

The first-day box office of "Spy Game" was only US$3.82 million, ranking only third on that day.

In second place is "Monsters Inc" with a box office of 4 million US dollars, and the first is "Spider-Man" with a box office of 9.96 million US dollars.

This film hits the street to the extreme.

Universal Pictures directly canceled the next publicity investment.

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