MTL - Best of Hollywood-Chapter 420 $800 million

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Although Ryan did not attend the Oscars, he still heard a lot of complaints and even complaints.

This must be a controversial Oscar, as the epic film "Gladiator" won two awards for best director and best picture.

Among them, the most controversial awards are not the best actor, best actress and best director awards, but the best film.

"The Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring", which is also an epic theme, has only a few technical awards.

However, whether it is from a commercial point of view or an artistic point of view, "The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring" is more than "Gladiator".

In the eyes of the vast majority of the media, the public, and netizens, "The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring" should win the best film award.

On this point, almost everyone supports it.

On the contrary, the success of "Gladiator" is a manifestation of commercial public relations.

"The academy chose to fall and make compromises with commercial public relations."

At a small private party, Peter Jackson looked unhappy, and said to Ryan who had just returned to Los Angeles: "I have nothing to say after losing to Steven Soderbergh and "Drug Network."

"But lost to Gladiator..."

Losing to a film that is far inferior to "The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring", Peter Jackson will naturally not be reconciled.

"No way, Peter."

Ryan reached out and patted him on the shoulder, "The success of "Gladiator" is not only due to commercial public relations, but also the consideration from the academy."

"While The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring is only the first of a trilogy, the Academy needs to consider two other films."

"Damn college." Peter Jackson cursed under his breath.

"Peter, keep your voice down." Ryan reminded him, "Don't offend the academy."

"The future Oscar is also our goal."

"I'm just not reconciled." Peter-Jackson was unavoidably unbalanced.

Just because of commercial public relations and academy considerations, "The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring" did not win any important awards.

It makes Oscar, known as a notary, look extra ridiculous.

Of course, no matter how unwilling Peter Jackson is, he can only choose to swallow his anger, and it is impossible to stand up and point at the academy.

After all, he is not George-Lucas who dares to criticize Oscar loudly.

What's more, as Ryan said just now, Orion Pictures will also publicize the Oscars on a large scale in the future.

"The Lord of the Rings: The Knight of the Two Towers? Or The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King!" Peter Jackson took a deep breath, trying to calm himself down.

"The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King." Ryan didn't hide anything, he just lowered his voice and said, "Orion Pictures will have a large-scale public relations Oscar next year, including the best director award."

In fact, Peter Jackson is not stupid. Orion Pictures didn't invest too much resources in "The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring", so he can see it naturally.

It's just that there are some things that he is not suitable to ask in person.

"Oscar, you can accept the commercial PR of DreamWorks and Universal Pictures, but they keep rejecting me."

The same depressed person, and Tom Cruise.

Although the academy did not reject his public relations, it still did not change its attitude towards him.

"Ryan, I heard that the academy has sent you an invitation!"

He suddenly looked at Ryan and said, "Perhaps, this is a good opportunity."

"The Oscars won't turn down a best director award on the Forbes rich list."

"I'm not interested in Oscars." Ryan shrugged. "Don't forget, I didn't get an Oscar nomination for "X-Men."

Not to mention awards, "X-Men" was not nominated at all.

Even the style of the next "Spider-Man" released will not be recognized by the Academy.

The original version of "Spider-Man", which sold well all over the world, was nominated for only two technical awards, and did not receive one award.

"Those old men full of bigotry."

Tom Cruise said mockingly: "They want to wait for you to choose to bow your head."

This is the bad taste of the college.

Ryan smiled, picked up his glass and took a sip of red wine, "As I said, I'm not interested in Oscar."

Even in the next few decades, he won't need the halo of an Oscar's best director statuette.

Tom Cruise had a flash of envy, and with Ryan's capital, he naturally didn't need to bow his head to Oscar.

"How about I plan to make a film and distribute it to Orion Films!" He suddenly said.

"What type of movie!" Ryan asked curiously.

"A low-budget horror film, the initial planned investment is only 17 million U.S. dollars." Tom Cruise continued: "This is a horror film with a female theme. Orion Films can recommend some suitable actors to audition. "

Originally, he planned to cooperate with Dimension Pictures.

It's just that Orion Films is obviously a better choice, at least you don't have to worry about overseas releases.

"No problem." Ryan agreed straight away, "Orion Films will offer a preferential distribution fee."

Low-budget horror films and comedy films have always had good box office prospects in North America, and there will be blockbuster films appearing almost every year.

In the North American film box office market, there are a group of film companies that shoot low-cost horror films and comedy films.

Furthermore, Orion Films is only the distributor, without any risk.

"Thank you." Tom Cruise showed a very happy smile.

Without Ryan's consent, it would be difficult for even him to get a decent distribution commission.

Especially in overseas distribution, small film companies have to face the exploitation of Hollywood giants, not only have a high distribution ratio, but also face all kinds of tricks.

Orion Films seldom plays tricks on overseas distribution.

Giving up some benefits will attract more second- and third-tier film companies and independent production companies to choose to cooperate with Orion Films.

Next, Tom Cruise talked about the specific shooting plan in the film and asked for Ryan's opinion.

Tom Cruise didn't drive away until the private party was over.

For this film, Ryan finally has some impressions. It tells the story of Grace raising two children, Anne and Nicholas, on a small island after the Second World War, waiting for her husband to return from the battlefield.

Because the two children were seriously ill with allergies to sunlight, they could not accept the sunlight and had to stay indoors.

The plot is very similar to a previous horror movie.

The producer of that film happened to be Tom Cruise.

On the second day when he came to Orion Films, Ryan handed over the project to Nancy Utley to follow up, and he came to the reception room to accept an interview from a reporter from "People" magazine.

It was Time Warner's request that, in addition to "People" magazine, he would also be interviewed by Fortune Magazine, Life Magazine, and Turner Network.

These are all promotional media owned by Time Warner.

Ryan couldn't refuse Time Warner's request, so he had no choice but to agree.

"Mr. Gosling, as we all know, in addition to Hollywood investment and directorship, you have also invested in many high-tech industries, including Apple and Marvel Comics."

"Then, Mr. Gosling, why did you choose to invest in Apple and Marvel?"

A blond female reporter sitting on the opposite sofa did not ask any sharp questions, but only asked about Hollywood and investment.

Otherwise, with Ryan's current status, he could completely refuse any media interview.

Besides, this interview was originally from Time Warner executives.

"As far as I know, the situation between Apple and Marvel Comics was not very good at that time." A curious look flashed across her face.

At that time, the situation of Apple and Marvel Comics was not only bad, but was about to face huge losses, or even bankruptcy and liquidation.

"The reason why I chose to invest in Apple is very simple."

"I always believe that Steve Jobs will return to Apple again and lead the troubled Apple into the quagmire."

"In addition, I need to correct one point. At that time, I did not invest in Marvel Comics, but just bought the copyright of a group of superhero characters." Ryan said something selectively.

"In the early 1990s, you spent tens of millions of dollars in one go to buy the copyrights of Marvel Comics' superheroes, and finally brought Blade Runner, X-Men and Spider-Man to the screen."

"So why would you choose to do this?" In her view, it was a gamble.

Obviously Ryan Gosling won the bet, "Blade Runner" was a commercial success, and the summer "X-Men" hit the box office.

These all show how correct the decision Ryan Gosling made was.

"No reason."

"Since Warner Bros. and DC Comics can successfully operate the two classic series of "Batman" and "Superman"."

"Then Marvel Comics, which is also one of the two major comic companies in North America, can't bring superheroes such as Blade Warrior, X-Men, and Spider-Man to the screen?" Ryan asked rhetorically.

Facing Ryan's rhetorical question, she froze for a moment, then nodded and said, "Those Hollywood film companies, I'm afraid they have long forgotten the existence of Marvel comics."

"By the way, Mr. Gosling, what do you think Spider-Man did at the box office?"

"800 million US dollars!" Ryan replied without thinking: "My expectation is at least 800 million US dollars at the global box office."

"How much!" She almost threw the microphone out, are you sure it is 800 million dollars!

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