MTL - Best of Hollywood-Chapter 411 little plum

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Although Los Angeles is not the fashion capital of New York, there are still a large number of fashion events, and most of them are commercial catwalks, gathering a large number of young and beautiful female models.

What's more, Los Angeles still has a desirable Hollywood.

Many famous female models earn more than ordinary Hollywood actors, and they are more relaxed.

For Adriana Lima, for each show, she can get about $50,000 to $80,000.

However, she needs to share with the economic company when she goes back, and she can finally get about 40% of the pre-tax income, which is considered a relatively high income in Los Angeles.

At least much better than ordinary actors.

Of course, not all models can earn such a high income. Most models earn at most several thousand dollars per show, or even hundreds of dollars.

"Can I go in, please?"

Ryan took off his sunglasses and pointed to the sign on the door, which said that non-staff are prohibited from entering.

"Are you Mr. Gosling?" A tall staff member looked surprised at Ryan.


"Mr. Gosling, we welcome you very much." He immediately became respectful.

In the face of a well-known rich man in the United States, who is also the owner of a Hollywood film company and a famous commercial film director, no fashion event in the world will refuse, or even ask for it.

What's more, Ryan spends on luxury goods every year, which is definitely not a small amount.

"Thank you!" Ryan said thank you, and walked into the backstage.

He didn't stay in the backstage, he asked the staff about the location of Adriana Lima, and came to the dressing area.

The moment the door was pushed open, Ryan's eyes lit up.

In a slightly narrow area, there are at least dozens of delicate and tall female models.

They were only wearing a loose silk pajamas, and some even only wore a pair of underwear, so the important parts could be clearly seen.

Looking at the past, there are young female models with different appearances everywhere, with pairs of long legs dangling in front of them, and seeing Ryan is a little dazzled.

At that moment, Ryan turned around with appreciative eyes, but he didn't see Adriana Lima, but he enjoyed a lot of beautiful scenery.


Hearing the sound, Ryan stopped, turned around and saw white flowers.

No, to be precise, it is a beautiful body.


Looking at Gisele Bundchen in front of her, Ryan couldn't help blinking. She only wore a **** on her upper body, and a **** **** on her lower body, which was extremely sexy.

I have to say that Gisele Bundchen has a great figure, with a height of 1.8 meters, it is enough to suffocate.

The only pity is that she already has a boyfriend.

One person Ryan is very wary of, and even a potential rival, is Leonardo DiCaprio.

"What It's Like to Walk the Runway in a $15 Million Fantasy Bra."

Ryan's eyes lit up, and he couldn't help but recall last week's Victoria's Secret Fashion Show. Gisele Bundchen not only became the highlight of the show, but she also wore a $15 million fantasy bra.

"It feels great."

Gisele Bündchen ignored Ryan's gaze and said, "It's a pity that someone bought it."

"Otherwise, I can put it on and show you."

Facing Gisele Bundchen's hot temptation, Ryan coughed lightly, "I don't want to be beaten up by Leonardo."

Well, he admits that Gisele-Bundchen is skilled and does a lot of tricks.

Unfortunately, he didn't want to get involved in Gisele Bundchen's relationship with Leonardo DiCaprio.

Although Leonardo - DiCaprio is just for fun.

"Where is Lima!"

Ryan struggled to look away from Gisele Bundchen, "I turned around and didn't see her."

"It should be in the waiting area. She will be on stage soon." Gisele Bundchen shrugged, leaned into Ryan's ear and whispered, "You can call me anytime."

After finishing speaking, Gisele-Bundchen pointed to the location of the waiting area and began to get busy. She also needs to go on stage in a while.

Ryan didn't say anything, and walked towards the waiting area.

Soon, he saw Adriana Lima, who was nearly 1.8 meters tall, with long black hair, smooth skin, and those long legs that could pinch someone to death.


Under the envious gazes of the other models, Ryan walked over and patted her gently.

Seeing Ryan, Adriana Lima's eyes lit up, her **** red lips smiled, and said with a hint of surprise, "Ryan, why did you come to the waiting area!"

"How do you feel!" She lowered her voice and asked, "Did you receive the phone number just now!"

"No, I just chatted with Bundchen for a while." Ryan recalled the appearance of Gisele Bundchen just now in Ryan's mind.

"Bundchen!" Adriana Lima pouted, "I don't like her, she's too smart."

Ryan smiled, not shrewd, and Gisele Bundchen wouldn't have dated Leonardo DiCaprio for that long.

In her previous life, Gisele Bündchen was Leonardo DiCaprio's longest-lasting girlfriend. She was on and off from 1999 to 2005.

With a famous Hollywood actor as her boyfriend, Gisele Bundchen is almost the darling of the media and has become one of the most famous supermodels in the world.

During this period, Gisele Bundchen almost turned a blind eye to Leonardo DiCaprio's behaviors such as hunting for **** and stealing food, so the relationship between the two lasted for 6 years time.

"Lima, hurry up."

"The next one is coming to you."

The staff yelled.

"Sorry, wait for me for a while." Adriana Lima showed a trace of apology, and then walked quickly towards the runway.

Seeing Adriana Lima's slender back, Ryan secretly praised.

Then, he also left the waiting area and came under the catwalk.

Not for a while.

Amidst the blaring music, Adriana Lima stepped onto the catwalk with slender legs.

Sexy red lingerie.

High heels studded with crystals.

Smooth and delicate belly.

Slender legs.

Adriana Lima, walking on the runway, gave a wild charm.

"Wow, what a beautiful belly."

"As expected of a newly signed Victoria's Secret Angel, I really want to see her wearing diamond underwear sooner."

"I bet she's Ryan Gosling's type."

For a moment, the audience's attention was almost focused on Adriana Lima, and the fashion reporter pressed the shutter quickly, for fear of missing any pictures.

Many of them couldn't help showing envy when they saw Ryan's arrival.

"Lima, it's getting more and more charming."

Leonardo DiCaprio approached, "You'll make Lima the public enemy of models."

"I should say this." Ryan turned and glanced at Leonardo DiCaprio, "Like Gisele Bundchen."

"Okay." Leonardo DiCaprio raised his hands in surrender, "I admit, I'm dating her."

This is one of Leonardo DiCaprio's many strengths. He never hides who he is dating, and he is not afraid of media exposure.

That's why there are so many female models rushing to date him.

It can increase exposure, improve popularity, and obtain more development opportunities.

"I thought you'd keep dating Demi Moore," Ryan said jokingly.

Hearing Ryan mentioning Demi Moore, Leonardo DiCaprio showed embarrassment, and deliberately lowered his voice and said, "I haven't broken up with her."

Ryan couldn't help giving him a strange look.

Hmm, very unique taste.

Demi-Moore is not a model, but a Hollywood actress. She has starred in films such as "Ghost Love", "Ghost in the Sea of ​​Justice", "****" and so on.

When she starred in "****" in 1996, she received $12 million in salary.

You read that right, $12 million.

Demi Moore was regarded as a first-line actress in Hollywood in the 1990s, and her appearance and figure are definitely the top in Hollywood.

However, she had three marriages, the third being Bruce Willis, who had recently divorced.

Of course divorce is just a normal thing in Hollywood.

It's just that Demi Moore is a little older. She was born in 1962 and will soon be forty years old. She is 12 years older than Leonardo DiCaprio.

Ryan remembers Leonardo DiCaprio dating Demi Moore since Leonardo DiCaprio had just starred in Titanic , becoming the most famous young idol in the world.

Then, he was swallowed by Demi Moore, a sweet and delicious little fresh meat.

As for whether this is one of the reasons Demi Moore and Bruce Willis divorced.

Ryan is not sure.

The chaos of Demi Moore's private life is enough to make anyone dumbfounded, dating a lot of people, and attending various private parties for a long time.

Even, male models are invited to spend the night in the villa to have **** together.

There are almost too many people in Hollywood who have slept with her.

Even without Leonardo DiCaprio, the marriage wouldn't have lasted long.

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