MTL - Bent By the Male Protagonist’s White Moonlight-Chapter 73

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There is a girl in the family who is chasing stars. Xia Nianzhi knew that Ning Qingwan was also holding a concert in M ​​City, and the good girl told Ning Qingwan that she wanted to come to M City for business.

Xia Nianzhi didn't expect that Ning Qingwan would take the initiative to invite her to meet. She had already guessed what it was for. After checking the time, she agreed to meet and agreed with Ning Qingwan the time and place.

After talking about the cooperation, Xia Nianzhi drove to Huai Bei Road. The car passed through the city. Xia Nianzhi glanced at the outside rearview mirror. I wonder if it was an illusion. The black car behind almost followed her all the way.

The black car turned right at the fork in the road, and Xia Nianzhi said in his heart that he was suspicious. Arriving at the appointed place, Xia Nianzhi pulled the car aside and called Ning Qingwan while getting out of the car.

Coincidentally, Ning Qingwan's car was right behind Xia Nian. She didn't have time to answer the phone call. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw the black car on the opposite side drive into the wrong road and head straight for Xia Nianzhi.

Almost without a second of thought, Ning Qingwan stepped on the accelerator...

When Xia Nianzhi noticed the black car, she couldn't move her feet, but when she wanted to move, her feet suddenly sprained and she fell to the ground. She watched the car drive towards her, and watched the SUV drive by the side. blocked that car.

The two cars collided in the center of the road, the black sedan was knocked over, the SUV made a sharp turn and crashed into the flower bed on the side.

Xia Nianzhi's brows and eyelids twitched at the same time. She limped closer to the SUV, and after seeing the person inside, her heart stopped suddenly, and then she quickly beat the frequency of panic.

The airbag was deployed in time to prevent Ning Qingwan from hitting the steering wheel, but under the violent impact, she was hit by the airbag and dizzy, her ears buzzing and tinnitus constantly, her whole body hurts, her head hurts, her arm hurts even more, maybe she is dislocated. Maybe broken.

Suppressing the feeling of nausea and vomiting, Ning Qingwan glanced sideways at Xia Nianzhi.

Fortunately, Xia Nianzhi is fine.

How miserable she would be.

Xia Nianzhi took a deep breath and took out her mobile phone calmly, shaking her hands to make an emergency call.

This area is far away from the downtown area. There are very few pedestrians and vehicles. When the accident happened, people around were startled and scattered on one side. Some well-meaning people have dialed 120 and the traffic police number, and there are several others. A man held down the injured person in the car who wanted to run.

The ambulance came soon, and Xia Nianzhi couldn't help but called Meng Xia, but before he finished speaking, the phone became a busy tone.

Meng Xia will never hang up her phone in advance...

Is the phone dead, or is there something wrong? Thinking that the black car clearly went out to rush at her, Meng Xia... Baby... Did something happen to her daughter too?

Ning Qingwan's head was dizzy. When she was carried into the ambulance, she vaguely heard the voice of Xia Nianzhi calling. She wanted to stop it and did not want Meng Xia to worry, but after hearing the last few calls of Xia Nianzhi, she was completely awake. .

For a moment, she and Xia Nianzhi's thoughts coincided. Ning Qingwan gritted her teeth and endured all the discomfort. She couldn't move her arms. She turned her head to the side and said hoarsely, "Auntie, give me a call."

Xia Nianzhi hurriedly responded, and according to his words, he pressed the phone number reported by Ning Qingwan, and the other end was quickly connected. Ning Jingjue's joking voice just started, and Ning Qingwan interrupted him, "Brother, I have identified Meng Xia's location. Send it to you, immediately send someone to find her, send a few more bodyguards, be vigilant, and be sure to find her to ensure her safety."

She spoke intermittently, almost exhausting her strength.

Ning Jingjue instantly heard something wrong with her, "What's wrong with you?"

Ning Qingwan motioned to Xia Nianzhi to help her take out her mobile phone, and taught her to call up Meng Xia's location and send it to Ning Jingjue, while recalling the license plate number of the black car and reporting it to Ning Jingjue, "There was a car accident, the other party was prepared. Come."

Ning Jingjue's heart raised in his throat instantly, Ning Qingwan's weak voice was like the wind blowing him into a rage, he knew how much his sister cared about Meng Xia's little girl, and there was no delay. After hanging up the phone, he arranged the matter immediately. .

The Ning family's influence is very efficient. After Ning Qingwan informed Mo Li that she had a car accident, Ning Jingjue sent a message.

When the news came, Ning Qingwan couldn't hold back and fell asleep. Before she lost consciousness, she put the phone in Xia Nianzhi's hand and told her the password.

Xia Nianzhi's heart is full of mixed feelings. She can almost be sure of the relationship between Ning Qingwan and Meng Xia. To be able to sacrifice her life for her, and to arrange people to protect Meng Xia meticulously and thoughtfully when she is so uncomfortable, this is beyond ordinary friendship.

She had doubts and worries. Especially when Meng Xia was bombarded by the Internet, she kept thinking about Ning Qingwan, a person who lived under the spotlight, and there were so many people who admired her. If Meng Xia really liked Ning Qingwan, she would have to suffer more from strangers on the Internet. of pointing.

The precious daughter who was born in ten months of pregnancy, how could she be willing to suffer and be wronged by Meng Xia. Xia Nianzhi did not reject Meng Xia's liking for women, but she thought that Ning Qingwan was definitely not a good choice.

But now... at the moment when Ning Qingwan tried her best to save her from disaster, Xia Nianzhi realized that she was very wrong. There will be no second such person.

Xia Nianzhi saw the message from Ning Jingjue.

"[Picture] [Picture] The license plate number was found. The owner of the car is called Chen Qi. He met Ji Tong three days ago."

After all, Xia Nianzhi couldn't help raising his hand to cover his face, and a suppressed whimper escaped between his fingers.

The person in the photo, Xia Nianzhi, has met. It is the person Ji Tong took with her when she talked about cooperation with her. She refused Ji Tong's cooperation again and again. It is not that Ji Tong has not blocked her way. It is not in vain, every time I will find another way and find another way out.

So is she pushing this scum in a hurry?

But why? ! Is this how to do this?

Xia Nianzhi let go of her hand suddenly, and she suddenly remembered that when Ji Tong came to her for the last time, something was left behind. It was a USB flash drive. She didn't even look at it, so she asked the assistant to return it the next day.

After that, Ning sued Shengshi for plagiarism, and the evidence was conclusive.

Is that U disk...

Ning Qingwan was already in the ward when she woke up again, with a slight concussion, her left arm was broken, her arm was fixed, and she was lying on the bed talking to Ning Jingjue.

After Ning Jingjue arranged for someone to do the work, he came non-stop. The decisive and calm man in the shopping mall saw the baby sister like this, and there was love and distress between his eyebrows and eyes.

"Have you found Meng Xia?" Ning Qingwan raised her eyes and asked.

Ning Jingjue nodded and shook her head. He took out a box from his pocket, "First I found where she was taken away, and then I found this in the parking lot."

He opened the box, and Ning Qingwan only glanced at it and closed her eyes. It took a long time for her to open her eyes, her eyes were flushed, and the red blood in her eyes darkened a little, she was stunned and frustrated.

"According to your positioning, someone has been sent to chase, but the signal was cut off halfway. It has not been connected until now."

Xia Nianzhi listened, clutching the corners of her clothes tightly, her fine suit was wrinkled by her, she wiped her face and asked, "Did Ji Tong make it?"

Ning Jingjue nodded slowly, "It should be."

Xia Nianzhi took a deep breath, "Mr. Ning, is the evidence of your accusation against Shengshi for plagiarism in a black rectangle with a wolf's head pattern on a USB flash drive?"

Ning Jingjue looked surprised, "Yes, how do you know?"

Ning Qingwan frowned slightly, guessed seven or eight points in her heart, and asked, "How did the USB flash drive come from?"

"The special assistant next to Ji Tong is my person." Ning Jingjue explained, "Someone gave him this USB flash drive that day. He didn't return it to Ji Tong after reading it, but gave it to me directly."

Xia Nianzhi said, "The USB flash drive was accidentally dropped when he asked me about cooperation. I asked the assistant to return it the next day."

Ning Jingjue pinched his brows, "Shengshi has decided to dismiss him. There has been new progress in the secret sale of prostitution dens in Shengle Hotel, and the relevant departments also found out that they were dealing in drugs. The plagiarism made Shengshi conduct an internal investigation. Cha, it seems that several things have something to do with Ji Tong, they have decided to give up the car and keep the coach."

Obviously, Ji Tong thought that Xia Nianzhi gave the USB flash drive to Ning Jingjue after reading the contents of the USB flash drive. He blamed Xia Nianzhi and Meng Xia for everything he had suffered.

After clarifying her thoughts, Ning Qingwan felt distressed, was she wrong, she missed the count, and she was too impatient, which led to the current situation.

If Meng Xia...

Ning Qingwan grasped the bed sheet subconsciously, closed her eyes deeply, her face was so pale that there was no blood, and the back of her head suddenly ached, she didn't dare to think about it, the slightest thought would make her so painful that she couldn't breathe.

The brief silence in the ward was broken by the ringing of Ning Jingjue's mobile phone. He picked up the phone to connect, his face became more and more gloomy, and after a while he said, "Where's the person?"

After the call, Ning Jingjue glanced at Xia Nianzhi with a bad expression, and then stared at Ning Qingwan.

Both of them jumped suddenly because of his expression, and panic spread into the blood.

"Our people, one step too late."

It seems that something is broken... Ning Qingwan opened her eyes, her ears were buzzing again, she couldn't even hear what Ning Jingjue said again.

choking feeling...

When he was suffocated and felt like he was about to die, the air around him suddenly flowed and poured into his lungs. Meng Xia took a deep breath.

Something happened to Ning Qingwan...?

get some sleep? Can't sleep, how can I sleep!

who blinded her...

Meng Xia struggled for a while, her eyebrows frowned slightly, her eyelids raised suddenly, and her glass-like eyes slowly rolled.

There was paper floating in the headspace, densely covering the entire sky, and the sinuous blood-red lines pierced through the paper, and I didn't know where to extend.

There was a white, ethereal mist all around.

It's the Deep Consciousness Space... She was really pulled here.

Meng Xia moved her arms and legs, but she didn't feel anything. The pain that made her unable to breathe just now disappeared.

"Are you awake?"

A crisp, light and feeble voice.

Meng Xia sat up and looked around. She had seen the author of the original text several times, but this was the first time she had been so close and had time to look carefully.

Shoulder-length short hair, round face, round eyes, a few small freckles on the bridge of the nose, small mouth, good facial features, handsome, and looks very well-behaved and gentle.

Why would such a girl write such a **** article.

Meng Xia didn't have the heart to struggle with this issue, she stood up and staggered around.

"Don't waste your energy, you can't go back unless she gives it to you." The author of the original text reminded below.

Meng Xia was startled and floated back to the author of the original text, "Is there no way?"

The author of the original text shook his head, "She is the owner of this body. If she doesn't give it to you, you can't go back."

If he didn't give it to her, would he not be able to go back all the time? Meng Xia slumped his shoulders and curled his fingers.

How is my sister now, how is my mother...

Seeing Meng Xia's expression of wanting to cry, the author of the original text sighed lightly, "It's useless for you to cry, you can't get out anyway, why don't we talk."

talk about what? Meng Xia bit her lip. Indeed, it was useless to cry. She sat down beside the author of the original text, "What should I call you."

"You've read my essay and you still don't know my pseudonym?"

Meng Xia shook her head honestly.

"...My pen name is Rou Rou."

"..." Meng Xia recalled the large amount of applause for Ai in the original text, "It fits your style of writing very well."

Rou Rou coughed uncomfortably.

"Only the pseudonym matches. You don't seem to match." Meng Xia twitched the corners of his mouth weakly, "Why do you write this kind of article?"

"To make money. Many readers like this kind of stuff, and it's refreshing to give a reward." Rou Rou shrugged, "What about you? Why do you read this kind of text? You look so good."

"In order to make money." Meng Xia recalled and explained, "At that time, I could make money by reading and writing reviews on the website. In my spare time, I would read the text. Then I saw your book... Well, I didn't expect the name to be the same, so I just made money. Endure it and watch it. Later, I couldn't bear it anymore."

"You wrote that little composition that distressed the heroine."

That is the only different voice in a bunch of comments like "car car car", "meat meat" and "exciting", a long and small composition, written to a different world of the original heroine. I hope that the original heroine can be like an ordinary girl, learn something, have a caring boyfriend, or not, and live a smooth and smooth life.

Meng Xia scratched his face, "It seems to have been written."

Rou Rou snorted, her eyes vacated, and she recalled, "I was reading your little composition when I died, and then the blood was on the screen. When I woke up again, I found that I was here. I knew I shouldn't have written it. This kind of text, however, is forced by reality. I need money, and I have a younger brother to support..."

"What did I do wrong? Who would have known that his characters had awakened to self-consciousness?"

Rou Rou looked back, "I hate her, but I also feel sorry for her. I feel like I have Stockholm. We are waiting for you when we torture each other."

"Wait for someone who can reverse the plot I wrote. The world is a cycle. If it is not reversed, it will be experienced in reincarnation forever."

Meng Xia turned to look at Rou Rou, "Is it reversed now?"

Rou Rou laughed inexplicably, like laughing at himself, like helpless, "Forget it, in fact, I have found many children before, and they all failed, and she let them all go. Until you came in, maybe it was yours. Emotions have affected her and awakened her consciousness. When you take an unusual path, she can forcefully distort the trajectory of fate with her soul power, and the extra characters I added and the extras I wrote also played a role."

"I'm thinking, from the moment my blood flowed into the broken screen and dyed your composition red, she woke up. The fate of the three of us is connected, and you can only save her."

Meng Xia rolled her throat, feeling unspeakable, a little uncomfortable, and a little blocked.

"Then do you know what will happen to us after the plot turns around and saves her?"

Rou Rou shook his head and said frankly, "I don't know. I can't see through her, and I don't know her plans."

Meng Xia remembered the cold temperament of the original heroine, which was really unpredictable.

The two were silent for a while, and Meng Xia suddenly remembered and asked, "You said that the plot has been reversed, so today..."

Rou Rou stared at her for a while, "Yes, it is. Because it was all good before, maybe it was the butterfly effect, and the plot turned into an unknown, but it was similar to some parts of the original plot."

"For example, Xia Nianzhi's car accident. For example, Ji Tongqiang asked Meng Xia."

Meng Xia's pupils shrank, and her heart skipped a beat.

Rourou comforted, "She won't let things repeat the same mistakes. I guess you can't handle it, so she went back."

Her comfort didn't play a big role, Meng Xia's attention was focused on the sentence "Xia Nianzhi's car accident". Xia Nianzhi called her and said, "Ning Qingwan came out..."

There was a car accident.

Also, what will happen to this body?

sister...if my sister knew...

How miserable must she be...

"Can it really be reversed? Is it really worth fighting for?" Meng Xia whispered.

Rourou looked at the red line in the sky, "She can." After a pause, her voice was firm, "We can."

Meng Xia looked at Rou Rou's soft and firm expression, and inexplicably felt a trace of peace of mind.

So much has changed, it must be possible.

The consciousness space suddenly shook, and all the papers in the sky shook violently, the corners were lifted, making a rustling sound, the red line bent and stabbed to the side, and then the sky twirled.

Meng Xia panicked, "What's the situation?"

"If the body is damaged, the consciousness space will be affected." Rourou frowned, "She is a lunatic, what did she do?"

Meng Xia suddenly felt unable to breathe.

body damage...

what exactly happened...

She wants to go back! I want to get back to her!

The author has something to say: Meng Xia died, the full text is over

Wan Wan: Where is my knife!


Because I have something to do today, I will release it in advance.

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