MTL - Bent By the Male Protagonist’s White Moonlight-Chapter 71

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The room was so quiet that the sound of clipping nails seemed to be amplified. Every time the sound fell, Meng Xia's heart throbbed, and the file was rubbed on her heart through her fingertips, back and forth, making her flustered.

Under the soft light, Ning Qingwan's long eyelashes like butterfly wings curved into a focused arc. She sat beside her and helped her trim her nails carefully and meticulously.

The movement was very slow, and all the clipped nails fell into the small trash can held by Meng Xia.

After cutting her nails, Meng Xia slowly went to wash her hands, the sound of water rushing, she recalled the documents that mosquitoes sent her.

The last time she almost died socially, and the video was never opened again, she only picked two documents to read, but now Meng Xia's mind becomes more chaotic the more she thinks about it.

Meng Xia wiped the water off her hands, and then rubbed herself to the side of the bed to sit down. She saw the pink box Ning Qingwan was playing with, her face blushed like a tomato.

On the third day after the video Oolong incident ended, she received a courier, which contained this pink box, and Ning Qingwan still joked that she remembered to use it.

Seeing Meng Xia sitting beside him, Ning Qingwan put the box on the bedside table and turned off the light.

The room immediately fell into darkness, only the small night lamp was emitting a weak and soft light. Ning Qingwan was close to her, the tip of her nose was touching, and Meng Xia was at a loss again.

Aware of her nervousness, Ning Qingwan let out a chuckle, "Don't be nervous."

Meng Xia swallowed.

Ning Qingwan kissed her soft lips, "I've been thinking of you on the way here, thinking of your thick nasal voice, it hurts me so much."

"I want to kiss you, I want to hug you, I want to tell you that I belong to you, baby don't cry."

Ning Qingwan kissed her every time she said a word, Meng Xia's heart swayed, she poked at the softest part every word, and her whole body softened in her tenderness.

"I don't just want to tell you, I also want to prove it." Ning Qingwan backed away, and by the light of the night light, she stared into Meng Xia's eyes, watching for a moment.

Meng Xia's heart was hot when she saw it, and she couldn't help leaning forward to stabilize Ning Qingwan's lips.

Learning how Ning Qingwan kissed her in the past, Meng Xia held her lips, sucking, rubbing, licking, and timidly poking out her sweet tongue.

Ning Qingwan clasped the back of her head, restrained her impulse and tried to respond to her cooperatively.

The deeper the kiss, the more rapid their breathing, Meng Xia sat up on her knees, and naturally fell down on Ning Qingwan.

She gently kissed her forehead, eyebrows, the small mole under the corner of her eye...

As fine as the spring rain, it sprinkled on the dry land, and the spring breeze with rain threads swept through every place.

The older sister's breathing was chaotic and hasty, she seemed to be running in the rain, panting with sweat, anxious that the road had no end. She bent her legs, as if she could no longer run, and grabbed her sister's shoulders.

Ning Qingwan tilted her head, holding back the chaotic aura under her restraint, she endured and called softly, "Baby..."

Meng Xia pursed her lips, raised her head, stared at Ning Qingwan with misty eyes, a trace of embarrassment in her eyes, her voice trembling with a faint cry, and frustrated, "Sister...I won't..."

Those abstract words couldn't be applied to reality at all, and Meng Xia couldn't even find the entrance.

"Little idiot, it's useless to steal your studies."

Ning Qingwan pretended to be lighthearted and joking, her eyes like peach blossoms were filled with mist, and her slender, white hands tightly gripped the sheets.

No matter how thick-skinned she was, she couldn't help feeling shy. Ning Qingwan bit her lip subconsciously, suppressed her shame, and stretched out her hand.

The evening wind was rustling, the spring rain was continuous, and the ground was muddy. The older sister held her sister's hand and played in the mountains. The sister encouraged her to go deep into the valley and explore the unknown territory.

When I first entered the secret realm, my sister was novel and nervous, her steps could not be controlled well, and the ground after the rain was muddy.

After going back and forth, the younger sister learned the true meaning, and there is no need for the elder sister to say more, stepping on the wetlands, walking among the secluded forests and valleys, admiring the natural and beautiful scenery, blending both body and mind in this scenery, and feeling forcefully and almost greedily being in Taoyuan of comfort and pleasure.

Between the mountains and forests, the nightingale occasionally sang softly twice, which was particularly pleasant.

Two meteors above the sky pierced the galaxy with a slightly smooth night curtain.

Walking out of the mountains and forests, the younger sister used her fingertips as a pen to outline the appearance of the scene she loved, not letting go of every detail. Every stroke from the outside to the inside was a pious stroke, finely ground, and sketched slowly.

The flowers blooming under the legendary picture scroll are charming, bright and fragrant. The dew in the center of the flower gathers together, pressing the petals to bend down, and the dew drops down into the soil along the meridians.

She crouched on her own painting, her love overflowing her heart, and she took a kiss as a seal and dropped a seal on her heart.

Meng Xia suddenly understood what Ning Qingwan said, and she would be satisfied only when she wanted it.

This is the Ning Qingwan she has never seen before, the gleaming amorous feelings in her eyes, the fragrance exhaled from her slightly opened red lips, the emotional appearance for her, thrilling and charming.

It was so exciting that she almost lost control of her strength and speed.

Nothing can be controlled...

I don't know which owner came home late, and accidentally honked the car horn. The harsh sound broke the silence of the night, and the night returned to silence after the sound of the car door.

The low-pitched wheezing in the room resumed after this noise.

Ning Qingwan curled up her feet and tightened her insteps. Her eyes were filled with water vapor, blurring her vision. She looked at Meng Xia's brows in a haze, and she pampered her in her soft eyes.

Black hair like waterfalls, white like jade snow... The moonlight slips into the house, intertwined with the soft light of the night light, adding a warm color to the night.

The young sister took her sister to swim in the sea, the evening wind blew past, making ripples, the young sister's hands swam in the water, and the water waves swayed slowly and softly around her body, circle after circle. She swam like a duck in water, and her older sister whispered from below. The younger sister swam away, and a suffocating wave hit her in an instant.

In a trance, Ning Qingwan suddenly remembered the scene of Meng Xia sitting next to her and playing games with her tablet that afternoon. The girl's slender fingers quickly poked on the screen, and then the game was over.

Ning Qingwan put her arms around Meng Xia's back and pressed it against her neck.

If the electric current runs through the whole body, the hand can't control it.

The older sister couldn't help but let out a light hum, opened her mouth and bit her shoulder, suppressing all her feelings and condensing them into her teeth marks.

The bite was not heavy, and Ning Qingwan was trembling all over, showing a sense of vulnerability she had never felt before.

Meng Xia was stunned and was a little helpless. She kissed her forehead soothingly and hugged her.

"I, I, did I hurt you?"

Ning Qingwan lightly kissed the place where she had bitten, and calmed down, she tilted her head to Meng Xia's ear, her voice was hoarse, lazy and seductive.

"Very comfortable."

Meng Xia blinked, her heart filled with joy, but she couldn't help being shy. The one on her hand had been removed, and she lifted the quilt to cover her face, leaving only watery eyes.

Seeing her like this, Ning Qingwan stared at her with a half-smiling smile, and teased, "Isn't it very... powerful just now?"

Meng Xia's eyelashes flickered, and the tips of her ears were burning. She rolled her glass-like eyes and got into Ning Qingwan's arms. She held back her shyness and raised her face, "Is it really amazing?"

Like a child begging for praise.

Ning Qingwan was amused, she raised her eyebrows, and You said with a smile, "How much have you peeked and learned behind my back?"

Meng Xia buried her face in her arms, extremely ashamed, her voice buzzed, "No."

When she was on the stage, she truly realized that "it's shallow on paper, and when I know this matter, I have to do it." The words she had read couldn't make a sentence in her mind.

Thinking of someone's helpless appearance, Ning Qingwan reluctantly believed that she was gone. She played with Meng Xia's soft black hair, wrapped it around her hand and slowly released it.

Unexpectedly, the little rabbit suddenly counterattacked back, and the soft voice that concealed a sly smile entered his ears.

"Sister taught well..."

Ning lsp Qingwan, whose face was as thick as a wall, couldn't help blushing. She used the darkness of the night to cover up her shame, leaving only a little annoyed, Ning Qingwan hugged Meng Xia and sat up.

Meng Xia sat on her lap and looked down at her blankly.

Ning Qingwan bent her legs, raised her eyebrows slightly, and sure enough... it was already flooded.

"Is that so?" Ning Qingwan raised her chin, ran one hand through Meng Xia's soft hair, and held down the back of her head, "Then sister will teach you more, good boy, study hard."

The ending was sealed in a hot kiss.

Meng Xia's cheeks turned crimson, listening to those words that should not be spoken aloud, she was defeated.

The lake was sparkling, and the branches of the willow trees on the shore were swaying gently in the wind.

After a long time, Meng Xia lay in Ning Qingwan's arms, her face flushed crimson, her long eyelashes dripping with tears, she took a deep breath and tried to calm her breath.

Hug intimately, it seems that the souls of the two people are fused together, and the rhythm of the same frequency trembles from the chest.

Ning Qingwan teased her, "Have you learned?"

Meng Xia listened to her heartbeat and did not speak. Ning Qingwan didn't let her go, Meng Xia said helplessly, "um".

Ning Qingwan laughed with a tone of breath, and said softly, "Then I will wait for you to apply what you have learned next time."

"Yes? Can you?" Meng Xia raised his head in surprise.

"why not?"

This kind of teaching is quite interesting.

"Some will be very concerned about attacking and receiving."

Ning Qingwan gave her a suspicious look, and gestured towards her, Meng Xia was startled, and hurriedly begged for mercy.

"Do you still care about this?" Ning Qingwan hummed.

Well, don't worry about it. Meng Xia pursed her lips, Ning Qingwan just didn't care, she didn't care anyway.

"Love is given to each other." Ning Qingwan gently kissed her cheek, "Happiness must be mutual."

She could feel the joy of the bunny at that time.

Meng Xia twitched her eyelashes and put a sticker in her arms, "I really liked the way you looked back then."

Ning Qingwan coughed unnaturally and sighed, "Have I taught me to be a little pervert?"

Meng Xia laughed.

Both of them were too tired to take another shower. Meng Xia set the alarm clock and fell asleep unconsciously while chatting.

The sky was bright, and when the alarm clock rang, Meng Xia even felt that she had just fallen asleep. She struggled to open her eyes, groped her phone to turn off the alarm clock, and set a new one.

Meng Xia rubbed her eyes and sat up, looking at the pajamas under the bed and the cover that hadn't been thrown into the trash can, her face blushed immediately. She got up from the bed, cleaned everything, and went to the bathroom.

After washing up, Meng Xia walked to the edge of the bed to wake up Ning Qingwan, and was dragged into her arms by her.

"Sister, it's time to get up."

"En." Ning Qingwan rubbed her shoulders and neck, and murmured, "So sleepy."

Meng Xia suddenly felt a little guilty, she turned around and hugged Ning Qingwan, her tone was a little low, "I'm too unrestrained."

Ning Qingwan couldn't keep her eyes open, she looked for her lips in a daze, and pecked lightly, "The last time I asked for you. It was me who was intemperate."

The alarm clock rang again, Meng Xia turned around to get the phone, Ning Qingwan immediately posted it again, "Don't you like it?"

Meng Xia was stunned for a while, then turned off the alarm clock. After reacting to what Ning Qingwan said, she replied frankly, "I like it."

"Then don't think about anything else. Just be happy."

Meng Xia nodded, "Go take a shower. I'll make you breakfast, do you want to eat wontons?"

Ning Qingwan hugged her from behind, "Well, I want to eat red bean steamed buns."

? How can there be red bean buns. Meng Xia was struggling with where to get her red bean steamed buns. Ning Qingwan slid into her clothes and held it, "This red bean steamed bun."

! Meng Xia took a deep breath and stammered, " are early in the"

"What?" Ning Qingwan raised her eyebrows, took off her clothes, and leaned in to give her a light peck.

Meng Xia pushed her away and urged, "If there is more trouble... it will be too late. Go take a shower."

"Okay, okay." Ning Qingwan pushed back her drooping hair, got up and walked to the bathroom. She was carefree, and Meng Xia glanced at her and blushed.

While Ning Qingwan was washing, Meng Xia went to the kitchen to cook wontons.

After Ning Qingwan finished washing, the two bowls of wontons were also cooked.

Meng Xia glanced at her watch and suggested, "I'll take my sister to the airport?"

Ning Qingwan bent her lips and nodded, "Okay." She lowered her eyes and took her phone to send a message.

After breakfast, Meng Xia sent Ning Qingwan to the airport. The alarm clock in the morning was set to the latest time. After checking in, it was not too long before boarding time.

Meng Xia watched her stand at the security checkpoint. There were not many people at the airport, only twos and threes of passengers lined up.

Ning Qingwan was wearing a hat and a mask, only showing a pair of peach blossom eyes, she looked back at Meng Xia.

Meng Xia smiled at her.

Ning Qingwan lowered her eyes, turned around and walked towards Meng Xia. Meng Xia watched her approaching step by step, her heart beating like a drum.

"I have one thing I didn't take."


Ning Qingwan pulled down her mask, and kissed her on the lips quickly.

"Good morning kiss."

The author has something to say: qaq Gan! Change it, change it, change it to mutual attack!

About t, in fact, I have not written before. In this regard, you have already worn it. Because at the time of writing, the emotional atmosphere of the two is very good.

In this case, I suddenly wrote a sentence to put it on... I have to add a sentence to take it off afterward, I think I'm a little wilted hahaha.

Because there is a little cutie proposed, I will satisfy you.

In future articles, I probably won't specifically write about Dai t

Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-11-0600:11:34~2020-11-0719:53:08~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: 1 waste;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 10 bottles of insomnia and dreams; 5 bottles of brushing the bowl;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!