MTL - Bent By the Male Protagonist’s White Moonlight-Chapter 62

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In the photo, the girl with long black hair in the dark aisle pushes the woman with long curly hair against the wall. The girl hangs in the air with a cigarette in one hand and tilts her head slightly. The two are very close to each other, but their lips do not touch. Together, the atmosphere is charming and ambiguous.

The light is dark but the pixels are not very clear, but it is not difficult to tell that Ning Qingwan is the one with his back against the wall in the photo.

The other, if you have a heart, can easily be recognized as the person who hugged Ning Qingwan at the concert, and the person who dated Ning Qingwan in the "Fortunate to Meet You" Reuters video. They are all the same person, Meng Xia.

Mo Li in the earphone reminded: "If this photo is exposed, your fans can drown the little girl Meng Xia with a single spit. Your plan will also be interrupted, and all the preparations will be in vain."

This photo is not very popular, even if it gets out, as long as you do a good job of public relations, clear the relationship, and put the hat on Meng Xia's head, it will not have much impact on Ning Qingwan. The person who sold the photo to the reporter was targeting Meng Xia. .

The posture of the two people in the photo, no matter how you look at it, Meng Xia looks like a bad girl, and moves her hands and feet on the female artist Ning Qingwan.

Ning Qingwan looked at the photo deeply, let out a snort from her nose, and said coldly, "It's a good shot."

The compliments are really compliments, and the displeasure in the tone is also very clear.

Li Mo asked, "Look at the environment and your poses. If you recall where it was taken, can you infer who took it?"

Ning Qingwan saved the photo and responded, "On Ah Xing's birthday, Chen Silin took it at the pet coffee."

Mo Li has met Chen Silin a few times, although the impression is not bad, but after being an agent for so many years, she has seen many people who are superficially kind and unscrupulous, and she said worriedly, "If Chen Silin finds out that Zhou Qi Entertainment has not revealed the news, it is hard to guarantee that she will not do it again. Contact other entertainment reporters."

Ning Qingwan rubbed his brows and contacted Zhang Chenxing while typing, "Then let Zhou Qi Entertainment break the news and use his own way to treat his own body."

Mo Li: "What do you want to do?"

Ning Qingwan explained, "Chen Silin inexplicably asked me to accompany her to smoke a cigarette that day..."

After a pause, Ning Qingwan recalled the details of that day, and from Chen Silin's position, she should have seen Meng Xia long ago. She came up with an idea that Chen Silin just wanted such a photo, so she would persuade her to take the cigarette under various excuses.

Li Mo asked, "Then what?"

At the same time, Ning Qingwan received a surveillance video from Zhang Chenxing.

Ning Qingwan continued, "The surveillance video of the pet coffee should have been recorded. I sold the screenshot of her handing me the cigarette to Zhou Qi Entertainment, and asked them to break the news about my smoking. Then use the video recording of my rejection of her to clarify. "

Mo Li objected, "Did you know that one person is in distress and others are trampled on. I bought the picture of you smoking, and it may be exposed again. This will have a very bad influence on you!"

"I know, if I remember correctly, that photo was taken while filming."

As long as it stops, Ning Qingwan has a smoking role in that drama.

"...You are such an ancestor." Mo Li sighed for a while, "I'll contact the director of that show." It was a compromise.

After the call, Ning Qingwan turned on the computer to check the surveillance video sent by Zhang Chenxing. The pet coffee is equipped with ultra-clear radio monitoring equipment, and the picture and sound are very clear.

As she thought, Chen Silin had seen Meng Xia long ago, so she deliberately asked Ning Qingwan to take the cigarette. Chen Silin knew that Meng Xia would come to stop Ning Qingwan.

When Meng Xia pushed Ning Qingwan against the wall, the smile that flashed across Chen Silin's face explained everything.

There can be thousands of processes, but there is only one result that Chen Silin wants. Even if Meng Xia didn't do that that day, Chen Silin would say and do something to achieve her goals.

Ning Qingwan liked Meng Xia's actions that day, but she didn't expect it to be convenient for Chen Silin, and the fire in her heart rushed up immediately, playing tricks on her head. Good.

In the following time, Ning Qingwan arranged everything in an orderly manner, and sent the screenshots and edited videos to Mo Li. As for the matter of asking the navy to guide the trend of public opinion, Mo Li's professionalism does not require her to worry too much.

After that, Ning Qingwan contacted Ning Jingjue and asked him to transfer Chen Silin to Ning's subsidiary in country n.

Ning Jingjue felt that something was wrong.

Lin Hui had breast cancer surgery some time ago. In order to stay with Lin Hui in city C, Chen Silin was just assigned to Ning's headquarters not long ago.

He immediately dialed the phone and said straight to the point, "Chen Silin offended you."

Ning Qingwan said "um" impatiently.

After all, they grew up together, Ning Jingjue thought about it, "Do you want to take the test again—"

"No." Ning Qingwan interrupted him and asked, "After rear-end collision in the morning, you weren't injured, right?"

The sister-in-law Ning Jingjue immediately ignored Chen Silin, "You finally remembered to care about me."

Ning Qingwan hooked her lips, followed Ning Jingjue's will to comfort him for a while, and finally said, "Just arrange Chen Silin as I said. Buy her a house in N country as employee welfare, let her family Move over."

"Tell me... Which employee benefits are so good?" Ning Jingjue complained.

Ning Qingwan didn't care, "I'll pay."

Ning Jingjue sneered, "Am I calculating money with you? Forget it, I will handle it."

Ning Qingwan tapped the table with her fingertips, looked at the message Lily replied on the screen, and added, "Let her leave before Tuesday."

"...In such a hurry?!"

Ning Qingwan's "um" sound was the last bit of affection.

Sunday, Mid-Autumn Festival.

Since he was going back to the villa to record the show at night, Meng Xia went home during the day to accompany Xia Nianzhi for the festival. When Ning Qingwan's cigarette smoking on Weibo was in uproar, the mother and daughter were pouring moon cakes in the kitchen.

Meng Xia smeared the flour on her face while Xia Nianzhi was not paying attention, and giggled at Xia Nianzhi's colorful face.

Xia Nianzhi said helplessly, "You are really..." There was no blame in his tone.

"By the way, when the school has classes, is it your 'husband' who picks you up?" Xia Nianzhi asked casually.

Meng Xia explained honestly, "Well, only yesterday was sent to me by Sister Shen Lan."

"I know you want to have more contact with idols, but it's not good to always trouble others."

Meng Xia held back her smile and pursed her lips into a straight line.

Xia Nianzhi also smeared the flour on her face, "Reciprocity, you also drive to pick up your idol?"

Meng Xia was stunned, but did not respond.

Xia Nianzhi turned around and washed his hands, then went around the living room to get the car key and handed it to Meng Xia, "I bought a car for you, and you have already passed the driver's license, so don't waste it."

Meng Xia took the car keys in a daze, and hugged Xia Nianzhi, "Well, mom is the best!"

When Meng Yuanxiu was drunk, he threatened to buy a car for Meng Xia when she got her driver's license, and Xia Nianzhi reported Meng Xia to a driving school. Unexpectedly, the driver's license was in hand, Meng Yuanxiu vehemently denied agreeing to buy a car.

No one ever mentioned this matter again, but now Xia Nianzhi remembered to buy her a car, not to distance her from Ning Qingwan, but to make the contributions between her and Ning Qingwan relatively equal.

Xia Nianzhi smiled and pulled Meng Xia away, pretending to be disgusted and saying, "The flour got all over me!"

Meng Xia smiled with frowning eyes.

After putting the mooncakes in the oven, Meng Xia washed her hands, took out her mobile phone and wanted to share this happy event with Ning Qingwan, but saw the news pushed by Weibo that Ning Qingwan was suspected of smoking a pet coffee.

Meng Xia suddenly remembered that Ning Qingwan had given her a vaccination the night before, saying that these few days would not be peaceful, so she should not read Weibo.

But just like Pandora's box, when she saw this push, thinking about Ning Qingwan's thousands of instructions, the more she couldn't help but wonder what happened.

Meng Xia's heart beat fast, and she clicked into Weibo.

Zhou Qi Entertainment posted three Weibo posts, Ning Qingwan smoking was one of them. In fact, the revelations about the derailment of the other two stars and the real hammer of love are more exciting, but it seems that in order to divert the firepower, Ning Qingwan's hot search has always been in front of those two stars.

In the attached photo—Chen Silin was handing a cigarette to Ning Qingwan opposite, but Ning Qingwan didn't answer.

After another photo of Ning Qingwan smoking was also exposed, netizens believed that Ning Qingwan took the cigarette and smoked it.

The place is pampering again, and the pet lovers are extremely angry, and the negative reviews are flooded for a while.

Some people posted that the aisle is allowed to smoke, and some people pointed out the details that Ning Qingwan didn't answer, but these comments that helped Ning Qingwan speak were quickly criticized and brushed down, even these The person who spoke for Ning Qingwan was also scolded.

The vicious comments on Ning Qingwan's Weibo kept refreshing, one by one being scolded more severely.

Meng Xia looked at the unsightly comments, and every word was stuck in her heart, so painful that she couldn't breathe.

On the pretext that he was going to take out the trash, Meng Xia went out with her cell phone, and pressed Ning Qingwan's cell phone number with trembling hands. After more than ten seconds, the call was connected.

Ning Qingwan's voice was hoarse, "The moon cake is ready? Maybe I'll pick you up later."

Meng Xia rolled her throat, trying her best to sound normal, "Is something wrong?"

Ning Qingwan explained, "Yeah. There's something in the company, I'll pick you up when I'm done."

Something happened to the company, Meng Xia bit her lip, "I... saw Weibo."

Ning Qingwan was stunned for two seconds, "Didn't you promise me not to watch it?"

Meng Xia took the blame, "Weibo pushed it by myself."

Ning Qingwan sighed, "Don't worry."

Meng Xia knew that Ning Qingwan would have a way to deal with it, but remembering those vulgar words that reduced her baby to worthless, her throat seemed to be entangled, and her nose was pantothenic.

She endured crying until her fingertips slammed into the palm of her hand, leaving a blood-red mark, "How can you be worried... I don't want to see them say that to you."

Hearing the cry that could not be hidden in her voice, Ning Qingwan coaxed, "Don't cry baby, no one will talk about me if you wait."

"..." Meng Xia pursed her lips and mumbled, "How long will it take..."

Ning Qingwan listened to her soft and waxy voice, and bent her lips, "Come on."

"Okay." Meng Xia sniffed, ended this unpleasant topic, and returned to the topic, "How long will it take my sister to finish the matter, I'll pick you up, I have a car."

Ning Qingwan chuckled softly, "Tsk, it will take about an hour."

Meng Xia glanced at the map, "I'll set off when the moon cakes are baked."

"Okay, drive slowly." Ning Qingwan paused and said softly, "I'll wait for you."

It seemed that the spring breeze slowly swept through his heart, blowing away all of Meng Xia's depressed, uncomfortable, and restless emotions.

Afraid of affecting Ning Qingwan's handling of affairs, the two did not chat any more. After hanging up the phone, Meng Xia walked home.

As soon as he entered the house, Xia Nianzhi teased, "Did you go to the next neighborhood to throw garbage?"

Meng Xia smiled embarrassedly, "I made a phone call."

Xia Nianzhi didn't ask any more questions.

The moon cakes were baked in a short while, and Xia Nianzhi helped Meng Xia to pack the moon cakes, and then helped her carry them downstairs and put them in the back seat of the car.

Meng Xia got in the car and adjusted the seat position.

Xia Nianzhi said worriedly, "Drive slowly, you must pay attention to safety. Ouch, I'm still worried, should I ask Xiaolin to take you there?"

Before wearing the book, his biological father sometimes drank too much for the entertainment, and sometimes was too tired. Meng Xia often acted as his father's driver after getting his driver's license. She didn't pick up her father for a few days during the exam, which caused him to get into a car accident while driving fatigued.

Meng Xia lowered her head and fastened her seat belt, her long eyelashes half-drooped to hide the sadness in her eyes, and she raised her head again with a light smile on her face, "It's okay mom, I'll drive slowly."

Xia Nianzhi asked a few more words worriedly. Meng Xia listened patiently and responded until Xia Nianzhi took the initiative to let her go, and Meng Xia drove away.

Forty minutes later, the car drove downstairs to the Xingyue Media Building. Meng Xia pulled the car over and sent a message to Ning Qingwan.

After hesitating for a while, Meng Xia couldn't hold back and clicked on Weibo again.

Ning Qingwan's Weibo posted a video with sound.

In the video, Chen Silin asked Ning Qingwan to smoke a cigarette with her, but Ning Qingwan refused.

Here's a clarification video for that photo in the pet cafe.

As for another smoking photo, the director of the TV series where Ning Qingwan played the role of the sick girl also released a video.

This is a behind-the-scenes video. Ning Qingwan asked the director of Old Chimney how to smoke in order to play the smoking scene.

The summit turns around, how ruthless the scolding before, how painful it is to slap in the face now. The person who was still scolding a few hours ago changed the topic and began to praise Ning Qingwan for her dedication.

The trend of public opinion on the Internet has also begun to change, and some netizens have targeted Chen Silin—

"@Shrimp Pittiao: What kind of person is this person who needs someone to accompany him when he smokes? Look at that smoking posture, old smoker, right?"

"@Wan Wan's little pendant: I really didn't pick up the cigarette!! Are those faces that scolded Wan Wan still there? This woman is so disgusting, she took me Wan Wan into the water. I vomited!"

The wave of people who scolded Ning Qingwan before turned around to target Chen Silin, and some people even picked up a lot of Chen Silin's personal information on the Internet.

Meng Xia frowned slightly. She was so upset that she didn't look at it. She closed the screen of her mobile phone and put it in her pocket. She raised her head and looked in the direction of the building. She happened to see Chen Silin hurriedly walking towards the building.

After being stunned for a while, Meng Xia got out of the car.

After a series of things have been done to clarify, criticize, and guide the direction of public opinion, this matter has come to an end.

Ning Qingwan glanced at the news on the phone that Meng Xia said it had arrived, raised her chin slightly, and asked Mo Li, "Can I leave?"

Li Mo rubbed his temples, "Let's go, let's go." She turned off the computer and picked up the bag on the side, "Let's go together."

"Oh." Ning Qingwan responded lazily.

The two walked side by side. When they reached the hall, Mo Li couldn't help but ask, "Do you want to be so cruel to Chen Sirin?"

Ning Qingwan lowered her peach blossom eyes slightly, looking at the shadows reflected on the floor tiles, the sound of high heels stepping on the ground was getting closer and closer.

Chen Silin stood still in front of her, smiling sadly, "Do you want to be so cruel to me?"

Ning Qingwan tilted her head and asked her, "Do you want to be so cruel to Meng Xia?"

If that photo was exposed, Meng Xia's situation would be the same as she is now.

The phone kept vibrating, Chen Silin looked at the harassing text messages and phone calls that kept coming, took a deep breath, and smashed the phone to the ground.

"Heh, Meng Xia." The screen was shattered into pieces, and Chen Silin wiped the tears from her face, "Did you know that even my mother can receive this kind of text message. She just had surgery! No, you know, You know everything, how can you not know if you can arrange such details step by step. For the sake of Meng Xia, you can be cruel to me. Is that the same for my mother? She raised you anyway, Ning Qingwan, are you human? ?"

As soon as these words came out, it seemed that Ning Qingwan was too cold and ruthless, and even Mo Li couldn't hide his astonishment.

Ning Qingwan raised her eyes, but saw Meng Xia standing not far away, her **** little face was all stunned, sad, and disappointed.

My heart suddenly tightened.

The author has something to say: Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during the period of 2020-10-19 22:37:42~2020-10-2101:07:49~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the rocket launcher: 1 Qing Jiu Xiyue;

Thanks to the little angels who threw the mines: Fu Nianbo, Lin (bomb) 1;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 20 bottles of shasha; 15 bottles of insomnia and dreams; 9 bottles of Qingjiu Xiyue; 3 bottles of Qianwanxing; . . 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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