MTL - Bent By the Male Protagonist’s White Moonlight-Chapter 52

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Zhang Chenxing's birthday party was set at a favorite coffee shop he and Yan Qing ran together.

This pet cafe is so famous in city C that people who are not interested in pets are all ears, not only because of the one's reputation. The pet cafe is located in the villa area in the south of the city. It is a single-family villa. The first floor is decorated as a restaurant, the second floor is a cat entertainment area, and the third floor has many exotic pets.

Meng Xia had been with Luo Ke and the others once before, and she was deeply impressed by the high consumption.

After ringing the doorbell outside the courtyard, Ning Qingwan handed Meng Xia the gift box she had taken from the trunk, and joked, "To Zhang Chenxing, don't give it to the wrong person."

Meng Xia took the gift box and pressed it on top of the gift for Lai Xiaomeng, wrapping her arms around her. Looking at Ning Qingwan's empty hands, she asked suspiciously, "Sister, what about the gift you gave Brother Chenxing."

"Send it away." Ning Qingwan tilted her head and glanced at the side of the front yard of the villa.

Meng Xia followed her line of sight and saw a large wooden house that hadn't been there when she came. Sent a cabin? Meng Xia was wondering when Cheng Xu ran over from the villa to open the door for them. Two alpacas came out of the wooden house, their fur trimmed and they looked plump.

Across the fence, the two white alpacas tilted their necks to look at them. Meng Xia Xin was almost turned into cuteness by them. She stretched out her hand and carefully touched the fluffy fur of the alpacas, muttering, "So cute."

Ning Qingwan hooked her lips, raised her hand and rubbed her head, "It's not as cute as you."

"Sister, do you think of me as an alpaca?" The movement of rubbing her hair was similar to her rubbing the head of an alpaca.

The alpaca opened her big round eyes, Meng Xia stared at her with dark and bright eyes, Ning Qingwan looked at the alpaca and then at Meng Xia, the corners of her lips curved into a shallow arc, her brows and eyes were smiling, "Not before."

Um? There are? Meng Xia noticed the narrowness in Ning Qingwan's eyes, and understood that she was deliberately teasing her. She glanced at Ning Qingwan annoyed, and said softly, "Sister..."

Eyes wet, very cute.

Ning Qingwan chuckled lightly, and saw Cheng Xu, who was walking in front, had opened the door of the villa from the corner of his eye, and led her into the villa.

The left side of the first floor is the dining area, and the right side is the k-song area. As soon as she entered the room, Meng Xia heard a familiar melody. It was the "Secret in My Heart" from theone's first album. She couldn't help but sing at the person Look past.

Chen Silin, who was singing, looked over leisurely. Meng Xia met her gaze and caught the flash of displeasure. Chen Silin turned her head and continued to sing, with a little more air and a melodious ending, which sounded even more melodious than before. ambiguous.

If she didn't communicate frankly with Ning Qingwan before she came, she would definitely think of what Chen Silin said about the gift Ning Qingwan gave her, and she would be enveloped by jealousy and sourness.

Meng Xia pursed her lips and glanced at Chen Silin thoughtfully.

Ning Qingwan took her by the hand and led her to the dining area on the left. Zhang Chenxing was placing the dish in his hand on the table, looked up at them, and joked, "Did you come at the right time? ?"

Ning Qingwan smiled noncommittally.

Meng Xia handed the gift in his hand to Zhang Chenxing, "Happy birthday to Brother Chenxing."

"Thank you~" Zhang Chenxing took the gift in one hand, "Sit down first and have dinner later~"

Ning Qingwan opened the seat and let Meng Xia sit beside him.

Lai Xiaomeng, who was stealing food in the kitchen, moved her ears, turned around and saw Meng Xia, and said happily, "Little cute! I knew Wanwan would bring you here!"

Lai Xiaomeng jumped up and down in front of Meng Xia, and reached out to hook her shoulder. The hand was lifted into the air, slid stiffly in a circle, and then fell back to her side.

Mother, Wan Wan's eyes can kill people. Lai Xiaomeng sneered twice, pulled out the seat in a regular manner and sat down, half a step away from Meng Xia's chair.

Meng Xia didn't know why, but when she saw Lai Xiaomeng's bright smile, she raised the corners of her lips. She handed the gift to Lai Xiaomeng, "Sister Mengmeng, last birthday present."

"My God! I forgot myself, you still remember, woo woo moved." Lai Xiaomeng took the gift box, the outer wrapping paper was her favorite pink, and the pattern printed on the paper was her favorite cat , "This is too poignant for me."

"Sister Mengmeng, you didn't even take it apart, do you like it so much?" Seeing that she liked it, Meng Xia's smile softened, and the eyebrows and eyes were gentle and pleasant.

Lai Xiaomeng winked at her, "The outer packaging is so careful, I don't need to think about it, I know that I will only like the gifts inside."

Inadvertently noticed Ning Qingwan's cold eyes, and Lai Xiaomeng knew Ning Qingwan's temperament too well for a few years, so she took it as soon as she saw it, smeared oil on the soles of her feet, took a gift and slipped to Cheng Xu to show it off.

After Lai Xiaomeng left, Ning Qingwan gave a soft "tsk" and repeated those two words softly and slowly, "Attention."

Are you even jealous of this? Meng Xia was helpless and funny, she freed up a hand to hook Ning Qingwan's little finger and shook it, Ning Qingwan looked at her with a faint gaze, her eyebrows raised slightly.

Meng Xia looked at her glamorous face, and felt that her heartstrings were also swayed by her eyebrow-raising movement, trembling and arrhythmia.

Involuntarily blushing, Meng Xia looked away and explained softly, "It's because Sister Mengmeng is my sister's teammate."

Ning Qingwan curled her lips, "I know."

She noticed when she saw the gift earlier, the ribbon on the gift box, the color and pattern of the wrapping paper are all Lai Xiaomeng likes. Like her gift, the wrapping paper and the tie are her cheering color blue.

She is very attentive, which will make her jealous, but Meng Xia will always use her exclusive and soft words to coax her to neutralize the sourness in her heart.

It's addictive tenderness.

Ning Qingwan said frankly and bluntly, "I like the feeling of you coaxing me every time I show jealousy. I also want to coax you and spoil you like this. So remember what you promised me today, mind and be jealous. , tell me, at least show it."

Meng Xia felt that she was quickly melted into the tenderness in Ning Qingwan's eyes. She stared at Ning Qingwan earnestly and assured, "I will."

The almond eyes that looked straight at her were bright, like twinkling stars. Ning Qingwan looked at the delicate face in front of her, and recalled what happened a few days ago, "Did you have a part-time role as an actor before you came here?"

Meng Xia was stunned and shook her head, "No, why did my sister ask that?"

Ning Qingwan said: "Because you are so good at acting, you hide your emotions so deeply, and you don't care about acting so well."

Meng Xia choked, her feathered eyelashes slapped lightly twice, she moved her position closer to Ning Qingwan, her fingertips drew circles on her palm, a little shy on her face, and said coquettishly, "Sister, am I wrong? I didn't care."

The girl's voice was sweet and sweet, and the tail was long and pulled out a soft tone. Seeing her shy and cute appearance, her palms were scratched, and her heart was even more itchy. Ning Qingwan calmly averted her gaze and turned her face to the side, clasping Meng Xia's restless hand with her backhand.

Meng Xia's heart skipped a beat when her hands were suddenly clasped. She looked at Ning Qingwan, who looked away, a little puzzled, "Sister?"

"Would you like to come home with me after the birthday party?" Ning Qingwan turned to look at her.

Meng Xia's throat rolled, and she avoided Ning Qingwan's burning gaze uncomfortably. She told the show crew that she would only go back tomorrow. Ning Qingwan, a capitalist, probably didn't want to go back, so she just wanted to tell Lin Youran. An ordinary sentence, because Ning Qingwan's eyes were too lustful, there was an inexplicable meaning in it.

After a while, Ning Qingwan rubbed her knuckles and made a single syllable in a nasal voice, "Huh?"

Meng Xia licked her lips, her voice inaudible, "Okay."

After dinner, some people played cards and sang on the first floor, while others played with cats on the second floor. Meng Xia sat cross-legged on the futon. A puppet in her arms was so comfortable that she made a "meow" and turned over. He exposed his belly to be touched by Meng Xia, and his tail swept the floor twice from time to time.

Ning Qingwan watched her slender white hands gently stroke the cat, "Like cats?"

"I like it." Meng Xia nodded and looked over at Ning Qingwan's leg. Jin Jian, who had a big head and a head, had rubbed her head against her leg several times, but Ning Qingwan didn't touch it, "Sister, don't you like it? "

"It's not like I don't like it."

"Then why don't you touch it." While touching the puppet's soft stomach, Meng Xia gave Jin Jian some favor and rubbed Jin Jian's big cheeks.

"Tsk, you're so busy." Ning Qingwan teased her with a smile.

"No way." Meng Xia retorted, "It's because you don't touch it, sister."

Ning Qingwan raised her hand and ruffled Meng Xia's hair. Looking at her messy hair, she smiled happily, "Touch you."

"..." I thought of her as an alpaca before, but now I think of her as a cat.

Meng Xia straightened her hair that had been ruffled by Ning Qingwan, and when she looked away, she caught a glimpse of the corner of the aqua-blue skirt, following the approaching person step by step, drawing an arc in the air. She raised her eyes and watched Chen Silin approach, her heart skipped a beat.

"Mom's phone number, she wants to talk to you." Chen Silin crouched down and handed the phone to Ning Qingwan.

Ning Qingwan lowered her gaze imperceptibly. She glanced at Meng Xia, who lowered her head to concentrate on petting the cat, rubbed her brows, took the phone and put it to her ear while answering Lin Hui, got up and walked out of the house.

Chen Silin sat down with her legs crossed, and while touching the blue cat beside her legs, she asked casually, "Xia Xia, which university are you from?"

"Z is big."

"Oh, it's a good school." Chen Silin nodded and asked again, "Do you know which school Ah Qing graduated from?"

The puppet cat turned over and lay on Meng Xia's lap. She stroked the puppet cat's soft fur, looked at Chen Silin calmly, and asked, "Sister Silin, what do you want to say?"

Chen Silin was stunned for a moment, then smiled, "Then I won't beat around the bush. Whether it's education or family background, you are far away from Ah Qing. I'm not despising you, I believe you should also know Ah Qing. Are you qualified to stand by her side?"

Without waiting for Meng Xia's answer, Chen Silin stood up, looked at her from a high position, and curled her lips, "Aqing is now in the rising stage of her career, I believe you like her, and you can't bear to watch her suffer from some events in the future. Let’s have a straight star path.”

Meng Xia raised her head, and Chen Silin left her a slim back.

"Fuck? Is this little green tea back?"

Meng Xia looked sideways at her voice, Lai Xiaomeng winked at her, walked to her side and sat down, "I like the gift very much, have you read my Weibo? But how do you know that I don't have it yet? "Lai Xiaomeng pointed to the cat ear headphones hanging around his neck.

Before the cat earphones were released, Lai Xiaomeng posted on Weibo that she wanted it, but unfortunately she overslept and missed the purchase time, but she did not publicly say that no one except the band should know about it.

There are many kinds of gifts to give, but Meng Xia gave earphones. Lai Xiaomeng can basically conclude that Meng Xia must know that she doesn't have these headphones.

"Because you don't have the Weibo you got. I read all your Weibo content and found that you will post something you like, and you will also post it when you get it. But this one doesn't." Meng Xia explained.

She couldn't help but slandered that Lai Xiaomeng's gift was much more prepared than Ning Qingwan, who had been inactive for ten thousand years.

"Uuuuu, little angel in the world." While Ning Qingwan was away, Lai Xiaomeng hugged Meng Xia for a long time, "Are you in love with Wanwan?"

"Well." Meng Xia nodded frankly.

"Tsk tsk tsk. I knew it. Chen Silin's little green tea just talked to you like that, why didn't you hate her."

Meng Xia blinked, "She didn't give me a chance to speak..."

Lai Xiaomeng glared at her hatefully, her eyes wandered, she thought about it, she hooked Meng Xia's neck, "Oh, if you don't give a chance to speak, then we won't say it, we will do it~"

"Ah?" Meng Xia looked at her suspiciously.

Lai Xiaomeng murmured into Meng Xia's ear, Meng Xia blushed and waved her hand quickly, "No, no, I can't."

"A woman can't say she can't do it!"

Meng Xia shook her head vigorously, "No, no, I, I can't do it."

"Come, come, drink some wine, and use it to strengthen your courage. This is what I'm going to bring home to drink. It's cheaper for you." Lai Xiaomeng took out a small bottle of wine from her small bag and handed it to Meng Xia, her eyes brightened. Bright is full of encouragement.

Meng Xia looked into her eyes, took the bottle of wine and drank it.

Lai Xiaomeng pulled her up and took her to the door. The two sneaked behind the door and looked towards the corridor.

After hanging up the phone, Ning Qingwan handed the phone back to Chen Silin. Just as she was about to walk away, she was stopped by Chen Silin, "You and that little girl aren't quite right."

Ning Qingwan turned to look at her, and declared her expressionlessly, "We are together."

The expected answer, Chen Silin was not surprised at all, just listening to Ning Qingwan say it herself, the pain in her heart still couldn't be suppressed, she subconsciously tightened her fist, trying to control her expression to be more normal , "You said you didn't like girls."

"I like her." Ning Qingwan looked at her with deep eyes, no emotion at all, and her voice was a bit cold, "So, don't deliberately stimulate her when I'm not around."

"The more you stimulate her, the more I please her. Got it?"

Chen Silin's face turned pale for a moment, and she laughed softly, "You know that I like you and admire you, but you have to say that and put yourself so low. You are really good at how to make people feel more uncomfortable as always."

With shaking hands, she pulled out a cigarette and put it in her mouth, lit the cigarette and took a few puffs. Chen Silin calmed down a lot, and her eyes swept over the two people who were pulling and pulling behind the door in the distance, "Got it. I'm just at the beginning. It's a bit unacceptable. I won't be able to do it in the future. Can you smoke the last cigarette with me? The last request. It depends on our friendship for many years." She pulled out a cigarette and handed it over.

"Pick up an uncle, hurry up and do as I say!" Lai Xiaomeng dragged Meng Xia and pushed her out the door.

Meng Xia blushed desperately and retreated into the room, wanting to cry without tears. Lai Xiaomeng looked at how the little one was so strong! "No no no, I can't, it's too shameful, my sister will be angry."

"I think she might want to deal with you on the spot." Lai Xiaomeng frowned and urged her, "Hurry up!"

"Have you done it? Then you'll be angry, or you won't."

Lai Xiaomeng had a headache, how could this baby be so innocent, she saw Ning Qingwan took the cigarette with sharp eyes, "If you don't take the initiative, the wife will run away with her!"

Meng Xia also noticed that Ning Qingwan took the cigarette, and remembered what Chen Silin said, knowing that it was not true, but her heart still had sour bubbles, and she was pushed out by Lai Xiaomeng in a flash. Lai Xiaomeng pushed her back to let her go forward, while rambled on and brainwashed her.

Jiu Jin was over, Meng Xia blinked and walked over step by step, not realizing that Lai Xiaomeng was no longer pushing her.

After Chen Silin moved out of Lin Hui, Ning Qingwan took the cigarette, Chen Silin took out the lighter and wanted to light it for her, Ning Qingwan frowned and wanted to take the lighter and light it herself, but Chen Silin was quick, and a cluster of small flames appeared on the lighter , "It's boring to argue about this, just light a cigarette."

Ning Qingwan drank a cigarette, remained silent, her brows furrowed, and between her stalemate with Chen Silin—

A warm hand pulled her wrist, but Ning Qingwan didn't react for a while. Following Meng Xia's strength, she turned around and was pushed against the wall behind her. She looked down at the person in front of her.

Meng Xia's fair and delicate face was flushed with red, and the eyes staring at Ning Qingwan were wide open, watery and pure. She raised her eyebrows slightly, her eyes moved down a little bit on the cigarette in Ning Qingwan's mouth, and the soft light under the half-drooped thick eyelashes flowed in her eyes, very lustful.

Adding a touch of charm to the quiet and soft eyebrows, a different style is particularly attractive. The light-white hand pulled out the cigarette from Ning Qingwan's mouth little by little, Meng Xia approached Ning Qingwan's face, and her soft lips pressed against her red lips.

"Sister, are you addicted to smoking?"

The author has something to say: This Xia Xia is very (fill in the lyrics)

Lai Xiaomeng (akimbo); can this assist offset my ignorant fault in front of me?

Ning Wanwan: Not enough, come a few more times

Meng Xiaxia: qaq what the **** am I doing?

Read The Duke's Passion