MTL - Bent By the Male Protagonist’s White Moonlight-Chapter 50

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"Okay, if someone finds it. Hey, pay attention to public figures." Chen Silin's eyes slid away from Ning Qingwan's hand on Meng Xia's waist, she glanced at her watch and reminded, "The others are still waiting, Let's go back."

Meng Xia suddenly returned to her senses. Chen Silin's words made her feel guilty. It was obviously not an accusatory tone, but it gave her a sense of shame that everyone had been waiting for because of her willful departure.

Those negative emotions that were almost forgotten in the company of the girl rushed out when she inadvertently looked at Chen Silin's downed wrist.

The watch on the thin white wrist... Meng Xia lowered her eyes, and her eyes fell on the wrist that was around her waist.

The white gold watch is the same.

She suddenly felt a little sad to find that apart from their identity, there was nothing else between her and Ning Qingwan that represented the relationship between lovers.

Before Ning Qingwan let go, Meng Xia broke free from her arms, nodded and lowered her eyebrows, and said in a low voice, "I'm sorry."

Ning Qingwan's eyes darkened, and the hand that was broken by Meng Xia curled up again and again, she suppressed as much as possible to make her tone softer, "Why don't you answer the phone?"

Meng Xia lowered her eyelashes and responded to her, "The phone has no signal."

The atmosphere between the two became subtle, Ning Qingwan looked at the person in front of her and stood obediently in front of her. But from when she was just pulled into her arms until now she was pulled away.

From the beginning to the end, Meng Xia never softly said "I'm worried about you" as before, or even called "sister".

Her eyes, her attention were not on her.

Ning Qingwan wanted to ask who she was talking about and who she was with this afternoon, so that she could forget the time and contact her.

But what she wanted to ask rolled around on the tip of her tongue and swallowed it back. It seemed that all along, Meng Xia's confession was only based on her side-by-side inquiries and prompts, and she never took the initiative.

As long as she didn't ask, Meng Xia would never say anything.

The worry when I came out of the studio at this moment and saw the WeChat message she sent; I found the neighborhood according to the GPS chip in the necklace, but I searched every corner and couldn't find her; the familiar figure The relaxation that came into view, and the anger that had arisen because of the unanswered calls from the previous call.

They were all enveloped and swallowed up by a burst of irritability and inexplicable sourness.

Chen Silin urged: "Don't worry about these issues with her here, let's go back and talk about it."

Ning Qingwan's throat slid, she stared at Meng Xia who kept her head down, her cheek muscles tense, and after a while she said, "Go back."

The tone was a few degrees colder.

Meng Xia raised her eyes blankly, and Ning Qingwan walked past her. She bit her lower lip unconsciously, enduring the bubbling sourness.

It was because she was too self-willed and ignorant, and ran out without a word, causing everyone to worry and Ning Qingwan to be unhappy. But obviously, she is really aggrieved and sad.

Before leaving, she suddenly missed that girl very much, sitting softly on her lap, speaking mature words that did not match her age, which made people laugh and forget their troubles.

Ning Qingwan turned around and wanted to pull Mengxia's hand, but when she turned her head, she saw that she was staring at a corner of the park reluctantly.

Oh, the person who forgot to ask the name. She lowered her face coldly, and lowered her slightly raised hand back to her side without a trace.

When he went back, Meng Xia was shocked to realize that he had walked so far that he needed Ning Qingwan to drive here. It was really not easy to find someone in such a large block.

Meng Xia was a little loose, and felt that she was too hypocritical. Just when she was thinking about how to coax Ning Qingwan, Chen Silin opened the door of the passenger, and leaned over to sit in.

And Ning Qingwan just glanced at it, didn't say anything, stood quietly beside the car with no expression on her face.

Meng Xia was only sluggish for two seconds, then forced himself to calmly show that he didn't care, and sat in the back seat.

Ning Qingwan rubbed her brows and got into the car.

"By the way, do you remember this small park, we used to come here often."


"For a while, you went every day, sat for a long time, and asked my mother to coax you home every time. By the way, why did you suddenly stop going?"

Ning Qingwan frowned, "I don't want to go." A blurry face flashed across her mind. She no longer remembered that person, but she remembered every time she went, and could not wait for the feeling of loss.

"You're really, if you don't go, you'll never go there again."

Ning Qingwan didn't answer, and looked at Meng Xia in the back seat through the rearview mirror. She turned her head sideways and looked out the window, as if she had no interest in listening and it was none of her business.

The hand holding the steering wheel is involuntarily hard.

After coming out of the library, Meng Xia and Luo Ke walked side by side on the campus path. Luo Ke asked casually, "Xia Xia, how are your parents' divorce?"

"Has left."

"Then are you going to go back and continue recording the show?"

Meng Xia was stunned for a moment, raised her hand to tuck the wind-disturbed hair behind her ear, and gave a soft "um".

"Have you not seen Wan Wan's husband for a week?"

The hand holding the book, the fingertips turned white, Meng Xia squeezed two words out of his throat for a long time, "Yes."

She watched the sycamore tree beside the road with its leaves blown off by the wind, and suddenly recalled that after returning that day, Ning Qingwan was also standing under the sycamore tree, looking at her faintly.

After she apologized, she asked her in a cold voice, "Is there anything else you want to tell me?"

She wanted to say that she didn't like Chen Silin, and wanted to say what Chen Silin said to her, but she thought of Chen Silin's mother, Lin Hui, who raised Ning Qingwan.

Thinking of that day, when she got out of the car, Chen Silin said, "Mom hurts you more than me. You have to go home and have a look."

So intimate, yet so normal.

If you are jealous because of this, you will appear unreasonable.

So she said to Ning Qingwan, "There is nothing else."

Later, there was a sudden estrangement between her and Ning Qingwan, which was so subtle that it was difficult to detect, but she had been sensitive since she was a child.

She went to the small park twice, but she never saw the little girl again. The changes in the environment of the small park made her feel weird, and she never went there again after two times.

In the two days after that, Chen Silin went to the villa, went all the way to deliver afternoon tea to the staff, and delivered the small cakes made by Lin Hui to Ning Qingwan. Meng Xia saw that those exquisite cakes were no longer baked by herself. interest.

She heard the jokes between Chen Silin and the staff. The song of theone's first album was a birthday present from Ning Qingwan.

At that moment, she hated the brain of her die-hard fan so much, she immediately thought of the song title - the secret in my heart. The last sentence of the lyrics is I love you.

Jealous to madness, sour to bewilderment. So when Xia Nianzhi called her to say that she was going through the divorce procedures with Meng Yuanxiu, she hardly thought about it. She went to Lin Youran and said that she wanted to go home and live for a week.

Lin Youran just gave her a thoughtful look, and she was ready with a wave of her hand.

On the day she left the villa, Ning Qingwan went to City B to attend an awards ceremony. Meng Xia didn't wait for her to come back and just sent a message.

Ning Qingwan called her with a hoarse voice and a gentle tone.

Facing the phone, Meng Xia wanted to say that she wanted to see her, expecting her to suddenly appear downstairs that day to ask her for a good night kiss, but when she heard Chen Silin's voice on the other end of the phone, she made an excuse and hung up the phone in a hurry. She is really too narrow to tolerate Chen Silin. If she can't accept it generously, she can only avoid it by herself.

The divorce between Xia Nianzhi and Meng Yuanxiu was handled quickly. Meng Yuanxiu was sorry for Xia Nianzhi's first move, and he couldn't do anything about the transfer of assets. Meng Xia originally wanted to accompany Xia Nianzhi, but Xia Nianzhi plunged the whole person into work and did not need her at all.

She can go back to the villa to record the show tomorrow, and she has the intention of retreating, which has been delayed until now.

After returning to the dormitory, Luo Ke asked her: "It's time to worry about what to eat at night. You won't say you have no appetite again!"

"Forget it, I'll go next door and ask."

Meng Xia smiled, she put the study in her hand on the table, and looked at the second floor of the desk involuntarily.

On it were the gifts she forgot to give to Ning Qingwan last time, as well as the late birthday gifts she had prepared for Lai Xiaomeng.

Neither were sent.

The phone on the table vibrated, and Meng Xia took back her wandering thoughts and picked up the phone. The caller ID on the screen was Ning Qingwan.

Her breath stagnated, the phone vibrated her palms, and Meng Xia pursed her lips and answered the phone.

The two ends were silent, the bedroom was very quiet, so quiet that she could hear Ning Qingwan's long, slow sigh.

"Is it possible that you will never call me if I don't call you?"

Meng Xia bit her lower lip and recalled for a while, as if she ran to Ning Qingwan's house to make a phone call except when she was drunk. Almost all Ning Qingwan called her.

silent for a long time-

Ning Qingwan: " don't even miss me..."

The voice of grievance came into her ears through the cold metal. Meng Xia's heart trembled, and her throat seemed to be choked with a thorn. She tried hard to make her voice sound less harsh, "I miss you." I really wanted to.

On the other end of the phone, Ning Qingwan was sitting in the car, listening to the soft voice saying "I miss you", her heart softened into a pool of water. These days, she has restrained herself from contacting her. She wanted to see if Meng Xia could take the initiative. But it never happened. She even began to wonder if it was just because of the fans' love for idols that Meng Xia agreed to be with her.

Seeing Chen Silin sitting in her seat, she won't be jealous. Just like before, when she heard others praise her for her gentleness, she would not be jealous. It seemed that he didn't care at all. She is not possessive of her.

Through positioning, she knew that Meng Xia went to the small park again to meet that person again? She was alone in a sea of ​​jealousy, but Meng Xia never told her what happened in the park that day or the people she met.

In the end, she couldn't help it, and she said "I miss you" in a soft voice and let her throw away her armor.

Ning Qingwan glanced at the fallen leaves outside the car window and complained, "I think you don't miss me at all, the trees are almost bald, and you won't come back."

"..." The corners of Meng Xia's lips curved slightly, and the stagnation in her heart dissipated all of a sudden, "I want to see you. I'll go back tomorrow."

Ning Qingwan: "Tomorrow is too late, let's do it now."

Meng Xia: "???"

Ning Qingwan chuckled lightly, "Go downstairs."

Meng Xia: "...I'm in the dormitory."

Ning Qingwan: "I know." He lengthened the tail by imitating her accent.

Meng Xia ran out of the dormitory in disbelief, looked downstairs from the balcony, glanced around and didn't see Ning Qingwan's car, she must not be teasing her.

Luo Ke came out of the dormitory next door, followed her to look downstairs, his eyes lit up, and he said excitedly: "Damn, under that tree, under the tree! Whose red sports car is it? It's so cool to me."

Meng Xia looked in the direction she pointed, a red sports car parked under a tree in the distance.

"......"No way.

Obviously, Ning Qingwan heard Luo Ke's voice on the other end of the phone, with a smile in her voice, "Get down. It's so cool as your classmate's car."


After hanging up the phone, Meng Xia and Luo Ke said hello, took the two gifts on the desk, and trot downstairs all the way to the sports car and stopped.

Luo Ke watched her get into the sports car upstairs, and thought later, "Did I miss Wan Wan's husband?" Otherwise, who else would be so proud! Luo Ke pursed his lips, picked up his mobile phone and complained in the small group: "I tell you, Xia Xia has Wanwan's husband and ignores me [waves] Husband came to pick her up, but she didn't take me to look at her husband. Yan."

Tiantian: "It's human nature. If it's me, I don't care about you. Ah, ah, my husband will pick you up? Come pick me up! So Xia Xia and her husband have a show! If Xia Xia and her husband are together, will we have many opportunities to meet up with each other? Husband eats!"

Rocco: "Why are you so good?"

Mosquito: "[smiles]"

Meng Xia sat in the car and stared at Ning Qingwan without blinking. Her long curly hair, her beautiful face, and her picturesque brows were the people she had missed countless times this week.

Ning Qingwan rubbed her head with a smile in her eyes, soft like water, "Does it look good?"

"Good-looking." Meng Xia was a little embarrassed and looked away.

Ning Qing Wan gave a light "tsk", "Liar, you look good, I didn't see you coming back to see me."

"No." Meng Xia pursed her lips and retorted in a low voice. She didn't want to recall the things that made her feel disappointed. She handed the gift to Ning Qingwan and changed the subject, "I forgot to give it last time."

"Can you open it?" Ning Qingwan took the gift box, wrapped it carefully, and tied it with a ribbon. She couldn't bear to open it, but she wanted to see what kind of gift it was.

Meng Xia nodded, "Yes."

Ning Qingwan untied the long ribbon and opened the gift. Inside was a soft pottery doll in a transparent glass dustproof can. The doll was made according to her appearance. Her eyes moved from the doll in her hand to the wood carving pendant on her mobile phone. , "Did you do this yourself?"

Meng Xia nodded shyly, "It's not very good-looking. My sister is too beautiful, I can't squeeze it well."

Ning Qingwan raised her eyebrows to look at her, reached out and hooked her neck, and licked her lips, "Did the baby eat candy, his mouth is so sweet."

Meng Xia blushed in embarrassment, and looked around subconsciously. This place was a dead end, and almost no students went here.

Ning Qingwan's gaze fell on another gift in Meng Xia's hand, "What about this one?"

"I didn't prepare a gift when I went to Sister Mengmeng's birthday last time. This is a gift for her. Can you help me bring it to Sister Mengmeng?"

Ning Qingwan looked at the gift box, "You made it yourself?"

Meng Xia blinked, "I bought it..."

"Oh, then you can give it to her later." Ning Qingwan started the car, "Today is Zhang Chenxing's birthday."

"..." Meng Xia glanced at Ning Qingwan angrily, feeling helpless, "Sister, you didn't tell me, and I didn't prepare a present."

Ning Qingwan hooked her lips and chuckled, "I'm ready, mine is yours."

Meng Xia looked at her sideways, smiled and rolled her eyes.

The city has entered the night, the lights are on, the lights are bright, and the street scene is going backwards at the moment.

Halfway through the car, Ning Qingwan opened the skylight, and the cool night breeze blew away the backlog of boredom that had accumulated for many days. Meng Xia leaned against the edge of the window and felt the wind whistling past her ears.

"Sister, why did you change a car. What about the previous one?"

"Well, not open."

"Huh? Why?"

Ning Qingwan pulled the car to a stop, stretched her arms lazily, buried her five fingers in Meng Xia's hair tousled by the wind, took the person in front of her, pressed her soft lips, and whispered softly, "Because, I think The car you are driving, the co-pilot's position can only be you."

"I don't want anyone else to sit."

The force of the kiss, rubbing her lips and sucking, took a bite with her lower lip, and heard Meng Xia's "hiss" before letting him go.

"So next time, don't let others take my co-pilot."

The author has something to say: the contradiction has not been resolved, tsk

remember this ribbon

The author is speechless

Thanks to the little angel who voted or irrigated nutrient solution for me during 2020-10-0222:47:30~2020-10-0323:06:19~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mine: 1 mochi;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 10 bottles of mochi; 6 bottles of insomnia and dreams; 5 bottles of Jiu Neng; 2 bottles of bath;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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