MTL - Bent By the Male Protagonist’s White Moonlight-Chapter 39

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"What's the problem! What's the mission order!" Shen Lan looked at Ning Qingwan excitedly and excitedly, and the anticipation of watching the play was almost overflowing in his eyes.

Ning Qingwan turned the wooden stick with one hand and looked at the words engraved on the wooden stick calmly. Seeing her usual calm and calm appearance, everyone could not guess the title, and they were full of appetite.

After a while, Ning Qingwan put the wooden stick on the table, and everyone who was curious picked it up and looked at it. After reading it, those who thought about it were a little embarrassed.

Meng Xia saw the strange expressions of everyone, so he picked it up out of curiosity and looked at it. The question on the small wooden stick was—other than the bed, where else did you and your partner do? in the car? kitchen? field?

! This was too direct. Meng Xia hurriedly put the wooden stick back like a hot potato tossed. Her face was hot. She took a small sip from the water cup on the table, trying to use cold water to suppress her shock.

Ning Qingwan glanced at her faintly, her face did not change, and her voice was cold, "Nothing, it's fine."

When others hear these words, they only think that she is upright and straightforward, and they all laugh with laughter, indicating that people seem quite abstinent and cold, so it turns out that she is so open.

This answer sounded a little strange to Meng Xia's ears. The sip of water she drank immediately choked into her throat, and her face turned red from the cough.

Ning Qingwan, who was sitting beside her, naturally stretched out her hand to help her follow her back. Ning Qingwan couldn't help but raise the corners of her lips when she saw her guilty look, and her eyes were soft and radiant. So the little rabbit is not as simple as a blank sheet of paper, is it?

"Are you okay?" Shen Lan asked with concern.

Meng Xia waved her hand to indicate that she was fine, but the coughing didn't stop. She stood up with her hands on the carpet, "I, I'll go wash my face."

Ning Qingwan stood up and said in a low voice, "Let's go together." She tilted her head, looking at the wooden bar on the table, and raised her brows, as if feeling the surprised eyes of others.

Just now, everyone only looked at the explicit question on the wooden stick, and no one noticed the mission instructions on the other side.

Susan pushed his glasses, silently picked up the wooden stick and turned it over. After reading the task instructions above, the hand holding the wooden stick tightened suddenly. She put the wooden stick back, stared at Ning Qingwan's back, and a sneer appeared on the corner of her lips. She seriously suspected that all the building blocks were intentional by Ning Qingwan, a scheming girl!

Quest command on the stick - Lock in the toilet with the player on the right until the next round of the game is over.

After knowing the mission instructions, Susan was not the only one who suspected that Ning Qingwan was intentional.

Meng Xia and Ning Qingwan went upstairs one after the other and entered the bathroom in the room. Seeing that they were all women, the others didn't think much about it, so they just let them go, and only told Shen Lan to call them downstairs after the next round was over.

"Sister, those building blocks...Did you knock them down?" Meng Xia washed her face, took out a washcloth to wipe off the water stains on her face, and Ning Qingwan was behind him like a koala hold her.

"Well, on purpose." Ning Qingwan admitted generously, "I want to be alone for a while."

There are subtle grievances and complaints in the tone, more like coquetry.

Meng Xia felt a little funny, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and his heart felt like a jar of honey was overturned, and the sticky candy was wrapped around and pulled out silk. In addition to being sweet, there is still curiosity, "But, sister, how do you know the content on the wooden stick?"

"I saw it when I was posing."

"So many wooden sticks, you, do you remember it?" Meng Xia asked in surprise.

Ning Qingwan laughed softly, "I just paid attention to that one. Isn't there a number on the wooden stick?"

It turned out to be the case, even if it was, Ning Qingwan's mind was too meticulous, Meng Xia thought of the problem that made her choking, she hesitated for a while, and finally couldn't help asking, "Then...that question...isn't my sister too? I saw it earlier..."

In the mirror, Meng Xiaying's white cheeks were rosy, and there were still some drops of water that had not been wiped off. Ning Qingwan tilted her head and leaned against her neck, and asked, "Huh? Which one?"

The warm breath swept across his neck, Meng Xia tilted his head to avoid it, bit his lip and endured shame, "It's...that..." After all, he couldn't say it.

"In bed? In the car? Kitchen? Outdoors?" Ning Qingwan raised her eyebrows and teased her word by word, "Or the bathroom?"

Speaking of the last word, whether intentional or not, Ning Qingwan's soft lips brushed past her ear.

Under the double stimulation of hearing and touch, Meng Xia gasped, a thin layer of water mist formed in his eyes, and he grabbed the edge of the sink with both hands.

In the mirror of the sink, Meng Xia looked at Ning Qingwan behind him. The woman with long curly hair had a cold and flawless face that seemed to be finely crafted and delicate everywhere, and her eyes were burning like splashing ink. She looked at him through the mirror, feeling in a trance that both her body and mind were softened by the scorching heat in those ink-colored eyes.

Ning Qingwan held her shoulders with both hands and turned her body over to face him. Meng Xia was like a doll, and Ning Qingwan hardly used any strength, so she obediently followed Ning Qingwan's intention and turned around semi-actively. body.

The faces of the two are getting closer and closer, the elegant mint fragrance is entwined with the sweet fragrance, colliding in the air, entangled, intertwined, and fused between the lips and teeth, and the lips are grinding lightly and heavy.

The door of the bathroom is closed, but the sound insulation effect is not very good. The downstairs seems to be very exciting, and laughter and screams will be heard upstairs from time to time.

"This question is really sharp. I really envy Qingwan and Xia Xia for avoiding a round."

"Well, you can't dodge the next round if you dodge one round."

"Qing Wan! Xia Xia! You can go downstairs!"

Shen Lan's voice outside penetrated the door panel and vaguely entered his ears. Meng Xia was startled, and subconsciously wanted to hide back to end the kiss, but Ning Qingwan pressed the back of her head somewhat forcefully, but instead kept deepening the kiss, slid wetly into her mouth, entangled her, rolled around and teased.

Seeing that the two of them didn't move, Shen Lan said with a smile, "I'll call them upstairs~" and walked upstairs.

With a soft cry of "uh", the voice in her ear was getting closer and closer, Meng Xia's heartbeat hit her throat, she widened her eyes, and put her hands in front of Ning Qingwan in the air, she was reluctant to push Ning Qingwan away, and she was nervous. It couldn't be helped, and in the end, his fingers curled up and clenched Ning Qingwan's clothes.

She couldn't concentrate on accepting it at all, Ning Qingwan was a little dissatisfied, and sucked **** her.

The base of her tongue was numb, Meng Xia's heart was pounding, Shen Lan seemed to have walked outside the door, Ning Qingwan took a step back, stared at Meng Xia's red lips, and then used the pulp of her finger to gently touch the corner of her lips. Press the button.

Meng Xia trembled slightly like an electric shock. She turned her face to the side, and as expected, she saw her red lips and face in the mirror.

Shen Lan knocked on the door twice, "This game is over~ You can go downstairs."

Meng Xia pursed her lips and did not dare to answer, but Ning Qingwan's smile gradually deepened, and she gave a low "um".

After getting the answer, Shen Lan left without saying anything. Before leaving, he did not forget to urge them, "Come down quickly."

Ning Qingwan looked at Meng Xia, the little girl lowered her head and didn't know if she was shy or annoyed, she rubbed Meng Xia's soft hair, leaned close to her ear and bit her earlobe lightly.

"When can I try it all?"

"..." Meng Xia bit her lip, her ears dripping with blood, and she didn't answer. She was too embarrassed to say that when she opened her mouth, her voice didn't sound like her own.

Meng Xia pushed Ning Qingwan, deliberately ignoring Ning Qingwan's gaze, and washed her face again, but the cold water did not relieve her enthusiasm.

Ning Qingwan went downstairs before her. When everyone saw Ning Qingwan alone, they couldn't help asking, "Where's Xia Xia?"

"Wait a minute." Ning Qingwan's expression was light and emotionless, and others couldn't see anything.

After a while, Meng Xia also went downstairs, the blush on her face had disappeared, and the color of her lips became more natural. Only she could really feel the slight pain at the base of her tongue.

Naturally, others didn't think about that and didn't pay much attention to Meng Xia. Except for Susan and Ji Tong, the two stared at Meng Xia for a long time, one was too pale, the other was terrifyingly gloomy.

The game has already reached the third round. In the second round, the wooden sticks drawn by the crowd have not collapsed. It is good to continue to draw the wooden sticks in another round.

Xu Shi started to play, and several people dealt with problems and task instructions with ease. During the period, Shen Lan was lying on the ground and Su Jiabei did push-ups against her, and Xiao Sixuan chose the task order and stroked Susan's stomach and asked, "How many months baby? ”.

Therefore, when Ning Qingwan chose to complete the task command after extracting the wooden stick, it was not surprising to everyone, but when she saw the questions and task instructions on the wooden stick, Shen Lan couldn't help but praise Ning Qingwan, "I found that you are really good at playing games, you can let go, and you can catch Su Dian."

Because the question on that stick was "Which one of the people here would you like to complete the task order", and the task order was "Kiss the neck". Answering questions while completing mission instructions.

Ning Qingwan smiled noncommittally.

Zhang Yang asked curiously, "So who are you going to kiss on the neck? Will your fans explode if this episode is broadcast?"

Ning Qingwan had completely thought about this question, but she didn't want to answer it herself, so she led the way, "Just now Su Jiabei did push-ups against Shen Lan, will Su Jiabei's fans explode?"

Su Jiabei shrugged and didn't care, "Shen Lan is a fan, I'm a fan."

"Same." Ning Qingwan raised her eyebrows.

At the moment when everyone's eyes fell on Meng Xia, Ning Qingwan leaned over and kissed Meng Xia's neck. She tilted her head, and her long hair fell naturally, covering half of her face. From the angle, it was impossible to see whether they were kissing or not. At first, Zhang Yang even suspected that Ning Qingwan was just borrowing a seat.

In another room, Wei Fei looked at the surveillance camera and asked casually, "Did you kiss? The angle is a bit tricky." She tilted her head to look at Lin Youran, and touched the other person with her shoulder, "Do you think you did kiss or not? ?"

Lin Youran touched her chin thoughtfully, and after a while she answered nonchalantly, "I think Ning Qingwan is the same as me."

Wei Fei was puzzled, "Same as you? What is the same."

"It's the same." Lin Youran touched her nose, then suddenly leaned over and licked Wei Fei's neck, "If it were me, it wouldn't be a real kiss."

The calmness on Wei Fei Poker's face cracked instantly, covering her neck with horror and disgust, "This is too bad for other girls!"

"It's divided." Lin Youran pinched his brows, "It's not like this for everyone."

Wei Fei pretended to be stupid: "I don't understand what you said."

Lin Youran: "Haha."

As Lin Youran had guessed, Ning Qingwan lightly licked Meng Xia's neck, and Meng Xia's back instantly stiffened, her face turning red uncontrollably.

"Really kissed?" Zhang Yang noticed Meng Xia's unnaturalness and was surprised.

"Cut, it won't be interesting if you don't really kiss." Shen Lan smiled, and winked at Meng Xia to remind her, "Isn't it true, Xia Xia kisses back!"

Meng Xia looked at Ning Qingwan's pair of peach blossom eyes that looked like deep pools, and was at a loss.

Ning Qingwan raised her delicate eyebrows and stared at her with a half-smile, "Forget it?"

After struggling in her heart for a while, Meng Xia closed her eyes and seemed to be ready. Her fingers on the carpet curled up involuntarily, her long eyelashes trembled, she leaned over and just wanted to complete this task quickly.

Seemingly unintentional, Ning Qingwan turned her face sideways when she leaned forward, looking like it was an accident, the two kissed and kissed. Meng Xia responded very quickly and immediately sat back. She shyly covered her face with her hands, only to feel that her face was so hot that her palms were wet.

It's really a coincidence, it looks like it's unintentional, but the angle and time are well grasped. Ji Tong stared gloomily at Ning Qingwan, as if trying to see something from that Zhang Li's face.

Ning Qingwan's face remained motionless, as if she didn't care. She noticed Ji Tong's gaze, and glanced at the past lightly, and their eyes collided. After a while, Ji Tongteng stood up and walked out of the villa with a sullen face. He took out a cigarette and a lighter, but did not light the cigarette a few times.

Susan picked up the cup and wanted to drink water, but somehow the cup fell to the ground and the water spilled on the ground.

This game ended in chaos, and then PD gave each person a mobile phone prepared by the program team to send anonymous text messages to the guests who lived with them, regardless of gender.

Meng Xia sent a text message to Ning Qingwan, the content of the text message was, "Tomorrow is the White Rabbit Roll~" and then she received three text messages.

"Today's food is delicious."

"Thank you for today's biscuits."

"Happy alone."

The last one, Meng Xia pursed her lips and looked at it, and the arc of her lips slowly curved upwards.

After the anonymous text messages were sent, everyone went back to their rooms to do their own business, and PD returned their mobile phones to each other. Considering the privacy of the guests, the camera in the bedroom will be turned off when the guests go back to the house to rest at night, but everyone is still worried, and they all found something to cover it.

After taking a shower, Susan knocked on the door of Meng Xia and Ning Qingwan. Meng Xia opened the door. When Susan saw it was her, her frown loosened, "Shen Lan is using the bathroom, I'll borrow a toilet."

Meng Xia nodded and let Susan enter the room sideways, "Sister is blowing her hair."

Susan turned a deaf ear, and went straight to the bathroom after entering the room. She closed the door and looked at Ning Qingwan's calm eyes, "Are you and Meng Xia..."

"Yes." Ning Qingwan interrupted her, still blowing her hair with a hairdryer.

There was not much wind, and both of them could hear each other's voices, which also prevented Meng Xia outside the bathroom from hearing the conversation.


"Lai Xiaomeng's birthday." Ning Qingwan remembered something, and raised her eyebrows, "Thank you for the assist."

Susan was so angry that she had a heart attack, "I came to this show for her."

"She's very happy to have you in the show." Ning Qingwan hummed.

However, Susan couldn't be appeased. After a long silence, Susan pushed his glasses, "I won't give up, there is no corner that can't be digged, only a **** that doesn't work hard."

Ning Qingwan looked at her without a smile, "Come on."

Susan sneered and walked away in a huff. Ning Qingwan lowered her eyes, suppressed the smile on her face, and slowly tightened her hand holding the hair dryer.

After drying her hair, Ning Qingwan walked out of the bathroom. There were two beds in the bedroom. Meng Xia had already climbed onto the bed on the right, kneeling on the bed, holding the phone in her hand, and typing quickly with her fingertips on the screen. She was wearing a low-neck suspender nightdress, and the good scenery inside was vaguely visible.

Ning Qingwan clenched her hand tightly, rubbing her fingertips against her palm. She walked to Meng Xia and sat down beside the bed.

Noticing that Ning Qingwan was sitting beside him, Meng Xia glanced at Ning Qingwan, his eyes swept across the snow-white skin under Ning Qingwan's v-lead, and rolled down his throat unconsciously. She looked away, bowed her head to the screen but didn't want to continue chatting. After saying goodnight to Roke and the others, she put the phone on the bedside table.

Meng Xia looked at Ning Qingwan and wanted to find something to talk about. Thinking of the way Susan went out angrily just now, she couldn't help but ask, "Sister, have you quarreled with Sister Su?"

"Are you caring about her?" Ning Qingwan's eyes deepened. She reached out and hooked Meng Xia's neck to bring him to the front, and asked, "Are you still caring about me?"

Meng Xia lowered her eyes and took the initiative to touch the corner of Ning Qingwan's lips, "I care about you."

The author has something to say: Ning Qingwan: If you want to answer that you care about her, I will do it for you.

Meng Xia: You, you, you must be my sister~

Ning Qingwan: Hey, let's answer her

Meng Xia: ? ? ? ? ?

Ning Qingwan: Come here on the bed, in the car, in the kitchen, outdoors, and in the bathroom, okay?

Meng Xia: ! ! What are the words of tigers and wolves, borrowing the words of Sister Fei - I don't understand

Ning Qingwan: Haha

Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-09-1922:19:29~2020-09-2023:10:46~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: Yuan Qibu, 47492449, 10 bottles of Tiancongyun; 3 bottles of Baiqin; 2 bottles of Tianzaishui;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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