MTL - Bent By the Male Protagonist’s White Moonlight-Chapter 31

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Lai Xiaomeng's birthday will last until 0:00 before letting people go. Cheng Xuyuan wanted to ask if Meng Xia should be sent back first. He glanced at the hands that Ning Qingwan and Meng Xia shook, and swallowed the words with a rolling throat. After he wisely sent Ning Qingwan to the door, he stepped on the accelerator and slipped away.

The air conditioner in the car was turned on low, and it was cold. After getting out of the car, the evening breeze gently brushed against his cheeks and ears, with some impetuous warmth. Meng Xia lowered his eyes and glanced at the hands that the two were holding, their fingers intertwined.

However, her mood from the beginning of joy and ecstasy mixed and fermented into a huge sense of unreality. This night was like a dream. What is their relationship now? Does Ning Qingwan really like her? Is the kiss just because of the behavior catalyzed by alcohol.

But the pain of pinching her fingertips into her fingertips reminded her that this was not a dream.

"elder sister…"

"Huh?" Ning Qingwan turned on the lights in the room and didn't look back.

After waiting for a while, she didn't get a response from Meng Xia before she turned around. Seeing Meng Xia's dazed appearance, she couldn't help frowning and asked softly, "What's wrong?"

She was so timid, as if she was stuck in her throat, she couldn't say what she wanted to ask. Meng Xia shook her head and said softly, "It's nothing."

Ning Qingwan stared at her, trying to find out what she was thinking from her eyes, but after only looking at each other for a second, Meng Xia lowered her head and lowered her eyes to avoid eye contact.

"Go take a shower first, and we'll talk later."

talk about what? Meng Xia raised her eyes in surprise, Ning Qingwan only left her behind, and after a moment of silence, she followed.

This time, Ning Qingwan didn't even let her in the guest room. She found new pajamas and underwear for her to change, and said in a gentle tone, "You wash first, I'll make a call."

Meng Xia nodded and went into the bathroom obediently. The bar smelled of tobacco and alcohol, which was not very good. Meng Xia stayed in the bathroom for a long time, washing her head and thinking anxiously about what Ning Qingwan wanted. what to talk to her about.

It wasn't until Meng Xia took a bath that she couldn't think of a reason. No matter what she wanted to talk about, she had to face it directly later. Meng Xia made up her mind and didn't let herself continue to struggle with this issue.

This time, the nightdress that Ning Qingwan prepared for her had a rabbit printed on it. It was the one painted on Ning Qingwan's Weibo. She was chubby and naive. Meng Xia held a hair dryer in one hand. He poked the bunny's Dudu face, and the corners of his lips rose unconsciously.

"Do you like it?" The voice was clear and cold, with a gentle tone.

When Ning Qingwan entered the bathroom, Meng Xia was startled and almost threw the hair dryer out. He looked up and saw Ning Qingwan behind him through the bathroom mirror. He also took a shower, his hair was half-dried, and the moon-white nightgown was casually dressed, exuding a sense of laziness and idleness in his bones, and his neckline was wide open. , showing a delicate and beautiful collarbone, snow-white like a shadow...

When I mentioned the throat, my heart fell back, but it was like a drum, and it kept beating.

Meng Xia looked away uncomfortably. After she kissed Ning Qingwan, the feeling became very subtle. She became more nervous than before when the two of them got along.

The hair dryer was not turned off, blowing the air.

"Why don't you talk, do you like this little rabbit?"

Ning Qingwan took two steps closer, raised her hand and brushed her hair, which was already dry. He got closer, almost against her back, and put his hand away from behind her and turned the hair dryer off.

There were two soft, tactile pieces on the back, Meng Xia tightened her back, Xu Shi had just taken a shower, and the mint scent on Ning Qingwan's body was a little strong, but it lingered in her nose but couldn't make her feel awake.

"I like it." Meng Xia whispered.

The two were next to each other, Ning Qingwan's hair swept across his neck, Meng Xia felt a little itchy, and turned his head to move away, but Ning Qingwan grabbed his shoulder first.

"do not move."

Meng Xia bit her lip, endured it, and didn't dare to move.

After being silent for a while, Ning Qingwan wrapped her arms around her, took out a pure black velvet box and handed it to her, "Open it and take a look."

Meng Xia Yiyan opened the box. Inside was a necklace. The pendant was also the little rabbit drawn by Ning Qingwan. The bow on the rabbit's neck was engraved with the letters "x" and "w".

"Do you like it?" Ning Qingwan paused for a second, then added, "I did it the day I finished the painting, I just got it yesterday, I thought it wouldn't be given to you so early."

At the end of the sentence, the tone rose, with a slight smile.

Meng Xia was stunned, the day when the painting was finished? She squatted in Lai Xiaomeng's shop for a long time, until Lai Xiaomeng's Weibo regretfully announced that Ning Qingwan would not sell her designs, so this little rabbit was prepared for her alone.

In an instant, there was an indescribable feeling in my heart. Meng Xia couldn't describe it. It was as if the body and heart began to warm up when the warmest sunlight shone on the coldest winter day.

As soon as her fingertips touched the necklace, Ning Qingwan took the box away, "Want?"

Meng Xia blinked at his hand in the air, and was a little puzzled for a while, but nodded anyway, with a soft and gentle tone, "I want it."

These two words came out of her mouth, and there was a different feeling. Ning Qingwan's eyes darkened. While she was stunned, Meng Xia's eyes rolled and reached for the necklace.

Ning Qingwan returned to her senses, chuckled lightly, hugged her with one hand, and raised the box with the other. But when Meng Xia gave up, he handed it to her again, hooked her to get it, and played back and forth several times.

After enough time, Meng Xia pursed her lips and lowered her hands without effort.

Ning Qingwan handed the box to her again. Seeing Meng Xia's indifferent expression, she raised her eyebrows, "Don't you want it anymore?" "Sister, you're teasing me." Meng Xia pursed her lips and turned her face away from the box. .

"Tsk, I'm a little temperamental." Ning Qingwan teased her, moved her hand and placed the box under her eyes, and said softly, "This is for my girlfriend, are you sure you want it? I'll be you if you want it. If you promise, you will have no regrets if you promise.”

Meng Xia was stunned for a while, all the messy things she thought about before became a cloud of smoke in her mind in an instant. She reacted for a long time before turning around and understood what Ning Qingwan meant. The red lips were slightly parted, but he didn't speak.

Ning Qingwan has been waiting patiently for her answer.

She said: "It may be very hard to be with me. Li Mo said that the relationship cannot be made public for the time being."

Meng Xia understood that their relationship could not be made public. If they were together, if they announced their relationship, it would be equivalent to coming out of the closet, which would definitely have a great impact on Ning Qingwan. The last hug took a little longer, and the wife fans in the audience were no longer satisfied. If it is exposed, will Ning Qingwan's fans have excessive reactions and behaviors, and will it ruin Ning Qingwan's career.

She suddenly regretted at this moment, she was too selfish, and was immersed in the joy that Ning Qingwan also liked her. But they never thought about what kind of difficulties they would encounter if they were really together, and how much impact it would have on Ning Qingwan.

Meng Xia opened his mouth, but couldn't say a word.

"Don't think about it." Ning Qingwan saw her expression in his eyes and sighed lightly, "I'm just afraid that you will be wronged. Have some confidence in me, okay? Give me some time, and I will think about it and solve it. solution to the problem.”

"Meng Xia."

This was the first time Ning Qingwan called Meng Xia's full name. Although her tone was gentle, she had a serious and serious attitude.

"What I want is your answers, as long as you want, those are not problems. Don't think about other people and other things, you just want to be my girlfriend or not."

She saw through all her concerns.

Meng Xia's eyelashes trembled, she raised her eyes to look at Ning Qingwan's eyes in the mirror, and slammed into those pair of eyes full of tenderness and concentration, like a night sky dotted with bright stars, looking at her calmly and tenderly, making her feel at ease , make her fascinated.

It made her eyes turn red in an instant, her long eyelashes fanned lightly, and tears rushed out of her eyes uncontrollably. In a trance, Meng Xia could hear her own heartbeat, which was beating vigorously in her chest. The blood in the whole body seemed to be boiling.

"I will." She found her voice in her choked throat, and looked at the necklace in front of her with tears in her eyes. Meng Xia reached out and held the necklace in her palm. The bunny's edge was in her palm, reminding her All this is not a dream.

"Little crying bag." Ning Qingwan put the box aside and asked Meng Xia to turn around and face her, took a tissue and gently wiped her tears with a helpless tone, "As soon as you cry, I don't know what to do with you. Done."

Meng Xia sniffed and stopped crying after a while. She looked down at the little rabbit in her palm, full of joy.

"I'll help you put it on." Ning Qingwan took the necklace, buried her head in her neck, and interlocked the ends of the necklace.

The warm breath fell on the skin, Ning Qingwan's lips slipped from the auricle like nothing, it was crisp and itchy, the slightly cool fingertips touched the back of the neck, and rubbed all the way along the neck to the lower jaw. Meng Xia trembled slightly, and the crimson spread from the tip of her ear to her cheek.

Her cheeks were rosy, her long eyelashes were still dripping with tears, her apricot eyes were wet, with tears that had not yet dried up, with shyness and tenderness, Ning Qingwan felt that she was about to drown in these eyes.

The wet and hot kiss fell on the corners of the eyes, the tip of the nose, and the corners of the lips. Ning Qingwan kissed very slowly. When she kissed the lips, she reached out and covered Meng Xia's eyes. Her senses were magnified several times. Ning Qingwan slowly and repeatedly pressed and licked her lips.

The whole person is hot and weak, and the breathing is short and hot. At one time, I can feel the heart beating wildly, and at the same time, I feel that I am going to fall into the abyss without oxygen. Meng Xia stepped back a little unbearably, but Ning Qingwan used some force to wrap her arms around her waist.

Until the kiss that was about to deprive her of her breath ended, Ning Qingwan didn't let go of her hand covering her eyes. The sound of the two people's breathing in the bathroom intertwined, coiling around her ears with incomparable clarity.

"Sister..." This murmur was drowned out between the lips and teeth again.

It was obviously not the first time that he and Ning Qingwan slept in the same bed, perhaps the relationship between the two had progressed, and he was inexplicably more nervous. Meng Xia was held in Ning Qingwan's arms, but he didn't dare to move at all, like a wooden man. .

After being stiff for a long time, she wanted to change her posture. Meng Xia carefully wanted to turn her back to Ning Qingwan, so she might fall asleep, but as soon as she moved, Ning Qingwan's beautiful peach eyes opened, and she was in the dark. In the house, the eyes were like the moonlight, soft and cold.

Meng Xia couldn't move anymore after such a pair of eyes. She asked softly, "Sister, did I disturb you?"

"No." Ning Qingwan patted her head, "Can't sleep?"

"Well." Meng Xia replied softly. In fact, she was very sleepy, but as soon as she closed her eyes, she remembered the dream she had in the bar earlier, "I seem to be dreaming about myself today."

"No, it should be the original heroine."

In the darkness, Meng Xia couldn't see Ning Qingwan's expression clearly, but just held her hand and pinched her fingers soothingly.

"She said something to me in a dream, but I can't remember what she said." Meng Xia bit her lip, revealing her unease, "I occupy her body, will there be a day when I occupy her body? She's going back."

Ning Qingwan's body froze for a moment, and the light in her eyes became even colder, "Then you have to get your body back, even if it's for me." Meng Xia throbbed, and gave a heavy "um", and then became weak again after a while. Weakly, "What if I can't get it back?"

She said it in a relaxed tone as much as possible, but her eyes were full of fear.

"Fool." Ning Qingwan gently kissed her forehead, "I can't grab it, my sister will help you."

"Knock her back and drag you out."

It's a foul, how can it be so cute and so cool, Meng Xia couldn't help laughing, her almond eyes sparkling, she drilled into Ning Qingwan's arms again, stretched out her arms and hugged tightly, "Sister."

There was a soft and soft cry, and there was joy that could not be hidden in her voice. She hugged so tightly, Ning Qingwan's eyes lighted slightly, she touched her soft hair, and said softly, "Go to sleep, it's getting late. "

"Before going to bed, should you give me a goodnight kiss?"

Meng Xia's eyes swayed, enduring shyness, she raised her head slightly and kissed Ning Qingwan's lips lightly, "Sister, good night."

With a little bit of water, Ning Qingwan raised her eyebrows, "Remember to have a good morning kiss."


Meng Xia began to think if she fell asleep at the beginning, would there be no need for these two requirements.

The author has something to say: Question: Wan Wan, why are you kissing to block the eyes of the bunny

Ning Qingwan: Don't block it, look at those eyes, it's not just kissing

Ow! The comments have been reduced a lot, you don't want to watch it after watching it together!

Crying, I understand in this case, I will polish my future articles 233333333333 Thank you for voting for me or irrigating nutrition during 2020-09-0809:37:01~2020-09-1012:37:37 The little angel of liquid~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mine: 1 mushroom;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 20 bottles of Sven Scum; 10 bottles of Chiba Jing and Yuliang; 6 bottles of Gui' Hometown and Zuo; 2 bottles of Beiling; 1 bottle of Ant Mengmeng;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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