MTL - Bent By the Male Protagonist’s White Moonlight-Chapter 16 chapter16 (repair)

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There was a hint of surprise in the soft and sweet voice.

Meng Xia didn't expect to meet Ning Qingwan in the stairwell, and in sudden joy, she stepped on the stairs. His foot was bruised, his center of gravity was unsteady, and his body leaned forward. . . .

Ning Qingwan naturally reached out to pick her up, but Meng Xia, who fell into his arms, fell to the ground.

The back was cold against the floor tiles, and the warm fragrant nephrite in her arms made her feel a little hot. Ning Qingwan lowered her head and could see that under her jet-black hair, the exposed little ears were gradually dyed with a layer of crimson.

The mellow fragrance filled the nose, the mint-like coolness mixed with the sweet fragrance, which was the unique smell of Ning Qingwan.

Meng Xia didn't have time to think about how it all happened. She only remembered the moment she fell, and vaguely heard a muffled groan.

When she thought that Ning Qingwan had fallen because of her own involvement, Meng Xia didn't care about being embarrassed, and hurriedly raised her head to look.

The soft lips touched, and with a touch of water, Meng Xia moved away from Ning Qingwan in a panic, and sat on the side.

Suddenly, Ning Qingwan licked her lips, and there seemed to be residual warmth on her lips.

"Sister...I, I didn't do it on purpose." Meng Xia bit her lip, she was afraid that Ning Qingwan would be angry, and she was even more afraid that Ning Qingwan would be repelled by a girl's sudden kiss like this.

Didn't fall on purpose, didn't kiss her on purpose?

Ning Qingwan thought it would be better if it was intentional, but when she looked up and saw Meng Xia's red eyes, her heart softened into a pool of water.

The little girl seemed to be frightened. She pressed her eyebrows, thinking that it would be bad if she was scared away before it was time.

She rubbed Meng Xia's head soothingly, "It's okay."

Only then did Meng Xia take a breath and let out a sigh of relief.

"How about your feet?" Ning Qingwan stood up and reached out to pull her.

With the strength of Ning Qingwan's hand, Meng Xia stood up, and with a little force on her twisted foot, she immediately tightened her brows in pain, and snorted softly, "It hurts."

The soft and soft kitten's voice is like a coquettish tone.

Ning Qingwan glanced at the stairs, there was one more floor, stretched out her arms to wrap her arms around her waist, paused slightly when her hands touched the slender waist, and said lightly without changing her face, "Help you downstairs."

Meng Xia let out a low exclamation and subconsciously wanted to push back, but she shrank back when she met Ning Qingwan's hand, and she was at a loss. In the end, she compromised and Ning Qingwan limped downstairs while hugging her waist.

But after walking a few steps, he could still feel the pain in his feet. The palm of his hand was attached to his waist through the thin fabric, and he could clearly feel the heat. Meng Xia couldn't help blushing and burning hot.

"Sister, I can do it myself." Meng Xia blushed. With such an intimate contact, the good smell of Ning Qingwan filled her nose.

"Are you shy even if you help me?" Ning Qingwan teased when she saw her blushing face and couldn't help but want to tease.

Meng Xia was stunned for a while, only to feel the temperature on her face rising, she bit her lip and didn't answer.

"Why didn't you take the elevator?" Ning Qingwan stopped teasing her and asked casually after cutting a topic.

Meng Xia hesitated for a moment, and told her the story in the book. At the end, she sighed with a smile, "It turns out that taking the stairs can open the copy of meeting my sister~"

A second ago, the bunny blushing was about to cry, but this second, his eyes were full of joy, his eyes were full of tears and he was smiling brightly, which made people want to bully him.

The soft touch on her lips was still clear, Ning Qingwan closed her eyes and asked her, "Where are you going later?"

"Go to the shopping mall next door to find classmates. Sister, let me go by myself when I reach the stairs. I can do it myself."

"it is good."

Ning Qingwan didn't let go of the hand on her waist when she reached the entrance of the stairs. She took two steps and stopped in place. Meng Xia followed Ning Qingwan's line of sight, her face turned pale, and she couldn't help but take a step back. Ning Qingwan subconsciously took it into her arms.

A few steps away, Ji Tong stared blankly at them holding a large bouquet of roses.

The project that Shengtian had negotiated on the day before was suddenly snatched by the Ning Group. He has been very busy these two days. He flew to City A overnight to negotiate with the original partner. Knowing that Ning Qingwan was recording a show in City A, he took time to come. Take a look, I want to apologize for the last time I said nothing.

But the sight in front of him made him stunned. The canary, who wanted to retreat and seek care, was actually half-held in his arms by Bai Yueguang, who could not ask for it?

Meng Xia couldn't help trembling when she saw Ji Tong's face. Since she read the book, she often had nightmares. The dreams were full of the original plot and Ji Tong's distorted face when she was violent. Every time she woke up in fear.

Feeling the person in her arms trembling slightly, Ning Qingwan lowered her head to look, the little white rabbit was trembling and frightened, which made her feel distressed for a while.

She lowered her head and leaned into Meng Xia's ear, softly reassuring: "Don't be afraid."

Meng Xia felt a little itchy as the warm breath brushed against his ears, and shrank his neck.

The simple two words made her feel extremely at ease, and she simply lowered her eyes and stopped looking at Ji Tong.

"My sister is here, I'm not afraid." Meng Xia muttered to herself.

Ning Qingwan couldn't help but smile when she heard it, but when she looked up at Ji Tong, she suppressed her smile and her eyes suddenly turned cold.

Ji Tong's hand holding the rose trembled slightly, and questions kept circling in his mind, what is the relationship between Ning Qingwan and Meng Xia? They behaved like a pair of lovers.

It was not until Ning Qingwan walked past him with Meng Xia's arms around him that Ji Tong regained his senses and looked at Ning Qingwan's back with a complicated expression.

I only heard Meng Xia's soft sweet voice and Ning Qingwan's smoky voice reaching her ears.

"Sister, are you allergic to roses?"

"Yeah, how did you know that?"

"I... I remember everything that my sister likes and hates."

The sound became smaller and smaller as Ning Qingwan walked away until it was inaudible.

The female star who was recording the show with Ning Qingwanlu walked out of the building, walking happily with a lollipop in her mouth, and glanced at the flowers in Ji Tong's hand, "Hey, there are flower sellers before the Qixi Festival. How do you sell it?"

Ji Tong's face darkened.

The female star pouted and said, "If you don't sell it, you won't sell it. Show someone a shit-eating expression." After speaking, she twisted her waist and walked away.

Ji Tong stared gloomily at the flower in his hand, and suddenly threw the flower on the ground, the petals shattered and scattered on the ground, and he stepped on it with his foot and smashed it hard.

The cleaner not far away shook his head when he saw it, and scolded in a low voice, "What kind of quality is he like a dog."

Ning Qingwan kept hugging Meng Xia until she walked to the nanny's car before letting go, "Did you say Rose Allergy on purpose?"

Xiao Si was punctured, Meng Xia nodded with a blushing face.

When I read the book, I felt it was ironic, Ji Tong regarded Ning Qingwan as Bai Yueguang, and claimed to be the person who loved her the most, but she didn't even know about Ning Qingwan's allergy to roses.

Hearing Ning Qingwan chuckle, Meng Xia lowered her head even more embarrassedly, and couldn't help but ask, "What are you laughing at?"

"I'm laughing..." Ning Qingwan approached her and pinched her face, "Little rabbits can be cunning too."

Meng Xia let Ning Qingwan hold her face and defended herself in a low voice, "It's not that I'm cunning, it's that he is too hypocritical."

The hand felt smooth, soft and warm, and Ning Qingwan retracted her hand still, "You just said, do you remember what I like and what I hate?"

The heartbeat suddenly became irregular, Meng Xia bit her lip, took a breath, raised her eyes and looked at Ning Qingwan seriously, "Sister, I'm serious about chasing stars."

Read The Duke's Passion