MTL - Bent By the Male Protagonist’s White Moonlight-Chapter 13 chapter 13

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While Meng Xia was in a daze, the phone rang suddenly. She was so frightened that she almost threw the phone out of her hand, glanced at the caller ID, and answered the call.


The original heroine's mother, Xia Nianzhi, is a strong woman. Father Meng's current company was managed by Xia Nianzhi in the early years. After the company developed steadily, Xia Nianzhi became a full-time wife. She is a good wife and a good mother.

"Baby, are you going to City A to chase your Wanwan husband today? Are you there yet?"

"Mom, I've already arrived at Mosquito's house."

After going upstairs, Luo Ke and Tiantian visited the room. Mosquito left the room without seeing Meng Xia, and found that Meng Xia was still on the first floor. She waved to Meng Xia on the guardrail, "Xia Xia, come up."

Meng Xia pointed to the phone and mouthed to the mosquito, "My mother."

Mosquito made an "OK" gesture knowingly, turned around and went back to the room.

On the other end of the phone, Xia Nianzhi heard the mosquito's voice, and said, "If you live in someone else's house, you must be sensible and don't cause trouble for others."

"Know it."

Xia Nianzhi asked again, "When will the baby come home? Mom will pick you up~"

Meng Xia has a very good impression of Xia Nianzhi. Before wearing the book, she had never experienced maternal love. Every time she returned to Meng's house after wearing the book, Xia Nianzhi took care of her meticulously.

But every time Father Meng had to teach her a lesson, she began to reject it.

The original plan was to pack up and go home after returning to school from City A, but after the incident where Father Meng insisted on letting her see Ji Tong on Saturday, Meng Xia wondered whether it would be better not to go back during the summer vacation.

After hesitating for a moment, Meng Xia said frankly, "I don't want to go home."

"Why! Is it because of your father?"

"Well...I want to rent a house near the school."

There was silence on the other end of the phone for a while, Xia Nianzhi sighed, "Got it." She paused and said worriedly, "The mother of the house rents it for you. If you live alone, you have to choose a secure community."

"Then, mom, don't tell dad."

Xia Nianzhi smiled and said, "Don't tell him, this is our mother and daughter's little secret."

There was a slight smile on his lips, Meng Xia sucked his sore nose, "Thank you mom."

Xia Nianzhi asked again to pay attention to safety before hanging up.

Meng Xia looked at her phone and didn't know what method Wan Wan's husband used. Ji Tong did not apply to be friends again.

According to Ji Tong's character, if she finds out that the phone is blocked, she will definitely use Dad Meng to put pressure on her, but Dad Meng has never contacted her.

"Xia Xia, Mosquito's room is so big, that wall is amazing, come and see!" Luo Ke rushed out of the room excitedly and urged Meng Xia.

Meng Xia responded and stopped thinking about Ji Tong.

The room is very big, but it is smaller than that of Ning Qingwan's house. The decoration style of Mosquito's house does not conflict with the whole room. Her own room is covered with posters of Ning Qingwan, and her personal style is quite outstanding.

"How, do you regret not sleeping in the same room with me~" Mosquito raised his chin, his face full of pride.

"I want to sleep by myself~" Tian Tian glanced back and forth at Mosquito several times, "I want to make a video with my boyfriend, Mosquito is like a tomboy, I am afraid that my partner will be jealous."

Mosquito snorted dissatisfiedly, "When you are praising me for being handsome."

Luo Ke touched Ning Qingwan's face on the poster and said obsessively, "I've decided, I'll sleep with you!"

"..." Mosquito ignored Luo Ke and looked at Meng Xia, "Xia Xia, how about you?"

Meng Xia was stunned for a while, staring at the poster on the wall for a while, then waved quickly, "I'll just sleep in the guest room, I won't be able to fall asleep looking at the poster."

When he opened his eyes, it was Ning Qingwan's enchanting face, and he felt like he was being stared at to sleep, and his heartbeat couldn't help speeding up.

Mosquito let out an "oh" in disappointment.

In the evening, Mosquito specially asked my aunt to change the quilts in the three rooms with specially customized quilt covers, embroidered with a huge Q version of Ning Qingwan, and the patterns on the quilt covers in the three rooms were different.

Several people admired the mosquito's room from the guest room. Luo Ke had already climbed onto the bed and threw himself on the pattern with a look of intoxication, "It's like lying in her husband's arms, Xia Xia, come and come, come together."

Meng Xia was pulled by Luo Ke and sat beside the bed. She touched the embroidery thread on the quilt and admired it sincerely. "It's amazing..." It was actually embroidered by hand, and she took another photo to send it to the circle of friends.

"Why do you look like a pervert, look at how quiet Xia Xia is." Mosquito came out of the bathroom after taking a shower, and glanced at Roco.

Luo Ke rolled his eyes, gave a disdainful "cut", and said with a wicked smile, "Xia Xia is not quiet, she is boring, saucy, maybe her heart is already in her husband's arms."

After being pierced, Meng Xia shivered slightly for a while, and uploaded the unedited photos to the circle of friends.

Luo Ke teased her with a smile, "Look! I'm blushing! Am I right!"

"No!" Meng Xia gritted her teeth and refused to admit it.

Being teased by Luo Ke like this, Meng Xia's originally blushing face suddenly turned from white to red. She stood up from the bed and said to leave when she saw Tiantian, who had been chatting with her boyfriend outside the room, rushing in.

"I'm almost mad at Nan Hua!"

Luo Ke pulled Meng Xia down and said impatiently, "What the **** is she doing?"

"She said she slept next to her husband today!" Mosquito watched the group chat and ruffled his hair irritably. "The point is! She posted a new flash photo, saying that she and her husband are having supper in the same room now!"

Meng Xia clicked on Nanhua's new flash photo, which was obviously stealing | the angle of the shot. There were many snacks on the table. In the photo, Ning Qingwan was sitting on the sofa looking at her mobile phone, her posture was lazy and casual, as charming as ever.

But at this moment, she lost her appreciative mood, and felt like she had eaten a whole lemon, so sour.


Ning Qingwan glanced at the special snacks on the table, looked indifferent, and thanked him expressionlessly.

Nan Hua pursed his lips and smiled, "It's all I should do."

"Give me the phone." Mo Li stretched out his hand towards Nan Hua, looked at Nan Hua with a stunned face, and twitched the corner of his mouth, "It's ok if you don't, just delete the photo you just took."

Nan Hua's body stiffened, and he smiled with a guilty conscience, and pretended to be stupid, "Sister Mo Li, what are you talking about, I didn't take any pictures."

Mo Li was too lazy to listen to her, so he put his mobile phone on the table and pushed it in front of Nan Hua.

Ning Qingwan sat up straight and glanced casually at Mo Li's phone.

On the screen is a photo taken by Nan Hua in the car in the afternoon.

The smile on Nan Hua's lips faded a little, and tears immediately filled his sunken eyes, and he wanted to cry, "I just like Sister Wan Wan so much, I couldn't hold it back for a while, I'm really sorry, I won't do it again next time. That's it."

"It doesn't matter." Ning Qingwan's expression did not change, as if she didn't care, she looked at Mo Li leisurely.

Nan Hua was overjoyed, but before the tears were wiped away, he heard Mo Li coldly say, "There is no next time, should I contact the show team to change the person, or should you tell it yourself?"

Nan Hua stood still, and gradually burst into tears, tears the size of beans pouring out of his eyes.

Mo Li frowned, and his eyes were cold, "If I go and say it, it won't just be replaced."

After Mo Li said this, Nan Hua shuddered and said, "I, I'll tell it myself."

Nan Hua turned around and looked back at Ning Qingwan, but Ning Qingwan never raised her head while playing with her phone.

The hand sliding on the screen suddenly stopped, and Ning Qingwan opened the photo Meng Xiagang had posted. The first three photos were of the whole bed, with her Q version image embroidered on the quilt.

The last photo seems to have been taken while sitting on the bed, and two pieces of clothing with completely different patterns and patterns in the lower left corner came into the lens.

She recalled that the most neutral-looking girl among the four girls was the girl who handed her the marker and the friend who "lived at a friend's house" as Meng Xia said.

Ning Qingwan typed a line of words, "Who are you sleeping with?". She moved her hand slightly and pressed the delete button. She deleted all the words she had typed, and turned off the phone and put it aside.

Read The Duke's Passion