MTL - Being an Author is a High Risk Occupation-Chapter 86

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He is not a fairy, he is a beast!

Ok, this identity can't be debunked.

"The extraordinary is a nine-tailed cat." The car broke the edge and smiled: "I met him in the real world."

Uncommonly, I raised my small head and turned my head and snorted. Stupid... immortal! Even dare to lick his skin, his skin can be touched!

After a long time with the man, I also learned a little bit of temper.

Yu Lin admired the car's broken edge, and turned to look at the extraordinary with amazed eyes. Seeing that he was cold and cold to himself, he suddenly remembered that the fairy beast was not much different from the human repair. He recalled that he had just licked the other person’s black fur, and immediately became very embarrassed, arching his hand and saying: "Really, I am really sorry. My place is apocalypse, and there are very few people who can repair and repair. It is not bad to see a few beasts, and my eyes are my eyes."

It’s not uncommon to be in the arms of the man.

Yu Lin was embarrassed to touch his head and smiled thickly.

In the ancient spiritual world of Lin Xiu, not only the aura is thin, but also the truth is like a legend. Even if you are fortunate enough to encounter inheritance, many people will give up because they can't believe it, and continue to do their own thing. It is a good luck that Yu Lin can fly, and it is good, it is simply against the sky.

The single earth root, the inheritance received is also the practice of the earth system, and it happened to be the few people in the world who have been repaired by the world, and he was accepted as an apprentice. Before the ascent, I was lucky enough to encounter a high-ranking monster, and the inner beast of the monster was greatly improved, so it climbed smoothly.

I have never met a competitor, not to say a competitor. Even if he stands on the street and yells at me that he is a comprehension person, others will take him as a madman and stay away from it.

So when he came to the fairyland and saw so many people of the same kind, his mood was very exciting. However, most of the immortals have maintained an alienated attitude towards his passionate behavior, which made him somewhat depressed.

Therefore, when he encountered the broken edge of the car, and the broken edge of the car agreed with his request to become a friend (not), he was really happy. No matter whether a person is a fairy or not, it is a creature that cannot live alone.

"But the Taoist friend can get a fairy beast in the realm of comprehension. It is really enviable, and it is still a nine-tailed cat. Now in this fairy world, there are quite a few lucky ones who can sign a contract with the demon, but the fairy-like demon Repair, ah haha, it’s too rare.”

"Isn't there a lot of fairy beasts in this fairyland?" asked the car's broken edge.

"It's indeed quite a lot." When it came to Yu Lin's face, he fell down and looked sad. "But where is it so good to hook up... The fairy beast is also powerful and not very powerful. Not so bad, don't want to partner, great They have a lot of requirements, and they need a magic weapon to be a magic weapon. They are not as good as their wives! The fairy world is full of aura, many fairy beasts have family, and there is no shortage of mountains. Even if you have resources in their hands, they I will also pick your temperament and taste, not afraid to bring it out to shame... rub!"


Broken edge of the car: ...

The demon of the comprehension is like a little girl in a junior high school in a modern school. It is a good match. Because I don’t know much, my eyes are narrow. If you are a little handsome in the future, it’s very easy to spring.

The fairy tale of the singularity of the singularity is like a college student who is about to graduate, and half of his feet have entered the society. The number of people watching has increased, and the idea is more realistic. Maybe some will want to work hard together, but most of them still have to look at the length of the people, the character is good, the family has money, how to plan in the future... The horizon is not low.

Perhaps it is because of a sentence that you are not pleasing to the eye, and the immortal who is seeking to sign the contract will kick out.

"One hundred years ago, I met a good fairy." Yu Lin was full of dreams: "She is a crane, elegant figure, talent for the calf. Just... she dislikes me as a dumpling Gas! No bird me!" qaq


Broken edge of the car: ...

"Where do I have a dumpling! I am a Tu Linggen! But it does not mean that I have a rustic and ah! I don't want to bury it!" Yu Lin simply wants to bury his face.

Rao is a cold-hearted cold-hearted car, and can't help but want to comfort him. Looking too pitiful.

"It’s still lucky to have a good friend, and you have hooked up one from the realm of cultivation.” Yu Lin sighed.

Unconventional: This sentence is so awkward to listen to swollen.

"Nine-tailed cats are high-ranking fairy beasts that can be seen from afar, even if they are in this fairyland." Yu Lin looked at the extraordinary eyes and shone, then turned to the car to break the line: "Do you make it? Legend The nine-tailed cat once had a close relationship with the beast and the cat, and gave birth to a scorpion scorpion, but then the idiot was missing. They are the closest to the beast! Although these are just legends of the fairy world... ”

Legend has it that the scorpion born with the nine-tailed cat and the medlar cat is extraordinary: ==

"But the legend is true or false who said it, maybe who is lucky to get an egg and the result is a cat, and then it is confused." Yu Lin said with a smile.

Good luck to get an egg out of the cat and then confused to raise the car broken edge: ==

"Ah, hahaha... just kidding." Yu Lin touched his head: "This may be too small. After all, this is just a legend."

The car has a broken edge & is extraordinary: it happened again! The two protagonists in the words are standing opposite you!

"Speak up, before this...the amount..."

"It’s not extraordinary."

“裴仙友, who are you looking for?” Yu Lin said with a smile: “Maybe I can help, although I sometimes get lost...”

"I am going to find Lancome. Where do you live in the nine-tailed cat family?" Unexpectedly, the tail was opened, and he opened his mouth and asked.

Yulin suddenly clap his hands: "Too much! Every year, the territory of the nine-tailed cat family will be visited by many immortals! I have been there a few times! Although every time I didn't even enter the door..."


"A few hundred years ago, the nine-tailed cat family had only a new voice, although I didn't catch up at that time. But I heard that the nine-tailed cat was booked as a partner, so many people are so sad..." Lin sighed: "I remember what the screaming is... The amount... What is Lan?"

Uncommon: A few hundred years ago, it would not be Lancome.

"Don't talk nonsense." The car crashed and frowned: "Take us."

Yu Lin said: "You don't have one... wait, is this going to go home to see your loved ones? Take me one... No, I mean I will take you there!" This time because of this extraordinary, he must I can enter the gate of the Nine-Tail! Then sign with a cockroach to see the eye, and then embark on the peak of comprehension! It’s really exciting to think about it! >u<

By the way, where is the territory of Jiuweiyu coming?

At the same time, the family of the nine-tailed owl.

"Lan Lan! You are reneging! You can make fat if you make it! You will grow ten pounds of meat!" There is a yellow ear on one of the heads, and three chubby girls are screaming at the back of the buttocks.

"It doesn't matter." Lancome even lazily scored on the bed to give herself this wayward cousin, and licked five tails: "Even if you get ten pounds of meat, I don't have a core weight."

Lanxin: Hey!

Lanxin grinds his teeth, and his angry expression is replaced with a cheeky smile. He whispers at Lancome's bedside: "Don't be purple, but look at it, look at it from afar. As long as you let me see him." I said that if you take me to the real world to find him but deliberately forget it, I will not care."

"Then you will continue to care about it." Lancome turned over and his back was against the core.

"You!" Lanxin whispered, I don't know what to say.

"He is coming soon, why are you rushing for a while?" Lan Lan said slowly.

"That can be the same! What if he came here! Come to your nest and squeeze it. Where is the position of my thin and thin woman! I can't squeeze it, don't talk about it and introduce myself.喵呜呜呜~~”

Where are you thin! Besides, even if you can squeeze it, he will never dare to let you go. Lancome secretly thought that the mouth was too rigorous, and everything could be said outside.

Lanxin was crying for a while, secretly removing the fat claws that squinted and glanced at Lancome.

Lancome: zzz~~

I go! He fell asleep!

This is simply... great!

The blue core of the blue core turned around, and saw no one around, and then bent out the fat claws to poke Lancome, seeing that he did not respond. Smiled and turned and went out. At the moment when the door closed, Lancome slowly opened his eyes and was helpless.

My own cousin three is not good: First, too fat. Second, the mouth did not put the door. Third, too much idea.

The tube is also not good, and it can't be seen. It’s really heartbreaking.

Lancome turned back and forth several times on the bed. In the end, she was too worried. She folded a communication paper crane. After receiving a response for a long time, she continued to sleep peacefully.

He has recently been waiting for a new tail, and it is easy to get tired.

On the way, Lanxin strolled from the base camp of Jiuweiyu, and did not encounter any obstacles. I thought that some small fairy beasts would be obstructed by her on the road. Who knows that half of the creatures have not met. This time, my home is really smooth.

If you ask someone who has been reading in the heart of Lanxin, it is naturally extraordinary, and there is no other than him.

In the fairy world, there is a legend that there was a nine-tailed pheasant and a cat that gave birth to an egg, but unfortunately lost. But each of the nine-tailed family is very clear, and this is definitely not a legend. For nearly 10,000 years from the past to the present, their family has never given up looking for the lost cat. How much has been paid for this, how many ‘selling’ can be imagined. Even Lancome is signing an equality contract from birth at the beginning of the game. It’s just that there is no limit to the fact that they are standing in the search for the black scorpion.

It was not until later that it was found that the long search for Jiuweiyu was stopped.

It is not only their masters, but also their loved ones. Jiuwei喵 attaches importance to family.

After knowing this news, Lanxin thought more than once to the real spirit world, that is, the car was broken and the unconventional realm of the repairing realm was found, but they were all pasted by Lancome. Now that she knows that she has come to the fairy world, she may not have a look.

Oh, haha, little, I am coming~~

There was a little paper crane on the other side, sighing faintly.

After he signed a contract with Lancome, the other party called him to make him more comfortable!

Who is the monster who is feeding!

Generally speaking, he gives resources, Lancome helps him to do things right!

Now he is giving Lancome resources, and then he has to work for Lancome...

Sure enough, I can't let him go too far, and I lick my nose! Look at the ‘children’’s things and give them to him!

What is more wrong is that when he reacted, a small paper crane with a ‘good 哒’ has been sent out.

It’s really awkward.

Don't be too used to this action!

However, there is no one in the heart. In the beginning, because of the trouble of the cat, he did not complain much. But is it to watch the children? He has watched Lancome for many years. Is this bad?

Standing up and standing up, I am about to leave. Suddenly the action stopped and touched his chin and thought about it. He smiled and held his face back and forth. The handsome face was kneaded into an ordinary look that was not eye-catching. I looked at the mirror for a long time, thinking about it and finally decided that if I want to change, it is better to be completely.
