MTL - Being an Author is a High Risk Occupation-Chapter 72

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The number of times that the system despised was too much, and it was basically accustomed to it. He did not hear anything pretending.

The skin is thicker and thicker.

When the car broke down, there was no reaction to seeing it, and then it took a lot of time to go out.

Downstairs Wu Zimo and Zhong Yanqing are sitting in a corner. There is only one jug of wine on the table. There are one white wine glasses in front of them, but the glasses are empty and empty. It seems that they have not been passive.

It’s not uncommon to see only the two people’s mouths moving, but they can’t hear any sound. It seems that the noise is prohibited. The broken edge of the car swept over there, revealing a faint smile, and sat down with an empty table not far from them. The second child in the store immediately greeted him. The second child was also a monk in the refining period. He was not like the other two when he was facing the two. Although he was not respectful but not humble, he made the extraordinary and the car broken. The edge fell a little on his body.

The younger one raised his hand and pulled the chair open, so that it was easy to follow the chair and landed on the table. The black tail was smashed. Unexpectedly, I watched the car break, and I glanced at the direction of Zhong Yanqing. From time to time, I also aimed at Xiaoji. If I didn’t know his identity, I thought it was a very spiritual kitten.

“There is a new wine in the store today, which is delicious with steamed fish. I don’t know what the two think?” Xiao Er whispered.

"A pot of wine, a fish." The car broke open. Fish is uncommon, and wine is for yourself.

Little nodded, quickly stepped away.

Zhong Yanqing over there has already seen the broken edge of the car. He stopped talking and raised his hand to hold the jug, poured himself a cup, and slowly sipped his mouth and sipped. Think slowly in my heart.

Wu Zimo saw that he suddenly acted like this, frowned, turned and saw... a black, round buttocks.

The uncommon position is just facing Wu Zimo, and it is also the opposite of the broken edge of the car.

The head of the numbness of the quilt on the claws of his own claws was knocked. When he looked up, he saw the male leader’s poor hand reaching out to him. He took the opposite black scorpion and pulled it into his arms, touching his eyes. Sweeping to the opposite Wu Zimo, smiled at him.

Unclear, so hard to drag a table, the uncomfortable can not wait for a paw to scratch the handsome face of the man!

Going out and forgetting to take medicine is not!

Suddenly what nerves!

When I came back, I saw a few long scratches on the pear wood table. I took aim at the black scorpion that was broken in my arms. I said nothing, put the fish and the wine down and left.

Wearing such a good, certainly will not mind paying for the table money.

After Wu Zimo saw the broken edge of the car, he smiled slightly and lifted his hand to lift the ban. He walked to the front of the broken edge of the car and sat in the position of the extraordinary car. The opposite side of the broken car, with a close look: “It’s a surprise to meet a sub-lane in this remote town. Why don’t you know where the sons and friends are coming here?”

The car broke the wine glass and didn't mind his unsolicited behavior. He looked up and smiled at him: "It's just passing by, why Wu Daoyou is here now, and still with this..."

Zhong Yanqing’s face was not very good, no matter whether he had a completely different attitude towards Wu Zimo and himself, or the other side had his level of repair that he could not see.

"Long time no see." Zhong Yanqing will also take the opportunity, did not give the car more time to say anything, and immediately followed up to put together a pair of we are very familiar and good relationship, the car is broken : "After I entered the door, I haven't seen you for several years. You...had a sharp increase."

The face of the broken car was changed to face the face of Wu Zimo before the change. Instead, he lowered his head and pulled the fish plate in front of him. He took the two small black claws, picked up a piece of fish and carefully shaved it. Sting, lick the soup to feed.

Uncommon: Nothing is lost! Let go of my father's paw... Hey, good times...

Seeing the broken edge of the car completely ignored Zhong Yanqing, Wu Zimo's face was a little subtle, Zhong Yanqing's face was a bit green, only a few laughs and no words, the scene suddenly awkward. Quiet can only hear the sound of the fish outside the mouth.

"I don't know the one I saw in the big ratio..." Wu Zimo said that he was not extraordinary: "Why didn't you follow the friend of the lane?"

The car broke a slight smile: "I just think that he is still less (in human form) to come out to see people." On that day, when he left with Hei Shuo, he saw Anhe’s expression of the unsatisfied words and the fog. The stupid dog's reluctance (fog) eyes suddenly found that his family's little stupidity is actually quite attractive.

Stupid, some people love!

As a stupid lover, my heart!

Accurate grt to the meaning of the broken car in the brackets of the car, the squatting teeth in the man's hand scratched a paw, did not bring the spirit only rely on the hardness of the claws, very natural to the male master ... only I have left three white roads, and I don’t even have traces!

Thick skin! It’s not awkward. Then raise your small head and continue to accept the male owner's feeding.

Even if you don't open Sen, you won't be able to go with yourself!

In some things, I don’t really want to see it.

The broken car is not angry, the one that is extraordinary, and the face still has a smile. Let Wu Zimo and Zhong Yanqing know how much this stupidity is favored.

Being fed by a male owner can also be tempered. After being scratched, the male owner is not only angry but also glaring at him.

I feel that even the demon repair on that day is inferior to the position of this stupidity in the heart of the car, Wu Zimo thought.

It’s still harder for people to please people this year than to benevolent people! Zhong Yanqing thought.

From the man’s sentence just now, I mistakenly thought that the car’s broken edge was smiling at Wu Zimo, who was not tired of it. Instead of mentioning this matter, she talked about other things, many of which praised the car’s broken edge. Leading Zhong Yanqing frequently on the side.

Unexpectedly, he raised his small head and looked at Wu Zimo. He couldn't figure out what medicine he was selling in this person's gourd.

This person is set... Is it not right?

In the original book, what I set for Wu Zimo was a kind of compassionate mind with the compassion of the doctor, but always with some alienation. It’s never been so close to please anyone, the attitude towards everyone is very gentle, it’s a very polite child.

But now... is he seduce the man!

Or is this person simply not the one in his text? Did he admit it?

Unexpectedly, I carefully looked at Wu Zimo, whether it is the description on the outside, the name, or the identity of the other disciple of the Yuan Yuanzong, which is consistent with the setting of his original work!

It’s just that this stupidity has forgotten. In the original book, the man and the little one were together and went to the family of Xiaofen’s family to open a copy of the family. Nowadays, the broken edge of the car and Wu Zimo are just one side. There is no other progress, and the whole heart is on the stupid. If you don’t have the help of a man, will you get through the same difficulties as the original one?

of course not.

Then, will he still maintain a look of ignorance like the original one?

Naturally difficult.

Wu Zimo is now asking for help without a door. Anyone who wants to ask for help. It stands to reason that Wu Zimo is a good person, but it is really hard to find him, because his business is not a general trouble. Even if it is a big family, I don't want to intervene.

This is suspected of reaching the most mysterious family, the **** farmer.

Even if you don't make a farmer's house, you will run out of trouble to find a small family at this time, but you will not be willing to provoke it without the background of God. The people of the big family, for a Wu Zimo to run against the Shennong family, really feel worthless, unless there is a living grace. After the man in the original book met Wu Zimo, he just happened to encounter this kind of situation. It was a good thing to see Wu Zimo’s family at home, and it was a flower... Therefore, even if Wu Zimo encountered a family accident, but the matter came quickly, the mood of Wu Zimo did not change much. Now that the time is wrong, it has been a long time since the two people met. Wu Zimo is completely arrogant.

Because of the extraordinary strong insertion, the male lord ran to the black scorpion, and Wu Zimo had no other way, only found Zhong Yanqing. It is also considered that he can help himself with Zhong Yanqing. Zhong Yanqing is for Wu Zimo to help him solve the problem of congestion. Both of them are mutually beneficial, but they are biased in the cloak of feelings and deceive each other.

I don't seem to understand the characters in the pen correctly!

No, it’s not me wrong! Wrong is the world!

What is special is the author!

The person set by the Lord, Nima, no one is willing to obey!

Uncommonly, his head is down, and he hates the fish bones. A fish was all dropped by him, but it didn't feel like it was in the stomach but it was in the heart, so it was good!

The broken edge of the car reached out and opened the mouth. The white fingers slammed the bones of the fish crumbs from the mouth of the fish, and threw them into the table in front of Zhong Yanqing. The splash of the soup almost splashed. Yan Qing’s face. Zhong Yanqing is black.

"If you don't eat enough, you need another one. Don't squid the thorns, you will get stuck in your throat." The broken car wiped the finger and said.

The man you are really picking up Zhong Yanqing at all times, and you are so embarrassed.

Wu Zimo sneaked a glimpse of Zhong Yanqing, who was under the guise of the following, and then decided to pretend that he had not seen the car’s broken edge just now. He said: “We will go to the back of the mountain to find a herb. If you don’t mind, can you With us?"

Zhong Yanqing feels even worse. He thinks about it. After all, there is no opening to stop it. If the high-quality male owner participates, he can add a boost to Wu Zimo's discovery of herbal medicine, so that he can solve the problem of spiritual congestion as soon as possible, he can bear anything!

This is the sentence of the broken car, and his fingers touched the extraordinary head and nodded.

"Then we will leave later." Wu Zimo said.

After leaving a few Lingshi to settle the accounts, the three of them were ready to go out, and Xiaoji suddenly came together. He asked very respectfully: "I don't know a few, is it going to go to the back mountain?"

The three looked at him strangely.

"Is there something?" asked the car's broken edge.

"This is a difficult time in the mountains. Although the three are high, I am afraid that I will not come back." Xiao Erton said: "My shop owner told me so."

"The shopkeeper?" Wu Zimo frowned slightly.

"No matter who your shop owner is, I don't need him to manage it." Zhong Yanqing got a lot of anger at the broken car, just happened to be on the second child, so the tone of speech is quite chilly. If a second child wants to talk again, he will kill him.

Xiao Er bowed his head and whispered: "If you do, you should not hear it."

The broken edge of the car suddenly raised his head, and his eyes fell straight into the upper corner. Wu Zimo and Wu looked at him in the eyes and saw only a closed door.

"Let's go." The car broke his head and said.

After a few people disappeared, the door slowly opened a gap.

"They still went." The little two looked blankly at the direction in which several people left: "Brother."

In the crack of the door, a beautiful Danfeng eye stared at the door, and the owner of the eye sighed lowly: "Let them go." When they can't return to the "complete", they will see how their luck is.

Zhong Yanqing did not put the warnings of Xiao Er and the so-called 'store owner' in his heart. In his opinion, it was a big trouble for the younger one who was practicing qi, but the three of them were the youngest. There is a repair of the peak of the foundation, the highest car break is Yuan Ying, what are you afraid of?

Wu Zimo is different. He does not think that the warning is from the mouth of the shopkeeper. When they entered the store, they were the owner. It was a man who was a low-profile man. Because I can't be repaired for a lifetime, I can only buy some materials to make alchemy. I can see that it is a man with a military force underground. Although he talks kindly, he is not a nosy person.

The car has also thought of this, but what makes him mind is not the strange ‘store owner’, but the thing that the younger two can make them come back, whether it is a monster or something else.

He doesn't think that anything can make him and he have no time to go back. He can't beat him.

After the mountains are densely forested and weeds grow. Except for the most primitive nature here, there is no beauty. However, in the ancient times where there is no modern steel building prevailing, enjoying nature or something, it is really something that can be walked around, so even in the eyes of the extraordinary, there is nothing new.

Instead, I feel too peaceful and uncomfortable.

Living in a steel bar building, dreaming of jungle life, came to the jungle but read the notebook TV refrigerator at home.

Living in a peaceful world, remembering to cross the adventure, the result is really through and all kinds of uncomfortable homes.

I am looking forward to peace when I encounter a lot of dangers in my secrets. I feel really lack of a sense of excitement.

Human beings are really abusive creatures.

... The shell is also the goods that are in the heart!

Along the way, I encountered a lot of small monsters, and they didn’t need the car to break the edge. Wu Zimo’s deal with Jin Dan’s period was more than enough. This kind of place... Where is it that the fierce beast has a lot of back mountains?

I don’t think it’s wrong.

Until they climbed up to two-thirds of the mountain, they suddenly felt that the coldness of the cold went straight to them. The nervous one grabbed the broken hand of the car, and the body could not tremble.

The other side's cultivation is far above them.

When the car broke the edge, he noticed the extraordinary fear and looked down at his extraordinary eyes.

When he was playing against Bluestone, he was not so nervous. What would the enemy be?

I thought about the broken edge of the car, and simply said: "Go!"

Only when the person has not turned around, I heard a burst of laughter from the forest: "Haha... Go? How come you can let you go?"

I only heard the laughter of the sky, but I could not detect the breath of the people. The other party was at least a fairy...

It is better to say that it is idler!

Even if he didn't go to the immortal, he probably knew that the ordinary immortal did not take the post to the lower bound. Usually, he couldn't just go out of the fairy world! Even if there is a limit to the time to go down, you must apply upwards beyond this limit. What happened recently? Luck is so bad!

This immortal is obviously coming with maliciousness.

The broken car of the car can not care about the two people behind him. Accurately speaking, he is lazy to care about it. He can only hold the cockroaches in his arms and squat down the mountain. He has not been out of the 100 meters. Stopped.

"This can't be done, no, ah~~" came a man with a lot of messy beard on his face, and his head was also dressed in messy clothes, holding a kitchen knife in his hand. It’s just that the man’s clothes are obviously bigger, and the color is not the same as the clothes he will wear. It looks strange.

Uncommon: lying trough! This special thing is not going to be a madman!

I don’t think it’s right. The person in front of me is really genuine... I am out of heart!

"Hey..." The man sat on the ground like a dog sitting squatting, raising his finger and breaking the edge of the car and counting the past: "One...two...three...four...hey! four sheep."

Unconventional: He also counted? Σ(°△°|||)_

"First... shaved wool!" The man did not know where to pull out a bright knife: "This mountain is me, this tree is my plant, to live, leave wool~~"

... robbing?

The car broke down and thought about it. He threw the storage bag and threw it at the man. It’s more important than this bunch of good things.

The man reached out and looked at it and then closed it up: "Don't take this broken thing and fool people! My eyelids are not so shallow, I want to send me a broken bag? I want wool! This is your body. Layer wool!"

The car broke into the edge and looked at him with doubt.

"Take off!" the man said loudly: "I want all of you!"


Uncommon: ... thoroughly understand why there is no return. Who is the special light, who can come back! Even if you can come back, you will be willing to appear in front of everyone! I can’t wait for the shield to roll home! Monks have more face than ordinary people!

This is down, no matter whether it is the broken car or Wu Zimo and Zhong Yanqing, all face is very bad.

No one wants to be so shameful, especially if there are others on the side.

"Either leave the wool, or leave the lamb." The man said with a sleeve and wiped the knife.

The car was hesitant, but it was uncomfortable to wake up. The man in front of him was not a normal man, so he jumped on the shoulder of the man, wit his paw, and gave the man a dress.

Hey! Is it right to slap your man in front of so many people? The car broke into the squint and looked at him. It was extraordinary to see this in the eyes of the man.

"Looking back, I have clothes for you to wear, and I will bear it first." Uncommonly, I whispered in the man's ear. It’s better than being cut as a fat sheep!

The broken car thought of the strange trousers that came out like a trick when the volcano lost its extraordinary pants. He raised his eyebrows, raised his hand and held the extraordinary claws, and walked to a thick tree. After the ban on a line of sight, the loud voice: "Predecessors, etc., I will give you the clothes immediately."

I was a little angry when I saw the broken car coming to the tree. When I heard the broken edge of the car, I immediately turned fine and smiled. "This is right." Then he pointed out that he was already scared. Wu Zimo and Zhong Yanqing, lifted their fingers and said: "What a stupid look! You also take off!"

Wu Zimo:=a=

Zhong Yanqing: ...

Going out today, didn't look at the calendar!


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