MTL - Being an Author is a High Risk Occupation-Chapter 68

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The author belongs to a high-risk occupation. "Boss, you are my God, you are my land, you are one of the points in my life~ I will worship you in my life~~ Boss..."

Black Shuo: "Shut up!"

Yan Ming: "Oh..." qaq

Broken edge of the car: "How far is it?"

"The front is!" Yan Ming, who was just depressed, was full of jing, and pointed at the front with a smile: "We are there every time!"

Reflecting into the eyes of a few people, it is a thatched cottage that is built up in a thatched house. It looks like a big, big-headed brawl.

Anhe: "Auntie!"

The cottage was swaying and fell.


Yan Ming: "The number of times seems to be more haha..."

"I have said it several times! Don't choose such a bad place to meet..." A hoarse voice rang in the fallen weeds, and I saw the wheat se skin with long nails protruding from the straw. The young man with yellow furry ears on his head drilled out. He opened his mouth: "Hey! Straw went in."

When he saw that Yan Ming was still following several people, he immediately warned: "Who are they..."

"Boss! And his little friends~" Yan Ming said with a smile: "Sorry, the boss's order is first, because the boss wants to see you, so..."

"That is, getting a new cargo... is it fake?" The young man turned his eyes and looked at it.

"Stupid." The young man said with a slap in the face: "How come you are here?"

I swallowed my throat and felt a little nervous.

In front of me, wearing a dark red se blouse, yellow se ears, sharp fangs in the mouth, sharp long nails on the hands... not the dog demon he always wanted to see!

Although he does not have the graceful posture of Inuyasha, this wild xing feels very good.

But he is... inexplicable hand itch, I want to scratch him!

"What I hate most in this world is smashing!" The youngster’s disgusting confrontation said: "Get out!"

The broken edge of the car was wrinkled, and the sword was about to be pulled. Then the ears and tails of the cats were all exposed, and the hairs of the whole body were blasted. He slammed and rushed toward the youth, sticking out the claws. Open up.

"So I hate the emotional stupidity! Wang Hao!" The youth did not show weakness, and smashed their teeth and twisted them into a group, biting each other.

The real version of the cat and dog war.

Yan Ming: "Oh... they can't get together, haha..."

Black master: ...

Anhe: ...

When the car broke into the front, he slammed the front foot on the youth's face and kicked the man out. The other hand caught the singularity and took it away from the battlefield.

Uncommonly, I still struggled with my claws and threatened my throat.

The young man rubbed his face and slammed his face. When he put down his hand, the footprints of several red se and gray se on his face were clearly visible.

"I made you! Ma!" the young man shouted.

"What is it! Ah, a broken watchdog!" Uncommonly, the tuo mouth came out and said that he was also a glimpse. What did he just respond to? Why does he think that the demon is the janitor? Because it is a dog?

Black Shuo finger fretting.

The young man snorted and was unwilling to rush to the ground. He was stepped on the face by the car and kicked back.

"Mom! The table thinks that when you find a master, you dare to hang your head, and you will start from being crushed!" The youth was cold and cold.

A ri is crushed into a lifetime that cannot be turned over. This is the pain in the extraordinary heart.

The back pressure male owner has no time!

Unexpectedly, I struggled for a long time and saw that the car was not broken. I exchanged a fork from the system store and smashed it toward the youth.

Every one flies toward the lower body of the youth.

"The trough!" The youth fled.

Uncommonly grind your teeth, as long as you can cut this stupid dog, how much gold coins he spends, he is not heartbroken! I don’t feel bad... oh, is it easy for him to make such a gold coin? qaq.

The young man was mad by the flying fork attack. He rushed forward and tried to bite and smash, and he was almost kicked by the car. Holding the foot of the broken car steady, the young man grinned: "Oh, you think the same trick!"

The right hand of the car broke back the sword that took the dog demon out.

The foot can't move, he still has a hand.

The young man licked his face, squatting on the ground, and kept smashing his mouth.

"Is you handing the poisonous insects to the inner door of the Tianwu school?" The broken sword was on the young neck.

"What is it! He wants to buy me and sell it. What about our peaceful trading?"

The broken face of the car was cold, and the sword he held moved forward one point.

"Don't think that you are the stupid owner, I will be afraid!" The young grinded.

"Is you killing Duanmu?" Finally, he recovered his point of reason and was so embarrassed that he had been so eager for his own impulses. He thought of the task and he hurriedly asked.

"It’s right, it’s not right.” The young man scratched his head and said: "He really died in my hands, but I didn't mean it."

Black Shuo frown: "What do you mean?"

"Hey, how can a Tianwu faction's inner-door brother buy the larvae that eat the butterfly? But it is traded with me. He helped me experiment with the medicine of the new drug. I paid for his larvae. Originally. It should be a safe experiment. Well, I didn’t expect him to hang up as simple as it seems. It seems that I have miscalculated the amount of the drug.” The young man’s mouth evoked a strange smile.

Deceptive, Anhe is very good at judging the authenticity of speech from the facial expressions of people. He is convinced that the youth must have known from the very beginning that they will die. Ann and secretly thought but did not say anything.

"It was a pro-brother who was murdered by him. I heard that it would not be this stupidity." The young man smiled and said: "It is a big life to live."

Uncommon: = dish =

"Hey, who are you, the younger brother of Tianwu?" Yan Ming asked.

"Hey, how is it possible! Tianwu School, this small temple, is the big Buddha of my life?" The young man raised his head and said: "They can also raise only the cockroaches!"

"The blood can be higher than you." Hei Shuo said: "You are a **** dog, right."

The young man snorted: "I am called Wen Tian."

He also ridiculed a few words, and Wen Tian opened the truth.

Wentian belongs to the blood of the **** dog, and the extraordinary is the cat. The two are the ranks of the beasts, and the other is the rank of the beasts, which is a far cry. However, they are all part of the underworld, and they are almost looking down. I don't know when it started. The **** dog and the meditation cat are both looking at each other. When they meet each other, they are not truss or swearing. This kind of disgusting feeling to the other party has been passed down with the blood for a long time. If there is any kind of hatred on both sides, no one can say it.

Just look at you not pleasing to the eye! how!

Later, the cat was almost extinct, leaving only the only flaw, but it was lost for a long time.

When Wen Tian runs out of the Hades, he is also holding the idea of ​​a whole person if he meets. He also wants to give the scorpion larvae to the Tianwu faction in case of a scorpion, and the scorpion and the cat have a hatred. Use the worm on the cat.

The odds of this one-tenth of a million, it’s really so good to let Wentian gamble!

Of course, in order to prevent accidents, Wen Tian gave poison to Duanmu, on the grounds of trading. Don't check him out of anything!

I just didn't expect to be sold by ‘supplier’ Yan Ming. _(3ゝ∠)_. A secret.

"I have been lucky since before~" Wen Tian shook his head.

The investigation of the end of the raft activity was completed. 】 The system is open: the ending is really surprising. 】

'Ha ha.裴 Uncommonly pulled the corner of his mouth.

I thought that when Manzhu spent a lot of effort to find a cat, he bent around and lost a few lives in the Sapphire Building. He eventually put himself in, and the result was still not hurting a faint hair. Wen Tian came out with a mentality of playing and lost a few larvae to Duanmu, and almost made it a goodbye to see the future. The so-called fate, its true meaning is potholes.

The real murderer has confirmed that the broken edge of the car will be put down, and the sword will be taken out, and it will be cut directly to Wentian.

"Wait... I just made a joke... Hey!" Wen Tian was shocked and said that he was not afraid of death, but he was scared when he died. He did not have much hatred, and he gave The scorpion larvae are also holding a playful mindset. Whoever thinks of stupidity is so stupid is pitted!

After all, Wen Tian is also a young man in his twenties! Only twenty years after birth! Really young! The teeth are not yet long! Being able to semi-form is already a genius! He is just young and ignorant, he thinks that he can find a cat to crush him and show his strength! Qaq

I am wrong, can't you die? Hey!

The broken edge of the car is not merciless, and a few swords will be seriously injured and the original shape will be taken.

Huang Se's big dog squatted on the ground, probably the size of an adult husky. He lifted his head and saw the black se sword raised by the broken edge of the car. He suddenly scared the two claws to keep his head shaking.

Looking very poor.

Just as the sword was about to cut into the neck of Wen Tian, ​​he was held by one hand with the wrist of the broken edge of the car.

"It’s all like this, it’s time to get rid of it.” It was Hessian that blocked the car from breaking.

The car has no feelings, and the eyes are staring at the black scorpion. The black singer slams for a second and says: "He is just a baby who was born."

"The grass is removed from the roots." He has already started, it is absolutely impossible to stop like this.

"Oh... isn’t it better to sign a contract?" Hei Shuo thought: "The **** dog is now thin, and one is killed, and many of the gates of **** need to be guarded."

Uncommon: lying trough! This is actually protecting rare animals!

Wen Tian: White is moving! This man is even worse!

Yan Ming: It’s a boss, I think it’s really long-term.


"How about signing the master servant contract, the master's death is followed by the contracted spirit beast?" Hei Shuo said.

Wen Tian: Mom! I want to kill you! Don't make a fuss!

"You also know the extraordinary identity, it is very difficult to do." Hei Shuo continued to whisper: "There is always a need to help the charge."

The car broke open and thought about it. "The slave contract is not allowed to follow, and it will appear again when summoning."

"No problem." Black replied. After the end of the errand, he decisively found a place to bury himself, look, and trouble. As one of the managers in the underworld, he can't ignore the smell of the rare **** dog being killed, and can't stand alone and help, and the trouble is dead.

"I have signed a contract with you." The car broke off and glanced at the heavens.

Hearing the claws and covering his ears, he did not hear it.

brush! The sword of the black se is inserted into the soil where the dog's neck is less than one centimeter. The sharp blade cuts off the hair of a few yellow se.

Wen Tian: "Created." qaq

Isn't the bloodline lower than the cat? Is it destined to be the next to be called by him?

This is really awesome.

"And, nothing happens." The car broke the threat.

The signing of the contract is also special!

Mommy! The author is a high-risk occupation
