MTL - Being an Author is a High Risk Occupation-Chapter 61

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The author belongs to a high-risk professional car with a broken edge and awkwardly in a wooden house in the back of Shandong. Houshan is the brother who made mistakes for the car family to use for confinement. There are no extra yards to inhabit, and no one is waiting. It is better to say that it is desolate than to be quiet. In the family, people do not have to go back home at home, but find a safe place nearby. Although there may be no one to protect the law, it is safer because the location is random and the people who are robbing are unknown. It’s not uncommon for Che Tianshi to accidentally reveal that he is about to rob (Sabi). Therefore, the place that can be used for robbery in the car home is not except for the semi-enclosed place of Houshan. Other residences can choose.

Uncommon: rub! This tells us directly that we are different here! Find it in minutes!

However, in order to prevent the brother from evading punishment, this place is a difficult place to enter and exit, and it is also good to manage.

After the robbery was probably a few ri, Che Tianshi had been meditating since he entered the mountain house, and he never stepped on it. Because there is no such thing as the story of the car-injured, and the news that the older generation only received the news of the father’s fall, even the car is not known, but in addition to staring at the east to prevent anyone from approaching, everything Can't do it, don't know what to do.

After the two ri, the expected attack did come, but the attacked person was not right.

That ri night, 裴 裴 化 化 化 化 猫 猫 猫 猫 猫 猫 猫 猫 猫 猫 猫 猫 猫 猫 猫 ri ri ri ri ri ri ri ri ri ri ri ri ri ri ri ri ri ri ri ri ri ri ri ri ri ri ri

Suddenly, the breath of the car broke off, and opened his eyes, cautiously staring at the east. The strange atmosphere is gradually approaching.

"Hey?" He noticed that the car's broken nerves were tight and yawned, and looked to the east along his eyes. Is there anything over there?

The laughter like a silver bell has a gloomy atmosphere. The laughter is getting bigger and bigger, sharp and harsh. The broken edge of the car slowly took out his own sword, and held it in front of xiong, his eyes fixed on the direction.

"Oh..." The laughter revolved around them, and the car broke the secret to send a message to the rest of the car. What surprised him was that the message seemed to be blocked by something. This place seems to be isolated by a small space.

I don't know when the fog that is changing around can't be seen clearly, even the moonlight is covered. A smog slowly gathered and condensed into a red woman, looking at the appearance of about twenty years old, with a strong makeup on his face, bright red lips like condensed blood beads, and a hint of dangerous atmosphere in his flattery.

"Finally... found it." The woman’s eyes stared at the black shackles in her arms, revealing a smile: “The last sly...” Her smile was full of malice, 裴Uncommonly stared at the eyes and shuddered.

She raised her hand slightly, and the ground suddenly filled with the red flower of the other side of the flower, the flowers were rich, the broken edge of the car and the extraordinary brain suddenly groggy.

The red flower is a flower of the other side. It is a flower that is connected to the river. Its fragrance has a special magic that can evoke memories before life.

The scent flutters at the tip of the nose, and the car seems to have returned to its predecessor. He believed that Zhong Yanqing was betrayed. In his memory, he is wearing a tattered, arrogant, but degenerate into ordinary people on the streets. In the middle of the world, even a maid has a layer of cultivation. As an ‘ordinary person’, he’s like a pig and a dog...

The broken edge of the car was like crazy, holding the sword of his own hand and slamming forward. The woman apparently did not expect that there would be such a change in the car's broken edge, and she was so scared that she could not escape the attack.

"I didn't expect to be a storyteller." The woman smiled. After drinking the mother-in-law of the mother-in-law, when they were alive, they smelled the aroma of the other side of the flower, and most of them would not recall their past lives. Just immersed in a blank and groggy, in a semi-conscious state. Unless the older generation has a big hatred or a deep obsessive person, it will remember the past life. Or those who have not drunk Meng Po Tang will be immersed in the memory of the past because of the fragrance of the other side of the flower. And women naturally attribute him to the former.

Such a person does not need her to care more, she wants the cat that is in the hands of this person.

In terms of size, it has not been born for a few years. Such a young child should be a child in the mind, and the little one who is favored by others is not well aware of the human suffering and is well controlled.

"Sister has fun things here." The woman whispered: "Little guy, come over~" The gentle voice with a sultry atmosphere, uncommonly heard the call of the woman, looked up at the woman, stupidly Heading: "Hey?"

"Come on..." The voice of the woman was low, and she shook her little body and earned tuo from the man of Jing’s god, and walked a few steps to the woman’s side. The woman’s mouth provoked and the smile grew deeper and deeper.

Uncommonly, I took a small step and turned into a run. The woman smiled and opened her hands, waiting to take this little sister into her arms. just……

"Ah!" the woman screamed.

It’s true that it’s really rushing to the woman’s side, but he’s showing a sharp little claw, running over and scratching people...

"I don't have a point!" Uncommonly, he raised his small claws and shouted. The legs did not stand firm, and he fell to the ground. The eyes turned into a mosquito coil.

The woman looked surprised and angry at the extraordinary. Surprised by the extraordinary, he was already able to speak, angry that he even made a dark road on his white xiong脯! The flesh is corroded and rusted.

Not only can you speak, but you can also learn the exercises. Women have reason to believe that this guy will also be transformed or even have a complete mind!

Can't stay!

As soon as the woman raised her hand, she felt a gust of wind, and she quickly retreated. The black sword of the man was before her eyes.

"Great." The woman whispered: "I can wake up in my memories. This perseverance is admirable."

The broken edge of the car did not speak with red eyes. One hand raised the cockroach and held it in his arms. The other hand held the sword with one hand and chased the woman. It’s just that the difference between repairs is big, even if the sword of the broken edge of the car has reached the point where it is so fast, it is still impossible to cause much scars on the woman.

Just like the lv20's trumpet to deal with the enemy of lv40, the other party is standing still and letting you cut, how much blood can you kill?

The woman smiled coldly, and she was about to deal with the broken edge of the car. Suddenly a sharp thing flew in between the two. The student interrupted the movement of the woman. It was a petal of white se, which quickly wrapped the aura. It is as sharp as a blade. The dark mist slowly dissipated, and the woman’s expression gradually distorted, looking angry at the person who stopped her.

"Man Tuo!" The woman said: "The things in the underworld are not what you should do! Go away!"

"Don't go too far." A man in white slowly came out: "You should call my brother."

"Oh." The woman sneered: "Don't dare to climb."

Manzhu and Mandala are both flowers, but they have a completely different fate because of a red se and a white se. White se looked clean and holy, and was taken away by the immortals to become a sacred representative. And as red as blood, she is raised in the underworld, eternal life is soaked in the river of the river filled with joy and sorrow and hatred, seeing the human ecology.

In fact, there is nothing to complain about.

However, the power is different.

Even in a different world, he and she practiced the same way, only one serving in heaven and one in the underworld.

"He is the future master of the underworld, in charge of all the underworld demon." Mandao said: "You should not start with him."

The broken edge of the car is already awake, and the half-conscious coma is standing in the farthest place from the side.

"He?" Manzhu pointed to the soft group: "What is the blood?" I don't recognize it! The demon of the underworld has a leader, and the underworld has a complete survival rule, and he should not appear in front of us! ”

Mandao knew that it was useless, and raised his hand and shone into the xiong of Manzhu. Manzhu screamed and screamed. Her cultivation was lower than Mandala. It is not his opponent. I stunned a few people and turned my head and fled.

Mandara looked at the broken edge of the car, and took another look at it. It turned out that nothing had disappeared.

The car broke down and looked down, and he was still falling asleep. The broken edge of the car was born to the gallbladder, and the claws were pinched to hold the small soft meat on the uncommon face.

I almost lost my life so sleepy?

"Hey?" Uncommonly, he woke up with pain. The conditioned reflex made a cat call, and when he looked up, he saw the man’s eyes look at him intricately.

"Oh?" asked anxiously.

It seems that there is no memory of the previous things. The car broke its lips and moved, and finally said: "Nothing." Anyway, even if this stupidity does not provide any useful information.

The second ri, the broken edge of the car is practicing the sword, a maid walked lightly in the footsteps, whispered: "The homeowner will let you and your Taoist go to the living room and come to the guest."

The car broke the edge of the hand, whispered: "Well."

It’s relatively early to be uncomfortable with the broken edge of the car. When they enter the house, the witch is holding the car’s desire to perform ‘indecent’. This scene is like an unscrupulous mantle that wants to be strong--like a good woman, but the xing of both sides is not... is it wrong?

The car next to them is now petrified...

Uncommon: == What?

The finger provoked the chin of the car, and the witch whispered: "Come on, fear what, just once~"

"Let, let go!" Che Qing's face was red, and he couldn't speak. He is a family man! Although his wife was not well qualified, she had an early life. but! He still has one! The old man who can find a wife who can find a wife, where is the lower limit of the witch! It is low, I can't see it!

Che Liangxing has been immersed in the strange thinking of ‘I may have a stepmother’ and ‘I’m stunned by a woman’.

For the witch, he has long been known for a long time. This is a woman who is not as famous as a meeting. All your fantasies about her will disappear after meeting. This is a female hooligan!

"This former...predecessor?" Che Liangxing was poked a few times before he was awakened from the petrochemical. He reached out and tried to stop the witch's behavior. However, the one who was pressured to be rescued was his father's feeling. Just then...

"Hey!" The witch looked back and saw so many juniors coming out, a pity of a good thing interrupted. I sorted out the clothes and sat down on the chair, as if nothing had happened.

The man turned his head and looked at the hair, and the clothes were scattered. The car was not soft and the car was blue. Suddenly, he felt pitiful...

No, this must be an illusion!

This is the owner of the car family of the four great families!

It was almost pressured by the seven-door sect of the Sapphire House.

"Unbelievable!" Che Qing lost such a big face in front of the junior, suddenly felt very embarrassed, he stood up and hurriedly walked in front of people, went to the next room.

Fortunately, my brother and younger brother are still not coming back!

After a while, Che Qing changed her clothes and changed her hair style. She returned to the house without pretending that nothing happened. She just passed the junior and gave them a sinister look. The eyes that are swaying mean 'what you just did. I didn’t see it if I dared to say it out! 'The threat is meant.

People are in a state of rigidity.

I didn't expect the car owner who seemed to be very majestic to have nothing to do with the woman.

Ming Ming is less than the witch.

"Cough! I don't know how much the landlord knows about the original shape of the flower?" asked the car.

The witch's flattering gave him a wink, and saw Che Qing as blushing as she thought, showing a smile: "Last time, I decided to change the order of this host than my Sapphire Building and Jianxian Valley. Come over, I think everyone is clear about this matter. The car is broken and the friend is the sword singer, the ri is also present."

The car broke off and nodded.

In fact, something happened in the door during that time. "The witch said: "It is very tricky. We have been dealing with that thing and we have already been divided into the body. There is no time and jing force to arrange a big deal. ”

"There are nine inner-door brothers in the door, ten outside-door brothers, and several consecutive ri are dead in the door." The witch continued: "The irony is that there is no one who notices before they have an accident, and there is no such thing except after the body. Find any line. Only in the last brother's hand, we got a few pieces of red flower petals."

"The petal is not an ordinary flower of the other side. It is a kind of spiritual power that is condensed in the body. It should be the body and body of the body of the repairer. Therefore, the identity of the enemy is the demon repair of the other side. This is the only thing we know. "The witch faintly said: "But since the younger brother, no one has been killed, and the line has been broken."

"We investigated this for a long time, and even suspected that there were spies in the door." The witch smiled: "But when we checked the door brothers one by one, we did not find any suspicious people."

The murderer suddenly appeared like a smoke and suddenly disappeared.

"It seems to be the same person." Che Qingdao.

"I don't know what kind of hatred that the man and I have in my sapphire building. It is so heavy." The witch's face brought out a bit of resentment: "If I know who he is, I must give birth to his flesh and give me a cute brother." They sacrificed!"

Sure enough, it is the most short witch, so fierce! I don’t think so secretly.

"What do the murdered brothers have in common?" asked the extraordinary. This way of killing seems to be looking for someone who often sees it in TV shows.

"I have this consideration." The witch said: "The few brothers who died are all male, joined the sect for no more than fifteen years, and..."

Several people around him looked at her.

"And they often have **** with men!" If it was not for the murderer, she did not intend to reveal her brother*.

“Hey!” Several people present were stunned.

Is it difficult for the person to be a man who hates men and women?

Only the broken car is half cold. If he didn't have the last night, he might not think too much, but nowadays... I think that those people have much in common with the extraordinary.

The woman was looking for something extraordinary. It seemed that he would be in the Sapphire Building. It may be suspected that the younger brothers were extraordinary and killed. But why?

What kind of message did she use to identify the extraordinary in the Sapphire Building?

And the identity of the Lord of the Underworld...

It seems that there are many enemies.

The car was silent and did not mention the last night.

Why is there always someone who is jealous of him?

He is still not strong enough, and his own things can't be protected...

"The landlord should receive the news before the ri, why is it now?" Che Qing asked: "Is there any obstacles encountered?"

"Oh!" The witch smiled a little reluctantly: "That was a good boy, a little delay in time..." She licked her lips.

Everyone: ...what did you do with people!

"Since it is certain that the person is likely to shoot again, then I will leave a few more ri." The witch smiled at Che Qing: "Excuse me."

“Very welcome.” Che Qing said.

With the illusion of real people, Tang Yuaner, Che Qing and the witches have a lot of power, no matter how the car is suitable for the robbery. Being able to attract so many powerful guards for one person, Che Tianshi is also awesome.

After a few ri, the thunder was on schedule. The thunderclouds rolling in the sky are rolling, and there are seven heavy ones.

The size of the robbery is related to the strength of the repairer. The more powerful the repairer, the more the bottleneck of the breakthrough is the stronger the robbery. Seven weights are very good for the repairers in the middle.

"Is it finally here?" The broken edge of the car pulled the extraordinary hand and whispered.

Looking at the sky with horror, he first saw the real version of the thunder. It is clearly white ri, but like the night, the sky is covered by the clouds of dark purple se, and the dark clouds are thundering.

All the people around are watching, sighing that the car family is about to come out with a fairy. Those who are low-educated are fleeing around, fearing that the aftermath of the robbers will hurt themselves.

"Oh." Not far away, a red-handed woman grinds a flower of a red se, and laughs softly.

Uncommon news, she did not report to the above, and now it has become a mess. And she is quite conceited that she can strike a smash, even if he is guarding a car. There are also a few powers that are close to the robbery period or even the robbery period!

It’s a thunder, it’s just a mess, it’s a mess, she likes it.

Che Tianshi pulled out his own sword, his sword is probably one person tall, very wide and thick, is an epee.

Chetian applied this epee to block the first thunder.

The first heavy thunder was the weakest, and it did not cause any harm to the car. Che Tian has given a bit of power and looked at the sky. This thunderbolt he has the confidence to support and then soar!

The broken edge of the car and the witch and other people who guarded the law were able to surround the car in the distance, avoiding the sneak attack when he concentrated on the robbery. If someone wants to insert, they must first break their encirclement.

When the first heavy thunder came, it changed into a constant life.

Numerous flowers grow from the ground, giving off a fascinating aroma. When the car broke off and only smelled a little, it suddenly woke up, meditation, clear heart and heart to protect the heart, seeing something extraordinary, a slap in the face of the extraordinary head.

Uncommonly, I was sobered and awake, and thanks to the training that Qingshi once gave him, the response to the random response was not bad, and the fragrance was immediately excluded.

This aroma will not be a problem if it is prepared in advance. Unexpectedly looking around people, Tang Yuaner first protected the car Tianshi, imaginary real people and witches and Che Qing are the old people who are fighting, will immediately respond. Che Liangxing is not bad, he just woke up and immediately wake up. The only thing that falls down and sleeps is the car.

"The practice is not enough." The sinister real person looks around and whispers to the car.

It is a pity that she has now entered a deep sleep and can't hear the voice of the uncle.

A red woman slowly appeared, whispered: "But it is soaring, so I have invited so many powerful guys." This man is Manzhu.

"Damn!" The witch was the first to be unsettled. When she saw the other side, she immediately guessed that she had cruelly killed her many brothers. The first one rushed over, but the woman’s body was like smoke. , was beaten by the witch.

"Don't be impulsive!" Che Qing said: "See clearly." That is just a phantom.

"It’s not the owner of the car." Manzhu’s voice came: "I have to be careful with so many powerful people, of course, with a helper." The voice just fell a few people in the shadows appeared in front of them, even It is a few ghost repairs.

Ghost repair is a ghost, as the name suggests. If you are too obsessed to enter the reincarnation, you will practice it with the soul of the soul. It’s just that ghost repairs are even rarer than demon repairs.

The number of demon and ghost repairs is about fifty to one.

The soul is too weak, and the nourishment of yin is easy to spread all the year round. The place with strong yin is easy to be arrested by the ghosts of the underworld. There are several ghosts who can be recognized in the underworld, and some ghosts that have survived and survived carefully. Because the number is too rare, it is difficult to see the sun even if it is really true. Therefore, the learner's understanding of ghost repair is almost 0.

But this woman has come out with seven ghosts!

These ghost repairs are all in the Yuan Ying period, below the robbery period, if only by the cultivation of nature is not the opponent of several witches. However, their methods of warfare are very different, and it is difficult to get caught in the form, causing trouble for several people in a short time. Let them have no points and body.

"Damn!" The witch watched the woman rushing in the other direction, but because she was blocked by the ghosts in front of her eyes, she could not withdraw in time, hating her teeth.

"This time he will not come out to bother us!" Man Zhu was full of malicious smiles.

Che Tianshi’s thunder has reached the fifth place, and the encirclement around him has already dispersed. Che Tianshi has already prepared for a female attack. Who wants the woman to turn around and go to her own? !


Regardless of her purpose, a woman who is rushing to rob him is the only one who wants to be a child!

He is a genius!

How can you fall here!

The car was slammed with a thunder, and the rushing rushed into the car and rushed over.


Car broken edge: ==

Uncommon: Σ(°△°|||)_

Brother, brother! I know that you want to help you! But behind your ass, still chasing a dark purple se thunder! It is coming with you!

I didn’t think that Che Tianshi would be such a man who did not reasonably play cards: = dish =

With a bang, Lei was led by Che Tianshi and reached the center of the car and others.

Mommy! Thunderbolt has to stop! No one is blocking now! I don’t think it’s a blood spurt out! Almost killed!

Unexpectedly stunned, and he was numb, he felt that if he was a sly form, he must now be the image of fried hair.

A slight movement can still feel that there is a small current running away.

"Is it okay?" Che Tianshi stood up and his hair was completely blown up after the Thunder.

Looking around, the image of the broken edge of the car is not so good.

Manzhu also climbed up from the ground. Her face was dark and muddy, and she snorted.

Che Tianshi wants to go one step forward, the car breaks the edge quickly and back, and by the way, it is uncommon. Just kidding, the thunder of the robbery period can not withstand their current ability. It’s already lucky to hang up just now!

Only the car Tianshi and Manzhu were left in place.

Rumble, the next thunderstorm is brewing. The author is a high-risk occupation


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