MTL - Being an Author is a High Risk Occupation-Chapter 113

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If Mingyuan knows that extraordinary thoughts will be very depressed to defend himself, he is not born to love hair! He is just old! It’s getting old! Just like a man getting bald after entering a coveted head...

Ignore the hair of the floor, the extraordinary and the broken car in the house for a long time, have not found anything that can be said to be a magic weapon or cheats.

The furnishings in the house are quite simple. After seeing that the subordinate of the lord's suburb is just a hole, there is no expectation for the lord's cave. The tall stone castle building is just a fantasy. Too simple to set up, so that the extraordinary and the car broke the edge and did not spend too much time to search the cabin again, even the horns have not let go, only found some broken.

He piled the piles on the table and sighed deeply.

The broken edge of the car turned over and seemed to be laughing.

A ball with paw prints, a cloth-filled mouse full of teeth, a pile of gleaming silver blocks, and a comb with black hair...

What are you special about? Hey!

He began to wonder if they were in the wrong place! As a meditation, do you want to live like a domestic cat? !

He should be glad that he did not find a collar with a bell!

"I found a bell!" The broken edge of the car took out a dusty bell from the corner of the bed.


Uncommonly sitting in a chair: "It’s really a glimpse."

The car broke off and stood up, looking at the extraordinary, then the eyes stuck to the table next to the extraordinary, the eyebrows wrinkled, went to the table and bent down, reaching out and tearing a crumpled piece at the bottom of the table. Paper comes.

Uncommon eyes brighten, and I get to the side of the car.

The above workman wrote a small line of words: "It has been arranged, peace of mind."

No signature.

Uncommon: What do you mean?

The broken edge of the car was slightly confused, and the paper was neatly stacked and closed.

The broken car looked at the pile of broken pieces on the table, with a disgust in his eyes, and said: "There is only these." If you want to find something, you can only remove the table chair.

I took a lot of eyes and thought about trying to put things on the table together and said to the man: "Go down."

Although it’s just a bunch of broken, it’s always something to gain!

The broken car pulled the extraordinary arm, hugged the person, and went to the door of the tree house and jumped down.

Unconventional: Why is the princess hold? !

Lightly falling to the ground, the car did not drop the edge, turned and looked at the black master and An He Wentian still waiting for them.

The black eyes glanced at the arm of the broken car, and then fell into the uncomfortable arms. It seems that there are many things? The lord finally managed to rely on one time and knew to leave something for his son.

Unexpectedly, I hurriedly broke away from the arms of the broken car, coughed and concealed the shackles that had just been held by the princess, and spread the things in my arms to Black Master: "On these things..."

When I saw the worn cloth rat, the ball and the bell, the black tongue twitched.

He recognizes these things and knows their origins. The cloth mouse was sent by Qiu Tan. In order to let the lord not stare at her drooling, she specially used 鲛绡 to give it to the sacred teeth. The ball and the comb were sent by the subordinates of them. As for the bells, they are sent back...

Black eyes looked at this pile of things, and only when I saw the pile of silver blocks, my eyes finally brightened.

"This can be used." Hei Shuo picked out the silver block and said.

“What is this?” asked the car for a broken edge.

Wen Tian leaned forward, smelled and frowned: "The smell of stupid cats."

"Remains." Black Shuo Dao: "After the dying of the dynasty, all the souls will be destroyed. Only the bones at the tip of the tail are left behind, and the texture is like metal."

Smell the mouth: "Sure enough, it's a cat."

I am very embarrassed to ask: "Why do you use it?"

"Do weapons!" Black Shuo replied.

"On these few pieces, is it enough to do the decapitation?" Wen Tiancai just said something, and he was kicked aside by Hei Shuo.

It’s so uncommon to be ashamed. Is it appropriate for subordinates to plan to make the remains of the lords of the past generations a weapon? This is the bone!

"The former lord also planned to take the necklace, but fortunately I was stopped in time. Now I think it would be too correct to think about it." Hei Shuo said.

Uncommonly: .... Is the bones of the ancestors so disgusting to play with it?

"I know a very forged person who can help you with a weapon." Hei Shuo said.

"No need." The car broke the edge and said: "I don't believe you."

Black Master is a bit embarrassed: "Do you have a better candidate?"

"I know that one can help!" Anhe suddenly said: "He has a very strong ability to make weapons!"

Wen Tian raised his ears and looked at it.

Uncommon: "Who?"

"An ancestor of Nangongtang! It is very powerful in terms of refining!"

"...How do you know?" asked the unreasonable doubt.

"My Master's old man is very good~" Ann and smiled.


"A long time ago, Master flew with him. It should be a **** now. When he hooked up with my master, it was already Xianjun." Anhe said hesitantly.

The broken car of the car: "Your master? Witch?" He remembers that this boy is a disciple of the Sapphire House, then the person he said is the woman who likes to provoke people everywhere?

"The witch is the head! My master is a manager of the Sapphire House! Male!" Ann and nodded: "I have a jade card that can be contacted by Master! You wait!" A small round jade card, entered the aura, only to see a jade card exudes a warm light, and then a shivering gasp from the jade card, here four are not at all, one listen I know what people are doing there. Only Wentian stupid dog is pure in this respect, and he looks at Anhe with doubt: "What is your master doing?"

Ann and laughed and said: "Double repair!"

Black Master: ... that is true.

Broken edge of the car: ...

Unconventional: It’s xxoo and it’s so calm!

Wen Tian nodded: "It turns out that." Both of them were very happy to hear the sound. He knew the double repair, but never knew how to double repair.

In the gasp, a hoarse voice sounded: "Stop... The jade card of the stupid apprentice is bright..."

"Hey... let him wait..." Then there was another fierce slap.

Uncommonly blushing a point, the car broke his lips and swept his eyes. It’s uncommon to feel that if there are still black Shuo’an and Wentian’s three people here, the broken car will be able to throw him down on the spot.

The black face is not very good, and the breathing sounds a heavy one. As long as it is a normal man, it is difficult to control such a clear voice, and it is difficult to control himself without any reaction. His eyes unconsciously glanced at Ann's small body.

This voice is indeed too irritating, and even the smell of the sky is somewhat uncomfortable.

The most calm person here is nothing more than peace.

How to say it is all out of the Sapphire Building. When you hear a little voice, An He will not feel embarrassed at all. Instead, he said loudly: "Master! It will be more comfortable to call out!"


"Bunny scorpion!" The hoarse voice in the jade card shouted with anger: "You still have to teach me! And you! Hurry up and let me go!"

Unexpectedly, I heard another fierce voice, then the sound stopped, another man’s long sigh, it seems that [哔——] came out...

It’s so uncommon to have to kneel down, this kind of forced to hear the end of the hurry...

A groaning sound, then the hoarse voice was roaring, and then the sound of the whip in the crackling of the skin.

"All said that let you end soon, your stuff is still reluctant to stir up and want to do something? I owe it!"

Then there was another fierce scream. The strange thing was that the other person who was beaten did not make a painful request for mercy. Instead, he was very happy to breathe: "I am wrong, baby... oh... force... ah..."

Uncommon: = dish =

Shake s and shake m attack!

It is a perfect match!

Saying that we are not coming to listen to your corner! Say good business, dear!

The voice of 噼 持续 持续 持续 持续 持续 持续 的 的 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安

"Master, I am not looking for you, I am looking for the one around you."

Ann and Master: ...

"Bastard! What have you done to my apprentice?" It was a slap in the air.

"Nothing is done... Wait, you can't smoke here! Hey!" The voice changed from pleasure to scream: "After you have broken your sexual life, what should you do?"

"The two legs are not easy to find, the three-legged men are everywhere!" said Anhe Master.

"Baby, you can't do this qaq"

The car has a black face: "Enough!"

"Master! I am looking for him to help the refiner!" Anhe said quickly.

The whip stopped.

Another man’s tragic voice: "Xiao An and you said early...qaq"

"Refiner? Apprentice, what good things did you get?" Ann and Master's voice took a bit of interest.

"Oh, it seems to be the bone of the Lord?" Ann and said uncertainly.

Suddenly there was silence.

Ann and Master said: "Idiot! That thing no matter where you came from! Where to send it!"

"Don't! I have never been the bones of the Lord. Okay... Xiao Anhe, listen to your master... send it back to qaq." The man’s voice changed from excitement to grievances, apparently to Anhe’s meditation. The main bones are reluctant.

Black Shuo said: "Bone does not belong to Anhe, but the possession of the next lord, just ask for your refining."

The broken car was very dissatisfied. He grabbed his own line and looked at him with a cold look.

"Hey!" Wen Tian suddenly asked very seriously: "I have something to ask you!"

The people over there gently whispered: "You said."

“How is the double repair done? Is it comfortable?” Wen Tian asked.

The silence over there was longer than before.


Read The Duke's Passion