MTL - Being an Author is a High Risk Occupation-Chapter 106

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The Divine Realm is different from the Immortal and the Comprehension.

The cultivation of the realm of cultivation is automatically improved through cultivation, and the level of the fairy world is liquidated according to the combat power. In the realm of the gods, the level is completely ‘prestige’.

Regardless of the level of combat effectiveness, as long as the famous person, there will automatically be a fairly high rating.

And this is famous, naturally it is also piled up by war.

But there are also some gods who have always been gods, but the strength is very powerful, just low-key to obscurity.

To put it simply, the level in the realm of the gods is only how much they are in the limelight, and does not represent the level of strength.

The strength of a **** king will certainly not go bad, but a **** man, but not necessarily strength.

Therefore, when you provoke a god, don't judge the strength according to the level, you will suffer.

It is like a broken car and a singularity to come to the gods with the level of the gods. As long as they do not take the initiative to find someone else's trouble, it is difficult to encounter the enemy to actively harass them. The premise is that the gods are in peace.

It just happens... Nowadays, when the car is broken and the car is broken into a god... The gods are in the midst of war, and they are all involved in God.

In the realm of the gods, the division between races is obviously more distinct than that of the realm of immortality and the immortal world. It is a natural faction for the gods, and the gods that rise from the immortals are a faction, the demon is a faction, the demon is a faction, and ... the underworld, but also a self-contained. This is the division of race.

In addition to racial hatred between each other, but within a race, they split into different factions because of different ideas.

Naturally, there are also mixed shapes, such as acknowledging the Lord. Many gods can find their own beliefs and then serve them first. Such a **** is to abandon its original race and fight only for its own master.

This war began after the passage of the passage to the fairyland thousands of years ago, and it has been hit until now.

From the initial competition for the position of the Lord, from the different sayings and behaviors of the people, a little quarrel has spread to the hatred between races, and then opened the prelude to the war of God.

This is not just a matter of personality, but a full-scale war between every god.

Therefore, the first **** that was encountered after the extraordinary car and the broken car came to the realm of the gods, did not speak when they saw them, but directly took out the weapon. A sly bow, there is no winding on the top, but the **** is only a slight movement of the hand, made a move of pulling the string, the sound of the broken sound, the golden arrow condensed over the sky and flew over the two.

Uncommon: lying trough! Arrow rain!

The broken edge of the car and the unconventional one left and right, quickly escaped the attack of the gods, and then a bright knife, one took out the sword, and cut it toward the god.

The gods came and went to the car and broke the edge of the car. It seemed that it was difficult for them to win. It was so happy that they put a blind eye and turned away, but they were chased by the car. Then, in the horror of the gods, he quickly took his life.

From beginning to end, the **** did not say a word, the car broke and the ambiguity did not know who the **** is, why attack the others as soon as they come up. When the **** was killed, the system began to sneak into the world that the gods were in war. The **** saw an unfamiliar stranger, and the first reaction was naturally an enemy.

You know, the Divine War is divided into sites. They are now clearly on the site where other gods have marked their territory.

裴 extraordinary: Σ (° △ ° | | |) _ lying trough! You don't say it early! Still leave early!

I don’t know that the broken car was mixed for a long time at Xiandi, and the strength rose a lot, but it was only when the gods were killed that it was slaughtered... Is it too big?

The system snorted: [The **** is not the level of God. Although the male master does not reach the level of the wind and rain in the realm of the gods, it is enough to stand out for a large part of the world. 】

Uncommon: He is really weaker than the man. Say good God's **** burgeoning day, why did it not be more than a male master? _(:3ゝ∠)_

(Blood: Because you are subject to)

In the fairy world, as long as the repair is enough, you can become a god, of course, you can also suppress it.

And the repair and combat power can also rise all the time.

When I got it, I went to the realm of the gods and exercised more in the fairy world. It’s not the same as the gods. It’s decided that it’s going to be spiked immediately, or... live for a while.

The immortals who are eager to come to the realm of the gods will probably regret it, because the realm of the gods is in the midst of a war, and it is only a part of the cannon fodder. It is easy to fly into God, and it is difficult to return to the fairy world. Wait for the opportunity.

After killing the god, it’s obvious that the car’s broken edge has changed, it seems even more... tall! There is a pressure on the body, not feeling angry.

[The male lord killed the **** and automatically rose to the gods. 】 The system answers.

Uncommon: ‘So, can someone who kills a high level upgrade directly? ’

System: [Can say so. 】

When the two first arrived in the realm of the gods, they were really ignorant of the realm of the gods. They were already squatting before writing the outline of the gods, so they did not understand what the realm was.

Today, visiting the Divine Realm (by the way, to a territory that has not been divided into sites) is a rough impression.

Although the gods are located above the fairy world, there are no white clouds floating around the soles of the fairy world, but like the realm of cultivation, with vast land and ocean.

The difference is that there are no artificial buildings at all.

It’s like a wild time to give you an extraordinary feeling.

There is nothing wrong with the extraordinary feeling. The realm of the gods is actually in a wild time.

God's life is so long that it can be said to be permanent, and there is no need to eat and drink Lazarus to sleep. Of course, there is still a lack of interest in eating and sleeping. It’s just that there is no desire and no desire, and naturally it will not think about transforming the life around you to make yourself better.

Humans have stoves because they need to cook for cooking. Because you need to avoid the beasts and bad weather, you need a house, because you have to avoid the cold, have clothes...

But... God he doesn't need anything! How can I make a stove house? What is the use?

Even if it is clothes, it is because it looks good, and the other is... it is a defensive magic weapon, used when fighting.

One of God's applications is used for fighting. They are the first to pick up the weapon, and the first one to wear is to defend against each other's weapons.

Weapons, fights. Clothes, fights. Various magic weapons, used for fighting...

What else to feed besides the truss! God.

So...the gods... is simply a wild age that has never been developed!

Even with a little change, it is something that the newcomers who are soaring can't adapt to this life at once.

However, according to the system, more than 80% of the gods who have ascended into the gods have fallen in this god. If you catch up with the war, there are very few left behind.

A god-and-bright ratio that was born from the mortal body and risen into a fairy **** with the human stone. Don't be kidding, it's not the same from the beginning, even if you exercise, it's a bit worse.

In the words, it is said that the celestial emperor has closed the channel of the fairyland and the gods for the sake of the immortals.

I didn’t feel right when I listened to it: "System, you seem... have been talking to the former Emperor."

The system paused: [No. 】

Then the system didn't know the sound.

Uncommonly frowned, asked: "Who are you?"

The system was silent for a long time, said: [If I say... I am you, do you believe? 】

"Do not believe!" Uncommonly bite his teeth: "Is it cheap for me!"

The system is a bit wrong.

I can only hear the singularity of the uncommon voice of the car.

I told the system that the system was broken.

The broken edge of the car was silent again.

Compared with the unsatisfactory and firm veto, the car's broken edge seems to be inconsistent with the system. I think the system is quite meaningful.

The father of this body is a cat, the cat has been flying, and what is the relationship with the system? And in the modern world, he is a child without a father or a mother. Even if he has a father, he is just a mortal. How come here?

Moreover, it is not uncommon for him to be a cat.

Although this stupidity is always stupid and unclear, it is still unclear.

When the seal was printed under the blue moon, some of the souls were stripped and sent to the small world to temporarily escape from the pursuit. That small world is the modern world, and the child born of the soul is extraordinary.

Unexpectedly, the body of the world dies, and the soul naturally returns to its original black box, and then breaks out of the shell.

Therefore, it is very likely that there will be no parents at all in that world.

His body may have been created by the soul itself by relying on the idea of ​​survival.

God's soul strength is very strong.

The car has been thinking for a while and has reached several conclusions. But think again, these few conclusions are not reliable, it is simply unconstrained.

After the broken car throws all the messy thoughts out, he continues to ask: "Have he been talking about dead wood before?"

I nodded uncommonly: "There is this feeling."

The system is sweaty, said: [Do not talk indiscriminately. 】 Run to the man to give him hate value, stupid, what kind of trouble do you want?

Uncommon: ←←

At this moment, the two went forward to a small forest, far away from the extraordinary place and the car broke the edge and felt that there was fighting, I saw the system suddenly opened this time: [to save people! 】

Uncommonly, the system’s words were passed to the car’s broken edge.

The sub-car broke his eyebrows and carefully examined the situation there. It was two male gods and one goddess, and the two male gods were pressing on a goddess.........Opening.

Without any weapons, directly punch the flesh to the meat, hehe. Even the reinforced iron bones of the gods were swollen by the two men who did not know how to write about the pity, and she was lying on the ground without any reaction, just like death.

It’s even more interesting to say that the two men’s mouths are screaming: this sneak peek at %¥# (dirty words)...

This original match with Xiao San is the visual sense.

Uncommon: = mouth =

Broken edge of the car: ...

System: (indicating that he only slightly opened the topic, did not expect...)

Why two men beat a woman when she spoke to seduce people will criticize the% ¥ # ah!

Even if you want to be jealous, it should be two women, a man who said he seduce his man! (cough)

This is at least pleasing to the eye, anyway, this is a pure love text. But what is this now?

Did the woman rob her woman (the truth).

Oh, maybe? Also grabbed two at once!

Unexpectedly, I didn’t think of it anyway. He was just a slogan, and he actually said the facts.

Although I don't know what the system suddenly said about this sentence, but the system is still quite trustworthy. I have estimated the difference between the two sides. I feel that I don’t need the help of the male owner to play the game. Uncommonly rushed up. It’s just the two gods... I didn’t even say hello when I saw it. I didn’t say it, I just turned around and ran.

Too timid! coward! No wonder people have been robbed!

Unexpectedly, he said: "Come back! My reputation!"

Broken edge of the car: ...

Forget it, run away and run, or see how the woman is going. Uncommonly, I turned my head and pulled the woman who fell to the ground. She was bruised. The whole person showed a miserable beauty, her eyes closed, her hair was messy, her chest was slowly undulating, and she gave a slight snoring... humming? !

The extraordinary face was distorted.

Cooperating with this... fell asleep?

Can you fall asleep when you are being beaten? How thick is this nerve?

No, no. This is simply not right! Are you so sweet and blue?

When the car breaks its eye and glances at it, it knows what it is, and it does not show mercy. That's worse than the previous two.

The goddess made a roll, his mouth opened slightly and ate it into the blade of grass. He coughed twice and shook a little. He blinked and said: "I haven’t finished yet, are you tired? The woman who can’t see herself is I don’t have the ability, I can let them meet, of course... 哎?” The goddess opened her eyes and found that she was actually two faces, and suddenly stopped.

I heard the goddess just a few words and was shocked by the extraordinary: Nima is really the original scene of Xiao San! And... this goddess turned out to be lace!

"Who are you?" The goddess looked at the two men up and down, and the eyes only stayed a little on the broken edge of the car. It seemed that she was directly ignored by her, and then asked slowly. People didn't stand up, sitting on the grass and yawning, a look of laziness.

“It’s not extraordinary.” I’m not pointing to myself, and then pointing to the car’s broken edge: “The car is broken.”

The goddess nodded: "Is there something for me?"

He said: "I helped you run the two guys who are jealous of you."

The goddess nodded casually: "Yes, thank you." Speaking of the upper and lower eyelids began to fight, it seems to want to continue to sleep.

"Is it no problem on your body?" he asked.

"It's okay, my skin is easy to change, it doesn't hurt, it will be a few days." The goddess made another big yawn: "But two useless gods can't hurt me."

Unexpectedly glanced at her, I felt that there was nothing to say to this god, and I didn’t think that the other side was special, and... she didn’t need help at all!

I really don't understand what the system is doing!

Unexpectedly turning around is about to leave, just at this moment, the goddess who is still yawning suddenly pops up quickly, holding the extraordinary wrist with one hand and pressing the human face to the ground, the big chest The two groups were tightly attached to the uncommon back, and even teased and stunned. However, it is natural to bend the singularity and only feel that the back is a bit hot, without any other feelings of embarrassment or shame.

The goddess glanced at the black sword across his neck and whispered: "It turns out that I like the same sex. I thought it would be a little seduce. It's a pity. Xiao Ming·Cat~"

Uncommonly, the pupils shrink, and the brows of the broken ends of the car are wrinkled.

The goddess’s nose gently licked the extraordinary ears, greedily sniffed and said: “It’s so rich. The cat, you’re just back to the realm of the gods, even a little bit of disguise is not done. A little insightful **** can recognize you. And... still so big lala's black ears and tail, I thought you are very strong, so I have confidence in myself, but it is just that. But your **** It is powerful enough."

Uncommon: lying trough! Despised!

"Well, I am not malicious." The goddess licked his lips, released his hand, and raised his hands to say that he would not do anything.

"Then you attacked me?!" Uncommonly dissatisfied.

"Just confirm the taste." The goddess said: "I am called Qiu Tan. You are called extraordinary. Just come to the realm and meet me instead of other gods. You are lucky. I happen to be the predecessor. One of the next four gods."

Looking at her with suspicion, she was full of doubts when her car was broken.

Qiu Tan gritted his teeth and took out a small bottle: "Look at this! The blood of the former lord! The four gods under the lord have a bottle! This is a token!"

Unexpectedly, his eyes widened and his nose sniffed slightly. Since he had untied the **** seal in the fairy world, he now has a little memory about the cat, and simply said it is a heritage. It is possible to distinguish the blood that belongs to the family of the cat.

It is true that the blood of the cat is right.

When the car broke, it was remembered again. There was also a bottle of medlar blood in the endless hand.

“Who is the other three?” asked the car.

"There are no three, except me, not at all." Qiu Tan snorted: "No dust is dead, destiny has changed, and Yuanqin has disappeared. I am left."

Qiu Tan continued: "A thousand years ago, the lord of the lord fell behind, and the people who followed the lord died and died. For so long, you have not appeared, and the power of the lord has long been like sand. You are coming back too late."

System: [...]

Qiu Tan spreads: "The forces in my hands are the last people who still read the Lord. For so long, if it is not the one who has never automatically descended to the lord, everyone must think that the cat is completely extinct. It."

"The chaos of the gods is not because I am looking for me."

"The position of the Lord is only the beginning." Qiu Tan sighed: "The power of the gods is intricate, and there is no heart to fight for the king to do the hegemony. But who can let the master of the master control the lifeline that can affect other spiritual practices? Willing to hand over their own destiny to others, not to mention being in such a stupid stupid hand."

Stupid and extraordinary:...

Is he lying in the middle of a shot?


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