MTL - Begging You to Break Off This Engagement!-Chapter 77 I was very happy last night.

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Wearing the wrong clothes is no problem. In a hurry, the clothes with similar colors and styles are not unusual. However, they have been caught in the current situation and want to be stupid. This makes people cry and tears.

Ah, ah, ah, ah! So why is it so much to drink?

Jing Rong was in a hurry to change the clothes with Luo Ji, and wanted to find a place to sneak in.

This also told him how to go with Luoji!

"Liu..." Luo Ji found that the coat had been changed, but even the coat was wrong.

"I, I am going to wash my face." Jing Rong killed and no face and then took off. He washed his face with cold water and kept his mind awake. He did not expect that the result of the night was clearer.

He climbed Roger's shoulder and tried to breathe, and Roger's burning breath slammed on his shoulder and neck, and then he turned his back to Rogi, letting him do whatever he wanted...

God, let him die!

The scenery was closed and the face was buried in the water, but it still could not lower the temperature on his face. He feels that he has to burn his head from the head. How can this be good?

Luo Ji stood at the door, seeing the face with cold water to wash his face, but also some ... want to laugh. In fact, he still has some embarrassment. After all, even if he thought about it with Jingrong, he did not expect it to be so early, and he still had to drink too much to hold the intimate things.

Even though I don't regret it, but remembering the reaction of the night, Luo Ji is still a little weird, and there is a subtle happiness.

I have never had a mood for a long time.

Luo Ji walked slowly and patted the back of Jing Rong: "Be careful of the water."

Jing Rong really couldn’t hold it anymore, and he suddenly raised his head and said: “噗——!!! Cough and cough!”

Luo Ji looked at the face with a few drops of water, a few wet hair, and asked: "Is it so embarrassing?"

Not to mention that it is okay, one said, the temperature just after the face of Jing Rong’s face has just climbed up again. What’s even more frustrating is that Luo Yong suddenly found them in his own yard: “Hey? Big brother, when are you? Come over?"

Okay, dare to love this, I still haven’t understood what the banquet has to say!

The scenery is speechless, but a little lucky. In fact, it is still good to be shameful in front of Xi Yanqing. Whoever makes the feast clear and savvy, he is not a double return in front of the feast. But if Luo Yong knows, then it is really shy!

Luo Ji did not understand that Jing Rong wanted to take advantage of Luo Yong’s feelings and said broadly: “I didn’t go last night.”

Jing Rong turned around and turned his back to Luo Yong. Facing Luo Ji, he said silently: Why are you telling him!

Luo Ji laughed and said nothing.

Luo Yong did not care too much. In his opinion, it is normal for two men to live together. Is it that Jing Rong has something to talk to his older brother? As for wearing the clothes of Luo Ji for Yan Jingrong, may it be wrong?

Luo Fei steamed steamed bun cooked, and shouted: "Big brother, Jing Rong, come to eat." Turned head: "Luo Yong, you and the three treasures do not eat? If you do not, then come and eat together."

Luo Yong said with a grin, "I have eaten, this is the first time I have had breakfast with my three treasures. I can't go."

Luo Ru came out at this moment, she wore her hair, not the same as before. When you get married, you always have a different kind of shyness than before. She held a plate in her hand and handed it to Luo Fei across the fence: "Second brother, this is a cake."

After the marriage, the cake made by the bride himself was very happy and ate naturally. Luo Ru was not able to return to her family at this time, but Luo Fei lived close, and it was normal to give Luo Fei some more.

"It's really fragrant." Luo Fei smelled it. "Then you guys will eat slowly."

"Yeah." Luo Ru said, "Big brother, you also remember to eat cakes."

"Do not worry, eat it in a while." Luo Ji washed his face in Jing Rong, then went into the room and combed his hair.

When I combed my hair, I didn’t know whether it was a panic or a heart. I always didn’t comb well. It didn’t take long for the scorpion to fall. It is also that his hair is black and smooth, and it is not easy to fix it with only one tweezers.

When Rogi saw it, he took the comb: "I will help you."

Jing Rong said: "No, I will come by myself."

Roger did not give the comb to the face with stubbornness. In the end, the hair was still combed by Rogi.

Jing Rong looked down from the mirror and looked down at the person who helped him to comb his hair. The heart secretly spit out: I am so nervous, how are you so calm!

Luo Jibang's face has combed a lot of hair, a little bit of love.

He always felt that the hair of Luo Fei was good, but the hair of Jing Rong seemed to be smoother than that of Luo Fei. He felt a very comfortable feeling, like the cool water sliding through the hand.

Jing Rong sneaked into Luo Ji from the mirror. After a moment, Luo Ji looked up and smiled at him in the mirror, scaring him to hurry his head down.

"Don't move, it's going to be good," said Rogi.

"Yeah." Jing Rong should finish, suddenly felt that something was wrong.

How is this conversation so familiar? It seems that I said something similar last night.

Luo Ji also remembered, the action of combing hair unconsciously slowed down a bit.

The room is full of ambiguous atmosphere, and Jing Rong is not afraid to speak again.

Luo Ji finally combed Jing Rong's hair, and then his hands rested on the shoulders of Jing Rong, and looked at the face of the face from the mirror - with a little uncomfortable, unexpectedly good-looking face.

When Jing Rong just wanted to get up, he felt the hand on his shoulders use a little force.

Roger seems to have something to say to him.

The scenery suddenly became a little nervous. In fact, he has been nervous, but at this moment watching Rogi's eyes, the tension has doubled.

He vaguely remembers that at night he took the initiative to leave people. Before that, he took the initiative to kiss, this time it was his initiative to leave people, and Rogi has always been the passive one. He didn't even know if Rogi was willing.

"Last night..." Luo Ji just got up.

"Last night was my problem!" Jing Rong rushed and said, "The last time I was at the river, I, that, it was my problem anyway, big brother, you must not have any psychological burden."

"I do not……"

"You don't have to think too much, just because I am dying."

"So are you dying?"


"Jing Rong, look at me." Luo Ji's hands were placed in the ears of Jing Rong, slightly lifting the head of Jing Rong. "I drink better than you." He said very seriously, "I was still awake last night. Actually, I can walk away. But I don't. Also, I am stronger than you, you can't force me."

"Oh." Jing Rong took a deep breath and looked at Luo Ji from the mirror. The heartbeat was almost as fast as the eyes of the blind man.

"I want to say, I was very happy last night." Luo Ji said, and touched the hair of the face, "I will always remember." After he finished laughing, he turned and went out.

Jing Rong sat in a chair, like petrified, and never returned to God for a long time.

Luo Fei has put all the food on the table. He consumed a lot at night, and when he was hungry, he took a **** and ate it.

Xi Yanqing held the little tiger and fed some goat's milk. Then he yelled at the door. "How can these two people still not come? Wouldn't they open up early in the morning?"

Luo Fei peeled the scalp: "I really didn't see it, my big brother is such a big brother."

Xi Yanqing also felt a bit surprised. Originally thought that the character of Luo Ji, even if it is really interested in the scenery, it is also a way to determine the relationship that can become a pro to have a substantial relationship, I did not expect, even after the drink is directly Let's do something. This is good, even if you want to avoid it is impossible.

Hey, it’s a bit of a lively relationship!

The little tiger sticks out the pink tongue and licks the spoon there. The banquet clears his mouth and wipes his mouth: "Is it still?"

The little tiger grabbed the bowl with chubby little claws: "Hey!"

Luo Fei went to give some goat milk again: "I am still awkward, you are getting fat into a ball, you know?"

The little tiger seems to be a little dissatisfied with the spoon being too small, and holding the bowl is going to be sent to the mouth.

Xi Yan was afraid that he would drink it, and quickly changed a big spoon, which only temporarily stopped this effort.

Luo Fei got a little egg yolk and added warm water to the tiger.

Xi Yanqing looked at the little tiger and said: "Can this work?"

Luo Fei said: "A little bit of addition, it should be no problem. I think my cousin used to do this before. Or there is no food supplement, and I can't always drink goat milk."

Xi Yanqing did not have the experience of raising a child. When she was in the welfare home, she saw that the dean had raised it. But at that time, she was directly feeding the milk powder. Later, the very small child was adopted and he did not see it again.

Luo Fei also fed one-sixth of an egg yolk, and then the rest he ate.

Roger came in at this time. He thought that the words of the previous feast were somewhat uncomfortable. But try to hide this uncomfortable.

Luo Fei smiled: "Big brother, do I have to have Qi Ge?"

After thinking about it, Rogiello said: "I don't want to let my mother know beforehand, and tell them when I come back."

When the banquet was clear, Roger said that he had already made up his mind, and nodded: "Don't worry about Big Brother, we respect your thoughts. But is it not easy to talk about it?"

Luo Ji sat down and took a hoe: "I don't want a headache for a day or two. Come slowly."

I thought that he had to sell his family's cattle to cure his wife's illness. The family didn't agree at first, but he couldn't help him to lobby again and again, and he agreed. Later, he had to sell the house again. He was not too happy, but he still had no match for him. He has no other strengths, but the things he has done, the people he recognizes, will certainly take responsibility.

And for the first time in a few years since his wife passed away, he was indeed the first to have the urge to try something with someone. Jing Rong feels good to him.

"Jing Rong? Why didn't you come over?" Luo Fei asked.

"I am going to call him." Luo Ji said to the door and shouted: "Jing Rong, come and eat."

"Come on!" Jing Rong responded with a voice, pinching his face in the mirror and found it hurt, and then quickly went out.

"It seems that I will kiss my relatives in the future." Luo Fei smiled. "In the future, Jing Rong called me Qi Ge, or did I call him Qi Ge?"

"Cough!" Jing Rong groaned. "Qi Ge, don't take me to find happiness." I thought that Xi Yanqing might not say so fast to Luo Fei, I didn't expect to say so soon, Jing Rong has some awkward. However, Qi Ge is Qi Ge, seeing that the two men did not feel anything strange.

"Well, you hurry to eat. I am going to prepare you for the food on the road." Luo Fei almost eaten, put some hoes, and some food. The weather is cool at this time, the dishes are not so easy to break, and it is OK to take a day.

Jing Rong and Luo Ji each ate three hoes and some dishes, and drank some porridge. Luo Ji did not bring the baggage, went back and took the baggage, and Jing Rong took the time to enter the sheep house and turned again. He also handed over the keys to the house.

"I have trouble you in these few days, I will come back as soon as possible." Jing Rong said.

"Don't worry, pay attention to safety on the road." Xi Yan Qing took over the key and whispered to Jing Rong: "Big brother should not have gone far away, you can stop and appreciate the scenery when you go."

"I know, thank you Xi Ge." Jing Rong finished, took over the food that Luo Fei handed him, and left the Huaping Village with Luo Ji, who was coming to him not far away.

Xi Yanqing and Luo Fei holding the little tiger stood at the door until the two left the village.

Luo Yong and Luo Ru also looked at it. Luo Ru asked Luo Fei with some doubts: "Two brothers, you don't feel that the big brother is very happy today?"

Luo Fei sneaked in his heart, thinking that his sister would not find anything? He smiled and said: "Big brothers used to rarely go out of the village. It is rare to go out and go, and happiness is normal."

Luo Ru did not think of other reasons, nodded: "Her is it. It is that he feels that he is not the same as before."

Luo Fei and Xi Yanqing looked at each other and secretly sighed.

The little tiger is now urinating, hehe. Luo Fei had to hold the little scorpion into the room to change diapers, and a busy day officially opened.

Xi Yanqing and Luo Yong first cleaned the chicken house and the duck house, and then the banquet was fed to the horse, Luo Yong and Chai.

Luo Fei held the little tiger who had changed the diaper. After washing the dishes, he fed the chicken with Luo Ru and fed the dog. As for the ducks and geese, there is no need to feed them. After Luo Fei put them out, they will catch fish and graze near their homes. When they have time, they will come back again. When they were young, Luo Fei always took them out. When they got back, they came back. They also formed memories in a few months. They have already remembered their home.

Luo Ru fed the chicken and washed the clothes to dry, and Luo Fei entered the vegetable garden to help the banquet and Luo Yong to dig potatoes.

It is time to start preparing for winter storage.

Read The Duke's Passion