MTL - Begging You to Break Off This Engagement!-Chapter 3 Toilet financing

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To say who Luo Fei hated most of the last time, Xi Yanqing definitely ranked first.

First of all, this person is his love rival, every day with his heart of the male **** "like glue"! Secondly, this person is his nemesis. In the end, this person actually catches up here!

Ah, ah, ah, ah! ! !

Luo Fei felt that someone was sitting on the other side, "squatting" and shouting like a mental illness: "I don't marry!"

A room of people looked at him, including Xi Yanqing.

Luo Fei also gradually found that his behavior must not be crazy. But he still insisted: "I, I don't get married with him!"

Luo Tian’s face suddenly sinks: “Luo Erbao! You are thinking about dying, I am not!”

Luo Yi feels that he must have a sentence that hinders the feast of the feast, so he did not say, that is: if your kid dares to think about Zhang Yangfan, I will give you a discount on your legs!

Luo Fei hated and sang a feast for a glance: "Hey! You said!"

Xi Yanqing said: "Robert Bo, since the two treasures have woke up, then I will go back first, and then come see him again."

"Alright." Luo Tian nodded. "You just came back, there are definitely more things at home. Let's go ahead." Just as he has something to say to his second son, hey!

Xi Yanqing smiled at Luo Fei, and made a sigh of Luo Tian, ​​turned and left. When Luo Fei saw Luo Yi, he was too angry to go out and send him out.

Son of a bitch! Xi Yan Qing, you have to dare to promise that you will not die!

Luo Fei squatted: "Hey, I don't want to be with him anyway."

Li Yuehua started with a slap on the back of Luo Fei: "Hey, you can talk nonsense! You can be so angry if you are so stunned. The Xijiazi is not married, now people are living well, still thinking. You, you are not married with him, who are you with?"

"I tell you Luo Erbao! If you dare to think about Zhang Yangfan, I will let Xi Xi carry you over!"

"Who thought about the surname Zhang?!" Luo Fei simply couldn't tell, "I don't care about Zhang Yangfan, I just don't like Xi Yanqing!"

"You can't tell me this with Lao Tzu!" Luo Tian has always hurt this second son, but obviously this time is discouraged. "Look, you are all haunting him!" Luo Tian said to his wife, "This In a few villages, which little brother is so wild like him!"

"That's like you are not used to him!" Li Yuehua glanced at her husband, "Two treasures, you listen to the mother. Mother knows that you have been separated from the Xijiazi for a few years, and you are unfamiliar. But two people have come back for a long time. Besides, you are now in this situation, everyone in the village knows, who will dare to go to the family to raise a family in the future? Do you still want to live your own life?"

"Right!" Luo Fei’s eyes lit up. "Tomorrow, I will find the surname and go!"

“Ah?” Li Yuehua said slightly, “What are you going to look for?”

"Say... anyway, just talk." Luo Feixin thought, you can't be stupid enough to wear a ready-made green hat? This retirement is definitely a good one!

I wanted to open it, and I didn’t sleep at the last night. Luo Fei slept very well this night, so the next morning, when the chicken screamed, he almost woke up.

When the spring is over, it won’t be too early. The waking man’s martial arts, his wife Li Yuehua, is already busy with the family’s breakfast in the kitchen. At this moment, the steamed buns in the pot are still licking the rice soup. Basically, the breakfast at Luojia is like this, and this is still a good situation.

What about rice, that is, don't think about it!

Luo Fei doesn't like to drink porridge. He likes rice and vegetables most, then noodles, followed by porridge with cakes. But when I got here, it was obvious that I could burn a high scent when I had enough to eat.

"After a while, you took a few hoes and sent them to the house." Li Yuehua stirred the rice soup and said, "Xi Wei just came back, he still has to pack up at home, afraid that it is not convenient to cook.... Erbao, mother talks to you." It!"

"Ah? Say?"

"I want you to send a few gimmicks to the Xijiazi."

"哎哟娘, I won't go." Luo Fei smelled the smell of Shantou. "And, he is Xiyan."

"It's all him anyway." Li Yuehua took a few hoes and put them in a small basket. "Isn't you going to find him yesterday? Is it directly sent, is it not going?"

"You think, I just had a bad time with Zhang Yangfan. Now that the banquet is coming back, I will take him to look for him, as if I was afraid that he would not want me." Luo Feike did not want to recite his mouth as love. The self-made pot is back to the pot of the grass.

"The mouth grows on people's bodies. If you don't go to the roots of the chewing tongue, you will still chew on the roots. Are you afraid of them doing it?" Li Yuehua put the basket on his head in the arms of his second son. "Go."

"I can't go after I finish eating?" Don't you wait for him to come back to the family to finish eating? He still wants to chat with the banquet for a while, and it is estimated that it is impossible to go back. If you don't say anything else, they will pass through both of them. He still has a lot of questions to ask for a feast.

"If you just want to eat it with him, forget it." Li Yuehua put two hoes in the basket, and added a little pickles. After her banquet was cleared yesterday, she still had a good impression of Xi Yanqing. Especially after her son fainted, the feast of the feast and the care of the feast were not pretending, which made her very satisfied. Just rushing to this, she has to give the two children more opportunities to get along. When the mother does not expect anything else, she hopes that her child will find another partner who knows the cold and knows the heat.

Luo Feiyi is thinking, too, he is not the kind of person who cares about other people's eyes, what is the strength? Isn't it going to send a banquet to the banquet?

He will eat one more!

I didn’t eat anything when I was locked up. After I was released, I felt that I didn’t even eat it. Now smelling the fresh steamed taro aroma, Luo Fei is quite appetizing.

Luo Fei has a bad habit. Eating hoes likes to peel off the scalp. At this moment, he had a heartfelt prank, and he peeled all the hoes in the basket all the way. Not only that, but he also gave him a piece of it. When he arrived at the door of the house, the hoes in the basket were all ugly with the "de-glare" clothes.

Seeing that you still can't eat, Luo Fei took the taro basket and sneaked for a while, raising his hand and knocking on the door: "The surname is! Is it up?!"

Xi Yanqing cleaned up the house last night and picked it up very late. It only took four hours to sleep, and he has already started. The main reason is that this family has not lived for too long, and it is very cold. He burned it twice in the wood house yesterday. He did not warm up completely, so he thought about starting another morning and then making some food for himself.

This season, the ground is also empty. When he came back, he bought some pancakes in the town, and a little pickles, ready to deal with it for two days.

He also thought about waiting for a reason to go to see Luo Fei after breakfast. Well, Luo Fei actually came by himself.

When the banquet came out and opened the door, I saw Luo Feiti standing in the doorway and laughing with a bad smile. At this time, he saw him coming out, and he was busy with his expression, and he looked unwilling. He felt funny in his heart, but he did not reveal it. He only asked: "So early, is there something?"

Luo Fei handed the basket: "I... my mother said that you just came back, may not be good for breakfast, give you something to eat."

Xi Yan smiled and said: "That must thank the aunt, what?"

Luo Feti's basket: "Do you know if you look at yourself?"

Xi Yan Qing always felt that Luo Fei was bad in his heart. Sure enough, when the curtain was uncovered, none of the hoes in the head was complete. They were all missing, and they all lacked a corner. They were either bitten or smashed.

Luo Fei's heart smiled, but the corner of his mouth did not bend a corner. He looked at the banquet and said: "Hey, give you a **** in the early morning, don't ask me to sit in?"

Xi Yan Qing let the body: "Come in. But I have not finished it, it is a bit messy."

Luo Feixin said that this place will not clean up even if it is cleaned up. I used to see the floor tiles, and then look at the earth wall mud, can see that there are ghosts.

However, when Luo Fei entered the house, his mouth could not be enlarged. By the way, the room was actually much cleaner than he thought. It is obviously the same earth wall muddy, but the side of the banquet is much stronger than the one of his family. Although the ground is also muddy, it is extremely flat, and things are well-formed and there is nothing wrong with it. Even the stoves on the table are not stained, which is hard to imagine in the countryside of this era. Where is this like a long-lost house just entered the people? It’s just that there is a neat person who has been here for a long time!

"Is this all packed up?" Luo Fei unceremoniously moved to sit down on the wooden chair, and his heart was shocked.

"Well, I haven't finished it yet, but I can only do this for the time being." Xi Yanqing said, put the basket on the table, took two pairs of chopsticks, and took out the small pickles in the basket with small bowls. , then pour out two bowls of freshly boiled water. Obviously, he saw that the hoes were not the same, but they did not reveal the expression of disappointment. Picking up one of them began to eat in white water.

"...Hey! Are you really eating?" Luo Fei frowned. Obviously, some of them couldn’t stand the feast of the banquet. "I have both scratched my hands."

"What about that? It's not bad to eat here. Can you still throw these away?" The Banyan bite a bite and eat a pickle, and drink some boiled water from time to time. He used his actual actions to show what is called the Romans.

"I really have you." Luo Fei looked at the bowl clean and drank some water. "Hey, I ask you, have you been here for a few days?"

"A week. What about you?"

"Two days." Luo Fei than a "V" gesture, "I am not used to it, no mobile phone, no computer, even the toilet is not, it is really an egg pain. I don't know if I can go back, if this is not back I have to go crazy if I go."

"It's not very possible to go back. Let's get used to it." Xi Yanqing picked up the second girl.

"Adapt to a ball? Can you adapt?!" Luo Fei screamed at the corner of his clothes. "Don't say this, what, can you retreat?"


"Can't?!" Luo Fei instantly frowned, "Why can't you?! You don't know if I just squandered myself for the scum?! The outside thinks that I love the miserable thing. You are not going back. Dear, what do you want to do?! Dai Chengcheng’s green hat? Not afraid to be killed by jokes.”

"It’s better to be killed by jokes than to be starved to death." The banquet was not red-hearted and said, "I haven’t eaten in the field. I still hope that your fiancée can bring me some dowry. ""

"Xi Yan Qing! Can you point your face!" Luo Fei was so angry that he stood up. "You are simply, I rely on you to be unreasonable. What a special hell, how can my male **** like you?!"

"This is going to ask you a male god." Xi Yanqing remembered his cousin, and he sighed coldly and unknowingly picked up the next girl. This **** has not only a skin but also a big tooth print.

However, when he reacted, he had already bitten a few mouthfuls.

Luo Fei looked at his mouth wide open, it was awful.

Have a lifetime with this person? That must be "no!"

"You still remarriage." Luo Fei said.

"Not retreat." Xi Yanqing's attitude is extremely firm. "I want you to say that you have this time is not as good as when you think about going to the toilet. I guess you have not been to the toilet here."

"Toilet?" Luo Fei forced, "I have been there. What happened to the toilet? Isn't it just a matter of burying it?" Well, this "point" may be as big as the Ericsson Ball Stadium.

"You haven't been to the big size?" The Banyan smiled.

"Rely, evil is not disgusting? Eat something." Luo Fei said so, but still thought about how the size of the big, but also need to face up. Then the more he thought about it, the more he felt that something was wrong. The whole face was greened by the banquet, and then he remembered something and turned green. The traffic lights kept changing. Finally, he vomited and vomited.

I remember to watch "Qin Qin Ji" with friends in the dormitory. Xiang Shaolong solved the problem and wanted toilet paper. As a result, the old man gave him a "tile". Now, what is the special situation he is facing the problem of using the toilet? !

The toilet raises, it’s blameful, but it’s not a matter of pulling the wood chips that make the chrysanthemums!


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