MTL - Begging You to Break Off This Engagement!-Chapter 109 Fan Wai 9: Return to modern times

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"Dr. Zhao, may I ask when my son can wake up?" In the 3012 ward of the surgical inpatient department of the First Hospital of the City, Gu Yuefang sat on the side of the bed and gently stroked his son's hair. "Does he really have to be comatose like this?" Going on? I can be such a baby son."

"Overall, the lang has lost too much blood, causing the brain to suffer from hypoxia for a long time. Although his trauma has recovered almost the same, the key is whether the degree of brain recovery determines when he can wake up. It seems that it will take some time."

"Is it hard that I can only wait so?"

"If you have plenty of time, talk to him more, maybe he will hear it."

"But you said this to me last time. I have listened to your intention to put your work to the side to accompany your child. How can he improve?"

"Qing Ge..." At this moment, the people on the bed suddenly made a very light voice.

"Little non?!" Gu Yuefang heard his son's voice, suddenly stunned, suddenly turned around with chicken blood, "Little, Xiaofei, you woke up?"

"Qing Ge..." Luo Fei tried to open his eyes and was suddenly stunned by the sun.

"Small non-you can hear Mom talking? Xiaofei?" Gu Yuefang saw his son open his eyes and his tears fell. "You can scare your mother by mixing the ball."

"...mama?" Luo Fei turned his gaze and looked at the woman sitting next to him. Don't "for decades", he has a feeling of dreaming, but this person, in front of him, how many times he is born again can not be forgotten.

"Yes, yes, mom, how do you feel? Is there any uncomfortable?" Gu Yuefang gently stroked his son's face, light enough to just touch a little and then carefully take his hand off, for fear of hurting the child. The same.

"This is... Where?"

"In the hospital, stupid kid, you can scare the dead mother." Gu Yuefang slightly retreat a bit, let the doctor who came over to check the child to see, "If you have any uncomfortable place, you must tell the doctor."

"I..." Luo Fei suddenly felt a little headache, but for a moment he did not know how to react.

Isn't he already dead? Together with Xi Yanqing, they lived to be 83 years old and lived to be 81 years old. They became the longest-lived people in Huaping Village.

Right Huaping Village! He also served as the village head lady of Huaping Village for more than 40 years!

Lying in the trough!

Rao is the age of the soul is already bigger than his own mother, Luo Fei did not resist the swearing in his heart at this moment.

What is this ghost? ! Is it back? !

"Mom, what about the banquet?" Here is the hospital. They must have been discovered after the cliff fell and someone was rescued. Is the feast clear? !

"What is the Qing?" Gu Yuefang didn't listen too much. "What are you talking about?"

"That is, it is with me, in a car." Luo Fei said a few words and then some force. He desperately recalled, fortunately, this body still retains the previous memory, not because he has forgotten the things in the past few decades. "Is there a person who is called a seat and a banquet?" Mom, is there?"

"Where does this mom know, you should rest well, don't talk."

"No, Mom, please, help me, inquire, he, cough, cough, he is very important to me." Luo Fei grabbed the hand of Gu Yuefang, as long as he thought he was wearing it again. However, the Xi Yan Qing may not be there, and I feel that my heart is like a knife. For so many years, he has long been accustomed to being together with the banquet. Even when he walks, he is glad that they can stand together to the whitehead, but how can he come back alone!

"Well, you should rest first, Mom will help you inquire." Gu Yuefang couldn't help, but had to wait for the doctor to confirm that there was no problem, then go out and help the child to ask the situation.

The accident was not small. There were more than 30 tourists in a car. Only six survived after falling off the cliff, but she was not sure if there was a person named Xi Yanqing. In fact, her son can live to her, she is already grateful to God.

According to the rescuer who arrived at the scene, if there was an oversized bush that stopped when the car fell off the cliff, the strength of the decline was weakened, and there was no life in the car.

Some people went to the rescue after the accident. The rescue team sent all the patients with vital signs to the hospital. Gu Yuefang knew this and went to the inpatient department to ask.

However, the result was that there was not a person named Xi Yanqing in the patient who was sent that day.

Gu Yuefang certainly didn't know what the words of Xi Yanqing meant to Luo Fei, so he went back and told Luo Fei the results he had asked.

Luo Fei listened to the nurse and said that the accident only survived a total of six people, and did not dare to report too much hope. Now I heard that Gu Yuefang said that there was no dinner in the hospital to clear this person, and suddenly did not hold back, tears broke the line. The beads fell like this.

"Small, you, don't scare your mother, don't cry, don't cry..." Gu Yuefang rubbed it to Luo Fei. "The person you said, is he your classmate?"

"No." Luo Fei looked over the window and looked at the sunshine. He only felt that all this was familiar and strange, and the pain of the needle stuck in the blood vessel told him that he really came back, but the feast was not there.

"You, where are you going?!" Gu Yuefang watched with horror as his son suddenly sat up, and pulled out the needle that had just started playing, and then stumbled out.

Luo Fei did not say anything. In fact, he almost sat down on the floor when he got out of bed. Excessive blood loss and lying time may be a long time, and he always can't lift his body.

He found the nurse station and asked the same words that Gu Yuefang had just asked.

"Nurse, may I have a patient in the hospital called Xi Yanqing?"

"Really not." The nurse felt that this person was a little weird, but she had checked this person before she had checked it, so she knew that they did not have this person in the hospital.

"That, then can you tell me, the other five people who have happened with me and the accident, are they living in which ward?" Luo Fei held his hand on the desk of the nurse's station, and his sweat was fast. Wet the clothes.

“There are two living in the 3028 ward and the 3013 ward. The other three are not clear, not in our hospital.”

"Which hospital is that?" Luo Feiyi was a bit happy when he was on the phone. Although the hope was still very embarrassing, at least for the time being, his mother’s inquiring "no one to feast on this person" was limited to this hospital.

"It should be sent to the second hospital." The nurse said.

"Thank you, thank you nurse."

"Well, no need to say." Gu Yuefang helped Luo Fei, "Mom sent someone to help you to go to the Second House. But you have to promise your mother, take a break during this time."

"thanks Mom."

"What the **** is this person you are so nervous about him?" Xi Yanqing, how to listen to it is like a boy's name.

"Yes, it is my boyfriend." Luo Fei hardened his scalp and decided to tell the truth. His mother knew that he was **** a few years ago, and he promised that one day he would really meet someone he liked and would tell her truthfully.

"You really... can't you give me a buffer time?" Gu Yuefang was speechless. This time, such a big thing, she was scared almost half a life is gone, it is hard to climb a mountain, but there is still a peak waiting for her.

"Mom, I am sorry."

"Okay, let alone, you wake up better than anything. Contentment is always happy, contentment is always happy." Gu Yuefang self-consolation sent Luo Fei to the ward, called in the face of Luo Fei, let The assistant immediately went to the second house to check if there was a person named Xi Yanqing.

Luo Fei wanted to go in person, but after he went to bed, he felt a whirlwind. It used to be supported by a lot of energy. It seems that it is very difficult to get up again in a while.

Not long after, Luo Fei would not feel tired and fell asleep, but did not know this, Xi Yanqing also wanted to find him.

The banquet was even worse than Luo Fei, but his physical quality was much better than that of Luo Fei, so he recovered faster than Luo Fei. Not long after he woke up, he ate something and began to sort out the strange situation.

He had put everything down when he died, because the person he cares the most is right beside him. However, he never imagined that life was still not over.

This has all come back to the second time!

"Cousin, don't be embarrassed. My mom said, you have to live for another three days, and you can be sure that you will be discharged after you have no problem." Liang Boyuan pressed the person who was going to sit down, but also served, early in the morning. It’s Luo Fei, Luo Fei is not finished yet. “As for Luo Fei, you can rest assured that I have let my friends have seen it, Luo Fei is still there.”

"Are you sure you didn't lie to me?" Although this cousin has always been very reliable, as long as the question about Luo Fei, Xi Yanqing can not let go.

"Why can I lie to you!" Liang Boyuan felt stunned. "You don't want to think about it. When you are fainting, you have been calling Luo Fei's name. Do you dare to make him joke?"

"Okay, then I will live for another three days." Xi Yanqing said after reading his mobile phone, "Bo Yuan, you can help me buy something to eat. I am a little hungry."

"Well, what do you want to eat?"


"Then I looked at it and bought it. You will lie down for a while, and my mom will come over later." Liang Boyuan finished, and went out with his mobile phone. He went to a restaurant in the outside of the hospital to order some food. He also picked up his mother's phone on the road and reported the situation of Xi Yanqing. "Do not worry, my brother, he must have not run around. Well, he and me. Say hungry, I won’t come out and buy some food for him. OK, I will wait for you to come then.”

"Master, go to the city's first hospital." The dinner in the ward should wait for the food to be served in the taxi.

"Brother, you see, I bought you a double tow..." Liang Boyuan opened the door and smashed into the empty bed. "Where! The banquet will clear you a bastard!" Nima also left him a note! You have the ability to go, you have the ability to call Laozi! Also special to write ancient text! It’s just a matter of writing ancient texts. You are discriminating against Laozi and you can’t read it. You still give me a hook to write modern Chinese again!

The banquet sneezed and sneezed. This day is not too cold, probably his cousin saw his note.

But he can't manage that much, he has to go to see the situation of Luo Fei. I don’t see Luo Fei’an well, he rests restlessly.

Luo Fei just woke up this time, and he felt it when the nurse pulled the needle. When he woke up, he saw his mother, and he couldn't help but ask for a feast.

"Where is it so fast, you wait. Mom promises that you will know the result within an hour." Gu Yuefang said with porridge. "Come and drink some porridge, you can't eat more now, wait a little better. I want to eat what mom to buy for you."

"Why didn't you do it for me?"

"Hey! Stinky child! Don't know which pot is not open! I know that your old lady is poorly crafted! If you buy you, you will be content!"

Gu Yuefang squats, but when people look at it, they know that they are not really fierce.

"Mom, I will give you something to eat later." Luo Fei said very seriously.

"That is true, then the mother pretends to believe you once." Gu Yuefang couldn't help but see that the child really woke up and there was no sequelae, and he couldn't help but feel better. "You I went to the temple to pray for you, as if I had to live in the temple for half a month. She should be able to come back tomorrow night. Seeing that you are awake, I am more than happy."

"I also want to be embarrassed." It can be said that he can mix well in ancient times, and thanks to the church to teach him so many things. Although he is always too lazy to learn, but talent may be lit up in that regard, so do not take the heart and learn well.

"What's wrong?" Gu Yuefang suddenly saw his son silent, and some worried.

"Mom, I want to discuss things with you." Luo Fei said, "I don't want to learn to perform any more. Can you watch it?"

"Are you serious?"

"Serious. I want to spend more time with you in the future. I also want to learn the craftsmanship." Luo Fei knows that he has always been very sorry, because some things are passed down from generation to generation, but his mother does not Like, although he has talent, he didn't want to take that as a career. Now think about it, how many people are envious of it.

"You have been sleeping for a while during your stay. Mom doesn't know when you can wake up, so you have to take the law off procedure for yourself. If you don't want to continue reading, then if you are good, change your major, or just like you said. Learn from you, as long as you are good, Mom depends on you."

"Thank you mom." Luo Fei finished, and drank a little porridge, then rested on the bed for a while.

Gu Yuefang’s mobile phone ringing sounded at this time. She answered the phone and told Luo Fei: “Xiao Fei, the person you are looking for is Xia Qing who is in the second hospital, but said that he is going out this time.”

"Going out? Where are you going?" Luo Fei asked anxiously.

"You guess." Xi Yanqing happened to be there at this time - because the summer was a bit stuffy, the door in the ward was not closed. Xi Yanqing stood at the door and smiled at Luo Fei.

"Big Tiger?" Luo Fei's eyes lit up and immediately went to the ground.

"Little donkey?" Because the people were there, there was some convergence, but the happiness of the eyes could not be hidden.

"What is the secret number?" Gu Yuefang's son, then squatting in the second hospital sick suit to the size of the city. Not to mention, it looks so handsome and tall. The most important thing is that the eyebrows are clear and a good boy at first glance.

"Auntie, I am a banquet."

"Mom, he is my boyfriend." Luo Fei whispered to close the door, and then took the hand of Xi Yanqing. "I was on a car the day of the accident. He kept protecting me and I could live." "This is a fact that although there is a banquet to please the mother's ingredients, it is indeed an objective fact.

"You said that I didn't believe it for half an hour, but now I believe it." Gu Yuefang looked helplessly at Xi Yanqing. "Young man, the shoes don't wear so far, the feet don't hurt?"

"Ah?" Xi Yan Qing bowed his head, "No pain." In fact, it still hurts a bit, but the hospital did not prepare him slippers, after all, he also woke up this morning.

"Sit down and have a rest, Auntie will go find you shoes."

"Thank you, Auntie."

"The hospital is too dirty on the ground. After a while, my mother bought the shoes and washed them first, but don't get any germs." Luo Fei said with a smile and looked at Xi Yanqing. "Qing Ge, you are still alive, really good." ”

"Yeah." Xi Yan Qing hugged Luo Fei. "We said we have to be together."

"So if I didn't wake up?"

"Then I will go to you." The Banquet cleared Luo Fei and gently stroked his hair. "How far you go."

"Yeah!" Luo Fei nodded and kissed him on the lips of the feast.

Gu Yuefang originally wanted to stand at the door and listened. She didn't expect to eat a dog's food. She was so angry that she decided to buy two pairs of shoes for the children when they bought slippers.

"Excuse me, which ward does Luo Fei live in?" Liang Boyuan panted and looked for it. He thought that his cousin had just woke up not long before he knew that Luo Fei was still asleep and worried. Taking a step back, even if Luo Fei woke up, Luo Fei had never been waiting for his cousin. What should I do if I don’t welcome his cousin? ! The result is to find a place to see, lying mother! Are the two together? !

Liang Boyuan wiped his eyes and determined that what he saw was true. He thought that his cousin had to be pushed away after a while, so he still waited for another knock. After all, he took a crush on his own. People are not easy.

But ten seconds passed, and the two people in the ward were still together.

Twenty seconds passed and the two were still together.

A minute...

Liang Boyuan decided to knock on the door!


"Bo Yuan? How come you?" The Banquet cleared Luo Fei and changed from holding to holding hands.

"I, can I not come to me? You said that you did not bring a mobile phone, the wallet did not bring, I am special..." Liang Boyuan noticed that the two men clasped their fingers, "No, what the **** are you?" "Before meeting clearly is a murderous, a helpless...

"Official introduction, my boyfriend, Luo Fei." Xi Yanqing raised the tight hand, "If you don't mind, can you call him Luo Fei, or ... scorpion also?" This is to ask Luo Fei of.

"Well, feel free." Anyway, it's just a name. Luo Fei doesn't care about these.

"No wonder that there will be blessings when you are in trouble. If you do, I will go out and buy a mobile phone for you. Your wallet and ID card are still in my mom. I will go out for a while..."

"You don't need Bo Yuan. I will contact my aunt for a while. You still have classes, don't delay."

"Then can you do it?" Liang Boyuan did have a class, but he was not too worried about his cousin.

"Yes. You see that I am not very good now." I have been lying for so many days, I should have been tired, but he didn't feel that much. Maybe he and Luo Fei have come back to live like this, there is always something abnormal.

"That. I will leave you a card, the password you know." Liang Boyuan took out a card from the money clip and put it together with the wallet of Xi Yanqing. "When you find this wallet, Folded, I don't think I can use the card. If you can't, please brush me first. My phone still remembers? You must buy a mobile phone first when you go out!"

"Do not worry, remember."

"Oh." Liang Boyuan did not seem to like him a little helpless younger brother. "So my brother will ask you? Well, blind."

"Do not worry, we are all fine, very good." Luo Fei said with a smile, took the banquet and sat down on the sofa. His mother helped him book a senior ward, and the facilities inside were quite good. As for Liang Boyuan, for him now, he is the cousin of Xi Yanqing. It seems to be very good for Xi Yan Qing, so he is still okay. That's all.

Liang Boyuan secretly pinched a thigh, and felt pain. After confirming that this was not a dream, he whispered to himself and went out. After Luo Fei and Xi Yanqing sat down, they began to plan a new life.

At Huaping Village, the children were all big, so they all moved out. He and the banquet were both old and young, and they had a good meal at home. Now that they are back, they will definitely have to live together in the future. Although they can't see the children again, they can rest assured that they think the children are doing well.

Just do something in the future, but also plan well.

Luo Fei was determined to work with the school, and Xi Yanqing, he graduated immediately, so he did not intend to leave school. He will go to the Agricultural Research Institute for a period of time in accordance with the previous preparations. After that, he wants to see if there is a chance to test a "Physician's Practice Certificate."

In the latter part of Huaping Village, there was nothing to do with it, and I went to Luo Tianqi to study medicine. It was still a success. I hope to help more people in the future.

Luo Fei thinks this is quite good. Then they try to buy a small house by themselves, preferably with the kind of land, and they can grow some vegetables at home and continue to eat without pollution.

The two couples decided to do the same, so the next day they felt that the body still had no discomfort. Then they bought a new mobile phone together, reissued the mobile phone card, and registered the bank card. Anyway, the day was basically busy with these, and when I finished the work back to the ward of Luofei, Luo Feizhen also came back.

The old lady was worried that this baby grandson could not wake up. Now, watching him live and jump, it is laughter and crying for a while before calming down. And for the things of Luo Fei and Xi Yanqing, the old lady also looked away, feeling that as long as the child is still there, the other will be happy with the child.

People have been in their lives for only a few decades, and there may be some accidents. If you can't even like the people you like, what kind of strength does it take?

"Hey, you can rest assured. I will accompany you more in the future, not to worry about you." Spoiled this thing can not do it, after all, the soul is a young age. But it is okay to seriously state some ideas. Luo Fei holds the old lady's hand. "Wait for a few more days, I will accompany you to the theatre and embroider with you."

"Well, this is what you said, you can't go back."

"I know, hey, I won't regret it."

Under the proposal of Gu Yuefang, Luo Fei and Xi Yanqing both did a physical examination, confirming that the recovery was very good, and both of them had to go through the discharge procedure.

Both Luo Fei and Xi Yanqing thought that they would have to spend a lot of money. I didn't expect to go through the insurance, and the one that I had just added was actually less than two thousand dollars, completely within the range they could afford. But now, in this situation, I want to be as leisurely as I was in the past, and I really have to work hard again.

Xi Yanqing returned to school, and Luo Fei went through the formalities of dropping out. From this day on, he concentrated on his classroom to learn, and by the way, he was a teaching assistant. Xi Yanqing, under the recommendation of the tutor, entered the Agricultural Research Institute.

Eight years later, Luo Wei retired to the second line and rarely taught students. Luo Fei became the new teacher in the Gu Yue Embroidery Square, and Xi Yanqing, he studied with an old Chinese medicine practitioner.

The old Chinese medicine surnamed Li, in his early fifties, has a good medical ethics, and his temper is a bit strange. However, due to their high ability, everyone is very respectful. At the same time, many people have envied the feast and worshipped such doctors as teachers.

Every time a patient goes to see Dr. Li, they can see the feast of the feast.

But in reality, they are like this...

"Hey? Banquet, you said that after reducing this taste, the effect is so much worse?"

"The wind is not suitable for the yin and anger. The patient who has just surnamed Zhong has this phase, which is naturally beneficial. But he would have been good. I saw a pinhole on the back of his hand, which is estimated to have been shot. ”

"...Hey! What kind of Chinese medicine is still coming!"

"Oh, the estimate is to consolidate it." Anyway, what kind of people have, open the door to do business, see more.

"Qing Ge, is it busy?" Luo Fei opened the curtain and came in.

"Busy is over. Let's go." Xi Yanqing replaced the white coat, and gave Luo Fei some health tea and left.

The two drove the car to a second-floor villa in the suburbs. After entering for a short break, they went to the yard to serve the vegetables they planted.

The six years that I just wore were in a hurry, trying to make more money for young people. In the past two years, they have had a house. They are busy in the morning, only one student in the afternoon, and one who does not take the doctor. As long as there is no accident, they will return. Go to this home and have a peaceful "late age."

Perhaps in the eyes of others, it is strange that they are two such people in their early thirties, but only they know that this is the happiness and freedom they have been pursuing.