MTL - Begging You to Break Off This Engagement!-Chapter 105 Extra 6: Suguru-bottom

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"Big brother, are you sure that the two people have money?" Outside the Yixiufang, a thin and savage little man asked the five big three thick men next to him. "I don't look like a rich man. You see them both." The string of candied haws, and then did not buy anything else. Into the cloth shop is also empty to come out. This time grinding for so long, is it not to buy it?"

"Do you know a fart? Laozi said that there is! The purse that was taken out when the kid bought the candied fruit was obviously heavy. If there were not many people on the street at that time, Laozi had already gone to grab it. You shut me up. Honestly waiting! "There are also a few doubts in the eyes of the five big three thick men, but it is absolutely impossible for him to deny his judgment.

"That, then let's wait a little longer." The thin little man turned his eyes and couldn't help but shrink his neck.

The little donkey and the little carpenter are watching the embroidery thread. The wishful thread of the wishful boss is new, the color is good, the gloss is good, and it is a good thing at first glance. It’s just that the price is more expensive, and there are more people looking at the line, so they will wait for it, and think about it for a while.

Some of the little carpenters’ clothes were not finished, and he almost got the blue line, so he bought it. And the little donkey thinks, all buy! What if you use it someday? !

Finally, I have waited for other guests to leave. Ruyi’s boss specially made a pot of tea for the little donkey and the little carpenter.

"You two little guys are rare friends. How come Han Gongzi and Luo Gongzi didn't come?" Ruyi boss had a relationship with Luo Fei after so many years. Sometimes, when she met a good job but was not sure, she went to find Luo Fei helped.

"Lu Aunt, we have sneaked out this time, you must not let me know that I have been here, or he can punish me for ten days without meat." Xiaomao touched a colorful embroidery thread. “I didn’t find these things so beautiful when I didn’t like them in the past?”

"That is, what can be seen in the eyes to see what is good. Nothing in the eyes, not rare to see, where can you know? You say yes?" Lu Ruyi helped pick out some of the colors that little carpenters wanted," How are you looking at these?"

"Thank you Lu Aunt, that's the color." The little carpenter put away all the things he wanted, and he also wanted to see the little donkey. It also felt good. "Little donkey, what do you want to embroider?" Pick it up again, or you must be picky."

"I just didn't think about embroidering anything." Xiaomao suddenly flashed a flash of light. "Yes! I want to embroider a screen!"

"Ah?!" Wen Jing as a little carpenter stunned.

This younger brother, isn’t it irritating? !

Not to mention the little carpenter, even the wishful boss is surprised.

Luo Fei is an old guest in the Yixiufang. When the little donkey was still young, he sometimes took a small donkey to embroider the square to buy the line. Later, the wishful boss was familiar with the second master of the family, and quite liked this kid. When Xiaomao was just ten years old, she accidentally asked Luo Fei. The child did not learn to work in needlework. Luo Fei said helplessly: What do you learn? As soon as he let him take the needle, he would kill him.

At that time, the boss thought that the child was still small, and waited for the bigger one. I didn’t expect the child to be too big and didn’t like needlework, as if this was annoying.

But why did you suddenly like it again? Still want to embroider a screen? !

You know, if you want a screen with an embroidered figure, even if it is a simple style, it will take at least ten days and a half. Still have to be skilled embroiderers to do.

"Little donkey, are you serious?" The little carpenter was too surprised.

"Really! I want to embroider the screen!" Xiaomao sipped the tea in one breath, and a pair of desperately on the battlefield, "Lu Aunt, I have to do these lines!" He did not believe, he succeeded in making underwear. The screen is still uncertain? ! The screen he used to play with his brother can only be done by him!

"That's it, these lines are sold to you, you are safe to keep, if you don't want to do it, then give back to your aunt, the money will be returned to you." Lu Ruyi feels that this child is impulsive, which may actually make The screen is coming?

"I won't go back, you will give me a bag, I will take it."

When I went out, I said that I was going to find a small carpenter to do the work, so I took the sewing kit, but the sewing bag was not a needle but a folded cloth bag. The little donkey opened the backpack and put the wrapped line all in.

When the little carpenter came out, he also had such a backpack. He also installed the line himself and made a fortune. But my heart is still a bit flustered. As for the fabrics they only watched, it is unlikely that they will come back without a sound.

The little brothers went out, and there were a lot of backpacks on one person. It was obvious that they bought something. The brothers who sneaked behind them were coming to see the spirit.

Boss rushed to the front of the two brothers, and then look at their brothers: You oh, I said they must have money!

Thinner than a thumb, then whispered to ask: "Big brother, let's start when?"

Big and tall, around: "No hurry, wait until they get out of the town, let's start again, so that God doesn't know what to do, and no one knows what the two brothers are doing."

"Big brother, do you know that they are out of town, if they can't?"

"They are not the people in the town, have you seen it?" The boss stunned the younger brother, "Go, keep up."

"Mu Mu Ge, are you hungry?" They all came out for a long time, and they went so far, and the little donkey felt a little hungry.

"Is it a little hungry, do you want to buy some food first?" The little carpenter looked around and said, "What do you want to eat?"

"I want to eat more, but we have to go to a place where we don't know people." Xiaomao stopped and stopped. "Look there! A new restaurant, I haven't been there before, let's go eat and see." ”

"Let's do this now, can people let in?" The restaurant was so big that the facade was so bad. They are all gray on their faces and their bodies are dirty.

"Why don't you let us in, we don't give money." When Xiaomao came to the strong, no one could stop it. He took the little carpenter and went to the restaurant named "Fuhai Building". .

Not to mention, this shop is good, the little guy seems to have a look, although the people are gray, but the back bag is clean, the shoes are also workmanship, they will greet people after a little hesitation. It is.

Xiaomao looked at a lot of people, and simply found a relatively quiet place in the remaining position. It is close to the elegant room, it is a corner, and the table is relatively small. But both of them are quite satisfied.

"Mu Mu Ge, what do you want to eat?" This store, like many other shops, engraved the name on the wooden sign and hung it on the wall.

"I want to eat something that warms up. I just went cold." Xiao Carpenter said, "How about feeling like a bowl of beef bone stew?"

"Cheng. Buddy, then we want a beef bone stew radish soup, then I want a halogen elbow, then another one... 咦? Jasmine scrambled eggs? What is this dish?"

"Back to this son, this dish is a special dish in our store, there is no outside." The young man said with great enthusiasm, "This dish is as famous as the egg fried with jasmine. Although it is simple, but tastes Very good, especially the floral is especially good. Do you want to try it?"

"That's a taste, just come here." Xiaomao said that he still wanted to order, but was stopped by the little carpenter.

"The three dishes should be enough. If we have more points, we can't finish it." These three dishes may not be able to finish.

"But I haven't asked what the chef's specialty here is. Let's click on it again." Xiaomao's hands and hands are mixed. Seeing the little carpenter agreeing helplessly, he immediately smiled and asked: "Man What is the best dish for the masters in your store?"

"It's a roasted hare." The man said with great responsibility, "But the whole two may not be able to finish it. We only sell this dish for half a meal. If you like it, you can come and try it for half."

"Then come half." The little donkey said, and after thinking about it, he asked for two bowls of rice. "Just come here first, then give us a pot of good tea."

The guy went on, and soon he sent the pot of tea and a small plate of peanuts.

There are many people in the restaurant, and the dishes are a little slow, so each table has such a gift.

The little brothers chatted while eating some melon seeds and drinking some tea to warm up.

After a while, the folks passed by them, but instead of giving them food, they brought the sweet and sour pork ribs into the elegant room near them.

The little carpenter and the little donkey looked at each other and thought of a person.

"Isn't that my brother's favorite dish?/ Isn't that your brother's favorite dish?"

"Hahaha, we both thought about going together." The little brothers whispered, and after they finished, they started talking about each other's fiancés and marriages, what they bought today, and so on.

"Little donkey, why do you suddenly want to embroider the screen?" The little carpenter couldn't help but ask. That is a big job. It’s really not something that can be done in a while.

"I want to embroider the person." Xiaomao thought about it. He said to the little carpenter what he had heard from his brother that day. It was mainly because of this time that he was too depressed in his heart. "You said that person, Ming knows that Changle’s brother has set a kiss, and also sent him what he can see every day, and he clearly shows his heart."

"Well, then I also agree with you to embroider. If you need help, you say to me!" The little carpenter will ensure that he can help.

"But I think that all my places need help..." Xiaomao was a little frustrated, and felt that when she thought of it, she was depressed. He said that the embroidery screen, this must be really want to embroider, but he also had to admit that this idea is too impulsive. I don't blame Lu Aunt for thinking that he might return the line. This is an impossible task. He is doing underwear, in addition to trying to make Shi Changle a close-fitting clothing, another reason is not because there is no need to embroider something on the underwear?

The seams are still unfavourable, and it is even harder to embroider things.

"Don't be discouraged, you can still ask Luo Feizhen if you can't." The little carpenter comforted his brother, and some of his heart was sad for him. Think about it, if someone gives the little tiger a screen, or if he can't do it, then he will definitely feel bad.

"Hey, Mumu brother, you said why can't I be born two years earlier? So I can get married with Changle brother earlier. I can't say that 18 is not allowed to be a relative."

"Hey! You, you are careful to be heard by others!" A little brother would have to marry him early, if he was heard to be ashamed to die!

"I am telling the truth. Besides, there is no one to note here..." Xiaomao’s words were stuck in the eyes of the blind man because he saw the guy coming out of the room with a strange smile! It seems to have glanced at him too!

"I won't be heard by the buddy?" The little carpenter laughed and laughed.

"I heard it when I heard it. Anyway, I just thought about it. I wanted to talk to me before, but I was afraid that he would punish me for ten days without eating meat. I didn’t dare to say it. But if there is a way, I I am sure to let Changle brother yell at me earlier."

"Would you like to marry him?" Suddenly behind the door, there was a sound of laughter.

"Hey! Keke cough..." Xiaomao squirted a cup of tea, and his expression was hard to say.

"Shi Gongzi! Small... Little Tiger..." The little carpenter stood up.

"You two are just fooling around! How come this cold day?" The little tiger was angry and distressed. One was the wife who had not passed the door, and the other was the only younger brother. Two guys, the faces are painted like little devils, and the buddy made them enter the door.

"Big brother, don't say Mumu, I want to pull him over." Xiaomao glanced at the little tiger, apparently did not expect to eat a meal and actually met his eldest brother. Losing him, he also found a new restaurant! People who think about it don't know them!

"Well, there are many people here, take them to the backyard and say." Changle son heard that the little fiancee wanted to marry him earlier, and he was in a good mood. So he gently hooked the other's nose and went to the backyard. . The first two floors of this restaurant are the places to sell food, and the back is the place to live.

"Changyou, go and hit two pots of hot water. There are still some people who let the guys send the dishes of these two sons to the backyard." The little tiger told the guys here, and quickly got his fiancee and brother to the backyard.

The little donkey and the little carpenter knew that they were losing money, and they dared not refute it. So they honestly washed their faces and changed their clothes. This clothes was bought by the little tiger in the morning. I also thought about giving it back to my brother and fiancee after I went home. Now I am getting better, so I have to change it, so that I can't make it like a little gray monkey.

When the two of them finished their work, they were the best sons. The little tiger felt that it was pleasing to the eye.

The buddy took away the basin and then went to the backyard, and then looked up at the two sons who had re-combed their hair.

This change is too big, right? ! Is it the same two people? !

"Changyou, this is the future lady." Shi Changle refers to the little donkey and refers to the little carpenter. "And this is the lady of the young lady. After they came, you have to be the first." Time to inform me."

"Good young master. Do you have any other instructions?" Chang You thought, but fortunately, he did not block people!

"No, let's go." Shi Changle helped the little fiancee who dared not look up and clipped the dish. "Eat, don't eat the strength of it? If you don't have the strength, how can you find a way to marry you?"

"Don't laugh at me!" Xiaomao blushes, as if he can smash the embarrassment of his heart.

"Well, don't laugh, don't you laugh, eat it, it won't be delicious after a while." Shi Changle smiled and shook his head. I thought that when he was a child, he always wanted to run to the house. At that time, he said that he would let him go to the family afterwards. He thought about it very well, so he could often go to play at home. . Unexpectedly, he really liked the younger brother of the little tiger.

"Don't tell me that my family doesn't know that you are coming out." The little tiger still felt terrified.

"Brother, when are you going back? You can take us back," said Xiaomao. "We will go to Li Boss to get the cloth in a while. A lot."

"I and Xiaomao think that they should be able to go back before dark, so... tell the family to go to the grandfather's house, and then come out." The little carpenter did not dare to lie to the little tiger. "Don't dare next time."

"Forget it, I am also worried about you. You said that the two of you are coming out. What if you want to run into a bad guy?" The little tiger played a younger brother and broke his brain. "This time I will not say more, I can’t do this again." I thought of speaking to me in advance in the town, I will bring you out."

"I know, I know."

"After eating something to get the material, take the carriage and go back." Shi Changle did not want his little fiancee to be frozen again. This is just the beginning of spring, how big the wind is, "And, the screen will not be embroidered."

"Why?" Xiaomao stuffed his mouth full of food. When he thought of his original intention of embroidering the screen, he felt that this matter could not stop.

"The screen that Miss Zhou sent to me was retired. What kind of vinegar did you eat?" Shi Changle poured a cup of tea into Xiaomao. "Slowly eat, no one is robbing you, be careful." ""

"Oh..." The little donkey swallowed the food. "I am worried that I will go back and be punished for not eating meat." Don't look at him thin, but it is a carnivorous animal. He will be sad if he has no meat to eat!

"Don't worry, Big Brother said that I brought you out. Oh, I am also jealous." The little tiger sighed. "Fortunately, Changle brother wants you, or you are so skinny, see who dares to swear."

"Slightly!" Xiaomao licked his tongue and ate a large bowl of rice and some leeks, and fell in love with jasmine scrambled eggs. In general, the harvest is good, but he thinks that he will be separated from Shi Changle for a while, and he is somewhat sad.

I don’t know when to meet the next time.

Shi Changle wants to let him go back, but he has not yet married, leaving the night is not appropriate.

After the little donkey and the little carpenter had finished eating, Shi Changle gave him some love to eat, and then carefully put his own cloak on the little fiancee, and even the hands were tied.

"After going back, don't run around, don't worry me."

"Yeah." Xiaomao’s voice was stuffy. "Then you have time to remember to see me."

"Okay. Certainly." Shi Changle took the hand of Xiaomao and took the man out. The little tiger and the little carpenter were already waiting there.

"The young master, the carriage has been prepared, waiting in the front yard." The man said.

"Okay, let's go."

The three of them got on the carriage, and the little boy who was driving was already sitting in front.

Shi Changle was hesitant, but he still didn't go with it. Not wanting, but not. However, he really had to think about it, what should be said to let the family agree to send the little donkey earlier. Not putting it in front of you, after all, it is not at ease.

The carriage looked farther and farther, and the little donkey opened the window and looked out. It made the stone big son feel a little uncomfortable.

But this time it’s not good, it’s definitely not him.

In the corner alley, the skinny little man was frozen: "Big brother, how did the two boys have not come out yet? This has been going in for so long, can't you finish it yet?"

The tall man looked at the snot and sucked his nose: "Shut up! I will wait until I wait! I don't believe that they will not come out today!"

Read The Duke's Passion