MTL - Becoming the Villainess: I Reign Over the Cultivators’ Realm With My Wok!-Chapter 11 Excuse me, boil water

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  Chapter 11 Excuse me, boil water

  Did she really not hear or pretend not to hear?

   Could it be that he pretended to avoid it because he could not disclose it?

  Lin Qing made several turns in his mind.

  Chen Muxue suddenly felt that the man in front of her was a little more cautious. She looked at the pot in her hand, but she didn't move it!

   "Hey, you quietly approached me from behind on the street, a helpless woman, what exactly are you trying to do?"

  Lin Qing and the juniors behind him were speechless.

  At that moment just now, the senior brother gathered spiritual power on his arm at a critical moment, but the spiritual power was scattered!

   And how loud that sound is, everyone has long ears, so the strength can be imagined.

  Furthermore, look at the thickness of the iron pot and the purity of the material...she uses it like a fly swatter!

   So this is the legendary power to bind a chicken?

   "Girl, Lin Qing, Shen Yao... can be regarded as my junior sister..." Lin Qing was very reluctant when he said this, with a slightly weird expression.

   "Ahem, all in all, a disciple of the Liuyun Sect was injured by an outsider and even lost a sword. They are disciples of the same sect, so it is impossible to sit idly by."

  After Lin Qing finished speaking, his mouth moved again, but he didn't continue.

   "The main thing is that the news of fate cannot be ignored..." he said silently in his heart.

  Chen Muxue understood when she heard this: "Oh, you are here to avenge Shen Yao?"


   "The main thing is to find the fruit of fate!" Lin Qing added in his heart.

  One junior and another whispered behind him: "Look at the eyebrows and lips of senior brother, he must have added it silently in his heart."

  Chen Muxue looked left and right, um, there are so many people on the other side, and all of them seem to be of higher level than her, it seems that she can’t run away, even the red wolf can’t beat so many sheep...

   "How do you want to avenge Shen Yao?" Chen Muxue asked cautiously.

  Lin Qing was stunned for a moment, then looked back at several juniors.

  Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay.

   "Uh...a spanking?"

  Chen Muxue suddenly "hummed" and laughed twice: "I don't know if you know how Shen Yao was beaten, right?"

  Her mysterious appearance is very bluffing.

  Lin Qing's heart skipped a beat.

  Countless images of scary women carrying pots appeared in his mind—

  A stout woman with a hulking back, carrying a huge iron pot on her back, bloodthirsty light shone in her eyes, and the teeth in her blood-stained mouth were extremely sharp.

  Lin Qing shivered.

   "Hey! Little Zhuji is also playing ax in this class, whoever killed my senior sister, quickly and honestly tell the truth, so that you will not be spared!" Suddenly, a certain junior couldn't help but jumped out.

   "What a silly line." Lin Qing complained in her heart, and glanced at the junior.

  Those who didn’t know thought Shen Yao was killed!

  Chen Muxue was silent for a while, and she smiled: "How about this, I will give you a chance, if you can hurt my little finger, I will tell you everything I know."

   As she spoke, she stretched out her magical little finger.

   "A sixth-level foundation establishment is so arrogant!"

  As soon as the words fell, Chen Muxue suddenly felt a surge of aura.

  Uh, when she came here just now, she ate some pickled radishes secretly.

  Lin Qing and his group were silent, and after a while, the younger brother stomped his feet again:

   "A seventh-level foundation establishment is so arrogant!"

  The tone is obviously a little weak.

   I have never seen anyone standing on the street and suddenly advanced!

  Maybe we know less...

   "Why, don't you dare? Could it be that you disciples of the Liuyun Sect can't even hurt a single little finger of mine?" Chen Muxue hooked her little finger.

   Little finger, why is it a little finger?

  Lin Qing's eyes darkened, could it be—

Shock! Disciple of Liuyun Sect bullies woman just to break her little finger!

  No one in the world knows! The story that Liuyunzong and Little Thumb have to tell...

   Liuyunzong disciples' obsession with the little finger? Ninety-nine percent were silent!

   Countless topics that would be gossiped by the world in the future flashed through my mind, and panic flashed in Lin Qing's eyes:

   "You, a woman, are so vicious!"

  Chen Muxue: "?"

  The younger brothers looked at each other and shook their heads one after another. I really don't know what the senior brother is thinking!

   "It's just the little finger, I can—"

  Chen Muxue only felt a tickle on her little finger, so she saw the broken sword again.

   "What grade of magic weapon is it this time? How much?" Chen Muxue asked curiously.

  A certain junior brother collapsed on the ground: "The forehead drops the holy sword!"

  The rest of the juniors took a step back one after another, and finally put on a serious expression, touching their sword hilts with their hands.

  This woman of the sixth level of Foundation Establishment... no, she is a woman of the seventh level of Foundation Establishment, who is... so terrifying!

  Lin Qing saw what happened to Jian Sui, and suddenly realized: "So it was you! You hurt Shen Yao?"

  Chen Muxue compared her little finger to him: "It's right here, come on, can you hurt my little finger?"

  Lin Qing drew out his saber, green aura lingered around the blade, and suddenly there was a sense of freshness and tranquility in the depths of the bamboo forest.

   "Muling root?" Chen Muxue poured water on Lin Qing's feet.

   "Golden Core Stage Dacheng! She still provoked him?" Cen Lizhui in the dark was ready to jump out at any time.

  A few bamboo shoots popped out from the place where Chen Muxue watered Lin Qing's feet...



  Chen Muxue and Lin Qing sighed in unison, they paused and looked at each other, the atmosphere became domineering again.

  Seeing the bamboo shoots, Cen Li staggered after the steps he had just taken.

   "Let's just grab it." Lin Qing held a sword flower.


  Lin Qing was quite speechless watching Chen Muxue keep pouring water on him like a child, almost unable to do so.

   But it was still only a near miss, he still jumped up, and his simple sword was as powerful as a bamboo.


  Suddenly, Chen Muxue's small water gun turned into a big water column, which seemed to engulf Lin Qing!

   "It's useless!" Lin Qing relied on his spiritual power that was several times stronger than Chen Muxue's to break through the water column.

   "Excuse me, boil water."


   Between the scalding boiling water and the collision of spiritual power, scorching steam filled the entire space!

   Burning pain was on every inch of Lin Qing's skin, and it was difficult for him to open his eyes! He quickly wrapped himself with spiritual power, but he felt the feeling when the zongzi was boiled.

   "Shut up!"

  It was difficult to take care of, the sword came straight at it, Chen Muxue couldn't dodge it, so she greeted it with an iron pan.

   Obviously, with her and the iron pot now, the sword of a person of Lin Qing's level cannot be broken. Not only that, but she was also sent flying several meters by the sword.

  Lin Qing jumped away immediately before he could strike a sword.

  The skin he exposed was already hot and red, and he also inhaled a lot of hot steam when he breathed just now, which caused the stinging pain between breaths now.

   "Big Brother!" The juniors rushed forward to help him, but as soon as they grabbed Lin Qing, Lin Qing was hurt twice...

   "It hurts, it hurts! Let go!" Lin Qing hopped away, urgently repaired his lungs with spiritual power, and then looked at Chen Muxue—

  Then he saw a figure running fast with something in his arms.

  The bamboo shoots on the ground were picked off at some point.

   "Brother, are you chasing me?"

  The corner of Lin Qing's mouth twitched: "Let's do it another day."

  (end of this chapter)