MTL - Beauty and the Beast: Wolf Hubby XOXO-Chapter 1658 30 Gu Mengmeng, I love you.

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"we are at"

"Zuo Zhan." Sneijin directly answered.

"Hey? How do you know?" Gu Mengmeng asked.

Sneaker smiled and said: "There is a note on the consumer site on the SMS."

Gu Mengmeng said a moment, smiled and said: "Well, then we are waiting for you at the door."

"Yeah." Sneijin responded with a sigh, then confessed to the exhibition, and drove away.

On the way back, the closer I got to the basketball hall, the more nervous I was, the more I was afraid of leaking the secret. She was nervous and didn't dare to look at the white eyes. I don't know if it was a psychological effect. Gu Mengmeng’s nerves are tight. It’s up.

She laughed at herself in her heart, and her family was asked to marry. What kind of tension did she follow?

Finally, the car stopped at the door of the basketball hall.

The basketball hall was lit with lights and it was dark.

Bai Hao asked: "What are you doing here?"

Gu Mengmeng’s nervous straight stuttering, looking at Sneij’s helpless face, said, “What are you doing right?”

Sneijd stretched out a hand and gently smiled and caressed Meng Meng’s little head. He said: "Jin Jincheng just called me and said that he left the anti-inflammatory drugs when he came to the office today. In the locker room, let the white sputum help him take it. He will go to the day tomorrow."

Bai Hao looked awkward and screamed, then got out of the car and said to Gu Mengmeng: "The two of you are here waiting for me for a while, we have too many things, you have to send me back to the bedroom." Gu Mengmeng took an ok gesture and then watched Bai Hao enter the basketball hall.

After Bai Hao entered the basketball hall, Gu Mengmeng looked at the neck and looked at it. Two small hands clasped the arm of Sneijin tightly. After waiting for a little bit of reaction in half a day, Gu Mengmeng was a little anxious: "How did you not move?"

Sneijin glanced at the basketball hall and said, "That is, why didn't you move? Nothing will go wrong."

“Ah?” Gu Mengmeng worried, saying: “No, this is an important day for Bailu. Let’s go in and see, it’s absolutely impossible to make this happen.”

"Good." Sneijin smiled indulgently, letting Gu Mengmeng pull him off and go to the basketball hall.

Gu Mengmeng all slammed into the white scorpion and didn't notice that they got out of the car. Sneij's hand held her tightly. It seemed to be pulled by her, but behind her, he looked How tender and pampered her eyes are.

The light door of the basketball hall is not closed, but it is dark inside. The original Gu Mengmeng has the ability of night vision. It should be able to see the inside situation, but when she enters the basketball hall, her eyes are covered by Sneij It is.

"What are you doing?" Gu Mengmeng did not struggle, just strangely asked.

Sneijin gently pushed Gu Mengmeng to go inside and said: "Hey, wait a minute."

Gu Mengmeng feels inexplicable, but the heart is mad and mad.

Vaguely, Gu Mengmeng seems to understand something.

"Sneone" Gu Mengmeng's voice with a cry of tears, calling the name of Sneijin.

Sneijin slowly released Gu Mengmeng's eyes. At the same time, the switch rang with a bang, and the entire basketball hall was brightly lit, such as white.

Gu Mengmeng is written on the castle where the balloon is tied. I love you six characters.

Sneijin knees on one knee, one hand clings to Gu Mengmeng's hand, a kiss on the back of her hand, the style of the European knight, looking up, the green scorpion looks directly at Gu Mengmeng's eyes. Huanren clearly reflected her shadow. He said: "Gu Mengmeng, I love you, marry me, let me protect you, take care of you, accompany you."

Read The Duke's Passion