MTL - Be the King From the Time of Signing-Chapter 86 nine-headed snake

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   Chapter 86 Nine-Headed Mysterious Snake

  As Zhou Xiao and his party moved forward, the puddles on the ground had gradually turned into water.

  A large number of aquatic plants grow on the water surface, and at the same time, ancient trees grow out of the water surface.

   When we reached the swamp, the ancient trees were very sparse, and there was only one tree every ten meters.

  The ancient trees here are no longer as tall as those in the hundred thousand mountains.

   looks a little low.

  I don’t know if it is because of the sufficient water supply, these ancient trees are extremely lush.

   can be described as pavilion like a cover.

   Countless vines drooped down from the branches and fell into the water, covered with moss.

   From a distance, it looks like a water world.

  Zhou Xiao and the others stood on the ancient trees on the edge of the swamp. Looking around, they saw silhouettes flying over the swamp, and various forces came from all directions.

   In addition, there are a large number of flying beasts.

  Humans and beasts fight.

   The scene was extremely tragic.

   "If you go further, you will completely enter the swamp area. There may be powerful monsters and aliens lurking among the trees and under the water, so be careful." Mu Qingyun reminded.

   "Have you been in?" Zhou Xiao asked.

   The people from the Excalibur Sect arrived earlier than them, so they should have already explored the swamp.

   Mu Qingyun said: "After only staying in the periphery for a while, he was forced back by the monsters, and he didn't dare to go further."

   "What monster?" Zhou Xiao asked.

   "Strictly speaking, I met an alien," Mu Qingyun said solemnly, "In this swamp, there are ancient races, the murlocs."

   "Murloc?" Zhou Xiao frowned.

   Is there really such a race in this world?

   I have seen a lot in novels and film and television works before.

   "That's right." Mu Qingyun said, "The murlocs are a relic of the great wilderness. I thought they were extinct long ago, but I didn't expect that they still exist in this swamp..."

   "We were besieged by a group of murlocs before. They were very cunning and powerful. Several of our fellow students died at their hands."

   "Interesting." Zhou smiled.

   Even the wild relics have come out. It seems that there are many secrets in this swamp.

   is talking,

   Suddenly, a terrifying loud noise erupted in the swamp in the distance.

   A mass of fire like a mushroom cloud rose into the sky.


After   , nine huge snake heads rushed into the sky and appeared in sight.

   "The Nine-Headed Mysterious Snake?" Huo Ying asked in shock.

   The nine-headed black snake, one of the top ten beasts in the "Exotic Beasts", loves the yin, and is rumored to live by the black water. There are nine lives, and each snake head represents a life.

   "These vicious beasts actually appeared here." Zhou Xiao was also quite surprised, "It seems that someone fought with the nine-headed black snake, go and have a look."

   After saying that, Zhou Xiao's figure flashed,

   quickly headed towards the direction of the explosion.

   It seems that the distance is very close, but in fact it took Zhou Xiao and his party a full quarter of an hour to arrive.

   landed on the branch of an ancient tree and looked towards the battle group ahead.

  I saw that the hydra was being besieged by three people.

   The nine-headed black snake had already had its two heads cut off and fell into a state of rage.

   Black energy surging all over his body, and black poisonous gas was spit out of his mouth.

   The poisonous gas comes, and the trees wither.

   Even the water in the swamp was dyed black with black gas.

   "It's her?" Zhou Xiao frowned when he saw the three people besieging the nine-headed black snake.

   Because these three have played against Zhou Xiao.

   are Daqin's Ghost Princess, Wu Zong, and Night Soul.

   On the same day, Ghost Princess and Wu Zong released the Great Demon Pluto from the ancient city, but they also rushed to the Great Swamp.

   Zhou Xiao glanced around,

   did not discover Hades.

   "Pluto didn't come?" Zhou Xiao thought.

  If Pluto is involved, there will be many variables in this trip to the treasure house of the emperor.

   After all, that is the top existence.

   The movement of this battle was too great, and it quickly attracted a large number of cultivators.

   There are people from major sects and noble families, there are loose cultivators, and there are members of the demon sect…

   It’s just that everyone keeps a certain distance.

   Before the treasure house of the Heavenly Emperor appeared, all cultivators tried their best to maintain restraint.

   After all, fighting and fighting only make sense when it’s time to **** treasures.

  Everyone was watching the battle closely.

  Gui Ji releases Demon Soul pose.

   The skin became extremely pale, and the body seemed to be weightless floating in the air, with black air lingering around.

  Nails are like sharp blades.

   madly attacked the Hydra.


   The huge head of the nine-headed black snake swept over and swept the ghost girl away.

   At this moment, he swept up without stiffness, and the sharp claws pierced directly into the head of the nine-headed black snake.

   Zombie’s body is a zombie with strong defense and no pain. It’s a complete melee nightmare.


   The nine-headed black snake roared.

   The black snake scales all over his body stood up, and then burst out wildly, and the snake scale rain shrouded Wu Zong.

   But without stiffness, he ignored it.

   With a cold snort, a ghost mark was branded on the head of the nine-headed black snake, and it exploded.

   Hydra lost a head again.

   "Master Guiji! It's now!" Ye Hun suddenly shouted.

  Ten soul shadows appeared behind Yehun,

   quickly disperses,

   Surrounded by Hydra.

  The ten soul shadows quickly formed a seal, and then a black scroll was unfolded, and a large formation of devouring the soul was completed.

  A black chain binds the Hydra.

   The nine-headed black snake struggled frantically.

   However, he couldn't break free from the Dementor Formation at all.

   Ghost Princess came up in response to the sound, but without seeing how she moved, a blood-red meridian grew out of the fingertips of the ghost claws.

   Overcast wind blows,

   A ghost boy quietly condensed beside Ghost Princess, giggling...

   "That's..." Mu Qingyun said in shock, "Ghost!"

   "Ghost animal puppet?" Zhou Xiao was the first to hear this name.

   Mu Qingyun explained, "That's a ghost technique."

   "Using yin-living children as a medium to smelt the spirits, so as to forge powerful ghost puppets!"

   "Very vicious!"

   "This ghost puppet is at least six years old... God, how many people did she kill!"

   Zhou Xiao couldn't help being horrified when he heard the words.

   To survive, a ghost animal must feed on soul objects. It grows and grows day by day. If it is six years old, it devours one soul object every day, 365 a year, six years...

   It's scary to think about.

   is just not enough to say,

  I saw that the blood-red ghost veins had extended to where the nine-headed black snake was.

Puff puff…

The    ghost vein pierced into the body of the nine-headed black snake, frantically swallowing its blood and cultivation.

  The ghost animal puppet jumped to the front of the nine mysterious snakes, and then floated into the air.

   This is the Great Destroyer Array to extract the soul of the Hydra,

   The ghost animal puppet opened its mouth and devoured one of them.


   The nine-headed black snake roared incessantly.

   But soon it weakened, and then its body shriveled quickly and collapsed into the swamp, completely turning into a mummified corpse...

   The ghost veins are pulled away.

  The ghost animal puppet stretched out its long tongue and licked its lips, which seemed very delicious.

   Its body has grown a little taller.

   Obviously, the soul of the hydra has grown a lot...

   "I'm still hungry!" The ghost animal puppet spit out human words.

  Then its blood-red eyes turned, and its scarlet tongue extended infinitely, sweeping in the direction of Zhou Xiao...

   Ask for a recommendation ticket and a reward.

   (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion