MTL - Be the King From the Time of Signing-Chapter 132 soul change

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   Chapter 132 Change Soul Seal

  The entrance of Wan Yao Cave is at the top of a black mountain.

   is a huge cave that stretches down from the top of the mountain.

   is like a deep well.

   A passage to the ground.

   "Is this mountain actually hollow?" Zhou Xiao stood on the edge of the deep well.

   Look down.

   I saw it was bottomless and pitch black.

   Occasionally, the deep roar of the big demon and the sound of the chains colliding can be heard.

   Around the big hole,

   Hundreds of chains with the thickness of an arm hang down, disappearing in the endless darkness.

   "The Cave of Ten Thousand Demons leads directly to the ground, and it is full of places where big demons are imprisoned." Qiu Diao said, "Do you know hell? This place is no different from hell."

   "The Ten Thousand Demons Cave was originally just a place for detaining demon criminals, but later, all the big devils gathered here."

   Hearing Qiu Diao's words, everyone frowned deeply.

   Zhou Xiao was a little puzzled.

  Since this is where the big devil is imprisoned, why would the demon emperor imprison the demons here before?

   This is not logical.

   Could it be that the Demon Emperor was just staying here temporarily from the beginning?

   That's why Yaoyao is temporarily imprisoned here.

   secretly guessed in his heart, and then Zhou smiled and said, "Let's go down first."

   Zhou Xiao thought for a moment.


   A pair of golden metal wings stretched out behind him.

   Zhou Xiao's majestic temperament is matched with the wings of the gods. From a distance, he looks like a **** of gods, and his imposing manner is unparalleled.

  Chou Diao couldn't help but glance at Zhou Xiao's Heavenly God Wing, and secretly said in his heart, "Is it an artifact?"

  The painting and shadow sacrifice the floating picture scroll.

  Jiangshan paintbrush outlines perfect lines on the floating picture scroll, and soon, a pair of beautiful wings appeared in the floating picture scroll.

   Then the wings detached from the floating picture scroll,

   was placed on the painting shadow.

   She and Zhou Xiao stood together, like a pair of immortals.

   a domineering,

   A fairy spirit.

   Qiu Diao was even more horrified. With his knowledge, he could see at a glance that the Floating Life Picture Scroll was a star soul.

   "It turned out to be a star soul master?" Qiu Diao looked at the painting, looked away from the painting scroll, and then landed on the Jiangshan brush in her hand, "It turned out to be an artifact?"

   He did not expect a small big week,

   actually has two artifacts.


   should be three pieces.

   He also heard the news that Da Zhou defeated the Shenyan Dynasty before, and it seemed to be some kind of wishful golden hoop...

   Are there mines this week?

   And when Wu Liuqi killed the black-robed old man before, his cultivation was too terrifying.

   He found that he couldn't see Zhou Xiao at all.

   is obviously just a small emperor, but his configuration is higher than many dynasties.

   No wonder the Thousand Faces Enchantress failed this assassination mission.

   And he knew the Thousand Faces Enchantress, if it wasn't a last resort, she would never have been able to give in.


   He had an inexplicable admiration for Zhou Xiao.

   Qiu Diao didn't take it lightly, he blew a whistle, and suddenly there was a sound of eagle chirping in the sky.

   A black wind eagle hovered for two weeks, then swooped down.

   prostrate at the feet of Qiu Diao.

   Qiu Diao and Thousand-faced Enchantress looked at each other, and then they both jumped up at the same time, jumping onto Hei Feng Diao's back.

  Swish Swish…

   The group swooped under the black hole.

   Immediately, endless darkness enveloped me.

   A terrifying demonic aura came upon me.

   In the darkness, a pair of dark green eyes stared at Zhou Xiao and others.

   let out a low growl.

   The black hole is extremely dark,

   Zhou Xiao released the Great Sun Star Soul, and suddenly a sun rose behind Zhou Xiao.

  The bright light illuminates the surroundings.

   is like daytime.

   Qiu Diao was even more horrified when he saw Zhou Xiao's Great Sun Star Soul, "Is he also a Star Soul Master?"

The ancient profession of    Star Soul Master is very rare. After all, there is no complete Star Soul Master cultivation technique on the mainland. Often those who choose the path of star soul master cannot go very far.

   But the two of them obviously have made a lot of achievements in Star Soul.

   Immediately he became more curious about Zhou Xiao and Huaying.

   And with the lighting of the surrounding space, Zhou Xiao and others finally saw the situation on the surrounding stone walls.

   I saw on the stone wall,

  The caves are densely arranged.

  There are various big monsters imprisoned in the cave.

   A black ape with four arms, a demon wolf with a wolf head and a body, a pangolin with black scales...

   These monsters are not all the same.

   cultivation is high and low.

   But they are generally above the real martial level, and no big demons at the emperor level have been found yet.

  There is an iron fence like a cage in front of the stone cave. The big demons are bound by thick chains, and a strong seal is also applied to the entrance of the cave.

   trapped the big demon in it.

   Seeing Zhou Xiao and others,

  The big demons began to be restless, madly attacking the seal.

   The group of demons danced wildly.

   "Human boy...take a hand and break the seal for me."

   "Little girl, help me... I will sacrifice my soul to you."

   "I have holy-level exercises."

   "I have a magic weapon..."

The    monsters were very excited, and they begged for help for various reasons.

  Thinking about it, he has been locked up here for countless years and has fallen into deep despair.

   "Don't pay attention to these big monsters." Qiu Diao reminded.

   But his voice fell,

  Shadow's eyes instantly turned green.

   The figure flashed and flew towards a huge hole quickly, and the scroll of floating life rolled up and slammed into the seal.

  Her hands began to quickly seal,

   One after another mysterious ancient runes floated out.

   "What is she doing?" Zhou Xiao was horrified.

   Qiu Diao exclaimed badly and said, "She was controlled by the big demon!"

   "That's a soul-changing mark!"

   "At the same time, the two sides of the seal will reach a connection beyond all power and implement a soul exchange. If the exchange is successful, the trapped monster will escape smoothly. And Huaying will replace the monster and be imprisoned in the hole."

   Zhou Xiao's face sank after hearing this.

   looked into the hole.

   Sure enough, I saw a woman with a human head and a snake body in the cave, and she was making a seal in sync with the painting and shadow.

   "This is snake charm."

   "In our case, the painting and shadow cultivation level is the lowest, so it was selected by this snake demon." The Thousand-faced Enchantress said, "It must be interrupted as soon as possible, otherwise it will be too late."

   The words fall,

   Thousand-faced Demon Girl swept toward the painting.

   approached quickly.

   Seeing the thousand-faced enchantress approaching,

   The snake demon screamed, and a terrifying sound wave came.

   Everyone only felt a shock in their bodies, they felt dizzy, and their souls were shaken.

   "An ant!" Thousand-faced enchantress froze for a while.

  The snake demon only has Zhenwu Jiuzhongtian, and the demon girl in front is already a strong emperor. Although the sound wave had a slight effect on her, it wasn't much.

   Instead, it is a painting and shadow,

   spit out a mouthful of blood.

The    printing method is about to be completed,

   At the critical moment, Zhou Xiao sacrificed a thousand cherry blossoms.

  Thousands of cherry blossoms scattered into countless pink rays, and the cherry blossoms bloomed and withered.

   shrouded the snake demon in an instant.

Puff puff…

in a blink,

   The snake demon turned into a cloud of blood.

  Crisis lifted.

   Zhou Xiao flew up, with the help of painting and shadow.

   I saw Huaying's face was pale, and the green light in his eyes had dissipated, "Are you alright?"

  Hua Ying shook his head, "It's okay."

   But the voice fell,

   Suddenly from the bottom of the black hole,

  Crawled out of countless dense spiders, all over the surrounding stone walls, eyeing them…

   (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion