MTL - Be the King From the Time of Signing-Chapter 114 Da Zhou pariah?

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   Chapter 114 Da Zhou pariah?

  Hachi Ninja went all the way south after leaving the palace.

   left the palace shortly after.

   Following behind the Eight Ninja Dogs, Zhou Xiao and Huaying looked at each other, "Is this the direction of Shiwanda Mountain?"

   Zhou Xiao felt more and more that the direction of the eight ninja dogs was pointing to Shiwanda Mountain.

  Huaying's heart sank slightly, "The Shiwanda Mountain is the gathering place of the demon clan, and the Yaoyao was taken away by the people of the demon clan, so it makes sense to go to the Shiwanda Mountain."

   "What's on Yaoyao?" Zhou Xiao asked.

   "Wan Yaozhu." Huaying replied, "Yaoyao is the young master of the Nine-Tailed Fox Clan... It was only two years ago that he killed his parents and was killed by the people of Yaoting, and Yaoyao managed to escape."

   "But I didn't expect to be found by the demon clan."

   "I hope it's not from the Yao Court."

   "I didn't expect Yaoyao to have this identity. But what is Wan Yaozhu?" Zhou Xiao asked.

  Hua Ying explained, "Wan Yaozhu contains the power of ten thousand demons. According to legend, it was passed down by the master of ten thousand demons, and it contains mystery."

   "I don't know exactly how. This involves the secret of the demon clan."

   Followed the Hachimaninu while talking.

  The speed of the eight ninja is not very fast.

   Every once in a while, he would stop to sniff the scent, and then keep tracking.

   Time passed by minute by minute.

  About evening, the Hachimeninou came to the edge of Shiwanda Mountain.

   "Sure enough, it's in Shiwanda Mountain." When Zhou Xiao returned here again, he felt a strange feeling in his heart.

   In the last battle for the Emperor's Treasure House, although many powerful monsters arrived, they did not make a move.

   Could it be that they were eyeing Yaoyao?

  But if that's the case, why didn't they take the Yaoyao away on the spot?

   is afraid of yourself?

   As he was thinking about it, the Hachimanininu suddenly stopped.

   "Why did you stop?" Zhou Xiao asked.

   A ninja dog said: "The smell suddenly disappeared, and the tracking direction cannot be determined."

   "Disappeared?" Zhou Xiao frowned deeply when he heard this, "Why did the smell suddenly disappear?"

   "It's possible that the space formation method was used..." Huaying guessed, "Besides, the demon clan are very good at hiding their own aura. The demon clan struggles fiercely. When you reach the 100,000 mountain, you don't want to be extravagant, so be extra careful."

   "It's not impossible." Zhou Xiao nodded, "But it's a pity that the clues are cut off like this."

   Ninja said: "We will follow up separately, and we will tell the owner if there is any development."

   "But it may take a considerable amount of time. The master can go back to the palace and wait."

   "Alright." Zhou Xiao agreed.

  The 100,000-strong mountain is so huge, it is easier said than done to trace the aura of Yaoyao.

   Furthermore, even if they are found, Zhou Xiao and Huaying may not be able to bring Yaoyao back smoothly.

   After all, there are indications that the other party is not a simple character.

   also need to think long-term.

  The eight ninja dogs swishly shot in eight directions and entered Shiwanda Mountain.

   "Let's go back first." Zhou Xiao said.

  Hua Ying nodded, and then the two walked towards the Great Zhou Imperial Capital.

   It was late at night when we returned to the palace.

   Zhao Zilong sent back the battle report. Because of the victory of Dazhou and the Shenyan Dynasty in the battle, most countries chose to return their land when Dazhou's army was under pressure.

   It's just that there is a ninth-rank big country who has a rather tough attitude and won't pay it back!

   "My Prince of Dongteng Kingdom is a student of the Royal Academy of the Heavenly Fen Royal Family. He is blessed by the Heavenly Fen Imperial Family. How dare you challenge me in the Dongteng Kingdom in just a week?"

   Dongteng Kingdom is extremely arrogant.

   "Let the Great Zhou Emperor go to my Dongteng Kingdom to apologize in person within three days!"

   "Otherwise, don't blame me, Dongtengguo, for being rude!"

  Zhou slapped the battle report on the table with a snap, and snorted coldly, "What about the students of the Royal Academy of the Sky Fen Royal Family? I don't know what the mix will look like."

   "Apologize in person?"

   "I'm going to see what qualifications Dongteng State has to be arrogant!"

   Zhou Xiao looked cold.

  The size of Dongteng Kingdom is comparable to that of Daqin, and even slightly stronger.

   When Dazhou was in trouble, Dongteng Kingdom not only occupied Dazhou’s territory, but even stole a lot of treasures.

  The Great Zhou Dynasty was because of the Heavenly Fen Imperial Family and fell into the situation they are today.

  Dongteng Kingdom also endorsed the Heavenly Fen Royal Family as its endorsement.

   Zhou Xiao held his stomach full of fire.

  The Shenyan Dynasty oppressed Da Zhou and that's all, you are such an arrogant and domineering country.

  It's hard not to think about you!

   "Wei Zhong!" Zhou Xiao called Wei Zhong.

   "Send a message to Dongteng Kingdom, I will come to Dongteng Kingdom tomorrow. Let the Emperor of Dongteng Kingdom wash his neck and wait!" Zhou laughed.

   "Yes." Wei Zhong replied.

   The next day, Zhou Xiao set off from Dazhou early and headed to Dongteng Country.

   did not bring extra people, only Wei Zhong accompanied him.

   Zhou Xiao dressed in casual clothes and rode a war horse.

   is like a rich boy.

   Wei Zhong put on a beard and looked quite like Zhou Xiao's housekeeper.

   Zhou Xiao signed in on the way.

   Only signed a box of big bubble gum.

   So Zhou Xiao chewed bubble gum along the way and rewarded Wei Zhong with one.

   Wei Zhong asked, "What is this, Your Majesty?"

   "Bubble Gum." Zhou Xiao said, blowing a bubble.

   "It's amazing." Wei Zhong quickly tried.

   So the whole way was filled with the sound of popping bubbles...

   Zhou Xiao arrived in the imperial capital of Dongteng Kingdom in the afternoon.

   As soon as he entered the imperial capital of Dongteng Kingdom, a group of people surrounded the bustling streets.


   With a dull sound, a person was thrown out of a restaurant.

   "Da Zhou's pariahs dare to talk back to Lao Tzu! Are you tired of living?"

   "It's your **** blessing that I see your woman!"

   "What's wrong with borrowing Laozi to be happy?"

   A ferocious big man stepped on a big Zhou Zimin dressed as a scholar.

   Immediately, blood spurted from the corner of the scholar's mouth.

  Beside the scholar, there was a woman with a **** handprint on her face, apparently also beaten by the big man.

   "Liangsheng!" The woman sobbed, "I beg you to let him go... let him go, let me do anything."

  The woman was sad and crying.

   "You're acquainted." He shouted and kicked the scholar away, "Go away, I'm annoying you."

   After saying that, he kidnapped the woman and went to the restaurant.

   The scholar got up with difficulty, "I killed you!"

   The scholar took out a dagger and stabbed the big man. The big man responded quickly and turned around. Grab the scholar's wrist.

   "Are you **** finished?"

   "I killed you!"

   released the woman, drew the knife in his right hand, and slashed it down.

   The scholar was about to be cut in half.

at this time,

   A big hand suddenly appeared, grabbing the blade of the big sword with his bare hands.

   is Wei Zhong.

   "Da Zhou Dalit?" Zhou Xiao walked out slowly, "How can I allow you to bully me, Da Zhou Zimin?"

   "Who the **** are you? Mind your own business!" The big man stared at Zhou Xiao.

   "If you bully Da Zhou, I have to take care of it." Zhou Xiao looked at the big man.

   The big man saw that Zhou Xiao had thin skin and tender meat. Although he had a good temperament, he was too young and should not have the ability. Coldly said: "I told you to be nosy!"

   kicked Zhou Xiao violently.

   But it moves,

   card wipe,

   The broadsword in his hand was broken.


   Guanghua flashed, and the big man was cut off in an instant and killed by Wei Zhong.

  Blood spilled.

   "Big Brother!"

   "Dazhou pariahs, you dare to kill people in the street? Looking for death!"

   "Kill them to avenge the big brother."

  A dozen people rushed up with knives...

   (end of this chapter)

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