MTL - Be Pampered and Spoiled-Chapter 74

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Lu Gaofeng pondered for a moment.

The other party shouldn't be lying - at least as Zuo Xian's manager, he called him in person, and what he said was exclusive private news about Zuo Xian.

Taking another 10,000 steps back, there is no need for Chen Shuang to make fun of him with this matter.

The hesitation time is only tens of seconds, or even shorter, before Lu Gaofeng has already made a conclusion.

He has been in the top management position of the company for a while, but he has not had any outstanding performance from the beginning to the end, and he is obviously a person with no background in the company, otherwise the orders given to him will not be strong. to this extent.

Therefore, if this year is in his hands, if there is no more good news to support the brothers under him, I am afraid that everyone will follow him to drink the northwest wind.

The new media entertainment industry itself is such a thing that eats youth.

At the beginning, if they have a network, they can have a first-hand and explosive news, they may be able to earn their living expenses for several years in a month or two, but it is just like what Chen Shuang said - if this job is not accepted, it will be based on the current entertainment industry. If they don't pick up, they're probably going to be really miserable.

Having said that, Lu Gaofeng immediately started to prepare.

If at the beginning, it was just a simple publicity that there is a relationship between Lu Xingxian and Zuo Xian that is more than friendship, but not enough for lovers... Then the people who eat melons will be so dissatisfied!

Therefore, before that, they still have to adopt the method of suppressing what they want to promote, at least let Zuo Xian show his face in front of the public before Zuo Xian is promoted.

However, Lu Xingxian was completely ignorant of everything going on here.

The crew has officially wrapped up, and the time just happened to catch up with the mid-year TV drama awards at the end of the summer vacation, and "King's Landing" is very lucky. As a strong dark horse in this year's film and television drama, it broke out straight away and won the TV drama in one fell swoop. In terms of leadership.

Previously, with "King's Landing", Zuo Xian won the Best Supporting Actress award as a newcomer, but that award was from the Internet media after all. Although it could make her start a level higher, it was not officially recognized after all. Awards, if you really want to continue to get the opportunity to participate in big productions, just relying on that... is obviously not enough.

Therefore, for the Best Supporting Actress and Best Newcomer awards in the official TV drama awards this time.

As for the others?

One should always be humble.

From the very beginning of the entrance session, all the stars started a mode of competing for beauty that does not need to be explained.

When Lu Xingxian and Zuo Xian arrived at the scene, they were already blinded by the costumes of many actors who participated—after all, the costumes of actors may be a trending search after the awards ceremony.

But it's the same, you have to be famous first.

The two are actors in "King's Landing", so the ranking of the names happens to be together.

There is only one armrest in the middle of the left and right seats, and the distance cannot be any closer.

"Ah Xian, Ah Xian." After taking his seat, Zuo Xian tidied up his skirt, pressed down the puffed up gauze, played with each one, then approached Lu Xingxian, and said, "Do you have any consideration in the future?" Excuse me, do you want to attract attention with fancy clothes?"

In the previous life, there was actually no such thing.

Lu Xingxian himself is a walking fashion benchmark—and definitely not the kind of 'beauty' that the public can't appreciate.

It was a kind of elegance and beauty that was almost carved into Lu Xingxian's bones. Zuo Xian didn't even doubt that even if Lu Xingxian entered the venue without an evening dress, no one would say anything bad about her. .

Lu Xingxian subconsciously glanced at the girls in the back row.

Those who wear shoes as hats on their heads, those whose clothes are so low that their **** are exposed, and even those whose short skirts cannot cover their buttocks after sitting down...

She pursed her lips, turned her head, and pulled up the clothes on Zuo Xian's chest expressionlessly.

Although he didn't speak, his attitude already showed everything.

Zuo Xian gave a 'puchi' smile, coughed dryly, corrected his posture, and quietly looked down.

Although she is wearing a tube top dress today, the style can be regarded as quite satisfactory, and it is not a low-cut dress - at least with her figure, she can't even see the groove when she looks down.

Sighing, Zuo Xian twisted on the stool and leaned towards Lu Xingxian.

Every year in the mid-year awards, the competition for the best newcomer award can be said to be quite fierce.

At least as far as it is now, there are quite a few actresses in the front row, all staring at this award, and they all want the award to fall on their heads—after all, there are too many actors involved in this award, and they are all based on each From the perspective of actresses from all over the world, there are always newcomers emerging in the entertainment circle.

If you get a heroine but can't make any waves... In this circle, it will be quite difficult to get ahead.

In addition to Zuo Xian, there was another female star who was particularly concerned.

Jian Xiwen.

If he hadn't seen this person's face in this place again, Zuo Xian would have almost forgotten this person.

In the entertainment industry, unspoken rules are not uncommon, but those who can see with their own eyes... are definitely not many.

This girl is definitely a special case, and she just happened to meet her with her own eyes.

"Twins" really lived up to expectations. As the first online drama with a hit rate of more than one billion this year besides "King's Landing", the entire crew became popular because of this drama.

But after all, it's just a web drama.

No matter in terms of the team, or the production, or even the promotion before and after, and the cast of actors, they are not really "star faces".

It's not that the hero and heroine are not beautiful, but that kind of beauty is completely unrecognizable.

Zuo Xian is relatively close to her, and he can already see some differences between her and the last time he saw her.

Whether it's the high protruding nose or the bulging apple muscles.

But as a newcomer, after all, there will be fantasies.

If the best newcomer award can really fall on his head with this, then it will be relatively easier to switch to the TV drama industry in the future.

But if not, and once the actor is finalized by the web drama that he took over, the road ahead will be quite difficult.

The host on the stage finally read the name that everyone was looking forward to, "Then, we welcome the winner of this year's Best Newcomer Award to come to the stage to accept the award, and at the same time, we are also honored to invite Ms. Lu Xingxian, for This year's best newcomer award."

Zuo Xian blinked, the guest of honor was A Xian?

Oops, this is so lively!

She straightened her skirt and walked towards the edge of the podium with a decent smile.

There was a staff member supporting her, but Zuo Xian could only see Lu Xing, who was standing next to the host and wearing a blue and white evening gown.

This scene... even has a rather familiar feeling.

From the very beginning, at the first "King's Landing" press conference, at that time, I seemed to be standing alone on the stage, waiting for Lu Xingxian to approach under the light, and stretched out his hands towards her.

Although it seems that I haven't reached that step yet...but there are still some differences between Lu Xingxian and Lu Xingxian.

Zuo Xian handed over the host's hand, and she brought her to the microphone. Afterwards, he looked around at the audience, and with a bright smile, under the guidance of the host, he talked about his feelings at the moment.

"This is something I never thought of." Zuo Xian glanced at the trophy in his hand, then held it up high, and said with a bright smile, "But I am still very grateful for such an opportunity, and at the same time thank you All the directors and actors in the crew helped me..."

Zuo Xian's speech was so fluent, so fluent that... outsiders couldn't even hear it. Her words of thanks were made up on the spot.

Lu Xingxian, who was behind her, smiled and began to applaud helplessly.

After finishing speaking, Zuo Xian heaved a sigh of relief. Amid bursts of applause from the audience, she hugged the host on stage. Finally, she walked in front of Lu Xingxian.

Afterwards, Lu Xingxian smiled at her, Zuo Xian lifted his skirt, stepped forward, and hugged Lu Xingxian on the podium.

Afterwards, at the position where the camera was able to take pictures clearly and projected on the big screen, Zuo Xian pursed his lips and pressed a kiss on the corner of Lu Xingxian's lips.

Then quickly backed off, laughing and running off the podium.

The camera position clearly captured Lu Xingxian's smile after he was stunned for a moment.

There are countless inexplicable emotions mixed in that smile, but the only thing that doesn't exist is resistance.

This is... is there something wrong?

The host also didn't expect such an incident at all. Amidst the laughter of everyone, he hurried up to the podium to control the scene, but the smile on his face was a bit bigger than the routine at the beginning.

After all, as a Shuangxian CP fan hidden behind the scenes, seeing the two female stars who are fans throw dog food in public, her mood is also very happy and beautiful!

After the ceremony, Lu Xingxian and Zuo Xian deliberately took a detour in separate cars before returning to the hotel together.

What outsiders don't know is that the two of them live together.

Back at the hotel, Zuo Xian took off the dress at the door, and handed it to Zeng Xiaoyu, asking her to take it back and hand it to Chen Shuang to deal with the dress.

The one who arrived before her was Lu Xingxian. Zuo Xian took advantage of Lu Xingxian and lived on the top floor. Most of the people who can stay here are specially invited actors. suffer.

When Zuo Xian went back, he saw Lu Xingxian standing by the window, then jumped up twice, hugged her waist from behind, and said, "Axian, what are you looking at?"

"I didn't see anything." Lu Xingxian turned around and hugged Zuo Xian into his arms when Zuo Xian hugged her, then put his chin on the tip of her head and said, "During the awards ceremony, are you Kiss me on purpose."

"That's right." Zuo Xian raised his head with narrowed eyes, "I did it on purpose."

As soon as she finished speaking, she winked mischievously at Lu Xingxian, "Speaking of which, I'm not afraid that you will get angry, but I still...wait on purpose."

After finishing speaking, Zuo Xian took the initiative to stand on tiptoe, blocked Lu Xingxian's neck with both hands, and put his lips on it.

Lu Xingxian was taken aback for a moment, and then he turned his back on the guest, lowering his head to savor the sweetness of Zuo Xian.

After a long time, the two separated, but their foreheads were still touching.

While snorting, Lu Xingxian smiled muffledly, and said softly, "Did you eat candy just now?"

Zuo Xian smiled and overlapped Lu Xingxian's lips again, and his toes were also raised higher.

"Otherwise, why is it so sweet?" The whisper finally disappeared from the lips of the two of them again.