MTL - Be Pampered and Spoiled-Chapter 107

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Because of the words "there are outsiders here", Zuo Xian was quite reluctant when he slid off Lu Xingxian's body, his mouth was pouted, he could hang an oil pot.

Lu Xingxian couldn't help laughing, and scratched the "hook" that Zuo Xian naturally had on his mouth.

Zuo Xian got scratched a bit, thought it was amused again, and turned to smile.

However, the people present are all old acquaintances—since they are already old acquaintances, they must have already deeply understood each other's temperament.

Furthermore, although they didn't spend much time on the set, the relationship between Lu Xingxian and Zuo Xian was known to the whole world, and there was nothing to hide.

Zuo Xian knew it well, and didn't pretend to be reserved. He smiled generously at everyone, and then said hello, "Sister Pan, Sister Ji..."

Only then did everyone put away their astonished faces that didn't know what to do, and gave Zuo Xian a reserved smile back.

Zuo Xian stuck out his tongue and behaved a lot, but he didn't let go of Lu Xingxian's hand.

Lu Xingxian didn't make any special movements either, the hand that only held Zuo Xian's wrist slid down, and then his five fingers spread out to interlock with Zuo Xian's.

Zuo Xian was taken aback for a moment, subconsciously lowered his head to take a look, then tightened his hands, shook the two hands that were clasped, narrowed his eyes, and smiled crookedly.


The rest of the people looked at the two people who showed affection in front of them with toothache, and sighed helplessly in their hearts.

— This feeling of having to eat dog food all the time is really painful and joyful.

Seeing that others are good makes me feel happy too.

But people are good, I am still single! This is so sad!

After a while, the few people explained the matter to Zuo Xian clearly.

After all, Zuo Xian is also another leading actor in the drama "The Wife Returns", and it can even be said that this drama, without Lu Xingxian and Zuo Xian, would never have become so popular.

It's just that when I told Zuo Xian, I didn't say that they didn't have a real qualitative summary before, but asked Zuo Xian's meaning and thoughts.

Zuo Xian pondered for a while, what he said was almost the same as what Lu Xingxian said just now.

Several people looked at each other, and almost reached a conclusion in their hearts.

Looking at the expressions of the people on the opposite side, Zuo Xian smiled again, gave a stick and then a jujube, and said, "Although prolonging the plot is inappropriate, it will also make the audience's mentality very uncomfortable at the beginning. Okay, but there is another way, which can make the audience's emotions more sustained, and the discussions more intense and more fulfilling."

After all, Zuo Xian has more than ten years of memory in the future than most people now, and Zuo Xian has a more advanced "vision" after all.

In addition, she is the kind of person who is uniquely talented, so her suggestions are even more unique. In the past, she also helped the crew "return to life" a few times.

Now everyone has almost fallen into silence. Hearing what Zuo Xian said, they all looked back and waited for the next sentence.

Zuo Xian coughed and said simply, "There was also a school drama before, the main drama only had 24 episodes, and the remaining six episodes were all sideshows after the ending, and the response was also good. There was also a high degree of discussion, and everyone said that the episode was very sweet and relatively complete."

At this time, in fact, there are not too many crews who will release the "films" shot backstage, and some "tidbits" of the actors getting along backstage. In addition to worrying about leaks, it is also because most people are able to shoot now. He has his own exclusive craft, not a systematic study, and he doesn't want to spread it to the outside world. After all, this is also the ability to survive.

This proposal made everyone fall into deep thought, but in an instant, they raised their heads again, and said hesitantly, "This...even if it is going to be filmed..."

Zuo Xian sat upright, with one hand on his chest, very humble, cute, and sincere, "Of course it's the protagonist, right?"

Lu Xingxian finally couldn't hold it back, and gently covered his lips with his hand and smiled sullenly.

The people on the opposite side: "..."

So much love and affection, what else can they do?

But the protagonists themselves have said so, so what else can they say? right?


After sending everyone away, Zuo Xian completely relaxed.

Although she didn't really mind showing her affection in front of everyone, Lu Xingxian had a thin skin after all—in the crowd, most people held small hands.

Even the small mouth kisses were trained by Zuo Xian recently.

Even so, the frequency of her initiative is far higher than that of Lu Xingxian countless times.

And even if this is the case, most of them are separated at the touch of a button, and there are hundreds of thousands of miles away from dry wood and fire.

Thinking of this, Zuo Xian couldn't help but feel a little sad for a while.

However, the sunlight outside the window doesn't understand Zuo Xian's sadness, and still shines very brightly.

The current sun is different from the temperatureless sun in the harsh winter of April and September. The big lala shines on the ground, and the steaming sky and earth have a kind of ethereal feeling.

The air conditioner in the house was blowing, Zuo Xian deliberately stretched out an arm and placed it under the air conditioner, and it was icy cold after a while.

She touched it with her hand and found it very fun, but after blowing it for a long time, she always felt a little cold, so she stretched her arms out every now and then.

"Xianxian." At this time, Lu Xingxian poked his head from behind the computer and called her.

Zuo Xian happily responded, and finally ended the journey of "the little kid who nobody cares about and can only play by himself", and rushed to Lu Xingxian's side, "Come on, come on!"

Just talking about it didn't count, Zuo Xian sat on Lu Xingxian's body, his legs spread apart, happened to clamp Lu Xingxian's leg, and put his hands on Lu Xingxian's shoulders to stabilize his body.

Lu Xingxian supported Zuo Xian's waist, and subconsciously glanced at the door—the door of her office is a half-frosted door, although it is impossible to see clearly the inside and outside, but if someone is really looking at the door , can still quietly see a small phantom.

"What's the matter!" Zuo Xian held Lu Xingxian's cheek, lowered his head and kissed her firmly on the mouth.

Lu Xingxian smiled, reached out and tapped the desktop, and it showed two airline tickets, from city B to island M.

Zuo Xian was taken aback, and glanced at the signature on it—Lu Xingxian, Zuo Xian.

She turned her head back almost in disbelief, and seeing Lu Xingxian, her eyes were bright as if hiding little stars inside, "You are..."

"Don't you want to swim?" Lu Xingxian's voice was close enough to Zuo Xian's ear, and she said softly afterwards, "Let's go to Island M, a two-day can have fun at the beach."

In such a tourist attraction, Zuo Xian can relax and play around freely and freely, which is much more comfortable than in the swimming pool.

Lu Xing glanced at the two people's tickets with a casual smile, and also showed a relaxed expression - in a short while, they will be able to stay with each other in a real sense, in a place where no one knows them Together, work at sunrise and rest at sunset... It's amazing to think about it.

Zuo Xian didn't see what Lu Xingxian was thinking. She glanced at the date and was taken aback, "Number 24? Isn't that today? Let's leave today? I haven't packed anything—!"

The plane is about 6 o'clock in the afternoon, and it's too late to pack anything at this time.

Lu Xing smiled, "I'm all ready."

After finishing speaking, she glanced at Zuo Xian and said, "Do you want to go?"

"Think, want to go." Zuo Xian couldn't help but blush a little, she really couldn't stand Lu Xingxian sticking to her ear like this, and talking to her like that in an irrefutable tone.

In the end, it ended with Lu Xingxian's smile, and she said, "Then let's go."

Until the two of them boarded the plane, the plane was slightly bumpy, and as the air flow rose, seeing the sea of ​​clouds rolling outside the window, Zuo Xian felt unreal.

After living for two lifetimes, in fact... this kind of trip that you can leave on the same day is really the first time.

She glanced at the scene outside the window again, and couldn't help but raise the corners of her lips slightly.

She took out the camera, held Lu Xingxian's with both hands according to the pose the two of them used to take pictures most often, and stood in front of the window to take a travel photo, leaving a blank on the side, waiting to write something when she came back. Record.


Even though Zuo Xian is not the kind of person who would work outdoors in summer, she really doesn't like the feeling of sweating in the city in summer.

The end of late summer is almost pervasive and can invade people's body senses, making people feel uncomfortable all over. In this kind of weather, being able to stay in the water all the time, whether it's swimming or other things, is a very comfortable thing for people .

There are many tourists who come to play before the end of the holiday on the beach, and the most common ones to see are children and girls playing around with beach balls.

Zuo Xian led Lu Xingxian out of the hotel wearing sunglasses, looking at the beach and ocean outside, his eyebrows and eyes were full of brilliance.

Well, if you can ignore the giant duckling Adult Swim ring in her hand.

Rao Zuo Xian had calculated thousands of times, but he couldn't calculate that she was still a landlubber in her life.

It's okay to hold your breath in the water, but swimming... For now, she can only plan like a dog, and she looks very embarrassed, not to mention ugly.

She is an all-round actor, and it is imperative to learn how to be useful!

When Lu Xingxian was in the room, he had already taken several pictures of her writhing with a ferocious expression, and he specially showed her them before putting them away.

At that time, Lu Xingxian asked her why she was not angry and asked her to delete the photos. Zuo Xian thought about it for a long time, and said to Lu Xingxian, "All the photos represent very good memories at the moment. There are so many fine and small things that the human brain cannot remember all of them. With the existence of these photos, when we see them again in the future, we will be able to recall how happy we are now."

Well, especially the ugly photos, I can always laugh when I look at them.

Zuo Xian wasn't afraid of embarrassment at all, and wanted to go back and show it to Grandma Lu—by the way, he would file a complaint!

Lu Xingxian felt that it was very reasonable, so he took a lot of photos "Ka Ka Ka".

Zuo Xian: "..." Although she felt that she had jumped into a hole she dug herself, there was nothing she could do. Anyway, she had already dug it down, right?


Zuo Xian went to the shallow water area first under the guidance of the instructor on the beach, and expressed his envy to Lu Xingxian who can directly enter the deep water area.

Lu Xingxian didn't go swimming either, but followed Zuo Xian to teach her how to swim in the shallow water.

"Ah Xian, you can go there and play for a while by yourself first." Zuo Xian held his chubby little duck swimming ring, hugged the duck's neck with his whole body, and stepped slowly on the clearly visible bottom of the water, being caught Lu Xingxian dragged him to the side.

Lu Xing shook his head with a casual smile, and only said lightly, "I came here because I wanted to play with you."

Zuo Xian's smile was bright, but he didn't say anything more in a blink of an eye, and continued to kick and play with water.

"You said, the two of us won't meet fans here, right?" Zuo Xian felt a little hot after showing his head outside for a while, so he scooped up water with his hands and poured it on his body, looking around curiously take a look.

Lu Xingxian followed Zuo Xian's gaze to look around the surroundings, and then couldn't help but fell silent, before saying after a while, "...Here, probably not."

There are really...too few people in the shallow water area.

Most of the people here are young people who come to play with their children.

Their whole body and mind are on their children, and they don't have time to take care of them.

Even the coach only watched from a distance, but did not approach.

What Zuo Xian was worried about would never happen.

After Zuo Xian said it, he almost felt that he had said something stupid, so he smiled awkwardly, "Hehehe...Huh?"

Her laughter stopped abruptly in the middle, obviously seeing something.

Lu Xingxian followed her gaze, but was surprised to find that it was Yao Lan and Hu Gangyi who came over.

"Sister Yao Lan!" Zuo Xian waved his hand with a smile, and when he got closer, he realized that Yao Lan's belly was flat and she had already given birth.

She was surprised for a while, and said, "When were you born?"

"It's been more than two months." Yao Lan smiled gently, and didn't say why her due date was brought forward, but it's probably not a big deal.

Her eyes turned back and forth between Zuo Xian and Lu Xingxian, and then she said, "The child is watching at my mother-in-law now...I also take advantage of this moment to come out and relax for a while."

Hu Gangyi looked disapproving beside him, the corners of his mouth twitched, but he didn't say much.

It wasn't until Yao Lan said that he wanted to go into the water with him that Hu Gangyi took a step forward in shock, his eyes widened, "Auntie said that you are weak now, so you can't go into the water yet!"

Finally, Yao Lan glanced anxiously at the edge of the diving area where the water did not even reach her knees, but she had no choice but to give up.

...After all, there is a person next to me who has been watching.


After the group sent Hu Gangyi away to buy drinks, Zuo Xian carried the duckling and continued to learn how to swim. Lu Xingxian and Yao Lan found an umbrella seat and sat there chatting.

Although it is still a little hot under the umbrella, it will not make people feel uncomfortable at the beach.

Yao Lan glanced at Zuo Xian who was struggling in the shallow water area, and said teasingly, "Seriously, have you been enduring this for so many years?"

Zuo Xian had already become an adult last year, and at the end of this year, he will officially enter the 20th Army and become a member of the glorious Bensan team.

But she is also familiar with these two friends - one is better than the other, not to mention, there is no sign of puppy love or secret love, and they are very moral models and role models.

Zuo Xian has a good figure, usually she likes to wear loose clothes and can't tell it, but now that she changed into a swimsuit, she can see her already slightly slender figure.

Girls have a long development cycle, obviously Zuo Xian is the kind who can still run around, after all, although she is occasionally mature and frightening, she is still full of childishness.

Hearing this, Lu Xingxian couldn't help taking away some of the water that was already on his lips, he just pursed his lips, and glanced sideways at Yao Lan.

There was no one around, and Yao Lan didn't maintain the usual style of a mature woman who is a close sister, she narrowed her eyes and said, "If you don't try it, you won't know how wonderful it is."

Lu Xingxian: "..."

Seeing Lu Xingxian's embarrassment and embarrassment for the first time, Yao Lan's eyes lit up, and he suddenly felt that he finally understood something.

However, just when she wanted to go further, she heard Lu Xingxian say, "It's not that I don't want to..."

Yao Lan blinked and stopped for a moment, waiting for what Lu Xingxian would say next.

Lu Xingxian followed up and said, "Xianxian is quite enthusiastic about this matter, but she is still young, so let this kind of matter take its course... There is no rush."

Yao Lan: "..."

What did she hear just now?

The author has something to say: Second update~

If there are many today, the total number of updates may be nearly 30,000 words... My parents said that I am not very busy today, so they can write for me all day long if they have time.


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