MTL - Be a Social Cow In An Infinite Game-Chapter 203 extra

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Boob has a dog.

A snow-white Samoyed milk dog with a gentle and clingy temper.

It was given by the Jing family's grandparents, because in the previous video, Bubu said that he wanted a dog, so they decided to help their granddaughter realize her wish.

After receiving the puppy, Boob was so happy that he walked around the puppy excitedly.

The puppy sat on the ground ignorantly, with its tail sweeping back and forth, its head following her movements, and then saw her sitting down, hugging itself lightly.

"Is it Boob's?"

she asked.

Jing Ruyu and Xia Zhiyi were by her side, patiently responding to her words.

Xia Zhiyi nodded and said, "Yes, it's our Boob's bark."

Boo Boo asked again: "Has Boo Boo barked?"

Jing Ruyu: "Well, Bubu has barking too."

Bubu immediately hugged the puppy happily, his eyes sparkled brightly: "Bobu is barking!"

The little milk dog opened its round eyes and let out a "woof" without struggling.

Xia Zhiyi asked Bubu what name he wanted to name the dog.

Without hesitation, Bubu said, "Wow!"

Such a simple and direct name, but within expectations.

The young couple looked at each other, then at their daughter who couldn't put it down, and decided to respect her opinion and use this name.

Then Jing Ruyu sat her on his lap and taught her to be responsible for Wang Wang.

Because she wanted her grandparents to give it to her, so this is Boo Boo's puppy, and Boo Boo should take good care of it instead of leaving it to the adults.

People are responsible for their own choices.

Children's education should start from an early age, lest it will be too late when they are older.

Bubu listened carefully, and actively agreed: "Bubu will take good care of Wang Wang!

"Boob is awesome!"

Jing Ruyu kissed the top of her hair with a smile on her face, put her down, and let her play with Wang Wang.

They trust their daughter to walk the talk.

It is also a good thing to let dogs grow up with children.

Bubu fulfilled his promise and indeed took good care of Wang Wang every day.

Wang Wang has a docile temperament, likes children, and often runs behind Bubu.

Totally two kids.

Every day after dinner, Bubu would take Wang Wang out for a walk in the neighborhood.

Jing Ruyu and Xia Zhiyi will also accompany them.

The two children ran in front, and they walked slowly behind arm in arm.

They don't have to worry about Boo Boo going out of sight and disappearing, because she knows the way, and even if she disappears, she can walk home by herself in the end.

Other residents will send her home when they see her.

Residents in the entire community know her as a cute little social cow who likes to give out candies.

Xiaoshe Niu is now pulling Wang Wang to introduce her puppy to her familiar peers, brothers and sisters, uncles and aunts, grandparents.

"This is the bark of the Boob family!"

She is very proud and happy because she finally has a bark!

Everyone has always liked her, and now seeing her holding a cute snow-white little Samoyed, they couldn't help but surround her, eager to try and pet the puppy's head.

The relatives of Wang Wang did not retreat from timidity, they raised their heads and rubbed against the palms of others, very cute.

"Wow, so cute~"

"It's still touched."

"it's so cute!"

"Look over here, oh yes, take a picture, it's so cute."

The voice of praise is endless.

Xia Zhiyi and Jing Ruyu sat on the stone chairs next to them, looking at the puppy that everyone was not afraid of with a smile on their faces.

Xiaosheniu's dog seems to be Xiaosheniu too.

Xia Zhiyi didn't forget to take out her mobile phone and record the happy appearance of Bubu hugging the dog, and then sent it to the family group they created for the grandparents on both sides to see.

The grandparents of the Jing family were relieved when they saw that Bubu liked this little gift so much.

The most important thing is that the little granddaughter is happy!

[Tell us what Boo Bu is missing, we will buy it and send it to you! ] Father Jing said so in the family group.

With Wang Wang's company, Boo Boo is very happy every day.

Wang Wang also regards her as a little master, and runs after her every day, and lies beside her to sleep with her at night.

Two energetic little guys became each other's best playmates.

As a result, Xia Zhiyi and Jing Ruyu had many more opportunities to be alone at night.

My daughter is now accompanied by dogs and no longer needs them to accompany her to sleep with her every day.

They think this is very good.

Adults and children have their own space and time.

Thanks to my parents for the angel puppy!

This weekend, the weather was fine, Jing Ruyu and Xia Zhiyi were nestled on the sofa in the living room watching TV.

Boo Boo and Wang Wang sat next to them and watched TV with them.

The time is calm and peaceful, and there are no worries.

After a while, Xia Zhiyi looked down at Bubu in her arms, and asked her on a whim if she wanted to play hide-and-seek.

Bubu immediately raised his hand to say that he wanted to play, and he wanted to bring Wang Wang to play with him.

Xia Zhiyi responded well, put Wang Wang on the ground, and then covered her eyes.

"Mom is covering her eyes, and I'm about to start counting down for thirty seconds.

"Thirty, twenty-nine..."

Jing Ruyu looked at her daughter, and cooperatively urged her to hide with the dog.

Then she saw her daughter running back to her room like a gust of wind.

Wang Wang used all four paws together, and ran after her like a little snowball.

Bubu pushed open the wardrobe door, sat in and hid with Wang Wang in his arms, and waited expectantly for his mother to find him.

Xia Zhiyi's thirty seconds quickly ran out.

She lifted the blanket, stood up and said loudly: "Okay, Mom is done counting, Mom is coming to find Boo Boo!"

Jing Ruyu was covered with a blanket, holding his temples to watch them play hide-and-seek, with a smile in his eyes, keeping neutral and not interfering with the fairness of the game.

Xia Zhiyi said in a child's tone as she walked, "Where is our Boob~"

As soon as the words fell, the two heard movement in Boo Boo's room.

In the blink of an eye, the kid in dinosaur pajamas suddenly ran out by himself.

She raised her head to look at her mother, and replied in a childish voice: "Boob is here~"

Wang Wang followed her, tilting his head to look up at Xia Zhiyi with her.

The two children looked innocent and ignorant, as if they were completely unaware that they had been exposed.

Xia Zhiyi and Jing Ruyu were immediately amused.

Jing Ruyu smiled and opened her hands to let Bubu come over to accept her mother's kiss.

Well, there is a must-answer hide-and-seek.

Their daughter is actually playing a very new game, it's so cute!

Then the two explained the rules of hide-and-seek to Boo Boo, telling her not to come out to answer her mother, and only after making sure she really remembered it did they play with her again.

This time it was Jing Ruyu who arrested him.

She tried to shout: "Where is my boob?"

As a result, Boo Boo happily ran out to answer: "Boo Boo is here!"

Still behind him is the happy snow-white little Wang Wang who doesn't know anything.

The two found it strange and funny.

She clearly understood the rules, so why did she happily come out to answer her words?

Or did they not explain it clearly, and she didn't understand it?

Jing Ruyu knelt down/held Bubu's hand, and asked softly, "Why did Bubu run out to find his mother again?"

Bubu innocently said, "Bubu is afraid that mom won't find him.

"Boo Boo wants Mom to find Boo Boo."

She will not hide very deep, she hopes to be found by her mother.

As long as mother calls her, she will come out to respond to them as soon as possible.

Because **** are mothers' babies, for reasons of pure innocence, and always will be.

These words moved the two mothers, and their smiles were gentle.

Then Jing Ruyu saw Xia Zhiyi suddenly cover her mouth, her movements were exaggerated.

"?" Jing Ruyu asked, "What's wrong?"

Xia Zhiyi: "There are such cute children in this world..."

Then the topic changed: "Fortunately, it is my daughter, I am too happy!"

Seeing her like this, Jing Ruyu couldn't help but chuckle.

"There are such cute girls in the world."

Xia Zhiyi suddenly heard the people around him say that.

She turned her head to look at her, only to see that her eyes were full of tenderness, her smiling eyes were curved, and her voice was as beautiful and charming as ever.

"Fortunately, it's my wife, I'm so happy."

The sudden and incomparably natural confession of true feelings.

For the sake of her being so sincere and proud, Xia Zhiyi chose to forgive her for using her own lines.

She leaned over with a smile and kissed Jing Ruyu on the cheek.

"That's right, I also think you are really lucky to have a wife like me!"

The two looked at each other and smiled, their foreheads touched, and they rubbed each other intimately and tacitly, sweet and happy.

Bubu greeted him enthusiastically, saying that he would also rub his head with the mothers and play with the mothers.

The two did not reject their daughter, Xia Zhiyi hugged her enthusiastically, and rubbed her soft little face: "Mom, cute child, let mommy kiss you!"

Boo Bu's eyes crooked with laughter, and the room was filled with brisk laughter.

The family of three played games again.

When he was tired from playing games, Boo Boo nestled in their arms, drowsy.

Jing Ruyu gently stroked her back again and again.

The puppy Wangwang lay on Xia Zhiyi's lap, so quiet that he seemed to be sleepy and had no energy to make a fuss.

No one made a sound at the moment, and they didn't want to interrupt Bobu's step into dreamland.

A few seconds later, Bubu suddenly spoke.

Her eyelids were fighting, but her mouth was still moving, and her words seemed to be unconsciously speaking from her heart, expressing her feelings innocently.

"I love mom," she said.

The two were startled for a moment, they didn't expect her to say this suddenly.

Bubu was so sleepy, he raised his hand and pointed softly, freely expressing his love.

"Love this mom, and love this mom.

"Boob loves mommy, mommy loves boob... Mommy..."

Finally, I closed my eyelids while murmuring, and fell asleep peacefully in my mother's love.

She doesn't know many truths, but at least she knows what love is.

Love is the mother, it is the mother who will play games with Boo Boo, it is the home of the mother and Boo Boo, and it is everything the mothers give her.

She was a brave and bold kid, and she showed love too.

— Being able to meet her mother and stay with her is the happiest thing for her.

After hearing her words, Jing Ruyu and Xia Zhiyi's hearts softened, their gentle eyes revealed, and they didn't regret taking her out of the new world to see a wider world.

Jing Ruyu picked her up, gently carried the treasures bestowed on them by the world back to the room, put her on the bed, covered her with the quilt, and kissed her forehead.

"Mom loves you too, have a good dream."

Xia Zhiyi put Xiao Wangwang next to her, stroked the dog's head, and left the child's room holding his lover's hand.

They closed the door without disturbing the sweet dreams of the two children, and with smiles in their eyes, they went back to the living room and covered them with the same blanket.

Turning down the volume of the TV, the light on the screen turned into stars in their eyes, shining brightly.

They snuggled up to each other, warm and happy.

The years since then have been long, just like now, peaceful and beautiful.

【End of the full text】

The author has something to say:

After writing today, I finally finished writing this story.

A story that has been written since May and continues today.

Looking back, it was kind of weird.

Because of a whim, I actually bravely tried a new subject.

Different fields, new writing methods, relying on the fearless courage of those who don't know, go forward.

Because I have self-knowledge, I didn't set too high demands on myself.

For the first attempt, don't force yourself to be perfect, the most important thing is to fully express and show a complete story.

Glad I accomplished this basic goal.

I didn't give up, didn't stop updating, and finished this "first time" well.

In fact, this is inseparable from everyone's support.

It is everyone who has been with me persistently and made me feel that my attempt was not as bad as expected from all aspects. I can try something different, so I have the motivation to keep going.

Thank you very much, and thank every genuine reader who has accompanied me to this day.

It was you and me who did this not-so-great kid, but still cute to me.

This story is written today, but there are actually some plot changes.

Such as Xiao Liu's ending, such as Boo Bu's fate.

At the beginning, I set the point here as "sorrow" rather than "joy".

Xiao Liu can't be together...

There is no way for Bubu to leave the new world with Mr. Xia...

Then it changed and became what everyone saw.

Because I watched a lot of moving videos for a while, I shed a lot of tears, I became very soft-hearted, and then I thought of them, and then I started to waver, and asked myself: Their experience has been so hard, Why add a knife?

So they can also get what they want and embrace their own beauty.

I'm also happy that people liked how they ended up, which is great.

I hope that everyone can also embrace the beauty that belongs to them, and get what they want~

There will be no new articles within this year (should

I want to take a good rest after it's over, and because I'm a person who can't multitask, "Outrageous" has been signed and published, and I want to revise the article, so I won't open a new one for the time being.

Not surprisingly, the next book will be the one on the copywriting, and I will try my best to collect some new articles during the revision period (Work hard, work hard...

Insert a digression here:

After the end, everyone remember to rate this article in the [Rating] column =3=, thank you~

Finally, thanks again for the support of every genuine reader.

Cold subjects really need support, thank you for not giving up on me, love you all!

Open a lottery for everyone, just book all.

Finally, I wish you all good health and a good mood every day!

Winter is here, remember to keep warm, see you in the next book OvO!

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