MTL - Be a Social Cow In An Infinite Game-Chapter 198 end of text

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On the second day, the room was sunny and the summer breeze was smooth.

Xia Zhiyi opened one eye in the gentle morning light, and glanced at the weather outside.

The warm light is warm, bright and bright, and the weather is fine, which seems to indicate that today will be a smooth day—she is going to take her girlfriend home to meet her parents today.

She moved, and the people around her also moved.

Jing Ruyu opened her eyes for a moment, and glanced at the space in the middle, which was empty.

Then he closed his eyes again, completely lost the panic of not being able to see Boo Boo the first day, and moved his body calmly until he hugged his girlfriend into his arms.

Their daughter has gotten used to the pace of life here a little bit.

After getting up by herself, if the mothers haven't woken up yet, she will quietly leave the room by herself to have breakfast happily with her grandparents, and then sit down and play with toys, without them worrying at all.

"Are you awake?" Jing Ruyu looked down at the person in her arms, her voice was hoarse and charming, "Do you want to get up?"

Xia Zhiyi kissed her twice, put her arms around her waist, and was lazy.

"I need to get up... I have to brush my teeth, wash my face and eat breakfast..."

That being said, it didn't move at all.

Jing Ruyu understood, calmly hugged her tightly, and kissed her soft black hair: "Then sleep for a while."

Xia Zhiyi closed her eyes and nodded comfortably.

Then the door was opened, and Boo Boo walked in.

She stood at the door, turned her head to say goodbye to grandma, and kissed grandma on the cheek under her loving eyes.

Jing Yunshuang's heart was about to melt, and she leaned over and said softly, "If the mothers wake up, let them go downstairs to have breakfast. If they don't wake up, Boo Boo, please don't disturb the mothers' sleep."

People who have just left a new world are in desperate need of rest and adjustment, so they are allowed to sleep as much as they like.

No matter what, the most important thing is to keep the spirit healthy.

Holding the bun in his hand, Bubu nodded obediently: "Yeah."

Jing Yunshuang gently warned: "Be careful when eating, don't drop it on the ground."

Bubu continued to nod, with an innocent and cute expression.

Jing Yunshuang smiled and patted her head: "Good boy, grandpa and grandma are out."

Bubu's eyes were bright, and he raised his head and said cutely, "Grandpa and grandma come back quickly."

Jing Yunshuang and his wife are kind to her, she can feel and see it.

She likes and gets close to whoever treats her well. The logic of a child is as simple as that.

"Okay," Jing Yunshuang bent down and kissed her, "Grandpa and grandma come back quickly."

Saying goodbye to her granddaughter, Jing Yunshuang gently closed the door.

Bubu turned and ran to the two mothers who were still lying still.

What was closer to the edge of the bed before her was the smell of meat buns in her hand.

The mellow meat aroma is overflowing, making people instantly recall the best meat they have ever eaten.

For people who have an empty stomach and haven't eaten anything, it's simply delicacies from mountains and seas, very attractive.

So before she could ask, Xia Zhiyi opened his eyes with a "swish" and fell asleep.

She patted Jing Ruyu.

"I'm hungry, get up and have breakfast."

The power of food is endless!

Seeing her talking, Bubu shouted happily: "Mom, eat, buns!"

As he said that, he was about to hand the bun in his hand to her.

Xia Zhiyi stood up and rubbed her head, but didn't eat her meat buns: "Mom needs to brush her teeth and wash her face first, Bobu eat, Bobu eat more, he'll be full."

Jing Ruyu also got up together, seeing that Bubu was holding a big bun in both hands, he couldn't help laughing, leaned over and kissed her on the head.

Then he kissed his girlfriend on the cheek again, and neither of them fell.


Xia Zhiyi smiled and pulled her up to brush her teeth.

After brushing her teeth, Jing Ruyu picked up Bubu and said, "Bobu is going to meet two other grandparents with her mother today, remember?"

Bubu grabbed the remaining steamed stuffed bun and nodded: "Remember!"

Then he gestured with his little finger, and said in a childlike voice, "Boobu has two grandpas and two grandmas."

They had explained it to her last night.

Everyone has their own parents. The grandparents here are Ruyu's mother's parents, and they will take her to meet Zhiyi's parents.

Although Boo Boo doesn't have a father, but Boo Boo has two mothers and doesn't need a father.

The most important thing is that the grandparents on both sides will love Boo Boo very much and give her double love.

Jing Ruyu looked at her tenderly with a smile, and praised: "Our Bubu is really smart."

After breakfast and changing clothes, the young couple took their daughter out.

The moment Xia Zhiyi got into the car, looking at the road ahead, he suddenly felt a little uneasy.

Will her parents not accept that she is gay?

Will it go well this time?

Her parents are so open-minded, it should be fine...

She unconsciously clenched her skirt tightly, suddenly feeling uneasy.

At this time, a hand stretched out from the side, gently covered the back of her hand, and gently held her tight fist.

She looked up and met a pair of eyes full of tenderness.

There is love, trust, and the courage to face everything in those eyes, as well as the firmness and sense of security of standing together through thick and thin, and sharing weal and woe.

This is everything she wants.

She is what she is going to do in this life.

The tense nerves suddenly loosened.

Xia Zhiyi suddenly wasn't so scared anymore.

Yes, they have chosen and possessed each other unswervingly, so what is there to be afraid of?

She turned to look at the back seat.

Boob is wearing a fluffy and beautiful gauze dress, with a big and lovely red bow tied on her ponytail, and she is dressed like a noble little princess.

— and this lovely daughter.

She believes that her parents should not be able to refuse this Xiaotuan pet.

In front of the closed door, Xia Zhiyi looked up at the familiar door.

Inside the door is the family who accompanied her growing up, and beside her is the partner who will never leave her in this life.

Finally, she was going to introduce her identity and their lovely daughter to them openly.

"Are you ready, I'm going to ring the bell," she said.

"Okay, press it." Jing Ruyu replied like this, and put on a serious expression in a second.

Bubu introduced himself in her arms: "Mom, Bubu presses, and Boubo will press too!"

Xia Zhiyi agreed, and at the same time hugged her to get her closer to the doorbell.

Boo Boo simply raised his finger and poked it.

"Ding dong—"

Xia Zhiyi followed, "Mom and Dad, I'm back!"

Bubu also followed suit: "Boob is back!"

Jing Ruyu smiled and carried her back, so that Xia Zhiyi could talk to her parents better.

The next second the door opened, very quickly.

Father Xia and mother Xia appeared in front of them.

After returning from the world of narrow escapes, when he saw his relatives again, Xia Zhiyi was so moved that he almost cried again.

She reached out and hugged them.

"Mom and Dad, I'm back..."

I came back alive from that dangerous place.

Safe and sound, no injuries.

It's great that I can be with you for a long, long time...

Xia's father and Xia's mother looked at each other in blank dismay.

Although they don't know what their daughter has gone through, they can feel that their daughter at this moment is more dependent on them than ever before.

It's like... rejoicing.

I don't know why.

Their first reaction was to gently pat her on the back and say softly, "It'll be fine when you come back."

"Going outside for so long, I remember coming back."

"Come in, come in and talk if you have anything to say, don't just stand around outside."


Mother Xia dragged Xia Zhiyi into the house.

Jing Ruyu hugged Bubu and followed behind, saw Father Xia prepared a pair of light-colored indoor slippers for herself, and said to her, "Miss Jing, just wear these."

His expression was calm and friendly, as if he had already guessed what kind of relationship her best friend had with his daughter, and he was not surprised by her gender.

Even so, Jing Ruyu tried her best to behave well.

"Thank you uncle."

She wanted to make a good impression on her girlfriend's family with her current status.

"Thank you!" Boo Boo followed up.

Although there are no shoes for her at all.

Her arrival was a surprise to Father Xia and Mother Xia.

After entering the room and sitting down, the two asked Xia Zhiyi, "Who is this child?"

Xia Zhiyi smiled, turned her head and signaled to Bubu: "Bubbu, quickly say hello to grandparents."

Sitting on Jing Ruyu's lap, Bubu immediately took out what he had learned in the new world, and bent down in a dignified way: "Grandpa and grandma~"

Then he took off his small backpack, took out two lollipops from it, and recovered his lively and playful appearance in a second: "Boob brought you Tangtang!"


Xia's father and Xia's mother's eyes widened, looking at Xia Zhiyi in surprise and joy.

Xia Zhiyi patted their hands: "Yes, this is the child adopted by Ruyu and me. His nickname is Bubu. You will have a granddaughter in the future."

The couple who love children very much are happy after hearing the words.

Father Xia turned his head and clapped his hands to signal: "Good boy, come to Grandpa and let Grandpa take a good look at you."

Xiaoshe Niu is not afraid of life, and her mothers have taught her to be close to her grandparents, so she immediately got off her mother's lap and ran to sit among her grandparents with her small backpack.

"Boob is here."

This made Father Xia and Mother Xia so cute.

Then Xia's mother said to Xia's father: "We are right, she just has a child who is hiding it from us!"

Father Xia nodded: "Those clothes were indeed chosen for our eldest granddaughter."

Xia's mother immediately touched her granddaughter's face with a happy smile: "Oh, baby is so cute~"

Bubu understood when others praised him, and immediately followed suit with a smile: "Bubbu is the cutest child!"

Father Xia laughed loudly: "Yes! Our Boob is the cutest!"

Under the cuteness offensive, they accepted it extremely quickly.

In less than three minutes, Boo Boo was already "We Boo Boo".

Xia Zhiyi and Jing Ruyu looked at each other.

The protagonist of the parent event has changed.

Now this is not to meet the parents, but to meet the grandparents.

Jing Ruyu just sat there, not daring to move, and at the same time felt a little relieved.

My daughter is popular, so it should help her a bit... right?

Fortunately, Xia's father and Xia's mother did not neglect Jing Ruyu.

The two looked at her, then turned to look at their daughter.

The young couple couldn't help but sit up straight after being judged by their eyes, accepting the inspection openly and generously.

They all came, and the door of the cupboard couldn't even be closed whether the parents accepted it or not.

I only heard Mother Xia ask Jing Ruyu: "Do you like my daughter?"

Jing Ruyu said without hesitation, "I like it."

Father Xia asked: "Do you have the determination to support her for a lifetime?"

Jing Ruyu's voice was firm: "Yes."

She will never love someone so passionately again in her life.

If it was her, she would be willing to pick the stars and steal the moon for her, and even risk her life to protect her.

In her life, she only wanted Xia Zhiyi.

Xia Zhiyi listened to her answer. Although the answer was short and neat, it reminded her of the past related to this answer.

To this day, she still remembers that she risked her life to protect herself, let alone her despair when she was dying.

They love each other deeply, as high as the sky, as deep as the sea, immeasurable, far beyond the imagination of others.

She is ready to convince her parents together.

Then they heard Mother Xia say—

"That's fine, we agree that you are together."

Both of them were taken aback for a moment, so relaxed that people were caught off guard.

This seems... easy to overdo it?

Mother Xia said calmly: "Actually, we have already guessed that you like women."

Xia Zhiyi: "?"

She didn't understand: "How did you guess, I didn't reveal my secrets, did I?"

Father Xia glanced at her with the look of a fool.

"Isn't it because you always praised her to us before?

"They said they were best friends, but in the end they never left her in three words. You didn't realize it at that time, did you?"

Mother Xia: "That's right! No matter how good a friend is, there is no one who talks about it every day.

"However, the meeting between us was just a guess. We didn't dare to be sure. Now we can finally be sure."

Xia Zhiyi turned her head to look at Jing Ruyu.

After a while, both of them smiled, and everything was said in silence.

If you really like it, how can you hide it?

Xia Zhiyi asked curiously again: "You guys didn't get angry when you guessed this possibility? You don't think it's weird that I'm gay, do you?"

Father Xia immediately glanced at her: "Why are you talking like that, what's so strange?"

Xia's mother said: "That's right, don't you always find someone to live with? A man is a human being, but a woman is not a human being?"

They're a lot more open-minded than other parents, but they do think about these things.

Think about why my daughter likes women instead of men.

And who stipulated that their daughter can only like men? None of their daughters said that themselves.

Then I asked myself what kind of emotional life I want my children to have and what kind of life I want them to live.

In the end, they found that what they wanted was actually very simple.

They hope that their daughter will be accompanied by someone in the future, that her daughter will not be lonely, and that someone will treat her well.

Is this hope only a man can achieve?


The "best friend" their daughter called did just that.

She is happy with her, carefree and doesn't feel lonely at all.

This is the happiness they expect their children to have.

It's about love, not about gender.

Of course, if their family members feel comfortable living alone, they won't interfere.

Kids grow up and they know what they want.

Parents should learn to understand and respect their children, instead of forcing or changing them.

Take less care of things, the children are happy, and you can be happy at ease.

That's what they're doing as parents now.

"So," they looked at Xia Zhiyi and Jing Ruyu and said with a hearty smile, "It's fine if you like it, you can live a good life and have a good time, we agree with everything."

Xia Zhiyi was immediately overwhelmed with emotion, and her eyes suddenly became hot.

"Dad, Mom..."

When she was about to say something touching, she saw her parents turned to look at Bubu without a pause, clapping their hands to tease her, very happy: "The most important thing is that we have a granddaughter now, right? , boob?"

Supporting Wang Bubu: "Yes!"

The old couple was amused, and immediately said that they would go out with their granddaughter to contract the supermarket!


Daughter is not important now!


Before the tears fell, Xia Zhiyi was forced to laugh again.

What a sudden reduction in family status...

Jing Ruyu got up and walked to her side, wiped away her tears, hugged her into her arms, and watched Xia's father and mother tease her granddaughter together.

The room was full of laughter, the scene was harmonious, and it seemed that even their future would be so bright.

"Zhiyi, you can rest assured now."

"Well, I can rest assured."

Seeing her parents, the thing that worries her the most, has finally been successfully completed.

After that, she took Bubu to meet Liang Xiaoling.

As she expected, the lovely Boo Bu immediately captured Liang Xiaoling's aunt's heart.

That's all Boo Boo has a godmother.

The group dotes on little Bubu, and sure enough, he never misses.

A few days later, they moved to a new home.

This is the house that Jing Yunshuang and his wife had prepared for them a long time ago.

The surrounding environment is very good. You can see the vast river view when you open the window. There are also very good kindergartens and elementary schools nearby. It will be very convenient for Bubu to go to school in the future.

They were happy with the home, and so was Boo.

Twelve o'clock in the evening of the seventh day.

Xia Zhiyi and Jing Ruyu stood by the wide-open door, quietly looking at the clear and harmonious decoration outside the door.

There is no white mist, and there will be no more dangerous copies.

They have left the New World completely.

After the rain is over, they can welcome a beautiful and bright future freely and freely.

Jing Ruyu hugged Xia Zhiyi from behind, and said with emotion: "It's all over."

Xia Zhiyi smiled and said, "Well, we've all come here."

Jing Ruyu put his chin on her shoulder and said with a smile: "Next, it's time for our President Xia's travel plan."

Xia Zhiyi immediately said happily: "Wuhu, I'm finally going on a trip!

"We have to play the country first and eat all the delicious food. We, Boo Boo, still have a lot of delicious food to eat!"

Bubu, who was lying on the bed reading a picture book, immediately raised his head when he heard the key words: "Boobu? Delicious? Where is it!"

Seeing her like this, the two couldn't help laughing.

Xia Zhiyi turned and walked towards her daughter, picked up the tablet, and showed her the landscape maps of various places in the country, describing the upcoming journey for her.

The scenery, food, and bright future are all worth looking forward to.

Bubu's eyes brightened when he heard this, and he was full of longing for the future.

Jing Ruyu looked at them with a smile on her face, closed the door, and walked towards her life.

There was silence outside the door.

The moonlight rippled gently on the ground, like flowing water.

Sporadic starlight is dotted on the sky, quiet and soft.

Even the evening wind was gentle this night.

Their tomorrow will also be a good day.

【End of text】

The author has something to say:

It's over, it's over, the text is over.

After so many months of writing, the text is finally finished!

The next thing is to write a story.

Probably Jing Xia's, Xiao Liu's, and those raising children.

It's not written in this order. I will write whichever one I want to write, and I will write the corresponding protagonist's name in the content summary. You can pick and choose, and you don't need to buy them all.

There are probably three or four extra episodes.

I used to think that I would write a lot of extras after the end, but now I find that there are not so many extras to write.

In short, I will try my best to write as much as possible until next Thursday.

Thank you again for your support, Bojiu!

Read The Duke's Passion