MTL - Be a Social Cow In An Infinite Game-Chapter 189 final copy (thirty-seven)

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Xia Zhiyi and Jing Ruyu firmly believe that the new world will surely restore Bubu to a normal life.

This place has created countless copies, which can bring dying people and non-human beings back to life. How can such supernatural powers not even change a body?

It just depends on whether it is willing or not.

Xia Zhiyi hugged Bubu tightly, and stared at the black dog and white cat who could decide whether to stay with Bubu at this moment: "Since you can give the player a new life, you must also give her a new life, let her go, let her live. to a normal life."

The black dog and the white cat listened to her calmly.

Their eyes tacitly fell on Bubu in her arms.

Bubu hugged Xia Zhiyi's neck, laying on her shoulders, looking at them with sparkling eyes.

She hugged her mother tightly, she didn't seem to know what the adults were talking about, and she seemed to know everything.

After a while, the white cat turned to the black dog and said, "They really aren't that easy to fool, they really guessed that we could do it."

Xia Zhiyi and Jing Ruyu were overjoyed.


The black dog slowly turned to the white cat and said, "Well, if you don't tell them, they won't be sure."

Then he turned his head back, looked at Xia Zhiyi and the two with a calm face, and said in a calm tone, "But don't get me wrong, I want her to turn into a human and go with you, and stay by your side forever. Simple."

The white cat chimed in and said, "That's right."

It "tsk tut" shook its head: "You two are really the most cruel mothers in the world, and you don't even want to have a baby."

Jing Ruyu couldn't help but ask, "What do you mean by that?"

Xia Zhiyi unconsciously hugged Bubu even tighter.

These words made them uneasy, as if Boo Bu was about to be attacked by a storm in the new world in a second.

The white cat said: "Even if you are qualified to take her away now, if she wants to become a human forever, she must follow the rules of our new world."

The white cat narrowed its eyes with a smile, pointed at Bubu and said, "After becoming a human and leaving here, when she grows up to eighteen years old, she will enter the new world and gain the qualifications for a new life for herself, just like you, Understand?"

This condition made both of them startled.

I didn't expect the new world to be so cruel to its own people—no, those who have already left should not be counted as their own people.

The white cat spread her hands, shook her head and said, "There are so many dangers in our new world, if she unfortunately dies here, tsk tsk... So tell me, are you the most cruel mother in the world?"

If Bubu stays in the new world, the new world will train her to become a qualified big ghost king.

She has a noble status, a whole world, and an endless life.

Compared with this tempting long life, what is there to commemorate in that uncertain future?

How should parents who love their children choose? Isn't the answer obvious?

What the white cat said made Xia Zhiyi and Jing Ruyu fall into silence.

No parent wants their child to have an uncertain life and a future full of dangers and puzzles.

They love her and want her harm, let alone death, more than anyone else...

Whether to live forever, or become a human and wait until the age of eighteen is a gamble, this is basically the problem of the century.

At this time, they heard the child in their arms say: "Mothers are not bad! Mothers are the best for Boo Boo!

"Boob is Mama's baby!"

She was refuting what the white cat said.

Although she didn't understand what the adults were saying, she knew that the white cat was saying that her mother was not good.

She doesn't allow anyone to say anything bad about her mother - Boo Boo's mother is the best mother in the whole world!

Xia Zhiyi and Jing Ruyu couldn't help looking at each other after listening to her words.

Perhaps they should let Boo Boo decide whether to stay or not, instead of deciding on her own, because she knew what death meant earlier than her peers.

Xia Zhiyi put Boubo down, squatted down and looked at her, speaking softer and softer than before, as if every second could be their last meeting.

"Boob, you heard mom say, mothers are leaving here, going home, to meet our parents. They have been waiting for us, and it will be very sad if they don't see us.

"But the mothers don't want to leave Boo Boo here, so does Boo Boo want to go home with her mother?"

Bubu nodded without hesitation: "I want to!"

In fact, she didn't know the concept of home for a long time.

But she will follow her heart, where her mother is, she will be there, and she will always follow her mothers.

Xia Zhiyi smiled at her with a very gentle smile, then gently held her hand and said, "But if Bubu goes home with his mothers, when Bubu grows up and grows taller, he will go back home. At this point, fight monsters one by one, and when all the monsters are gone, Bubu can stay with the mothers all the time.

"However, if one is not careful, Boo Boo will probably die inside, and then Boo Boo will be gone, and he will never see his mothers again..."

When Bubu heard this, he smiled innocently and comforted her: "Bobu won't die, Bobu is very powerful, Bobu can beat all the monsters away!"

Looking at her smile, Xia Zhiyi's eyes suddenly turned red: "No, Bubu, you were not the you at that time, you are, yes..."

She lowered her head choked with sobs, suddenly not knowing how to explain to her.

Now she can punch a monster, but what about her who has become an ordinary person?

The new world is full of murderous intentions and monsters that want to eat people everywhere. When she grows up, she has to go there alone. What if something really happens...

Just thinking about it made Xia Zhiyi feel scared now.

She was clearly here to break through, so why would she have to go through this kind of life and death!

Jing Ruyu knew that she was most afraid of parting, so she embraced her.

Seeing her lowering her head and not looking at herself, Bubu seemed to sense her unhappiness. The corners of her mouth curled down, and she called out very softly: "...Mom?"

Jing Ruyu reached out to touch Bubu's small face, and comforted him: "Mom is fine, but something blinded her eyes, and it will be fine soon, don't worry."

She picked up Xia Zhiyi's unfinished words, and continued to say to Bubu: "Bubbu, when you and your mothers leave here, you will become ordinary children, just like Strawberry and Xiaoxuan.

"Do you remember them?"

Bubu nodded, and replied loudly, "Remember, he's a friend of Bubu's!"

Jing Ruyu nodded, and said patiently: "They can't fight off the monsters as easily as Bubu, and they can't climb up the wall, or even go through the wall.

"Boobu will become such a child when he and his mothers go home. Can Bobu understand what mother said?"

Bubu tilted his head, bit his finger, and asked innocently: "Isn't a child like this mother's child?"

She doesn't care whether she can fight off monsters or whether she can climb and pass through walls, that's all she cares about.

Jing Ruyu couldn't help chuckling: "No matter what Bobu turns into, he's still a mother's child.

"Mom means that when Boo Boo turns into a child like Strawberry and the others, Boo Boo won't be able to be as powerful as he is now.

"Then when Boubo grows up, he has to come back here to face these monsters, and use other methods to protect himself and prevent himself from dying."

Boo Boo looked at her while listening, listening very carefully.

Jing Ruyu continued: "But if Bubu doesn't go home with his mothers, but chooses to stay here and be with Wangwang Maomao, then Bubu will always be so powerful, or even more powerful, and you will always be there Magic that everyone wants, and never dies."

"Boob is getting better!" She smiled excitedly, then pointed to herself and said, "Then go to bed and wait for the mothers to come."

She naively thought it would be the same as before.

She became more powerful, and then went to various places with her mothers. After getting on the boat, she would fall asleep, and when she woke up, she would see the mothers, and they would bring her new gifts. Nothing changed.

Jing Ruyu paused for a moment, shook her head with gentle eyes and could not bear it: "Without mothers, Bubu will never see mothers again if he stays here..."

"No mother?"

"Well, there won't be any more mothers this time."

Bubu understood, his expression changed suddenly, he shook his hands and stomped his feet in fear, and was about to cry.

"Don't, don't! Boo Boo, don't become more powerful, don't use magic!

"Mom brought Boo Boo home, Boo Boo is a smart kid, Boo Boo is Mama's baby!"

She was so anxious that she spoke incoherently, saying whatever came to her mind, her tone of voice was filled with tears, as if she was about to be abandoned in the next second.

In the next second, she threw herself into Jing Ruyu's arms, crying with fear.

"Bubbu wants his mother... Bubu, don't become more powerful, don't want to..."

When Xia Zhiyi heard her cry, her eyes turned redder.

She hugged her into her arms, tears streaming down her face.

Jing Ruyu looked at them, and it would be a lie to say that she didn't feel distressed or uncomfortable.

While reassuring them, she made up her mind—

"Zhiyi, let's take her away."

Xia Zhiyi raised her tearful eyes and looked at her pitifully.

Jing Ruyu gently helped her wipe away her tears, and said: "Even if she becomes a human, our daughter must be the smartest. As long as we teach her well, she will naturally know how to deal with dungeons when she grows up. I have been like this since I was a child." of.

"We should trust her, let alone keep her here.

"Because she wants to go with us, otherwise she will be very painful."

In Boob's item description, there is a very short line: She is in pain, and she wants to go with you.

So she took her away from the Guyi tribe and rescued her.

Now she should also take her out of the new world, let her have a home and a complete life, instead of falling into pain again.

After listening to her words, Xia Zhiyi nodded with tears in her eyes, hope rekindled in her eyes.

"Well, you're right!

"She can only stay in this place to be a ghost king and kill people. We should trust her! She is so smart and quick to learn, she will definitely turn danger into good luck!"

Jing Ruyu nodded with a smile.

"Do not cry."

Black dog and white cat look at each other.

The choice of the little ghost king is already obvious.

Unfortunately, things are not that simple.

In fact, when they learned that they wanted to take the little ghost king away, the higher-ups had already made relevant countermeasures, and they had the final say on whether to go or stay.

"That's fine," said the white cat, "then proceed to the next link, and our side is ready."

When the two asked the little ghost king if he would like to stay or stay, they were not idle, and everything that needed to be arranged was already arranged.

Both of them looked at the white cat in unison, with puzzled expressions on their faces.

The white cat said confidently: "Please, how can it be so simple to let the ghost king become a human and leave the new world? Don't go around the program!"

Jing Ruyu asked vigilantly, "Then what else are you going to do?"

Black Dog: "Vote."

Both of them were taken aback.

The black dog said in a calm tone: "Since the little ghost king does not yet have the ability to think independently, after she makes her own choice, we will have an internal meeting to hold a vote to decide whether she will stay or not.

"The participants are the task NPCs and ghost kings from your previous dungeons, including the two of us.

"Considering that the Little Ghost King only appeared from the third dungeon, the candidates for this meeting range from the third dungeon to the sixth dungeon, which is the final dungeon.

"Finally, idlers are not allowed to participate."

Two people: "???"

Xia Zhiyi was shocked: "If the vote doesn't pass, wouldn't Bubu have to stay?!"

Black Dog: "Yes."

Jing Ruyu frowned: "Why didn't you guys say it earlier?"

Black Dog: "You didn't ask."

Xia Zhiyi: "..."

Jing Ruyu: "..."

Dog New World, so it is waiting for them here!

Seeing that their expressions were not very friendly, the black dog comforted them for the first time: "Voting is a matter of personal freedom. The New World will not interfere. It all depends on everyone's mood, so you can rest assured."

Two people: "???"

Voting by mood can make people feel more at ease, right? !

"If you really don't know how to comfort her, you don't need to comfort her." Jing Ruyu said.

The author has something to say:

There are more changes.