MTL - Be a Social Cow In An Infinite Game-Chapter 165 final copy (thirteen)

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When they stepped into the empty and brighter hall again, Xia Zhiyi and Jing Ruyu gradually relaxed their steps, as if they had been pardoned, and felt like they were alive again.

Boubo has been very obedient since just now, and has not made any noise casually, and has been quietly and curiously following the mothers to listen to the sound.

At this moment, she finally spoke, pointing in the direction of the corridor, and asked enthusiastically, "Dong dong dong, what is it?"

Jing Ruyu and the two also wanted to know what it was.

They even have an extremely bad association.

That may be related to garden nutrients, something they don't want to see... All in all, this place is full of dangers, and the player is completely exploring the tiger's mouth, breaking through the level on the tip of the knife.

But they still have to stay here overnight...

"Won't the plot at night be more exciting?"

While talking, Xia Zhiyi rubbed her arms and leaned against Jing Ruyu to gain a sense of security.

Jing Ruyu freed one hand to hold hers.

The four eyes met, the atmosphere was dignified, and no one dared to make an optimistic judgment easily.

It's just that no matter good or bad, they must face it bravely and work hard to break through.

Bubu reaches out to Xia Zhiyi for a hug.

She nestled in her mother's arms, laying on her mother's shoulder, patted her chest lightly with her small palm, and said softly in her childish voice: "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, Bubu is great."

Brave little ghost king, fight off monsters, protect mother, not afraid of difficulties!

Xia Zhiyi was taken aback for a moment, and a smile suddenly appeared in his eyes.

Unexpectedly, I was comforted by a child.

It's so cute.

"Well, with our awesome Boo Boo around, moms are not afraid."


Suddenly, they saw a few lines of brightly colored and conspicuous fonts appearing in the upper right corner:

[The number of watched ghosts has reached 5,000, which is already eligible for the list.

[The current ranking of the live broadcast room of "Death Live": 200th on the hit list.

[The anchor please keep working hard, fight for the first place bravely, don't slack off~]

The two were slightly startled: "?"

Five thousand?

Just broke five thousand?

Still on the list? ?

- What are you two looking like? Don't believe that someone is watching your live broadcast?

— No, it's not that they don't believe that someone will watch them, but they don't believe that someone will watch the director of a bad job!

—No way, Boo Boo is cute, the little princess deserves it!

—Actually, the two of them are also very good at doing tricks, I like to watch their shabby director's rotten work


Looking at these bullet screens, they finally understood that these ghost audiences disliked the director's poor creativity, and they just liked to watch the player's bad director do a bad job and come up with new tricks.

For example, the player turns to clean up the ghosts here.

In this regard, their little demon princess has done very well, even unmatched.

But what they are thinking at the moment is not this, but the story about the little princess of the Demon Race that they made up before.

A few hours have passed, so... no one will remember, right?

Then they saw a bullet screen:

— It's time to reveal who the murderer who framed our little princess is!

As soon as this barrage came out, the ghosts in front of the screen were awakened one after another, and finally remembered that there was such a thing.

The following barrage began to urge them to expose the murderer along with this barrage.


It's hard for you guys to remember what we made up a few hours ago...

The two looked at each other.

I saw Jing Ruyu speaking calmly, exposing the murderer for the barrage without any red face or heartbeat:

"It's her grandma, and the local people call her Granny Luo."

Xia Zhiyi: "?"

Xia Zhiyi: "..."

She understood, she realized.

The grandma framed her granddaughter, the plot was so amazing that she wanted to press the chase button after hearing it!

This can't make the number of live broadcasts increase again? !

As expected, the barrage was full of question marks.

—? ? ?

—Knowing that you can talk, but I didn’t know that you were so good at talking!

"Damn?" Jing Ruyu shook her head, "No, we didn't talk about it. Grandma Luo is a real person, and Bubu still remembers her."

After she finished speaking, she looked at Xia Zhiyi.

Xia Zhi understood, lowered his head and asked Bubu: "Does Bubu still remember that naughty grandma?"

Bubu raised his head and blinked: "Grandma?"

Xia Zhiyi said: "It's that grandma who doesn't give us Bubu food, locks us up, doesn't let Bobu go out to play with the children, and treats Bobu very badly. Bring something on."

As soon as she said that, Bubu immediately remembered.

"Bastard!" said Boo Boo very unhappy, "Boo Boo doesn't like her!"

The resistance and disgust towards Grandma Luo can be seen in the words.

Xia Zhiyi nodded to comfort her: "Mothers don't like her either, she treats Bubu badly, badly!"

Bubu turned his head and got into her neck, hugging her, as if relying on her and acting like a baby.

Xia Zhiyi patted her on the back lightly: "It's okay, Bubu is a mother's child now, and I won't see her again in the future."

Hearing this, Bubu hugged her neck tightly, with crooked smiling eyes, as if he was saying the happiest thing in the world: "Bubbu is a child of mothers."

Children's emotions are the most real, good and bad are never hidden, so judging from Bubu's reaction, Granny Luo does exist and treats her badly.

The barrage was deeply shocked by this.

They originally thought that Jing Ruyu and Xia Zhiyi were just making up traffic, but now it seems... so it seems to be true? !

— No way, such a lovely granddaughter is still being abused? ?

—What does Grandma Luo want to do?

——The fist is hard, why did she lock up her granddaughter, and didn't give our baby food, our baby likes to eat so much, and is so sensible and cute!

—Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I want to hear about revenge plan! !

Jing Ruyu said: "Revenge plan? That's another number of views."

Mainly because they haven't made it up yet.

—Damn it was taken by two humans!

——10,000 viewings is easy to say, but you have to live until then

—If you can’t support it, you have to support me. Our Bubao can’t die, and our Bubao will take revenge!

—That's right, the little princess can't die!

The barrage has successfully aroused interest, and the number of views continues to rise, with a good momentum.

They ignored the barrage.

Boo Boo yawned a lot and was sleepy.

Jing Ruyu reached out and hugged her into his arms, letting her sleep in his arms so that Xia Zhiyi wouldn't get tired after holding her for a long time.

After eating and drinking enough, running and jumping, Bubu was almost exhausted. After yawning for the second time, he turned his head to find a more comfortable position, and just fell asleep carefree on Jing Ruyu's shoulder.

Xia Zhiyi wanted to go to the window to see how far the countdown had gone.

Coincidentally, Chen Zheng and Chen Xiu passed by the window at this time, and they seemed to be the poor people who had just been arranged by the script.

Xia Zhiyi called out to the two of them: "Wait a minute, can I trouble you to help me see how much is left in the countdown?"

Chen Zheng and Chen Xiu paused, and after listening to her request, they walked away together without looking back.

"Look for yourself." Chen Xiu left this sentence ruthlessly.

Xia Zhiyi: "..."

She turned her head to look at Jing Ruyu speechlessly: "They are really difficult to get along with, they don't even want to help to check the time."

Jing Ruyu looked at the figures of Chen Zheng and Chen Xiu who had left decisively, her beautiful eyes were slightly condensed, and the light in her eyes was a little cold.

These two people really don't get along well.

She turned her head to look at Xia Zhiyi, the coldness in her eyes dissipated, and the gentleness returned.

"It's okay, we don't need to have a good relationship with them, it's their loss not to be friends with our gentle and kind President Xia.

"I'll watch the countdown."

Mr. Luo is listening to the housekeeper report what happened today in the study.

After listening, he sat on the sofa and stroked his forehead with his fingers, with a faint smile on his face.

"It seems that the child is doing well and carefree."

The housekeeper said: "She is not afraid of anything, and she is obedient, so she is very likable, and she looks healthy, with nothing wrong with her."

"Yes, very charming."

Mr. Luo looked up at him, smiling.

"So we have to find a way to keep her here."

"Stay forever and ever."

Boo Boo wakes up after taking a nap.

Nothing happened in the afternoon.

The script is much more stable, and the players are generously allowed to rest.

Under Zhou Feng's gaze, Chen Zheng did nothing.

An afternoon passed so peacefully.

In a blink of an eye, night fell.

In the castle at night, without the support of the day, the atmosphere is darker and gloomy.

The white candle light emits orange light, which is faint and silent, embellishing the castle with a cold and cloudy tone.

There are more and brighter candle lights in the restaurant than outside.

It's just that every time a breeze blows in, the flickering fire will always make everyone present feel uneasy.

In the new world, they would rather stay in the day than at night.

Boob is also very concerned about these candles.

This is what she learned in the last world, to protect the candle from being blown out, otherwise monsters will appear.

Strange will disturb her and mother to eat and sleep.

She hates being weird.

Mr. Luo noticed that Boubo had been lying on the chair, staring at the candles on both sides, and he had no interest in the delicious dinner.

He was puzzled, frowned, and turned to her guardian: "What's wrong with her?"

Xia Zhiyi said: "The evening wind will blow the candle lamps, and the fire will flicker and go out. She cares about such things."

Then he smiled slightly and said, "So can I trouble Mr. Luo to get someone to take the lampshade and put it on, or close the windows?"

"What's the matter?"

As soon as Mr. Luo clapped his hands, servants came in to solve the problem.

Boo Boo looked at it curiously.

Every time this uncle clapped his hands, big brothers and big sisters came in with things, but when she clapped her hands, there was nothing. It's amazing...

After the candle lamp was protected and no longer disturbed by the wind, Bubu turned his head and said to Jing Ruyu in a milky voice, "It won't be extinguished!"

Jing Ruyu touched her little head: "Well, it won't be destroyed."

"Can you eat now, kid?"

Mr. Luo behaved very kindly.

Seeing the complaint, Xia Zhi couldn't help but said, "Mr. Luo seems to be very concerned about our children's diet..."

When Mr. Luo heard this, he smiled calmly.

He forked a piece of meat on the plate, and his eyes fell on Boubo.

"The child is cute, and she is so thin, I naturally hope that she can eat more, the more the better."

His eyes were uncomfortable, as greedy as looking at a piece of gold.

Xia Zhiyi slowly withdrew her gaze, leaned close to Bubu, opened her lips and said, "Has Bubu seen it?"

She pointed at Mr. Luo: "This is Uncle Weird."

Mr. Luo: "..."

He couldn't help reminding: "My ears can still hear."

Xia Zhiyi followed good advice and said to Bubu: "This is the strange uncle who can still hear."

Mr. Luo: "..."

do i mean that !

The author has something to say:

600,000 words, this book has been written for almost half a year, wow OvO

Speaking of Jiageng, I still owe some cute Jiagengs, and there are six more, so I remember them all.

But I can’t add it right now, so let’s add it as it pleases, or I’ll lose my hair QAQ

I will return these additions before the book is finished, don't worry!

If there is more deep water in the future, I won’t add more. Oh, the last dungeon, there is nothing to add. At most, I can write a little more.

In short, thank you very much for your support, thank you for tolerating the mediocre me, I love you bo chirp!